ElectOral College


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Later in the day, after multiple cups of coffee and a futile attempt to lose himself in work Nick decided that the distraction of Jenny Carter had to finally be dealt with. He was going to have to let her go. As much as his raging desire desperately wanted him to keep her around, if only to stare at, he knew that the last thing he needed was the distraction. He was running for re-election after all.

He exited his office and made a beeline for Jenny Carter, who sat with her back to him. And as he arrived at her desk, ready to tell her, very directly and professionally, that her services in the campaign would no longer be needed, she looked up at him. And he looked down at her. Down at her startlingly beautiful face, the picture of innocence and sexuality. The Madonna and the whore. Then his eyes traveled to her sweater, stretched taut around those big ripe 32F tits. The sweater's v-neck creating a cavernous valley between those two glorious peaks. Oh god how he wanted to just bury his face between all that supple flesh.

Careful not to stare at her chest for too long the Congressman opened his mouth to let her go, and just as he was about to speak he had a fantastic idea. Like a bright white light of inspiration.

He walked around behind Jenny's chair and started to gently massage her soft shoulders. His finger's kneaded her tight muscles and he could have sworn she moaned a little.

"Paul, I need you to take care of something for me. Meet me in my office in five minutes?"

"Sure Congressman."

"Great." This was going to easy.

After giving her shoulders one last squeeze, Nick walked back into his office. Once back inside he adjusted his slight hard-on and sat down at his desk. Was this really the road he was going down? Yes, he thought. Definitely.

A few minutes later Jenny's boyfriend walked in.

"Paul! Please have a seat." The boyfriend squirmed anxiously as Nick stared him down. How did a peon like this get to go to bed every night with her? It was unjust. And if there was one thing Nick DeMarco hated it was injustice. "How have you been liking working for the campaign these last few weeks?"

"I...I've loved it Congressman."

"Are you ready for something a little more? A little bigger? Paul, I'd like you to organize our volunteers in Springtown. You'd be in charge. You'd be the Big Kahuna. You think you can handle that?"

"Yes. Yes, definitely. I could definitely handle that. I could --"

"Ok, good. You'll be leaving immediately. We'll put you up in a hotel in Springtown. You can work out of there. It'll be at least until after the primary. That gonna be ok?"

"Yes," the peon said, "Yes I could...that'd be amazing!"

"Great. Grab whatever you're gonna need. I'll need you in Springtown tonight."

"Thank you! Thank you for the opportunity sir!"

"Don't mention it," Nick replied. "You can go." He smiled to himself as Paul ran out of the room. Lose the boyfriend. Check.

Later that day Nick was looking out his window into the campaign headquarters. The majority of his staff had left, only a few stragglers remained behind, and one of those stragglers was Jenny. He picked up his phone.

A few minutes later he had Jenny sitting at his desk, her fingers poised over the keyboard, ready to take dictation. Nick had been momentarily distracted by the streaming images of Jenny in all types of lurid positions floating through his mind, but quickly regaining control he said, "Dear Mrs. Andrews, I'm just writing to thank you for your generous donation. I can't tell you how instrumental your help has been..." Nick paused. Jenny turned her big blue eyes to him.

"Everything ok?"

Nick smiled at her. His most winning smile. "Jenny," he said, taking a seat on the edge of the desk. "In view of the promotion I just gave Paul, how would you feel about a more important role in this campaign as well?"

"Uh, like what?"

"Well, it seems that there don't seem to be enough hours in the day for me to accomplish all of the things I need to get done, and my campaign manager has been hounding me to get an assistant to help out with the day to day grind."

Jenny raised an eyebrow quizzically. "Ok."

"Would you be willing to work as my assistant? It may mean lots of extra hours. You'd also need to be available to help me in any capacity I need." Like taking it from behind while I bend you over my dining room table, Nick thought, smirking. "Do you think that's something you'd be interested in?"


Nick realized he was going to have to pull out the big guns, so to speak. "My assistant can also expect a position in Washington when we win the election."

"Really?" Jenny replied, apparently already imagining her new life in the Capital.

"Yep. You think you'd be up to it?"

Jenny took a moment to think. "Yeah. Yeah I'd love to be your assistant." She smiled. Nick smiled back.

"Great!" Nick replied. Get close to her. Check. "You start tomorrow."


