E & E Ch. 03


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"Well, the general should be very proud of you, you are gorgeous, your complexion is flawless and you don't appear to be wearing much makeup."

"My sister and I inherited our mother's skin. She was always taken for a sister about the same age when we were in high school and college. We thought it was cute when our school mates wanted to date her."

"Ma'am, I am very proud of her. Not only is she beautiful but she is a very successful attorney, at the top of her profession."

"Oh my! And she gave that up to be a housewife for you? How sweet."

Ginny grinned, "No, he retired and became MY househusband. A super one too, I might add. I am a very lucky girl. He dresses and undresses me and takes care of my clothes. Has my breakfast ready, meets me and takes me out for lunch. He has dinner cooked and ready for me after he bathes me when I get home. I get fresh flowers all the time and he leaves little notes and gifts for me every day. All my friends are jealous and their husbands hate him."

"I can see why. I'm a little jealous too!"

The President chuckled, "I don't know why, I have most of that done for you."

"You are very good to me. You might think about when you retire in a year or two though. It would give you something to do."

"Mack has another job too."

Mack said, "VIRGINIA!"

"Oh! Tell us." Squealed the First Lady, clapping her hands.

Cookie opened her mouth and spoke for almost the first time that evening. "General, your wife has told me of your other job, please don't be ashamed of that. She is so proud of what you do for her she loves to brag on you."

The president laughed, "I can issue a Presidential Order."

Mack looked at Ginny. "Go ahead. Embarrass me."

"Oh! Honey, it shouldn't embarrass you, it shows how much you love me. Everyone knows it is just you having fun with it while we can."

Mack looked everyone in the eye and said, "I am proud to be her devoted, enchanted, and adoring love slave."

Ginny said, "God how I love you, Mack." as tears rolled down her cheeks.

The president looked at Mack, "General McDermott, you are one hell of a man."

Everyone in the room clapped.

General McDermott looked around the office spaces they had been assigned while a new building was being built. The offices were a little small but were adequate. He saw Ginny was settled in a desk in his office. She had her lap top computer open and was checking their e-mail. She giggled, "Do you want a kit guaranteed to increase the size of your penis in thirty days or your money back?"

"That's up to you, get it if you think I need it."

She quickly looked up into his eyes, "Did I hurt your feelings? Hell no. You don't need it. You are perfect for me." Ginny watched as he walked to his desk and sat down. He picked up the phone. "Connect me to the Chief Surgeon at the base Hospital please, Marge."

He swiveled his chair and looked out the window. "Good after noon. This is General McDermott. Yes that is correct. Do you do penile enhancements? You do! Excellent! Schedule me for one as soon as possible. I can get you a picture of my wife's old Italian boyfriend for a model. No sex for six months? I guess it will be worth it to be finally able to measure up. Thanks." He turned back to the front and shuffled some papers.

Ginny stood and walked around behind his desk. She placed her hand on each side of his face and turned his face up toward her. She kissed him on the lips. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You know I love you just the way you are. I know you weren't really on the phone. Please don't be hurt, I just thought it was funny they send that to women."

"I was just teasing back. I wasn't hurt, and if I was I know you didn't mean it."

"Do you want to go into Wal-Mart with me, I need a few tings. Cookie was going to go with me but she doesn't feel up to it. I'm going to pick up what she needs."

"No, I need to get some things going today. They are lagging way behind on surveying for the Clear Zone. I have the architect coming right after lunch with preliminary plans for the Lookout Stations, both large and small. The Army Engineers have already submitted some but I think they are more fancy than what we need."

"Ok Sweetie, give me a kiss and I think I'll just run along. I shouldn't be too long. Maybe we can lunch together."

Mack looked at her, "Don't get overly tired. We could go tonight you know."

"No I'll just get it over with. You don't need any legal advice anyway."

Mack made a number of calls. He got lots of promises. He was a bit frustrated and decided he would send Mike to see what the real problem was. He reviewed the Army plans and was surprised Ginny wasn't back. He forgot about lunch and went over the civilian plans with the architect. A combination of the two concepts looked like a winner. He leaned back and looked at his watch. It was five o'clock. Where was Ginny? He called Mike on his cell phone. He answered and asked if her were near Wal-Mart. He told him he was worried about Ginny. She always called if she was running late or changed her plans.

Thirty minutes later Mike called back and said he thought Ginny's car was still in the parking lot. The car was the right color and had Georgia plates. Not too many BMWs like that around. Mack called the police. He called the local hospitals. Nothing. Mike suggested Mack stay at the office while he checked inside Wal-Mart. Mack was really worried when Jack walked in. Jan was with Jack. Mike had called him and Cookie arrived a few minutes later. Marge showed up a little later. Everyone was on the phones checking out every thing they could think of. Mack left and went to Wal-Mart. He went to the manager's office. He explained the problem. The man was very helpful. He paged for Jack to come to the office. They had store employees check all the restrooms and employee lounges. All the storage spaces and stock rooms were checked.

