Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 03 Pt. 03


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The doctor said it could be like that. Although she said that trying to push his desires for MILF completely out of his mind might be his last resort, she also said before that such an approach never worked, for the exact reasons he experienced. A lot of what she said was like that, where she seemingly gave conflicting advice. He wondered if he'd misunderstood what she said, which seemed likely given how spun in circles he felt throughout their conversation. But part of him couldn't help but wonder if the perceptive doctor sensed that he was a hopeless cause, that he didn't have a chance to rid himself of these wicked desires for older women, and she didn't want him to know it. He was half-tempted to call her to seek clarity, but he thought twice, as last time they talked he came out of it feeling worse off. And frankly... it had never felt like a big deal before. It only felt like an existential threat once Dr. White treated it as such, and it was only from that point did he pay any mind to the symptoms and reconsider how much trouble he was in.

He almost wondered if he'd be better off if she'd never warned him about the dangers of MILF lust.

It was starting to affect him even in those moments his mind was supposed to be on other things. At practice, when he was supposed to focus on learning the playbook forwards and backwards and convert these plays to muscle memory, he found his eyes drifting towards the cheerleaders taking part in their own practice. Or more specifically, his eyes kept following the one cheerleader on the squad who was over 40, a stunning blonde who was fit as a fiddle who could work it just as good if not better than her younger peers. She always made it a point to speak to Chad whenever they passed by each other, and he could feel the electricity between them, going both ways. His mind immediately flashed with the image of the busty, fit MILFy blonde naked, and he had to get away from her for fear of betraying the fact that his cock would get very stiff every time she was in his presence. He'd stayed clear of her in the time since.

He'd had other passing moments with older women, where it just felt there was heat between them. A hot older waitress when he and Jeanie went out for dinner. A busty, flirty older football reporter who couldn't hide the hunger in her eyes when she was interviewing him. The team paraded him for a group of advertisers, and one of them was this wicked old bat who was nonetheless very, VERY hot, and this young buff athlete found himself drawn to her despite knowing better.

He wondered if moments like this had always been happening, where there had been electricity between him and an older woman, and he was only now aware of it. It seemed silly, but then he recalled Professor Albright, and that incident with the photographer for one of the articles about his recovery who convinced him to pop off his shirt, and very hungrily approved of the sight, eagerly taking photos of the young athlete's sculpted form. Did she want him, too? Did she save some photos for herself? Looking back, it certainly seemed like more than what originally met the eye. He wondered if there were other times he'd been too naïve to register as heated moments between him and older women.

It culminated in an incident when he was in bed with his wife. Their love life was very good. Early on in their relationship, Chad selfishly feared she might be somewhat conservative in the bedroom. That was fine, of course, everyone had their own limits, but after years spent hooking up with college girls who would do ANYTHING, he feared that a woman with far less capacity for fun in the bedroom might not be enough for him. Luckily, she wasn't quite as conservative as he feared, and she was not so religious as to be a wilting flower in the bedroom. She more than held up her end of the bargain in bed, getting the job done. Of course, it wasn't quite the hardcore, athletic, aggressive and sweaty fucking he took part in with all those nameless party girls, but it was fun. One of the lessons they imparted to him during his rehab was that all the nights of blind, loveless fucking paled in comparison to making love to someone you truly love and care for. And there certainly was a noticeable difference with Jeanie compared to all those other girls he didn't feel anything for beyond lust. Then again, this gentle, loving, intimate sex didn't exactly get his rocks off in the same way he was used to.

But one night, him and Jeanie were in bed together, making love. After a particularly MILF-addled day, he found himself giving it to her with a little extra oomph than usual. His wayward, almost feverish with lust mind was at the wheel despite his best efforts to rein it in. As he tried his best to pace himself while he hovered above his slim, blonde wife, giving it to her at the gentle pace she liked, her gently rippling petite boobies were suddenly replaced by a pair of gigantic MILF tits! His pace picked up, despite himself. He tried to meet her gaze, but her appearance changed. Gone was his cute, sunny, pretty wife. In her place, one of those smoking hot porn MILFs that he'd become so obsessed with. Soon, she was replaced with another MILF porn goddess... then another! Then, it started cycling through women he'd met. The blonde MILF cheerleader. That waitress. The advertiser lady. The therapist, Dr. White. Then, in front of him appeared Professor Albright, her body finally exposed to him, the missed opportunity that had haunted him for years now a reality, right in front of him.

