Erica's Awakening Ch. 05


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"How can you love somebody who is so stupid and wrong about everything? Alan, I could see it in their faces they thought I was pretty, not a freak, not ugly they even wanted to be me, and they were jealous of what I have, even my breasts. How can you love somebody that is so stupid?"

"Erica, I fell in love with the beautiful person inside this gorgeous body. It drove me crazy that you hated yourself so much. I have done everything I could over the last four years to help you see that you are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. Nothing worked until you let me in to your heart and let me help you. Now you're starting to see yourself, but more importantly love yourself. You're finally starting to see what I've always seen; a dazzlingly beautiful woman that's even more beautiful on the inside." Alan said.

"Erica, I have been in love you since I first saw you and I knew that someday you would find your way out of the hell that you had created for yourself. As the man who loves you and your husband, I have been trying to help you. Now everything is coming together, and my hope was that, as you started to love yourself more, our love could finally grow. Baby, I knew you couldn't really ever truly love me until you started to love yourself." Alan added.

"So, you see, this is really about me being selfish. All I've really wanted is you, all of you; and I wanted you to love me the same way I love you; completely. I knew it could happen." He whispered.

Erica looked at him with tears streaking her face and said. "Oh Alan! I do, I do, I do! I love you so much; my heart aches every time I look at you. I don't think I could live without your love. I certainly know that I don't want to. You're love and strength is the only reason I could be here today. I can't do any of this without you and your love."

"Alan please help me. I want to become the person that can love you the way you love me. I want to feel beautiful and sexy for me and for you. I want you to desire me and make love to me all the time." Erica continued.

"You'll get your chance baby; I want to take you for a massage, haircut, make up evaluation and a whole new wardrobe. Once we're done with that, I'm taking you out for dinner, a little clubbing and dancing to show off my fantasy girl. Are you ready for that my sweetheart?" Alan said.

"I know you're going to push me way past my comfort zone and there are times I will need to lean on you and need your help. Alan, I want to do this, I want to be your dream girl, your fantasy girl, and I want you making love to me forever, just as we've done for the last few days. I never realized what I had in front of me, but Alan I am so in love with you and want to feel your love for the rest of my life." Erica said.

Erica leaned in and began to pull on Alan's lower lip with her teeth. Then she slipped her tongue into his mouth. She began to thrust her hips taking Alan's manhood deeper into her still needy pussy. She squirmed against him saying, "Speaking of that, are you going to put that hard cock buried in me to good use?"

Alan and Erica softly made love in the restroom of a mall and stayed cradled in each other's arms until someone started banging on the door asking if this restroom was occupied. Alan shouted that it was, and they sheepishly looked at each other. They started trying to get dressed, but there was a problem, Erica had destroyed her blouse in her haste to remove it. Only the buttons that Alan had unbuttoned remained on the blouse.

So, Alan took out his pocketknife and began to modify the blouse. He trimmed the panels of the blouse until the tops, bottoms and most of the insides of her breasts were exposed. He turned it into a tiny crop top by cutting off the bottom of leaving the small panels where the buttons and buttonholes used to be. Then used the button strips as the tie to close the crop top.

While he was at it, he opened up some of the side seams of her skirt allowing skirt to open more and reveal her fabulous legs. When Alan had finished his costume modifications and had dressed Erica, he stood behind her with her looking in the mirror. Erica was stunned; the insides of her breasts were exposed coming dangerously close to her nipples. The bottom of her breasts was also exposed and somehow this made her feel sexier and more naked than having the tops of her breasts displayed.

From her exposed bottom of her breasts to the low-slung top of her skirt was gloriously naked. Her exposed flat, taut belly was rippled with her stretched and tight muscles. Her defined ribs dipped into her tiny waist, with her navel being the magnificently bare exposé that drew her eyes away from her barely contained breasts. As she shifted her hips her breasts wobbled seductively and all of her legs, from her toes up to her hips could be seen. There was even the exposed hint of her tightly muscled ass cheek. She shivered in exhilaration and longing. She wanted this ... she wanted to be Alan's fantasy girl and shown off, but she was scared.

