Dreams Ch. 06


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As people arrived the kitchen and dining areas became a buzz of excitement. Those arriving later than the others had clearly stopped for a morning fuck, for their faces were aglow with that just-fucked look. Overall, the men looked pleased and the women satisfied.

A few of the circle went for morning swims -- au naturel, of course. Others went off in pairs. I noted that a couple of the husband-wife pairs at the party went off together: Alan and Karen, and Don and Sara. I guess there was to be some reconnecting and validating of their relationships or a great foursome was about to start.

Tony and Jazz kept a flow of food to the tables, as well as busing the dirty dishes. Many of us sat around a talked -- about the previous night, things we'd learned, things we did, and each other. There was a lot of laughter and joy in each other's company.

By noon, many of the guests had bid us their goodbyes and left, and as the afternoon went by our numbers dwindled.

Bill had me help him in the afternoon as we staked out an area adjacent to the house for a new building. He rolled out a set of plans for me showing a thirty car two-level garage, with living quarters on a second story. The building would be cut into the hillside with storage and space for about fifteen cars on the basement level, and floor above that that you'd drive into from the upper part of the hill that would hold another fifteen cars, and then a floor above that for six or more good sized rooms depending on how we wanted the rooms laid out.

I was amazed at the work Bill had put into the plans. He looked pleased. We spent almost two hours driving wooden stakes in to the ground as Bill charted off various dimensions with a metal tape measure. After we finished I could well imagine the building standing there.

We'd talked about the project as we'd worked on it. Bill thought he'd have the permits for the construction within a week, and then he wanted to get the foundation poured right away. Since much of the outbuilding would be unfinished inside, he thought we'd have the building to use before the snow flew.

More people left during the afternoon. I played hostess and, as I had done earlier in the day, hugged and kissed each one goodbye and made them promise to come back soon. By late afternoon we were down to the core family that lived in the house, even fewer since several went off to see parents, sibs, or friends around the area.

Tony and Jazz produced a light supper for all of us, even joining us at the dinner table. Having them there seemed such a good move. The angst many of us felt about cooking and clean up had been passed to them, and they admitted they liked to do that kind of thing, particularly in such a loving and warm family setting.

I curled up with Tom that night to watch a DVD. I vaguely recall him carrying me up to his bedroom, stripping me, and then spooning in behind me. It was such a caring and loving gesture. I don't know I'd ever slept sounder.


August gave way to September. The schools had all restarted. Summer vacations were over. By October our orgy was a pleasant memory that we still talked about.

Of course, as a recruiting vehicle the orgy had been a huge and inadvertent success. Not only were Annie and Pam (and Amanda her daughter) solidly in the family, but also so were Don and Sara, Adam, Kat, Lynn and Val. So now, by my count, we had thirty-four members. Steve, Angie, and Jane would have signed up too if they didn't live over a thousand miles away. I urged Steve and Angie to start their own circle down in Texas.

Bill and his work crews got the permits for the garage and additional living quarters, and they started work right away. Bill was taking care of his own, he told us. Wisely, Tom and I had suggested a covered and heated walkway between the building and the main house. Without that closed-in hallway, the family in that part of the building would have felt like second-class citizens.

The concrete was poured before Labor Day, and within a month the entire structure had been completed, all but the finish work on the upstairs rooms and baths. Chet and Arrow were both working on the project, and they each staked out new rooms that they wanted to customize for computer, music, and high def television equipment. Pam also claimed one of the new rooms for herself and another smaller one next door for Amanda. I noted that Chet was delighted that Pam would be next door to him.

Bill promised that everything would be completed by Thanksgiving and ready for everyone to move in. The project created a domino effect of room changes and reassignments that drove Tom and me crazy keeping up with everyone's changing whims and ideas. Overall, though, it was fun with gales of laughter as we thought of all the possibilities. Informally, a sort of seniority system was born, with those already in the house getting choice preferences before new members just coming into the house.

In mid-November I realized I was pregnant!

This baby was going to be a big surprise. I'd gone off the pill right after the orgy in August, and I'd continued making love at least a couple of times a day with different guys in the family -- except for Josh, my brother. We decided to not cross that line lest some hidden genetic traits come up that we didn't like. Not that we didn't have sex, mind you, we just didn't allow his little swimmers to try and find my eggs.