"Ugh!" Chad groaned loudly, his muscles working in concert, his hips driving his cock at a pace he hadn't done so in years. This was good... really good...

Then he felt a hand on his chest, the touch reaching him through the lust-addled fog. Blinking his eyes, he looked down and saw his wife's concerned gaze meeting his.

"Are you okay?" she said, staring into his soul, seeing the turmoil behind his eyes. His hips slowing to a standstill, realizing he was giving it to his wife at too vigorous a pace, he pulled back, horrified at himself for losing control like that.

"I'm... sorry..." he replied, pulling himself out of her despite being throbbing with desire, ashamed with himself for getting so carried away. He couldn't look at her, pulling on some clothes and walking out of the room.

Being the good wife, she immediately followed him, not letting him go through whatever he was going through alone. Sitting next to him, she comforted him till he was ready to speak. Knowing that any good relationship had to be based on honesty, he voiced his inner turmoil, admitting that in their time apart, he'd fallen victim to lust again. He admitted to his wayward fantasies, without getting specifically into the whole MILF aspect of things. That felt like an unnecessary detail to share, one that would only upset her. He admitted to the pornography use, a desperate outlet for his lust-consumed mind in these many weak moments.

Some women might shrink in a moment like this, their husband admitting some wayward thoughts, but seeing the regret and shame he was clearly feeling only strengthened her love for him. She was his wife. His partner. His soulmate. She wasn't going anywhere.

She had him meet with members of the rehab program to help him through this, Jeanie flying them up on her dime. Together, they developed a treatment plan to help shake him from his current predicament. First, they requested he attend church more, to help reaffirm the pure, clean lessons they imparted. Secondly, he was firmly asked to cut out any of the vices that led him astray. That meant, he had to proverbially give back the keys to that porn paradise he'd been granted access to, denying the filth that inspired such wicked desires in him. He was advised to cut back on the internet as well, his computer, his phone, social media, etc, anything that could lead him back to such sinful pursuits. Third, he had to keep himself busy to distract himself from his desires. Already quite busy due to his football responsibilities, they nonetheless requested he take part in various church-based events, doing good, honest work while also boosting eyes towards both their church and the wonderful charities they worked with.

Not for the first time, he let his mind consider the thought that this group might be using him, ever so slightly, to draw attention towards their program and their church. They were the ones that spearheaded the many articles discussing his rehabilitation through their program. They were the ones always asking him to promote their work on social media. They were the ones always requesting he give praise to the lord during every interview he gives. But... he never let himself go too far down this road. They were all just so kind, and they'd done so much good for him. Plus, he'd met Jeanie through this program, so he could never get too mad at them. Also, he just couldn't imagine a group of people like them working together just to manipulate him on such a grand scale...

The main person they'd invited up to meet with them from the program was a guy they called Pastor Rob. A lively, handsome energetic guy who was about 40, he always spoke with a passion that made him magnetic to listen to. He was the one guiding him through this new treatment plan, and he did so with a confidence that helped Chad feel like he had a chance to escape this trap he'd found himself in. The only time that confidence waned and he looked a bit nervous was near the end. When giving him suggestions as to the type of charity work he could be doing to distract him from his wicked lusts, he handed over a flyer with some very familiar information.

It was the same charity Dr. White had suggested he work with.

Chad had given the information about this charity to Jeanie a few weeks earlier, but she mentioned being a bit unsure about Dr. White, so she kinda dismissed the suggestion. Pastor Rob making the same suggestion made them take it a little more seriously, even though Rob seemed a bit nervous and shaky as he did so, sweat on his brow as he handed over this flyer. But they trusted Pastor Rob, so they decided to look into it as a part of Chad's treatment.

