Duty to the Kingdom Pt. 01

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Young King is obliged to marry his mother.
6.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/20/2024
Created 05/12/2023
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It was a strange day. Ethel's father, King Wilfield, died in his sleep. He was not yet old enough to die of natural causes. The kingdom was in shock, and Ethel's grief was compounded by the sudden weight of responsibility that now rested on his young shoulders.

The king's advisers immediately pointed out that Ethel should become king, as he was the rightful heir to the throne. One night he was only Ethel the Brave, son of King Wilfield of the Kingdom of Rangland, and the next morning he was already king.

But the strangest thing in all this was the last commandment written down by King Wilfield before his death. It obliged the new King Ethel to take as his wife... Queen Beatrice, his own mother. At forty-one, she was the most beautiful maiden at court, a black-haired beauty who exuded a seductive charm that few could resist.

It's strange to consider his own mother as his wife, but in Beatrice's case Ethel found himself surprised by the fact that perhaps, just perhaps, it wasn't such a bad idea after all.

The funeral had been a somber affair, filled with mourning and grief. After the guests had left, Ethel and Beatrice found themselves alone in the king's chambers. He didn't know where to look, and his gaze flitted awkwardly around the room.

"Um, do you mind if I change?" she asked, taking a step closer to a mirror.

Ethel nodded, turning away awkwardly and focusing on the intricate designs etched into the stone walls. He knew he shouldn't look, but something inside begged him to turn around. As Beatrice's light royal dress fell to the floor, Ethel couldn't help but sneak a glance at her.

The curves of her large breasts were visible, as were the small folds of her back that moved into the roundness of hips and buttocks. He caught a glimpse of the roundness of her hips and the gentle slope of her back. There was something fascinating in a way an adult woman's body looked.

Eighteen years old, he had never been with a girl before, and the sudden proximity to a woman body was overwhelming even though it was his mother. But the moment was brief, and as soon as he realized what he was doing, he turned away in shame.

"Now, as a king, you'll have to sleep here with me, on the same bed. Just like when you were a child," Beatrice said with a mixture of sadness and nostalgia.

Ethel nodded. He heard the slip of her nightie on her body and turned around.

"Yes, mother," he murmured, hesitating for a moment before taking a seat.

"You'll have to get used to be a king. Our marriage won't be like everyone else's, you understand," Beatrice said as she patted the bed beside her.

Ethel hesitated. As a prince, he had been raised with certain expectations and responsibilities. "But, I was taught that when I become king, I must have offspring like a man. What are we going to do about that?"

"I've thought about that. We'll adopt a child, and he or she will be our heir. We can raise our child together, and they will be just as much our heir as if they were born to us."

Ethel's face lit up with surprise. "You want to adopt a child?"

Beatrice nodded. "Yes, I do. Or we can do it the natural way," she added with a suggestive grin.

Ethel's face flushed with color as he realized meaning of her words. "You mean...?"

Beatrice replied with a coy smile. "I wasn't serious. You can relax. But for now, let's go to sleep."

That night, Ethel tossed and turned in his bed.

"As a king, I know it's my duty to provide a heir to the throne, but the idea of bedding with my own mother is..." The thought made his skin crawl, he shuddered. He had never been intimate with a woman before, let alone his own mother. "Still, I can't deny that she's a beautiful woman." He cringed at the thought of admiring her in that way. "It's wrong, so wrong."

As he lay in bed beside Beatrice, he watched her sleeping form. The moonlight filtered in through the window, casting a soft glow over her features. She had thrown her arms up over her head, the straps of her nightgown slipping down to reveal the smooth curves of her shoulders. He couldn't help but notice the way her chest rose and fell with each breath, the gentle rise and fall of her body as she slept.

The thought of climbing on top of her flashed through his mind. At first, it made him feel disgusted, but he couldn't help the way his body reacted to her scent, the musky odor of her sweat that mingled with the fresh scent of her skin.

"I need to sleep," he muttered to himself and finally fell into a restless nap, his dreams haunted by forbidden desires.