I staked out the last room in the addition. Bill and the crews did some fancy work and created a room and nursery for me, even though I wouldn't need the nursery for another six months or so. I was aware of the dangerous precedent Pam and I set by having all the mothers or mothers-to-be in the new wing, separate from the main house. Later, we'd both go out of our way to be over there and in public more than we might have otherwise.

I had a bad month with morning sickness, but by Christmas things seemed to be quieting down. The family did a huge tree in the living room, and I don't think I'd ever seen a house with so many decorations EVERYWHERE! Of course, Amanda was in seventh heaven and seemed to run extra long hours on the adrenalin she'd started pumping through her veins.

Unusual for our geography we also had three quick snowstorms before Christmas that left a substantial snow cover, and guaranteed a white Christmas.

Two days before the holiday Tom and I bundled up in warm clothes and took a late afternoon walk on that Sunday. At the end of the driveway we turned around and looked across the snowy meadow at the house -- except it wasn't a house now, it was a home. It was pretty as a post card, even with a little curl of smoke from the living room fire coming from the chimney. I just stood with tears running down my cheeks. I felt such love for Tom, for everyone in the house, for the entire family, and for the world.

Tom held me. He said softly to me, "Will you marry me?"

His question was a mood breaker. I whirled around to face him. "You're kidding, right? What happened to all the stuff we've talked about all these months since you and I started this ... when we had our crazy dreams together? You don't want to be married, and, over all this time, you've convinced me too. So, no, I won't marry you. You'll have to wait another six years and declare me your common law wife at best. Why'd you say that?"

Tom looked guilty. "I sort of thought I might be the father of junior -- in there." He rubbed my belly through the ten layers of coats and sweaters I had on. "I thought you might feel you needed to be married to have the baby."

I laughed. "I'm a pretty modern woman. I don't 'need' a husband. In fact, I have seventeen of them right now that I 'want' with me always because I love each of you. I do give you brownie points for your willingness to make an honest woman of me, and don't mistake my rejection of your offer as meaning I love you any less than I have or do, it's just this isn't what we're about -- it's not the kind of family we've set up."

I went on, softening my tone, "We ALL have each other. By being together -- by the loving and sharing as we do -- we're already family -- we're already married. So, I can't marry you; I'm already married to you and everyone else -- male and female in the family. I am so unbelievably content with all this." I gestured towards the house. "It brings tears of happiness and joy to me every minute of every day. We've built something here that'll last a lifetime, and maybe be a model for others in the world that want to chose love rather than duty, friendship rather than combat, and kindness rather than apathy. I figure I must be having a terrible time in some other life, because this life is pure heaven for me ... my darling husband."

I put my arms around Tom's body and hugged him to me. I looked up into his face and we rubbed cold noses and kissed. We walked some more, and Tom was silent.

Tom finally spoke, "I really want to be a father ... I guess that's why I want to marry you."

I squeezed him to me again as we shuffled through the packed snow on the macadam road. "You need to be a father to more than just junior inside me. Amanda needs a dad. She's never really had one living with her, and in a week she'll be living here with her mommy -- a mommy that needs a husband or seventeen of them."

"Tom, you're a role model for everyone in the family. It's not just that you started some of this, and brought the original philosophy to the group. It's that you are a natural leader. You shine. You're the kind of person every male in the family wants to be, even Greg and he's a generation older."

I went on, "What we need as a family is a role model of a good father. Greg and Bill are the only two that know what that means. Greg's in Florida a good part of the year, and Bill doesn't live here. So the duty of 'chief daddy' comes to roost on our fearless leader -- you!"

Tom said, "That's kind of scary."

"Welcome to parenthood, and you'll do fine. All you need to do is really think about what you're doing and use the golden rule. No knee jerk responses except to rescue kids about to get into trouble." We both laughed.

"Ariel, you always say the right thing. You listen to everyone, and you seem to know when to stop there or go further and help them solve their problem. You respect everyone's privacy, yet you're always present for everyone -- reachable. There isn't a person in this world that you don't respect or trust. You're playful and have a great sense of humor. You're 'up' for just about anything."