It all looked legit. Jeanie was his first defense against people trying to take advantage of him, and even she was pacified. Their website was legit and impressive, detailing all the work they'd done and recommendations from some very notable women. Jeanie was always a champion of women, so reading these endorsements from them rang a little truer than ones from your typical John J. Businessman. Plus, the website made clear their faith in their Lord was what was driving their charitable beliefs, as was their unshakeable commitment to the church. The social media for this charity group checked out as well, posts going years back detailing the work they had done.

That being said, Jeanie was still seemed a bit uncertain about that Dr. White character, and her involvement in this charity was the only thing that made her question it. But Chad needed to get right to doing some good, clean work, and this seemed to be as good of an option to do that as anything. Plus, Pastor Rob was vouching for it, and Jeanie trusted him as much as anyone. Her doubts not enough to stop her, she made first contact with the group, working with Chad to set up a time where he could work with them and do some real good.

And Jeanie was confident that through such work he would find the salvation he so badly needed.


For the next few weeks, Chad showed improvement. He hadn't once relapsed with the pornography. He'd successfully kept those wicked, tempting MILFs out of his head when making love to his wife. And he'd done a damn good job of shutting out those wayward thoughts just before they passed across his mind's eye. He kept his system clear of that oh so potent MILF poison.

And he felt so tense that he thought he would die.

He was a nervous wreck. Imagine the difficulty of trying to keep a thought out of your mind for fear it would consume you, when the mere act of considering the task at hand made you want to think about it. He felt catatonic, his mind shredded. He had trouble sleeping. He had trouble on the field. He could still make love to his wife, but it wasn't exactly satisfying.

His wife was not blind to his current state. Chad was always such a sunny, laughing, life-of-the-party type guy. He was always so happy, and so funny, and so carefree. It hurt her heart to see him so withdrawn. So zonked out and troubled. In talking with Pastor Rob, he explained that kicking this specific bad habit was like overcoming an addiction to booze or drugs or whatever. There will be some dark moments, some times where it seemed like the treatment will seem worse than the addiction. But if he works hard, he will get there. He will find the peace he needs. Just give it time, and he'll eventually reach a point where he didn't even think about his vice anymore. He spoke with such a passion that it was clear how much he was rooting for Chad to get better. And that passion encouraged both Chad and Jeanie.

Chad did rise above the worst of it, as his day-to-day life was getting a little easier to endure as time went on. He started to relax... somewhat. But he wasn't at his baseline. He wasn't normal. It did feel like he was on the upswing, but not fast enough.

It was affecting his play on the football field. He regressed significantly in practice, struggling to focus. The coaches would yell at him. His teammates were unimpressed by the high-profile rookie stud. It felt like if he didn't get his shit together, his life's dream could be vanquished before it started. His livelihood could be in doubt. His future was at stake, and if he didn't sort himself out, his world could crumble around him. The gravity of it truly hit him after a bad loss in the first game of the season, an embarrassing defeat at the hands of the fucking Lions.

He began putting a lot of weight on this highly recommended charity event that he hoped would help him get on the right path.

They'd scheduled the time for him to join them for an event, taking place between Week 1 and Week 2 of the season. It was gonna be on Tuesday, his day off. Jeanie had planned to join him for this event, supporting him in every way she could. But, as if on cue, as soon as they finalized a time for Chad to attend, her nursing schedule changed, meaning she was working during the time of the event. Feeling a little better than he did at his worst, he assured his wife he'd be alright on his own. He'd told the team about this event in order to clear it with them, and they did just that. However, he was surprised that they didn't send anyone from the organization along with him, leaving him to his own devices. So, if he needed to take this road to recovery, he was going to be doing it on his own. Somehow... it felt fitting. On some level, he understood this was his own journey to endure, and while the support of his wife, the program, the team, everyone... it was all appreciated, but at the end of the day it was on him to overcome his personal struggles.