The next morning marked the beginning of Ethel I's first day of rule. It was hard to imagine anything more boring: listening to information about the royal treasury, taxes, notifications about the state of the army. It seemed that the royal advisors expected him to have the knowledge and shrewdness of his father, but Ethel bitterly admitted that he was far from understanding his father's ways. He needed time to get used to his new role as king and new responsibilities, and the queen helped him with that. Beatrice dealt with half, if not most, of king's duties and made some decisions on his behalf, with his consent.

At the evening gathering, one of the advisors, Krubach, brought up the issue of heirs bluntly. "I know it's not a pleasant question, and we've been avoiding it as much as we could, but we need to decide now what will happen to the kingdom after you, Your Highness. Who will be your heir? It's a difficult question, considering..." He coughed, and Ethel noticed his mother's face tensing, either from anger at the foolishness of the advisors' questions or for some other reason.

"That my wife is also my mother," Ethel finished for him, sitting relaxed in the main chair.

"Yes, Your Highness," the advisor nodded, lowering his head. His shoulder-length hair touched the edge of the round table.

"We have already discussed it and decided to adopt children," Beatrice said, taking off her crown from her braided hair and placing it on the table. "There is nothing more to talk about here."

"So, the royal bloodline will be broken by new blood? King's blood had been pure for more than thousand years, Your Highness," Krubach added briefly.

The other advisors' faces showed noticeable concern and incomprehension.

"You have other suggestions? I guess we should thank my late husband for this, who for some reason decided that marrying our son would be a good idea and strengthen the kingdom," she said discontentedly.

"I believe Father knew what he was doing," Ethel tried to interject.

"So you approve that strange marriage, son?" Beatrice asked looking directly at him.

"King Wilfield was very smart monarch. I am sure that there is some unknown meaning behind this marriage," Krubach added.

"Yes, of course. Some uknown meaning. He was just a pathetic hypocrite who decided to ruin my and our son's life," she said, still with a dissatisfied tone, leaning back in her chair and causing her chest to sway.

"I think we can consider this council meeting adjourned," said another red-haired councilor after a small awkard pause. Everyone agreed and began to disperse after Ethel nodded in approval.

"My King," Krubach suddenly approached Ethel, folding his arms into long sleeves, his voice a whisper. "I know how unpleasent can it be... But you shall consider all options," he gave the queen a faint glance and then withdrew, lowering his head.

"Wow," Ethel murmured, taking off the golden crown. "Gosh. It's hard to wear this thing on your head all day."

"You'll have to get used to it, son," Beatrice stood up from her seat. "I'll go to my chambers and wait you there." She approached him closer and, as Ethel stood up, hugged him tightly. He felt the touch of her breasts pressed against his body. He smelled her sweat and the pleasant scent of herbs again. Ethel nodded, still speechless, still lost in the embrace of his mother's love. He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, but she turned her head, and their lips met. It was a fleeting moment, a mistake born out of love, but it was a mistake that would haunt them both in the days to come. The kiss was brief, but it sent shockwaves through both of them.

"I'm sorry," he said awkwardly, looking into her eyes.

"It's okay," she wiped his saliva from her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'll go." With that, she turned on her heel and walked out of the council chamber.


The counselor's words were still swirling around in his head. Would he really never be able to have true blood heirs? What was he to do now, as a man and a king? After all, a king cannot have mistresses or lovers. And what about his mother? She also has needs.

He walked around the garden, pondering over, and decided to go down to the kitchen.

"Yes, your highness?" one of the chefs asked.

"I'm looking for Alfred," Ethel said and the same second something fell around the corner.

"Ah, there he is," the chef said, stepping aside to continue his work. At that moment, a short, semi-bearded guy of about the same age as the king came out from the corner.

"Ohh, Ethel. I was wondering when you'd show up," he wiped his hands with a towel and approached him.

"It's King Ethel for you," he said seriously, folding his arms over his chest. They looked into each other's eyes. And Ethel, barely holding back a laugh, smiled. "I'm just kidding."

"Of course, King Ethel," they hugged each other like old friends. "You seem even taller with that crown. Hard to believe you're a king now."

"Our friendship won't be affected by that. Besides, I need someone to watch over the kitchen so I won't be poisoned."

"Screw you. I'll poison you myself," Alfred said as they walked a little further, returning to the garden.

