Emotional Blackmail


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Simone spent the night Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and we had a great time. I was expecting her to stay over Saturday and Sunday nights too when she hit me between the eyes on Saturday morning at breakfast. "God, I wish that my husband wasn't getting back this afternoon -- I would love to fuck you all weekend," she said between bites of toasted bagel.

"What?" I almost screamed. "You're married?"

"Yes -- no problem though dear, what he doesn't know won't hurt him," she giggled.

"You never wear rings and when I asked you at the dance club where your husband was you said 'I was divorced;' why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie; I was divorced from my first husband, John is my second husband. You should have asked follow-up questions but from your reaction I take it that we wouldn't have had three spectacular nights together if I had told you that I was again married after being divorced so I'm glad that I was a little vague," she giggled again.

To myself I moaned "Fuck, what a disgusting human being you are; you're fucking your married sister-in-law and now another married woman." I wanted to be rude to Simone at that point, but rudeness to women isn't a character trait of mine. Also fucking her had really prevented me from longing for Julie so after a minute of inner tumult I just shrugged my shoulders and chatted with her normally.

Simone wanted one more roll in the hay before she left but I politely declined; however, I did give her a very passionate kiss -- and tit squeeze -- goodbye.

When I picked Kevin and Julie up from the airport Monday night they looked great -- rested, tanned, and happy. I foolishly thought that maybe after their vacation Julie would change her attitude about getting extracurricular sex, and I certainly was not going to initiate anything. I found out how silly that was when no more than five minutes after Kevin had left for work on Tuesday morning Julie attacked me like a bitch in heat.

Normally when we have sex on a weekday I eat her to one orgasm, then we fuck until we both get off, then cuddle for a while and shower together, and then go on with our day. It normally takes about 50-60 minutes. That morning she wasn't interested in any foreplay and impaled herself on me with the zealousness of a starved panther devouring a kill. When we had been going at it for two and 1/2 hours and she still wanted more I had to call a halt to it.

"Julie, I've got to get to classes and you do too, don't you?"

"I'll call in sick," she said, "because I am sick -- sick of not getting enough of your cock."

I finally talked her out of fucking all day, we showered together -- where I was barely able to avoid fucking her again -- and we ultimately got to where we needed to be just barely on time.


The next event in the Kevin-Julie-Blake saga occurred on a Sunday night about six weeks after Julie and Kevin got back from their vacation. Julie and Kevin had both been smiling and kissing more than usual that weekend. At dinner Sunday night I finally said "What's with you two -- you're both acting silly?"

Kevin looked at Julie -- she smiled at him and nodded her head -- then he looked at me and said "We're pregnant!"

I didn't even know that Julie had gone off birth control. Of course my initial internal frightened reaction was "It's 50-50 that the kid is mine" but fortunately Kevin interpreted my reaction as just complete surprise rather than fear. I was able to regain my poise within a few seconds -- I had become a great actor since I started fucking Julie -- and got a big smile on my face and said "Congratulations," and got up from my chair and gave each of them a big hug -- this time no side hug for Julie but a frontal one.

We had lots of joyful discussions that evening; it was apparent that both Kevin and Julie had thought a lot about it and they even showed me what bedroom they had planned for the nursery and what types of decorations they'd use once they found out if it was a girl or a boy. Julie also planned to go on pregnancy leave at the 7th month point and might not go back to work since Kevin was making more than enough money alone to support them.

While I appeared to be happy-go-lucky the rest of the night, when I went to bed Sunday fear was the prominent emotion that confronted me. "What if the kid is mine?" kept caroming through my brain. I wondered if something about the baby's look would tip people -- especially Kevin -- off.

Fortunately baby eye color wouldn't be a problem. While Kevin had brown eyes like our mother, our father had blue eyes so Kevin had a recessive blue gene. I had blue eyes as did Julie. Since Julie had blue eyes and Kevin a recessive blue gene the baby had a 50-50 chance of having blue eyes if it was Kevin's kid (and 100% if mine).