Erica had felt naked before and now she practically was. She shivered at the thought of going out into the mall looking the way she did. She lifted her head, looked into Alan's eyes through the mirror and saw love and desire there. She looked back herself and tried to see what Alan was seeing and what she saw was a very shapely and sexy woman. If all those people in the mall thought she was pretty and lusted after her before, what were they going to think of now. She was not used to seeing herself this way, but she knew that she would do this for Alan and truth be told ... she wanted this ... she wanted to be displayed as Alan's fantasy girl.

She turned in Alan's arms and looked at him and whimpered, "Alan, I want to do this, but I'm scared, please help me."

Alan pulled her into his arms and held her tight against his chest, he leaned down and kissed her and seductively whispered, "Sweetheart you are unbelievably gorgeous. As we go into the mall, you're going to see everybody stop and stare at the most beautiful woman they've ever seen. That's what you are, a dazzling, stunningly beautiful woman and that's what they're going to be looking at. However, you will be safe in my arms, and I will be there to take care of you."

With that, Alan opened the door with his arm wrapped around her tiny waist as they stepped out into the mall. They stood there for a few seconds outside the bathroom door and Erica had her face hidden in Alan's chest with one eye peeking out to see everyone's reaction. Two men were walking in opposite directions and when they spotted Erica their eyes couldn't believe this vision of virtually naked beauty. Both of their eyes stayed glued to Erica as they walked, and they wound up crashing into each other.

Erica giggled, looked at Alan and smiled. Alan started slowly walking around the mall and Erica noticed people stopping and staring. When she looked at their faces, she saw the looks of awe and disbelief mixed with lots of lust and jealousy. This time Erica did see some disgusted looks from the crowd. However, she could tell they were the result of her scandalous outfit and not what she looked like. The crowd was actively ogling her sensuously exposed breasts, her gorgeously uncovered legs and all her slender, taut shape on display in between. Erica had never felt more exposed or more wanton and she felt her whole-body trembling with excitement.

For the second time in her life Erica felt like a gorgeous Playmate on display for everyone to ogle. At this moment, she was exposed to the crowd, and she loved every second of it. It was thrilling, exciting and all the eyes caressing her exposed skin, made her feel the sexiest she had ever felt. She began to strut around with her newfound exhibitionism taking over. As she walked, Erica noticed her unfettered breasts wobbling seductively threatening to spill out of the top any second. Erica kept her eyes on her breasts, afraid that at any second, they would spill out of her skimpy top. She actually craved a wardrobe malfunction and shivered thinking about exposing herself to the panting crowd.

As her new sexiness began to take hold, she knew she wanted to become that sexy Playboy Playmate. All the eyes caressing her breasts, tummy, and exposed legs were sending thrills through her body and her already enflamed nipples and pussy were aching to have Alan play with her again. One man stopped and blatantly undressed her with his eyes and Erica's legs almost collapsed under the intense lustful stare.

She noticed her nipples were so hard it looked like she had pencil erasers under her blouse. The fabric of the blouse was rubbing against her sensitive and engorged nipples, and she felt her pussy clenching in response to her stimulated nipples. She remembered seeing photos in Playboy of Playmates dressed almost as she is now, and an exhibitionist thrill coursed through her. For the first time in her life thoughts of being a Playboy model entered her being but were just as quickly dismissed.

As Erica started to become slightly more comfortable, she started standing straighter with her breasts thrust out, her already flat tummy tucked in, and her head held high. She widened her stance, and the legs were exposed all the way to her hip. She began swinging her hips, showing off her legs, the ripples in her taut stomach and seductive swaying of her barely contained breasts. Erica began to feel erotically confident and found herself wanting to show off her virtually naked body. She felt like an underwear model showing off everything she had, and she shivered with exhilaration.

Erica's swinging hips got a little wilder and she loved the muscles in her taut belly bunching and knotting. Her breasts, stomach, hips and legs all began to shimmy with her breasts giving an audacious and very sexy sway. At one point her left breast escaped her blouse, exposing her nipple to the ogling crowd. Erica felt her legs tremble and she almost sagged into Alan. She was excited, thrilled and scared, but loved the exposure. She gathered her wits, deftly tucked her nipple back underneath her blouse and continued her walk.