"I came by in the morning, but you weren't there," Ethel said.

"I was with a friend, I mean, a girlfriend I met at the port. Damn, you should have seen her, Eth... We spent the night together. So that's why I was late in the morning. Sorry, hope you won't sentence me to death?" he said, unable to contain his smile.

"I'll think about it," Ethel said sourly, not unnoticed by his friend.

"Why are you so sour? Because of a girl? Come on, you'll find youself someone. By the way, you're married to the queen. God, If I was you I wouldn't be able to resist such a beauty. I would have her day and night..."

He shrudded. "You forgot that she's my mother."

"Yeah. Sorry. It must be difficult when your mother is so hot and unattainable."

"Disgusting." Ethel shook his head.

"Heh heh heh. Well, maybe. I was just trying to make light of the situation. So how are you going to... you know, be a man now? You can't have mistresses, can you?"

"No, I can't. I'll face a death sentence for it," he touched a tall bush in the garden, looking around to make sure there were no servants around.

Alfred put a hand to his chin, pretending to think hard. "Well, have you considered becoming a eunuch? That would solve the problem quite effectively."

"Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I'll pass on that one."

"Yeah. That's tough. Oh, I have another idea. You can ask her to undress and just imagine she's another woman. Jerk off as much as you want.".

"That's even more disgusting, Al. Besides, she probably won't agree to that."

"But you're the king after all, ain't you? How can she say no? And the real friend is always here to help ya. You know how I seduced that girl besides my charm? I found a special recipe, look," he said, taking out some herbs from his pouch. "It's called xerpentine, I think. It's very rare here. You mix it with lavender and a little bit of pepper, and voila. The sexual activity of any female increases a thousand times. She'll beg you to look at her beautiful round breasts herself," Alfred said dreamily, covering his eyes.

"Forget it. I'm not interested in that kind of thing," Ethel said.

"Whatever you say, my friend. Whatever you say," he said as he put it back in the pouch. "But when your balls are about to explode, you'll speak differently."

And they closed the topic, continuing to talk about something else.


Finally, he reached his chambers, holding the crown in his hands. Tiredness ran through his whole body, all he wanted to do was sleep. Ethel longed for a moment of peace and quiet, but as he entered his room, he was met with his mother's reflection in the mirror.

Beatrice was preoccupied with her own appearance, an indulgence that Ethel found somewhat exasperating. But, for a brief moment, he forgot about his weariness as he watched her primp and preen, admiring herself in the looking glass.

"Hello, dear," she said, turning to face him with a smile.

"Hi, mom," Ethel replied wearily.

"These silly questions about heirs... If your father and I had more children, everything would be much simpler," she sighed.

"I guess," Ethel added weakly, unsure of how to respond.

"You've been seeing Alfred again, haven't you?" Beatrice asked, disapproval evident in her voice. "You're the king now, Ethel. You can't just go around seeing a mere cook."

"I can see whoever I want, mother. I'm the king now, remember?" he snapped, feeling his exhaustion catch up with him as he slumped into a nearby chair.

"It's not gonna end up well if you keep talking with me like that, Ethel.,"she slowly unbuttoned her dress, seemingly unfazed by Etel's display of independence. "Do you mind, my king, if I change clothes?" she asked mockingly.

"I object."

"And what does that mean?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"It means that you are my mother, but also my queen and wife. I know we can't be together... physically. But I think there should be at least some level of intimacy we can have. Seeing you changing is the least we can do. I have needs and I see no harm in satisfying them this way."

The queen's eyes flickered with surprise. "You want to see me undress? I am your mother. Shouldn't you be disgusted by the look of my old body," she asked, her fingers already working to undo the clasps of her regal robes.

"We will see."

She pondered his words for several seconds. "As you wish". Slowly, she began to remove her regal robes, starting with the heavy velvet cloak that draped over her shoulders. As she slipped the garment off, her long hair tumbled loose, cascading down her back like a waterfall.

Next, she removed the jeweled crown from her head and set it carefully on a nearby table. With gentle fingers, she unfastened the intricate brooch that held her robes together at the neck, and let the fabric fall open, revealing a simpler gown beneath.