Kevin also had brown hair like our mother, while mine was closer to blond like my father's, and my facial features took after my father whereas Kevin's were more like my mother's. Also I was four inches taller than Kevin and had much broader shoulders. I didn't know if any of those differences would come into play; I wasn't a biology major but a Fluid Dynamics Engineer. I finally got a few hours' sleep but was groggy the next morning.

After Kevin left for work on Monday morning I confronted Julie. "Why didn't you tell me you went off birth control?" I asked. "I could have used condoms."

"No way," she laughed. "I love your natural cock -- no way that was I going to let a piece of plastic between us. Besides, I took measures to ensure that the baby is Kevin's," she snickered.

"What measures?"

"After I went off birth control I douched every time after we fucked," she grinned. "Plus I was in my most fertile time when Kevin and I were on vacation and I'm sure that's when I got pregnant."

I knew that Julie had a bidet in her bathroom but I didn't know if using it was effective birth control; and I didn't know how far along she was so I couldn't test her announcement that the baby was conceived on their vacation. There was nothing that I could do about it now, in any event, so I just shrugged my shoulders.

By that point in our relationship I couldn't resist Julie if she came onto me so that morning I ate and then fucked her pussy just like normal; well it was normal for me. Julie, however, seemed even more revved up than usual and came as hard as I'd ever seen her when I ejaculated into her pussy.

I didn't know much about pregnancy so I read up on it a little bit. Over the ensuing months I found out that Julie was one of only about 10% of pregnant woman whose libido increased during pregnancy -- and guess who was tasked with accommodating that rise. I also learned that douching after sex is only a feasible birth control method if done within five to ten minutes after ejaculation -- and I don't remember her ever, even once, not cuddling and or showering with me for at least fifteen minutes and normally twenty or more, after intercourse. As the time wore on she also was showing a lot more and more quickly than if the baby was conceived during her vacation with Kevin, so I just resigned myself to possibly becoming a biological father.

Giving all of the turmoil in my life it was a miracle that I got my Master's Degree within 18 months; my grades weren't as high as they would have been if I hadn't had all of the mental confusion and feelings of guilt, but so what -- my engineering specialty was in high demand and I had several good job offers when I graduated.

I graduated when Julie was just about to start her third trimester. I was planning on accepting a job in a city about an hour and a half drive from Kevin and Julie's house. However, Kevin had other plans. He had a serious talk with me in a local park two weeks before I was going to get my diploma.

After some small talk he said "Blake, I have a real favor to ask."

"Anything dude," I smiled.

"Can you stay with us until the baby is born? I can get you an interim job at the big company I work for and hopefully your new employer -- whatever it might be -- can wait a couple of months before you start."

"Why do you want me to stay until the baby is born?"

"Because Julie really relies on you to do all sorts of chores and when I'm not around if you are she feels much more secure. Pregnancy screws up females' hormones, you know, and she's getting squirrely," he laughed at that, "and we both love having you around. Is it possible?"

Of course there was no reason that I would deny my brother -- the person who sacrificed his own life for that of his family, including me. "Of course, I'll stay -- if there's any way that I can work it out," I replied, and gave him a big hug.

My future employer was agreeable to me postponing coming to work at the office for three months if I attended a two day orientation and they could give me calculations to work on remotely, which would mean I wouldn't need the interim work at Kevin's company.

While the work situation turned out fine, I wished that I had an alternative to doing Kevin a favor -- though I really had no alternative. I realized just before Julie entered her eighth month that our sex was no longer recreational, but love. One day when we were in a spoon position and we had both orgasmed at exactly the same time I was overcome with emotion. While the physical aspects were just as good as always the emotional part was off the charts. While I had had past relationships where I thought that I was in love I had never felt anything that emotionally intense before.

Unfortunately it wasn't just a onetime thing either. It happened every other time we had sex until at eight and a half months Julie was out of commission, and even then she insisted on cuddling for an hour every day even if we couldn't have sex.

The fateful day finally arrived; at 4 a. m. Kevin woke me up and said "Her contractions have started -- we're going to the hospital right now."