He was given his instructions as to when and where to show up for this event, and he felt strengthened by the fact that it was taking place at a park next to a church. It filled him with an added level of strength, and he felt as good as he had in weeks as he pulled up to the parking area and got out of his car. This was a food drive, where people would be pulling up all day to drop off food for the underprivileged. This charity group had used his presence as a selling point to encourage people to swing by. There were a lot of people from the charity here, already at work. And while it did seem to be comprised all different types of people, it was a group that nonetheless skewed younger and female, so his pure muscular strength would no doubt be appreciated. They were all dressed practically, everyone wearing matching green t-shirts with the charity's logo on the front, printed in white. Other than that, people wore whatever worked, jeans or shorts, practical tennis shoes, whatever allowed them to get the job done best.

Approaching the main group, a gorgeous young woman began coming up to him upon witnessing his arrival. Extending her hand, she welcomed him.

"You Chad?" she asked. He nodded as they shook hands.

"Indeed, I am," he replied, feeling a bit of the smoothness he employed when chatting up hot girls back in college.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Deandra!" The brunette said, some pep in her voice and friendly grin on her face.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to ask for someone..." he pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket that had a name on it. "I'm supposed to meet with a woman named... Renee." Deandra grinned, her eyes locked on him.

"Sure! Let me introduce you," she said, spinning on her heel to lead him across the park. And as she did, she continued speaking, her peppy tone lowering into a far vaguer one.

"I'm sure she'll be VERY excited to meet you..."


Chad was feeling about as good as he could, his soul already strengthened by the charity work going on around him, all while bathing in the light of a warm, sunny, clear day in the shadow of a church. It already had the makings of the best day he'd had in weeks, and he was already sensing that the recommendation to help out this charity was an apt one by everyone who made it.

He made easy conversation with Deandra as they walked, mentioning that he'd had this group recommended to him by multiple people, specifically naming both Dr. White and Pastor Rob. Deandra replied that while she'd never heard of Dr. White, she had met Pastor Rob about a month ago, adding that he seemed very impressed by what her and some of their girls could do.

They kept chatting as they made easy conversation, weaving nimbly through the people working around them. Chad found Deandra quite easy to talk with. In his mind, he thought all the people in this group would be more professional and mature than him, so he was surprised to be chatting with someone around his age. She was very, very attractive, fit and in great shape with a gorgeous face and a body that could match up with damn near any girl he used to hook up with in school. Her boobs were huge and perfect, making their presence known even as she wore her generic top, and her shapely ass was evident even through her work jeans. But he was so far in his head by this point that she didn't even ping on his radar, despite how insanely attractive she was. A few years ago, he would have gotten her number, and subsequently her ass. Now... she barely registered to him.

They moved closer to the main table, their destination. And as they did, his heartbeat quickened, and a sense of dread seemed to fill his chest out of nowhere. Some part of him sensed the danger before his mind reckoned with it. A dull staticky noise filled his head.

As they got close, a conversation hit his ears, but the buzzing in his mind prevented him from really registering it. The conversation was between two women at the main table, a brunette with her back to him, and a clearly overwhelmed young blonde next to her.

"Where is he?" the brunette's voice called out, impatient.

"He'll be here soon, it'll just be..." the young blonde replied, attempting to assuage the other woman. But the other woman just bulldozed past her reassurances.

"I paid a lot of money for this!" the angry woman interrupted. "You make me come out to a place like this and dress in this cheap t-shirt... I did the best I could with it... but I swear to God, if I don't see that beautiful hunk of man in five minutes, I'm gonna call up Dr. Whi..."

"Renee!" Deandra suddenly interrupted, stopping the angry woman in her tracks. Smiling through clenched teeth, the woman turned to glance back at the source of the voice. Deandra gave her a pointed look as she nodded towards Chad. The brunette noticing his presence, she turned to face her guest, letting her eyes gaze upon him for the first time.