By midnight Mack was frantic. He blamed himself for letting her go off by herself in a strange city. The FBI and Naval Intelligence were involved, as were the Army and the Border Patrol.

One of the local County Sheriff's Deputies interviewed Mack. Mack had a number of blow-ups of pictures of Ginny made and the deputy was holding one and looking at it. He shook his head, "I hate to tell you this General, but this happens often down here along the border. There are people who look for beautiful women and girls. They snatch them and take them south across the border and they are never seen again. Through out Mexico there is a huge white slavery trade. It extends through Central and South America."

"Do rewards do any good?"

"No, they seem to have no results. A wealthy Rancher down here offered ten million dollars for the return of his daughter. He upped it to twenty but there were no takers."

Mack walked out side, it was a beautiful night, clear and the black sky was full of bright stars. He looked to the north. There was the North Star, bright and beautiful. Tears ran down his cheeks as remembered about four months go in North Carolina when on an evening like this he and Ginny had stood holding each other, looking at the stars. He remembered saying, "Look where I am pointing. That is the North Star. If we are ever apart and you are lonely, look for that star and think of me. I will be looking at it too from where ever I am, thinking of you." She had looked at him and kissed him saying, "That is so sweet, I love you so much."

Mack sobbed and then shook himself; he wiped his eyes and went back in.

Ginny walked through the aisles in Wal-Mart. She stopped occasionally to look at something. She didn't notice a young Latin male talking on a cell phone and following behind her. She picked up a few items and put them in her basket. She located the baby products section and smiled as she looked at the infant clothing. She even picked up several little outfits and looked at them. She found the diaper display and found what Cookie had asked her to pick up. She put two packages in her shopping cart.

"Pardon, Senora, could you please help me? My wife requested I buy several packages of diapers for a one-year- old child. I see you have a child, what would you recommend?"

Ginny smiled at the man, he was a tall and will build Hispanic with a nice smile. She laughed, "I don't have a child yet but I will have one in a few months."

He smiled, "It must be more than a few months Senora, your figure is still beautiful."

"Thank you. I actually have less than five months to go. My friend uses these diapers; the size goes according to weight of the child. The average one year old weighs about 21 pounds."

"Thank you Senora, you are very kind."

Ginny turned and pushed her cart down the aisle. She looked at some jeans for Mack. She picked a pair of inexpensive jeans for him to wear when they went hiking. She smiled as she thought of Mack. She loved him so damned much; he was the perfect man for her.

She picked up a few items in the grocery section then headed for the check out lanes. She felt a sharp pain in her arm as a man passed her. She instantly felt weak and disoriented. Then everything went black.

Ginny was unable to see or feel as she was placed in a wheel chair, she was rushed out the entrance and into a waiting car. She was not aware that she was transferred to several different vehicles and finally a private jet aircraft.

Ginny awoke. She didn't know where she was. She was nude and in a bed covered with a sheet. She tried to set up. She couldn't move. She was restrained. She looked and saw her wrists were in soft Velcro cuffs. She looked around and saw she was in a nicely furnished bedroom. She looked at her left hand, her wedding rings were gone. She struggled against the cuffs for a few minutes. She fell back and rested. The sheet was now around her waist. Her eyes closed and she tried to think about what she could do. There was nothing she could do. She thought about Mack, he would be frantic by now. He would be searching for her, she knew that. Deep in her heart she knew he would never stop hunting for her.

Ginny heard the door open and softly close.

A vice quietly said, "Senora, I know you are awake. We need to talk."

She opened her eyes. It was the man from the baby aisle in Wal-Mart.

"Where am I. How did I get here."

"Senora please lay back and relax. You are in my home in Mexico now. You belong to me now. No one can find you or reach you. I have several options about what to do with you. I can sell you for a very nice sum. You will bring hundreds of thousands of dollars. Perhaps even more at an auction. Bordellos would snap you up. Individual connoisseurs of beautiful women would bid very high. Most would have an abortion done immediately. I myself believe that women are at their most beautiful when they are pregnant and for a while thereafter while they are nursing their babies.

Ginny watched him and listened as tears coursed down her cheeks.

"It is not my intention to harm you in any way. I would like to keep you for my own pleasure and companionship. I would let you have your child and raise him here. You will have the best of every thing. You must erase from your mind your past life. It has nothing to do with your future life and that of your child. Your happiness will depend on how well you please me. I am not an unkind man and I realize that there will be a period of adjustment for you to fully accept you new life. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. If you are going to sell me I am sure my husband would give a million for me."