I gave them both a hug goodbye and got them to promise to call me as soon as I could visit. Little Margot Lizbeth Burns was born at 8:04 a. m. after a thankfully short and easy (as those things go, not easy on an absolute scale) labor.

I had had all of my things packed and ready to go for days beforehand since both grandmothers would be arriving as soon as the baby came home and they needed my room. I saw the new mom and baby that afternoon at the hospital. I know that I'm prejudiced by Margot was the cutest little thing that I had ever seen in my life, and Julie looked surprisingly good.

While Kevin was out of the room making calls and Julie was nursing she got pensive. "I'm sorry that I emotionally blackmailed you Blake. Now that I know that you've got to leave I want to confess that I was never going to cheat on Kevin with someone else -- the sighting at the Motel 6 was a setup. I simply had an overwhelming sexual attraction to you -- I had to have you, and that was the only way that I could get you to have sex with me."

I was gobsmacked. I just sat there with my mouth open. Of course I wasn't going to go off on a new nursing mom, and Julie knew that which is probably why she confessed at that time. As I sat there in stone silence she wasn't done.

"By the way, you're Margot's biological father but no one else will ever know," she smiled; yeah, actually smiled.

Again I was shocked into silence. After a minutes long delay where Julie mostly looked lovingly down on nursing Margot I started to ask how she knew that I was the biological father when Kevin, beaming like the full moon, came back into the room. "Well I've let all of the relatives know," he cackled. "The grandmas will be here tomorrow night and sis and her husband will stop by sometime next week, and Julie's dad and brother will too."

After some small talk, where I again displayed my recently-acquired acting skills, I said my goodbyes. I was leaving for my new apartment, and job, that very evening. I gave Kevin a big hug and told him how much I loved him and how happy I was for him, and gave the new mom and baby kisses on their foreheads. It wasn't until I got into my car that all the pent-up emotion burst out and I cried for the first time since my father died.


That should be the end of the story. Everyone should have lived happily ever after and Kevin should have enjoyed good karma for the rest of his life. Instead, I found out that karma is a fickle bitch.

Little Margot was about twenty months old and was already running (she never walked anywhere) and talking in almost complete sentences, and Kevin was the happiest and proudest father in history. Julie really took to motherhood and seemed to be very content with raising Margot and starting to show her own artwork at local galleries.

I had just had a very nice long weekend visiting Kevin, Julie, and Margot, probably spending at least ten hours playing with Margot who had wormed her way into my heart like no other creature ever had before, when on Wednesday morning after my return home I got a call from my sister. "Kevin's been in an accident and is in the hospital."

"How serious is it sis?" I inquired.

"He may not make it; he's hurt really badly," she sobbed.

"What hospital is he at?"

I got the information, told my boss that it was a family emergency, and took off after gathering a few things from my apartment.

Obviously, everyone was in deep sorrow when I arrived at the hospital. Kevin had been driving to work and was T-boned by a drunk driver running a red light -- his fourth DWI arrest, because the drunk always seems to live. When I went in to see Kevin Julie and my mom were in the room, both basket cases. When I grabbed Kevin's hand and said "Be strong big brother" to him his eyes opened. He whispered something to Julie who was sitting right by him; then she turned to me and said "Kevin wants to talk to you alone for a minute."

Julie and mom left the room and I bent over to hear Kevin. "Blake, I'm not going to make it. Promise me that you'll take care of my girls. They'll need you. You have to take care of them like I took care of you and sis after dad died." Then he started coughing.

When Kevin stopped coughing he said "Promise me, dude; promise me."

"I promise that I'll take good care of them," I replied, tears forming in my eyes.

Kevin got a big smile on his face for a few seconds and then started coughing again. This time all sorts of monitors and bells were going off. I left the room as two nurses and a doctor came running in. Five minutes later as all of us who had been congregating looked on the doctor came out with a forlorn look on her face.

We didn't need to know what she said to Julie to know what happened as I caught Julie when she collapsed. We knew that Kevin was dead.