She looked at Alan and he was looking at her with pride and love. She knew he was very pleased with her newfound bravery. As they walked, Erica continued to noticed people's reactions and she found she became very excited by being the object of so many lusty stares. That Playmate feeling began to take over and she gloried in all the stares from the crowd.

She even started practicing different walks, the way she shifted her hips or strutted and observed how they made her breasts bounce and wobble. As she shifted her hips, she saw how the muscles of her belly sensuously wriggled and the skirt shifted to reveal her legs. The more skin she revealed, the more excited and brazen she had become.

She also observed how other people responded to her different walks. One other thing made her feel especially sexy and wanton: the juices from their lovemaking dribbling down the inside of her thighs. By the end of the first lap around the mall Erica was so excited and turned on that, she was ready to take Alan back into the restroom. She grabbed him and tried to pull him into the restroom.

Alan had other ideas as he headed to one of the restaurants and he chose one that was more of a diner style eatery. Erica looked up at Alan, she was too excited to eat anything, but she followed him obediently into the restaurant. His intention became clear when they went up and sat at the counter. As Erica sat on a stool, she realized the side slits in her skirt allowed the back half to fall completely away and her legs were exposed from ankle to hip. She felt the cool plastic seat on the naked ass, with her heated pussy soaking the plastic seat. In addition, to her naked legs and almost exposed breasts, the cheeks of her firm and sexy butt were also on display.

As she realized this, she grabbed Alan's hand and held on tight as a tremor ran through her. Alan stood next to her, holding her waist and her hand until the tremor passed. Erica knew they were going to call the police because she was naked in the restaurant, but nothing happened, except almost everyone in the restaurant was staring at that artfully displayed leg and butt. Erica felt stares from everybody there caressing her legs, ass, breasts and naked tummy. It felt like thousands of fingers and tongues cuddling all of her exposed body.

This was a continuation of the second time she felt this. The first time had been when the gang had her naked hanging from a hoist. This time however, she was safe with Alan's arms around her, and she was not in danger. She tingled all over with everyone's eyes caressing her abundance of naked skin. Goosebumps erupted over her arms and legs, her stomach knotted, and her nipples hardened. She was a sex object, passion and desire on display as everyone ogled her barely concealed body.

She looked up at Alan and could tell he knew what was going through her mind and her body. His soft loving looks told her that he was there, he loved her, and he was proud of her. It was then that she realized that Alan was right; she needed this, wanted and desired this more than anything she had ever craved. She wanted to feel everyone's eyes caressing her, she wanted to be their lusty fantasy, all while safe in Alan's arms. She felt a power that was addicting. She knew they would do anything to see more of her sinfully displayed body. She owned every eye in the restaurant.

She shifted on her stool displaying even more thigh and revealing more of her butt cheek. She felt every eye in the restaurant swivel to her ass as she did, and erotic tremor passed through her. Her belly trembled as she swiveled with her breasts coming perilously close to spilling from her top. Her nipples throbbed as she felt the caress of every eye in the restaurant. At this moment Erica knew what it was like to be a Playmate on display and showing everyone as much skin as she dared. She finally realized that with her beauty she ruled this place, but it was Alan's love and strength that gave her the nerve to command every eye in the restaurant.

Alan's loving looks and the fact that he was holding her tightly in his arms gave her the courage to nonchalantly pick up a menu. As she looked at the menu, she realized this was a burger place and she was a vegetarian. She looked up at Alan and his smile told her this was not about getting food, but about showing her off and artfully displaying all of sexy form, her breasts, belly and legs. Her heart leapt in her chest with love and passion for this man and everything he'd done for her.

There was a part of her that wanted to take this I the next step. A fantasy shook her as she dreamed about Alan stripping her top from her and showing her breasts to everyone in the restaurant. Then he stripped her skirt from her leaving her naked and fully on display. She quivered as she thought about every eye stroking her uncovered skin, eyes licking her nipples, and hands caressing her belly and ass.