Her hands began to remove the straps of her dress, exposing her full breasts. Ethel tried to restrain his admiration, swallowing hard. Her dark large aureoles stirred his consciousness, the wavy veins on her chest and barely noticeable stretch marks that spoke of a life well-lived. The subtle imperfections only made her more alluring, a woman comfortable in her own skin. It was difficult to look away, an irresistible desire to touch her, to feel the soft weight of her breasts in his hands. A desire to bury his face in them. As she revealed more of her flesh, Ethel could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the blood rushing hotly to his groin. He saw a woman's breasts so close for the first time.

Despite the inherent discomfort of the situation, he couldn't shake the feeling that his mother was secretly pleased by the way he was looking at her. It was as if she relished the attention, savoring every furtive glance in her direction. He couldn't help but feel conflicted - part of him was repulsed by the thought of lusting after his own mother, but another part of him was drawn to her undeniable sensuality.

He tried to ignore the swirling emotions inside him, but it was no use. His eyes were inexorably drawn to her curves, her smooth skin, her full lips. He found himself imagining what it would be like to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her.

The air was heavy with unspoken tension as she looked at him expectantly. "Should I continue?" she asked. Ethel just nodded, unable to find words as his desire threatened to overwhelm him.

Her hands gripped the edges of the dress and slowly began to pull them down, exposing her thighs. Soon some of her pubic hair became visible wich gave Ethel goosebumps. With each movement she exposed more and more of her body until finally the dress was completely off. He saw her labia, his first labia in life and it belonged to his own mother, covered by a small layer of black pubic hair with beckoning cheeks. He could see it for a couple of seconds, as she quickly covered herself with her nightie, pulling it over herself. Apparently him seeing her lower private parts were too much to bear.

"Are you happy?" she asked, running her fingers through her dark hair.

Ethel released a deep sigh, his cheeks still tinged with warmth. "I think I do"

"I won't do that again, Ethel. So I hope you get a good look. Let's go to sleep now", she replied, settling into the pillows.

He didn't protest. When they settled, he closed his eyes, trying to push the images from his mind.

The images of what he had witnessed swirled relentlessly in his mind, taunting him and robbing him of any hope of peaceful slumber. Every toss and turn brought him no closer to escaping the unyielding grip of his thoughts. The images that had played out before his eyes left an indelible mark on his mind, a mark that he knew would never fade away. His mother, once the symbol of unconditional love and safety in his life, had now taken on a different persona, one that was shrouded in a secret, taboo love that he could not ignore. In that moment, he realized that he could never look at his mother in the same way again.

Despite the horror that gripped him, he could not deny the thrill that coursed through his veins, the intoxicating feeling of breaking the rules, of venturing into uncharted territories. It was a feeling that he had never experienced before, one that he could not quite comprehend, but it was there, pulsing within him, urging him to explore this forbidden love that had blossomed in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more he began to feel consumed by his desires. It was like a secret flame burning within him. The forbidden nature of their possible love only fueled the intensity of his desire, despite the societal taboos and moral implications. The picture of her naked body lingered like a tantalizing dream, tempting him to indulge in the forbidden fruit that was his mother.


The next morning, Ethel awoke to find himself alone in bed, the soft sheets cold and empty. He couldn't help but absentmindedly trace his fingers over the place where the queen had slept.

"Can it be true? Do I truly harbor such forbidden desires for my own mother? Am I really want to breed her?"

Shaking off the unsettling thoughts, Ethel proceeded to dress himself meticulously, paying extra attention to his appearance, and made his way to the council room where he met his mother. The queen was dressed in a light gown with her black hair cascading down her back. She sat in her chair, her head propped up with her hand, staring into the void. Perhaps yesterday's scene, the excited look of her own son staring at her naked body, stood before her eyes. Ethel cautiously passed by some advisors, meeting his mother's gaze.

"You finally woke up," she said briefly, and removed a lost look from the face.

"Yes... And unfortunately, alone."

"I wanted to discuss what happened yesterday. I understand you're young and your desires are raging. But I'm not the right person to direct your desires towards," she said.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, Mother," he adjusted his royal camisole and looked around, making sure no one was overhearing them. "I was just watching you change. I don't see anything wrong with that."