Jenny had been working as the Congressman's...Nick's assistant for a few days and she was actually having a really good time. He was a lot of fun, and she got to do all kinds of things that she wasn't doing before as an intern. She got to travel with his staff, go to fundraisers, drive around in limos, and she'd spent a lot of time with the Congressman one on one as well. He was easy to get along with. Very easy.

They would joke with each other and there was even a little bit of flirtation. Polite flirtation. Nothing that would get noticed. They were just kidding around.

Paul was still in Springtown, and he seemed to be having the time of his life organizing the volunteers. He called her a lot when he first got there, but recently they seemed to be talking less. They were both just so busy with their respective parts in the campaign. Which was fine. She was busy herself.

Jenny had just gotten out of the shower. She was being picked up by 'the posse', (the name she had given to the caravan of vehicles and staff that followed Nick DeMarco everywhere) they were going to a fundraiser that evening. A big fundraiser out of town.

Jenny quickly dried her hair, styled it, pulled it back with a twist and got dressed. She chose a deep maroon dress that accentuated her curves in an appropriate, but still sexy, way. The back of the dress was open, only a tiny clasp at her neck. Elegant and sexy, she thought twirling in front of the mirror.

Jenny wasn't stupid. She knew the Congressman had a thing for her. It seemed relatively innocent, and she was perfectly fine with accepting the attention of one of the most powerful men in the world. A woman has to use what she's given, her mother always used to say, and even though Nick DeMarco thought of her as his assistant, she had him under her thumb.

That said, she still loved the way he stared at her when he thought she wasn't looking. Like he was undressing her with his eyes. Those steel grey eyes. That strong chin and leading man's face.

Paul. Remember Paul. Her boyfriend had been gone for only a week, but so much had changed in her life since then it felt like he'd been gone for months. But she loved Paul. She loved him.

Pulling the maroon dress on and sliding the straps over her shoulders Jenny checked herself in the mirror. Sexy and professional, she thought. Perfect.

She grabbed her clutch and walked outside where 'the Posse' was already waiting. Climbing into Nick's limousine she was greeted by the Congressman and his chief of staff, a perpetually sweaty man named Eddie Grant. As she ducked under the limo's door Jenny saw that the Congressman, and Eddie most likely, was taking the opportunity to get a nice peek down the front of her backless red dress. Jenny didn't mind. She liked when he looked.

"Evening Jenny," Nick smiled. He was dressed in a tuxedo looking like an old movie star. Cary Grant or Clark Gable in their prime. She continually had to reassure herself that she was just doing her job, but the errant thought seemed to always find a way of creeping into her head, and the form fitting tuxedo wasn't helping.

"Evening Mr. Congressman." She smiled back.

The fundraiser was being held at the Grand Hotel just outside of Westville. When they arrived Jenny saw that there were already photographers and journalists lining up in front of the entrance for the Congressman and other notable invitees. Jenny let Nick out of the limo first. As soon as he exited, the Congressman turned and extended his hand to aide Jenny out of the car herself. Such gentlemanly ways didn't go unnoticed.

As the flashbulbs lit up their entrance Jenny noticed that Nick wasn't letting go of her hand, and she heard a few reporters call out, "Congressman DeMarco! Who's your date?" To which she turned, startled but flattered at the implication that she could be somehow linked to Nick DeMarco.

The fundraiser was already in full swing as the Demarco posse made their way into the grand ballroom. Nick quickly began shaking hands and joking with some of the guests. A big band was set up on the stage at the far end of the room, and everyone was sipping champagne and dressed to the nines. All of the evening's decadence, the ice sculptures and the hors-doevres and the dancing and excitement. It was almost too much for Jenny. She went to the bar and ordered a glass f champagne. Turning back to the festivities she started looking for Nick, wondering whether he needed anything. It was her job after all. She couldn't see him in all the hubbub. Although she did notice several men practically staring at her. She suddenly became a little self conscious at her outfit, her deep red skirt barely covered her legs and the back of her dress was bare, leaving no question as to whether she was wearing a bra.

For a moment Jenny wondered whether she should have worn something a little less revealing, but that thought quickly left her mind. I must be looking pretty good tonight, she thought.

"You look great tonight," a voice behind her said as if in response.

Turning she saw Nick DeMarco, looking at her. Looking pretty good himself, holding a glass of wine and smirking. He always smiled for the cameras, but when it was just the two of them he always seemed to smirk, a devilish grin that was more than a little alluring.