Her captor laughed. Senora, "My wealth is in the hundreds of millions. Your past husband is a peon to me."

"I understand. My name is Virginia, I also answer to Ginny."

"I think we will be friends as well as lovers. My name is Juan. That is enough for now. I will release your bonds for now if you will promise not to do anything foolish. It is over fifty miles of very rough wilderness to the nearest small town. If you made it that far, which is very unlikely, they will simply return you to me. If you agree I promise to keep you as my woman and not make you service any other men."

"I understand Juan. I promise to be good."

"My dear, your breasts are beautiful, may I touch them and kiss them?"

"Of course, I have no choice."

"Ah! But you do have a choice. I think you are making the right one. I would much prefer to think you desired me to touch you."

"I will try. This is new and difficult for me."

"Let me release your wrists so you don't feel like a prisoner."

Ginny sat as he released her hands. She felt his hands cup her breasts. He hefted them and rubbed his hand over them. He tweaked her nipples. She sucked her breath in and tried to close her mind to how it felt. She felt his warm breath on the nipple of her right breast. The soft warm wetness of his mouth enclosed the now erect nipple and sucked gently. She wished it were Mack. She missed him already. She had to do this for his baby. She had no choice. A tear ran down her cheek.

Two months after Ginny's disappearance Mack entered the office. He scarcely looked like the Marine of old. He had lost a lot of weight. He ate very little and seldom went to bed. He and Mike had taken many trips across the border into Mexico searching for some sign of Ginny. Mike had lost weight too but his was transient loss due to dehydration and long nights of walking and observing remote haciendas with spotting scopes.

The security cameras had picked up the whole event of Ginny's abduction. Unfortunately the tag number on the vehicle she had been placed into was not visible in the available views. Mike watched Mack review the tapes for the hundredth time. He shook his head. He was worried about Mack. The man drove himself, never eating or resting. He was wearing his body down. He was looking forward to the arrival of Mack's Son and his family later that day. He hoped they could get Mack to eat and sleep.

Ginny finished her bath and dried her body carefully. She looked in the full-length mirror. She was showing some now. There was definitely a rounding of her belly. She went into the bedroom and saw that her clothes had been laid out for her. She put on the garter belt and sat on the bed to pull on her stockings. She stood and fastened the straps to the stockings. She turned and checked them in the mirror. She had to redo two straps before every thing was straight. She picked up the sheer panties and stepped into them. She fastened the matching quarter cup bra around her waist then pulled the cups around to the front. The bra was a quarter cup bra that lifted her breasts but covered nothing. Jose loved the way she looked in it.

She picked up the blouse and put it on. It buttoned up the front and was of silk that clung to her skin. She walked to the mirror again. She could plainly see her nipples pushing out the fabric. Ginny picked up the black lambskin leather skirt and stepped into it. The bottom of the shirt barely covered the tops of her stockings. She stepped into the strappy black shoes. She prayed she wouldn't be walking or dancing too much because the four inch heels hurt her feet.

Ginny walked down the stairs carefully and entered the living room. The men there were all seated. She walked to Jose and kissed his cheek, then stood beside him. There were several other men in the room. Jose spoke rapidly in Spanish and pointed to her tummy. The men laughed and replied in Spanish. Jose turned to Ginny, "They want you to open your blouse and show them your breasts."

"Jose, you promised you would never give me to any other man."

"Yes my dear I did. I will keep my word. Now do as you were told." Ginny looked at him for a moment and then slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She looked at him and pulled the blouse open to display her breasts. The men smiled and spoke rapidly in Spanish. One of the men spoke and made a motion with his hands as if he were caressing her breasts. Jose shook his head and replied in English. "I am sorry my friend, I promised her I would let no other man touch her."

"Promises to a whore mean nothing. I thought you were my friend."

"I am your friend, she is not a whore she is my woman. I have never asked you to share yours with me."

"The man looked angry, then smiled and said "Forget it my friend. She is beautiful enough to make any man want to possess her."

Jose looked up and smiled at Ginny. "Take the blouse completely off and leave it off."

Ginny did as she was told. She pulled her shoulders back a hair knowing it would make her breasts appear larger. The eyes of all the men were fixed on her breasts. Jose looked into her eyes and whispered, "Take the skirt off now." She looked at him, "If you break your word I will never forget it."

She reached behind her and unbuttoned the waistband of the skirt and then pulled down the zipper. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of the skirt and pulled it down wiggling her hips to work it down over her hips and her ass. She let the skirt fall to the floor. She stepped out with one foot and lifted the other foot carrying the skirt to where she could reach it with her hands. She was fully aware that this caused her breasts to sway and jiggle as she moved. She reached down and adjusted the fit of the sheer little panties pulling them tighter so that the gusset pulled tighter against her pussy lips. If he wanted to give his friends a show she would oblige.