I added, "And I have my Girl Scout merit badge in commune living too."

"Seriously, you say I'm a role model. Think about what I just said. You are the perfect mother and spouse to all of us. You share everything with everybody."

I said, "And as we all age and our children age, we'll teach them about responsibility and all the stuff you just mentioned too. You have the same traits -- we all do. That's why we're all fitting so well together. We're a healthy family."

Tom smiled at me and said, "And, have I told you that I love you in the last five minutes."

We stopped, kissed, and nuzzled some more, and then started to walk back to the house as the daylight rapidly gave way to the crisp night air. We didn't talk much on the way home. We both felt the deep love we had for each other.

Dave greeted us at the door. He was doing his 'loops' as he called them around the downstairs to exercise and put some mileage on his relatively new prosthesis. He circulated through all the downstairs rooms: sunroom, living room, hallway, foyer, dining room, family room, kitchen, and hallway -- going round and round on his new leg and with a cane for added support. Kat had measured the path for him, and a circuit was one-hundred-forty feet. He was supposed to do a minimum of a mile each day, thus he had to do forty laps plus all his normal walking around.

At first he'd agonized over practically each step, then the prosthesis had created sores on his stump, but he'd seen that through with Kat and Annie's help. Now, ever the over achiever, Dave was adding a lap each day to what was considered minimum and was now up to over sixty laps a day. I noted that his whole mental outlook on life had improved since Annie and Kat took him under their wings, and since he'd gotten the artificial leg. He was still a little wobbly, but he hoped to go back to work after the New Year started. I also attributed his improved outlook to the fact he was back as a fully functioning sexual member of the family, although clearly Annie, Kat, and Pam were his favorites.

Christmas is for children. Of course, we had a house of adult children, but the one child we did have was inundated with toys from all of her new parents. Amanda ended up with a mountain of little girl things that even the adults stood in awe of when we saw it all piled under the tree.

The family did Christmas in the morning and everyone showed, even the commuters. Amanda was the center of attention, however, off to the side we played out the end of a Secret Santa game for the adults. Tom and I then did some special 'awards' for the year: the worst and most improved disposition -- Dave; for bringing a wild 'Kat' into our midst -- Mark and Kat; for organizing the best ever orgy -- Mar; for the best food and cleanest house in the state -- Tony and Jazz; for creating the best ever addition -- Bill, Chet, and Arrow. Our silly awards went on, and we'd found little plastic gold cups on wooden bases that we presented to each person. We had something for everyone.

Christmas afternoon many of the family scattered to go to family houses for visits and special dinners. By now just about everyone's parents knew how we lived. Our life style was frowned upon by many, but all seemed to tolerate it lest they break off relations with their child or sibling.

Over time, the families realized that their son or daughter was the happiest they had ever been, had more money to spend and save, and had an enviable circle of friends and lovers.

Josh and I drove home for a late afternoon supper, some exchange of gifts, and for me to tell my parents I was pregnant.

As we drove to our parents, Josh asked the inevitable question I knew I'd get, "So what are you going to tell them when they ask who the father is?" He snickered under his breath but just loud enough for me to hear. I punched him in the arm, as sisters are prone to do to their teasing brothers.

"I guess I'll say I don't know, but I have it narrowed down to eighteen guys."

"Oh, that'll go over well." He thought for a minute, and I could see the wheels in his head churning. "What if you said you used a donor -- you know a sperm donor?"

I laughed thinking of all the fuck sessions I'd had within the window when I must have gotten pregnant. Why the kid could come out looking like half a dozen of the men since I'd also had a little gangbang around the same time. All those little swimmers got together and attacked the same egg: bingo, six dads for one kid.

After a further thought I said, "The truth is where I'm going later, without giving out the numbers. Mom and Dad know about our home and our lifestyle. I think they are in denial that you and I have intercourse, as well as that we have orgies and fuck parties. I won't break those bubbles of comfort for them, even if I have to tell a little white lie, but I will tell them I've been with a couple of guys and I don't know who the father is precisely."

"Dad's just jealous that he can't live in the house too, you know."

"Mom would shoot him and claim justifiable homicide."

"Fantasies. That's how we get by in the world. We all need our little fantasies."