"Thanks. You do too," she said smiling demurely up at him.

"I need a favor."

"Wow, so much for foreplay," she laughed.

"Sorry, I just, there's this potential donor, Arthur Kraft --"

"The gazzillionaire?"

"That's him," Nick replied, "Anyway...I don't know how to put this, but..."

"What?" Jenny asked, curious.

"Well, he has a thing for beautiful young women --"

" --I'm not sleeping with him!" Jenny said, a little too loud.

Nick started laughing and Jenny instantly felt stupid. When he controlled his laughter he turned back to her.

"No, no," he said. "That wasn't what I was asking, although that's good to know." He leaned into her, his mouth moving to her ear as he whispered, "I need you to pretend that we're dating."

Jenny looked at him confused, but also secretly titillated.

"It's a guy thing. A power thing. If I have a girl as beautiful and sexy as you on my arm then he's bound to be distracted and more open to a generous donation."

Jenny felt a familiar warmth between her legs at hearing Nick describe her as beautiful and sexy. She looked up at him coyly. "I'm not sure. I mean, I do already have a boyfriend. Remember? He's part of your campaign?"

Nick smiled...or rather smirked. "Of course I remember," he said gently tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear, the simple gesture making Jenny breathe a little heavier. "But this would just be pretend. And there aren't any photographers in here. No one would know. Although you'll have to act the part if it's going to work."

Jenny thought for a moment. Paul would understand. This was for the campaign. She was only doing her job for the campaign. "Ok," she said, "I'll do it."

Nick extended his elbow and she placed her arm through his as he escorted her across the room.

Arthur Kraft was sitting at a private table gnawing on a bread roll when they approached. He looked to be in his mid-sixties, with grey hair and thick glasses, and what looked to be a permanent scowl painted onto his face. Although as soon as he saw Nick approach, or more specifically Jenny, his face contorted into, what Jenny assumed, was a smile. A lecherous, sickly smile.

"Arthur! So good of you to come tonight," Nick called out.

"Nicholas," he stated gravelly as if he were taking attendance. And then quickly turning back to Jenny he smiled, "And who might this be?"

"This is --"

" --I'm Nick's girlfriend," Jenny yelled out more enthusiastically than she'd meant to. The strangeness of saying those words about someone other than Paul, and the excitement about saying them about Congressman Nick DeMarco made her mind race.

"Well," Arthur Kraft replied, "It seems that Nicky has hit the jackpot, eh?"

Nick turned to smile at Jenny and then gave her a conspiratorial wink at Arthur's predictability. "I believe I have, Arthur."

Over the next ten or fifteen minutes Nick and Arthur chatted about the campaign and politics and sports, and Jenny smiled politely and played the part of Nick's eye-candy. Nick would occasionally reach over and put his hand on hers or give her a peck on the cheek, nothing to write home about. And just as it seemed that the conversation was winding down Arthur turned to her.

"So, have you two been together long?"

Jenny's mind raced for the right answer. "Yes, well, a few months."

"It's strange I haven't seen you before," the older man said. His eyes were spending a considerable amount of time on her chest, making Jenny mildly self-conscious. "I feel that I would have remembered such a... lovely young lady."

"I spend most of my time doing charity work," Jenny replied.

"Oh? What kind?"

Her mind clouded over as she desperately tried to think of anything.

"Taking care of me Arthur," Nick laughed. "Isn't that charity enough?"

Jenny took a swig of her champagne.

"Well how about a little more charity eh?" Arthur Kraft smirked, his eyes never seeming to leave Jenny's ample bust. "How about you two indulge an old man's voyeuristic tendencies?"

Jenny's eyebrows raised. What did he mean by voyeuristic tendencies?

"How about you give the Congressman a kiss?"

"Arthur!" Nick laughed. "You old letch!"

"Come on. What's a kiss? It's nothing." Arthur said to Jenny's breasts.

Jenny was astonished that he would even ask for something so...strange. And turning to Nick, looking for his thoughts, she was more than a little surprised when she saw him shrug at her and smirk and then leaning in, before she even had a chance to think, her lips were pressing against his.

At first Jenny was so startled that she could barely react, but as the Congressman opened his mouth, and she tasted his lips, and his mouth opened a little further and she suddenly felt the tip of his tongue flick across her teeth, Jenny lost herself. His hand gently reached behind her head to pull her deeper into him, and with that small movement Jenny felt herself, as if removed from her body, as if they were the only ones in the ballroom, Jenny felt her mouth open wider and with a heady intensity, she relented into Nick's mouth and was swept away by his lips, his tongue, his...