"Karma is a fucking fickle bitch," repeated over and over in my brain as I carried Julie to a couch in the reception area and a nurse came to attend to her.


The funeral and reception were hell for me. The only way that I got through them was by knowing that I had to be strong for Julie, my mom, and my sister. Of course Margot knew that something was up but had no understanding. She kept saying "Don't cry mommy," but despite her best efforts that didn't help Julie.

I gave the eulogy for Kevin honestly saying that he was the best person that I had ever known and hoped that in the future I could be one-tenth the man that he had been.

I stayed with Julie, Margot, and Julie's mom in Kevin and Julie's house for the next few days doing everything I could to review insurance policies, talk to the police about the drunk, play with Margot, talk with an attorney about Kevin's will, and do anything else that was needed.

When I went back to work Julie and I talked on the phone every day. I could tell that she wasn't doing too well. When about a week after I got back she asked me "What did Kevin say to you in the hospital room just before he died?"

I didn't feel like lying to her so I told her.

"Did you promise?"

"I did."

"Are you going to fulfill your promise?"

"Yes, I intend to."

"Then get your ass over here as soon as you can wind up affairs at your present location," she forcefully said, then terminated the call.

I had been going out with two women for the last few months, but I wasn't really in love with either of them. Also, while I liked my job OK, I couldn't see working there the rest of my life. After sleeping on it I made a decision.

I called Julie the next day and said "I'm coming there this weekend to look at new houses with you and Margot. I'll email you the listings I'm presently most interested in and we can talk more about that when I get there."

There was silence for a long time before she asked "You don't want to live here?"

"Too many memories."

"Are you getting a new job?"

"There are three that I'm qualified for in your area -- I'm sending out my resume this afternoon."

I heard sobbing on the other end of the line. "No tears," I said, "we've got work to do."

Julie regained her composure and moaned "OK."

I concluded the conversation with "I'll see you about 6 p. m. on Friday."


When I got there on Friday I threw a giggling Margot up in the air, then snuggled and tickled her as she screamed in joy. Julie stood there with a wry smile on her face and her arms crossed. When I put Margot down still holding her hand with one of mine I grabbed her mom, clutched her to my chest with the other arm, and passionately kissed her. When we broke the kiss I said "I'm here to start to fulfill my promise."

That night for the first time Julie and I admitted to each other that we were making love, not just fucking.

Even though a DNA test proved that I was Margot's biological father I insisted on adopting her so that she was Kevin's daughter to the rest of the world. I got a new job, we bought a new house using some of the money from Kevin's insurance policies, and Julie and I were married and she was pregnant with our son (who of course we would name Kevin) within ten months of my return.

However, that weekend before all of those things were set in motion I had a heart-to-heart talk with Julie.

"Julie -- I love you, but my life won't go to hell like Kevin's would have if you cheated on me. I'd throw you out in a heartbeat and do everything in my power to get sole custody of Margot and any other children that we might have. If we're going to be together from now on you're going to have to sign an ironclad prenup providing that if you cheat you relinquish all of your and our joint assets to me and agree to me having sole custody, even though the court may not honor the custody arrangement. Of course I'll also agree to the same conditions. Do you agree or do I honor my brother's last request remotely?"

Julie stared at me intently for a long minute; I met her gaze with a steely expression. Finally she said "I want you, and only you. Have your attorney draft the most ironclad prenup possible and I'll sign it. Now that that's out of the way I could use another sperm deposit in my bank..."

So I gave her one.

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1959_Darroch1959_Darroch13 days ago


ImshakenImshaken20 days ago

Wow. What a messed up situation. Thinking about it... if MC had informed his brother of her infidelity there's a decent chance the timeline of events would have been altered and the the brother would never have been T-boned. Of course they would never know, and there are risks in any timeline. 3 stars

usaretusaret27 days ago

His award of matrimony sticks in my craw. Average rating.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress663 months ago

I think I like Blake slightly more than Julie. And only because he seemed to, at the very least, feel guilty for his behavior. Now with that said, I genuinely hate both of them.

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