After several minutes of silence in the car I said, "I know a little secret, by the way -- a family secret."

"OK, Sis. Give. You share everything with your brother, right?"

"Right. You'll find out in a few days anyway."

"Wait! Is it good news or bad news?"

"Oh, very good news."

"OK, tell me."

"There are three other pregnant women in the family besides me."

Josh practically drove off the highway as his head swirled around to check the veracity of my statement. "Who? Who? Names woman!"

I laughed. "You're not supposed to know until mid-week when they want to announce it over dinner, so you'd better look surprised and be happy. The happy campers are Marcella, Beth, and Tara."

He asked, "When did they conceive?"

"Around November 15th, why?"

Josh got eerily quiet, and I knew right away. My brother had a high likelihood that he was going to be a father. He may not have felt it with me, but he knew. I watched his eyes get all glassy. He was often overcome with sentimentality. He said, "I was ... I had ..."

I just reached over and touched his arm, with a big smile. I felt this warm glow inside me, and it spread throughout my physical limbs and then it spread into every corner of my mind and soul. I was happy -- no that word was too limiting. I was positively joyous in every corner of my unlimited mind and soul.

Now we really were going to be a growing family -- a big joyous growing family. A tear of joy rolled down my cheek as I kissed Josh's hand and held it to my cheek -- an act symbolic of the love I felt my life, and the love I felt for everyone in the Family and beyond.

The End.

List of Characters

Men (Including Those From Earlier Chapters)

Tom Ransom -- 36 -- Handsome. Dreamlover?

Peter Winslow -- 32 -- Scandinavian

Dave Wescott -- 31 -- Smart. Gentle.

Duke -- 40 -- Texan. Bar pickup

Aaron -- 35 -- Texan. Bar pickup

Steve -- 32 -- Texan. Bar pickup

Greg White -- Late 50s -- Owner of Niland Springs home

Josh -- 32 -- Ariel's brother

Walt -- 26 -- Marcella's brother

Bill Cariola -- 50 -- Beth's step father

Brian Cariola -- 28 -- Beth's brother

Mark Hendricks -- 45 -- Dave's friend from work

Chet -- 30 -- On Bill's work crew

Arrow -- 30 -- On Bill's work crew

Alan Vessy -- 45 -- Fran's flirty friend from work

Don -- 45 -- Friend/lover of Alan and Karen; married to Sara

Adam -- 32 -- Friend of Peter

Tony -- 30 -- Hired by Family with Jazz

(Characters appearing only briefly not listed).


Ariel -- 29 -- Story teller.

Marcella (Mar) -- 29 -- Ariel's best friend from work

Beth Cariola -- 31 -- Ariel's friend from work

Linda White -- 52 -- Greg's wife; owner of Niland Springs home

Debbie Cariola -- 50 -- Beth's mother

Fran (Drake) Tilman -- 36 -- Ariel's friend from work; works at another company

Kate Cariola -- 24 -- Beth's younger sister

Tara Emery -- 34 -- Josh's ex-client and friend

Karen Vessy -- 43 -- Alan's wife; friend of Fran

Annie Myette -- 45 -- Dave and Fran's nurse

Pam -- 45 -- Annie's sister

Amanda -- 6 -- Pam's daughter and Annie's neice

Sara -- 42 -- Don's wife; friends/lovers with Alan and Karen

Lynn -- 26 -- Friend of Walt

Val -- 27 -- Friend of Walt

Angie -- 30 -- Steve's new wife

Jane -- 33 -- Friend of Aaron

Alice -- 48 -- Friend of Deb

Kat -- 35 -- Sexy friend of Mark

Jazz (Jasmine) -- 28 -- Hired by Family with Tony


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So decadent, depraved and sex crazed. Everyone crazy with fuck and suck lust, I so adore cunt every way. Cunt lapping sex maniac Lanc’s UK.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great complete story

I've enjoyed all your work on Literotica, but this is the best. From tantalizing start to contented fulfillment, you've created a great family and a thoroughly enjoyable story. Way to go. And thanks.

superquad1968superquad1968over 12 years ago
Awesome Series!

From Chapter 1 to 6, Dreams had me all the way through.

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