"Wow! That was just...wow," Arthur said as Nick slowly pulled away from her.

She looked over at Nick and his eyes were bright, brighter than normal, a look of hungry lust just behind the grey. And she knew that her eyes had the same glaze, the same hunger.

The kiss couldn't have lasted more than ten seconds, but in that small period of time Jenny felt everything change.

And then her phone rang.

Reaching into her bag she pulled it out and saw that Paul was calling. Paul. Her boyfriend. She turned back to Nick, and then to Arthur who said, "Go ahead, pick it up."

But Jenny didn't pick it up. She simply put it back in her bag and then the ringing stopped.

"It's not important," she said without a trace of guilt. She licked her lips and could still taste the Congressman.

Everything had changed.


As the limo pulled up in front of his apartment building Congressman DeMarco was just finishing up a phone call.

"Yes, Arthur, you'll see us there tonight. You can't miss her. You definitely can't miss her."

"That good huh," the old billionaire said on the other end.

"You can judge for yourself Arthur, but let me say this. In all my days as a red-blooded man I haven't seen anything that comes close to this girl," Nick said. "So, do we have a deal?"

"Are you joking?" Arthur laughed. "You give me building permits for Kraft Inc. for next to nothing, and all I have to do is act like a pervert while watching you make out with some young tart? Yeah, we have a deal."

"Good," Nick smiled. "Just don't forget your lines."

"Don't worry Congressman."

Nick walked to the limo and climbed in.

When Jenny climbed into the backseat a few minutes later Nick's eyes nearly popped out of his head. As she ducked under the door, the view down her the front of her dress, her perfectly magnificent breasts almost completely exposed for just a second, were enough to give the Congressman more than a little wood.

Arriving at the event Nick made a point to keep his hand in Jenny's well after they had exited the limo and had been photographed by nearly every photographer in the area. Photo op. Check, he thought.

And the perfection of the evening wasn't going to end there. Aside from the considerable donations to the campaign that he accepted graciously, he was far more interested in the evening's main event.

Leading Jenny over to Arthur he could sense the eyes of the entire ballroom on them as they walked. For his part, Arthur played the role of an old letch perfectly. Which was no great surprise. He was probably getting a kick out of it. Not to mention a rather large land deal.

But as Nick leaned in and kissed Jenny he realized he would have given thirty land deals for a chance with her. Her mouth was sweet and soft, her lips like two plush cushions and her tongue tasted like cinnamon.

Neither of them spoke as they walked slowly away from Arthur Kraft, who stared after them with a smile and shake of the head. Nick reached over and took her hand, which she didn't pull away despite the fact that the pantomime for Arthur had ended.

They walked in silence, out of the Grand Ballroom and across to a door, which Nick had already made sure, was unlocked. Another ballroom. Empty and dark. The silhouettes of tables and chairs stacked against the walls. The only light coming from the windows, and the tungsten glow from the streetlights outside.

They entered the room and Nick turned and locked the door from the inside. The fateful 'click' echoing off the walls.

Jenny looked at him with her large blue eyes, and before she could say a word Nick leaned in and kissed her again. Gently. His mouth tentatively pressing to hers.

"No I can't do this," she said turning away. "I have a boyfriend Congressman."

Nick walked behind her and leaned down to her ear. "It's just us in here. No one else. He'll never know. No one will know." He let his lips reach out and drag against her earlobe causing Jenny to moan slightly. His hands held her arms, pulling her against him, as he moved his mouth to drag along her neck. Jenny moaned a little louder as he kissed and licked just below her jawbone.

"Mmmmm. But...my...Paul," she whimpered, as the Congressman reached up with one of his hands to her hair and pulled her head back softly, exposing more of her neck to him and a view of her glorious cleavage.

Nick moved back up to her ear, gently sucking on her lobe again, his hands now moving to her waist, slowly, inch by inch gliding to her ribcage, the underswell of her breasts and slowly, ever so slowly, his hands moved up and his fingers sank into her massive tits and Nick felt his heart beating so hard in excitement that he thought it might burst from his chest. He sank his fingers in as she elicited a whimper, a moan, his hands kneading her tits through the thin material of her dress.