Jose smiled at her and said, "Panties."

Ginny looked at the men in the room, she looked down at Jose, and "If I do that; your friends are going to want more. You and your friends will have to use force to get any more from me. We will cease to have a friendly relationship."

He stood and faced her, "You challenge me?"

"If that is what you call it, yes!"

He looked at her then said, "Pick up your things and go to your room." She walked to each man and pulled him to his feet. She kissed each one gently on the lips with a shy smile saying softly, "Thank you Senor." She stopped in front of Jose and pulled him to his feet and kissed him passionately for several moments her hands caressing his face. She turned and walked up the stairs. The men clapped loudly as she walked away and she put a little extra wiggle in her walk, a smile on her lips.

It was after midnight when she heard the door open. He walked in the room and turned the dimmed light up brighter. "You defied me! Woman."

"Yes I did."

"Damn! You were magnificent! They loved it. Thank you."

"Jose, think about it. If you gave them everything, what would they want next?"

He looked at her and reached and yanked the sheet off her body. She was nude and held her arms open welcoming him. He stripped his clothes off and pounced on her. His lips found hers and pressed hard against them. Her legs spread wide and she felt his long thin cock bumping at the entrance to her vagina.

She reached down and guided his cock into her sheath and felt him plow deep inside her. He humped hard against her and she knew that after he came he would go to sleep. She raised back up to meet his thrusts causing good pressure against her clit. She managed to have one small orgasm before she felt him stiffen and then felt the wet pulses of his sperm coating her pussy walls. She turned her head as she did every night and looked out the window and found the North Star. Tears ran down her cheeks.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The exchanges between Ginny and Mack are just TOO sappy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Yeah- you blew it! When you have a history of writing stories that are basically feel-good stories, and you have a following based on the same, it would be just courteous to warn those who read your stories for that positivity that you are going to crap on them in this chapter. I know reality sucks, but nobody reads your stories for a dose of reality! I hope to hell you can make this right in the next chapter (good luck!) I know it doesn't matter, but I'm pissed at this deviation from your successful formula.

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 9 years ago
It's a story

It's a story. Unfortunately some people seem to be so willing to spout the party line that they can't help but insert political views into story comments. I find it impossible to believe that a General's wife would be unescorted anywhere near our border, but it's part of the story so I deal with it. I must say though that it does not reflect well that the kidnapper would be able to hide from the deluge of political and espionage power that would result from someone like the wife in this story being taken. So it does not reflect reality, but just the world of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The story was going along good and then.....

...it degenated into a right wing xenophobic rant. Armed guard towers, quick reaction forces, really. That's The high tech version of Hadrian's Wall. AC 130 gunships to be used to what? Execute people that want to wash dishes or mow the lawn? On 9-11 the US was attacked by19 Saudi and Egyptian hijackers that came across the Canadian border. Of course, our response was to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and build a fence on the Mexican border. There's a difference between between fiction and theatre of the absurd.

fanfarefanfareabout 10 years ago
trying to remember...

There was another wall , it was suppose to keep out the Mongols, I wonder how that turned out? Then again, Maginot Line, suppose to stop, who was it? Oh yeah the Germans. And the Atlantic Wall was suppose to stop the Allied landings in Normandy. Please refresh my memory, how did those work out?

And of course, we shouldn't forget that monument to Stalinist totalitarianism, the Berlin Wall and for that matter the entire border death strip between Soviet occupied Eastern Europe and Western Europe. There are pieces of that monstrosity on exhibit in museums around the world. And the regime that erected it, just a bad dream kept flickering in the ambitions of Putin and his buttbuddy business partners, the Koch Brothers.

For all those who delude themselves that walls are a good idea no one has thought of before, I quote an anti-American officer of the Louisiana Tigers, CSA: "Men build fortresses to be impregnable; God inspires men to storm them anyway!"

And to quote me: "The very definition of human is that animal that is too stupid to learn from history."

Now the author suggests that we have gunships fly along the border between the USA and Mexico. Wildly shooting at whatever? So, you are shooting up Mexican citizens on their side of the border because hell, why not? Or shoot up American citizens on their side of the border, cause the US Military have bigger guns? And only us Liberal Idealists would have the courage to protest?

Though you know, those klanners and dixiecrat nazis skulking along the border looking for anyone with the wrong shade of tan to shoot after they rape and rob them. Hey, it would be a funny joke if the gunships were strafing those homicidal clowns. Black copters, indeed!

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