Her fantasy made her nipples ache with need, her tummy tremble and her pussy clinch with longing. Her daydream finished with Alan taking her on the counter and fucking her through countless orgasms. He showed the diner just how wildly sexual she could be. Then her eyes cleared, and the daydream finished as she saw Alan staring at her with longing, love and pride.

Alan had spent the whole day parading her around, slowly displaying more, and more of her to the people in the mall. She realized after all of this that she was not scared anymore. She was almost completely naked sitting on a barstool in a diner, and all she had covering her up was half of a blouse and a split skirt. For perhaps the first time in her life she felt sexy and beautiful, but she felt one other thing as she looked up into Alan's eyes. She pinned him with the all-consuming love she felt for this very special man. She was his Playmate.

It was his love and his belief in her that enabled her to become beautiful, sexy and passionate woman that she was meant to be. She glanced at the menu and in a bold loud voice, she stated, "Honey, there is nothing I can eat here, it's all red meat. Can we try somewhere else?"

Erica slid off the barstool and possessively wove her fingers through his pulling him along as she walked out of the restaurant, sashaying her hips and making her breasts bob on her chest. When they got outside the restaurant, Erica turned, put her arms around Alan and buried her face in his chest as she said.

"Alan, I love you so very much and I think I truly understand what you have been telling me. People have been looking at me all day like I'm pretty and sexy. Now I'm feeling like I might actually be pretty. You've been telling me that ever since you met me, but I never believed you; but after today I think I believe you. So, can we pick up some takeout and go home, because I'm so turned on after today, I want to ravish you all night long."

Alan kissed her and agreed. "Absolutely my beautiful and sexy wife, but we'll just have to see who does the ravishing; but first we have one more stop."

The one more stop turned out to be an adult store. Alan picked up several things that included a set of bondage cuffs and a very large dildo that Erica confirmed was close to Mike's size.

They picked up some takeout, took it home but wound-up making love for several hours and around 8 PM eventually got around to eating cold takeout. All through dinner Erica teased Alan with her newfound sexiness and about halfway through the dinner Alan decided that she needed to be taught the results of teasing is action. He retrieved the newly purchased bondage cuffs and locked Erica's arms behind her back, Erica's whole body shuttered with anticipation. Alan could tell by the lusty fire in her eyes that this was exactly what Erica was hoping for.

Alan proceeded to try various fruits for desert; all enhanced with Erica's pussy nectar and found that he really enjoyed strawberries the best after Erica's juices had coated them. In the process of having his desert, Alan was teasing Erica unmercifully, but he was also satisfying her. When Alan would run out of "Erica sauce" he would eat her pussy. He artfully nibbled her clit taking her to orgasm after orgasm generating more of her succulent nectar. Then tease her with more of the dessert fruit and repeat the cycle. After her third cum Erica was begging Alan to take her, and he carried her to the bedroom where he had one more surprise.

Alan tied Erica spread eagle on the bed and pulled out the Mike dildo. He began the teasing by rubbing the monster dildo all over her tightly bound body. Her nipples especially responded to the teasing becoming very engorged and highly sensitive. Alan took advantage of their sensitivity by oiling the dildo, placing it between her breasts. He pressed her breasts together creating a tunnel for the dildo to slide through and he began tit fucking her. The dildo was so large that both nipples were pressed directly against the dildo and every thrust between her breasts raked her nipples and sent fire directly to her pussy.

It didn't take long for Erica to be at her peak and ready to fall into the orgasmic chasm below, but Alan wasn't through teasing her. He kept running the ridges of the dildo across her nipples and would press her nipple hard against the dildo with his free fingers. He kept her at her peak until she was begging, thrashing and screaming to finish her. He finally flicked her clit sending her rocketing to orgasmic bliss and her body clinched in what had to be the hardest cum of the day.

Alan pulled the dildo from between her breasts and slowly thrust it from the top of her pussy across her belly. When he had the dildo lying on her belly with the base at her pussy, the head was several inches above her navel, then he said, "See how far this is going to go inside you?