Escort Girls Ch. 03


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Plans of Attack

Late the next morning, we three girls met in Monique's cabin. Eve and I were already dressed and had finished breakfast, but Monique was still abed, drinking black coffee and smoking. "Grasse matinée, eh Monique?" I said chidingly. "Did you have a late evening?"

"What does that mean?" asked Eve.

"You service the old man, who goes to sleep early," Monique retorted. "Julien can't get enough. He woke me up three times. Eve, it means 'fat morning', when you sleep late."

"You certainly look well fucked," I joked.

"Yes, no complaints on that score, although I'll be sore today. How did things go with you?"

I related everything that has passed among Jean and us, a telling which amused Monique immensely.

"You did very well, Eve. It's a shame you'll be going home soon. You could make a lot of money with us."

"It was pretty weird," Eve said. "I never knew men were like that, especially the rich ones."

"There are plenty weirder than Jean," Monique replied. "But now, we need to decide how to charm Marc. He obviously liked you yesterday."

"He didn't show it. All he did was stare at me the entire meal."

"He will be a challenge, but I have an idea," Monique said. "Shall I give you my advice?"


"Meredith and I are here to be decorative and to amuse Julien and Jean when they wish. Your presence is ambiguous, and neither Julien nor Marc is sure of your availability. I certainly took care to tell Julien nothing. So my belief is that you should play the innocent. Wear your most modest clothes, and do not go around topless either here or on the beach at first. What is concealed is desirable. Do not show either me or Meredith any excessive affection. In short, act the schoolgirl. Try to encourage Marc to open up by being friendly, but not aggressive."

"I agree with Monique," I added. "Do you think you can do that?"

"Sure, why not?"

Eve's opening came unexpectedly soon. The boat got underway at noon as we were going to Monaco, about three hours away. The crew had set up the afterdeck for skeet shooting, and Jean, Julien, and I took turns firing at the clays that were launched over the stern. Monique watched from a deck chair as she perused the latest issue of Elle. Eve did not like the noise of the shotguns, and retreated to the salon, where she found several issues of the newspaper L'Equipe. Marc found her there browsing the photos of sporting events. She recounted their conversation as follows:

"Bonjour Mademoiselle. You are interested in sports?"

"Hi. Yeah, I am. I play soccer at home."

"Here we say football. What position do you play?"


"Are you good?"

"Pretty good. Do you play?"

"I did, but I am not any good. But I love to go to the games."

"What team do you like?"

"PSG, Paris St. Germain that is. I see you have my newspaper. Can you read French?"

"No. I'm just looking at the pictures."

Marc sat beside her and started to read several articles about various football matches, particularly those relating to PSG. It was there that Jean and I found them once our shooting was done.

"I see you have found my son's weak point." Jean said on entering. "I suppose he has been boring you with football."

"Not boring at all, Mr. Jean. I play soccer, I mean football, on my school team."

"Eve is a sports fanatic," I added. "Football, swimming, tennis, you name it."

"This afternoon we are anchoring off Monaco, and will go ashore this evening. Perhaps the sport of baccarat will appeal to you as well."

"I never heard of it."

"It's a boring card game at the casino," Marc replied. "I'm sure you wouldn't care for it, and PSG has a match this evening. I suggest you might like to watch that instead."

Eve seemed unsure how to answer, so I stepped in quickly, "You are certainly correct, Marc. There is no reason to bore yourself or Eve. Monique and I will accompany your father and brother to the casino, and you can have the television all to yourself."

The evening passed this way, with Jean winning a considerable sum, putting him in an excellent mood. I received a nice tip from his winnings, but I had to share with Monique as Julien had lost and was in a bad humor afterwards. When we returned early in the morning, neither Eve nor Marc was visible, nor was there any sound detectable from either cabin. We had to wait for daylight to hear how their evening had passed. Jean and I had a quickie in his cabin, but afterwards I was sent back to mine as Jean would be leaving after daybreak for a quick trip to Paris. I was awakened by Eve, knocking at the door, carrying a thermos of coffee.

"You didn't have to wake me so early, I complained, sitting up naked in bed while sipping the first cup."

Eve, dressed in a high-necked one-piece swimsuit that covered her charms completely but was so skintight that it left nothing to the imagination, lay beside me. "It's almost ten."

"We didn't get back 'til three. How did it go with Marc?"

"We had fun. He's a real football fanatic, jumping and yelling at the TV every thirty seconds. In between runs, he had to tell me about every player, the coaches, the opponents, you name it."

"That was fun?"

"Yeah. I like him. The match was a good one too, and PSG won two-zip."

"And after?"

"We had a drinks on deck."

"Did he at least kiss you?"

"Just that cheeky thing when he said goodnight. But I think he had a woody when he did it."

We both giggled at the thought. "I'll bet he jacked off in his cabin," I said. "What is the plan now?"

"He's taking me for a ride on the jet-ski. That's why I've got this suit on."

"That's promising. Make sure to hold on tight. It's too bad you'll be wearing a lifejacket, or you could rub your tits against his back."

"I have to go right away; that's why I came to see you now."

They returned for lunch in the early afternoon. We five dined on lobster salad, after which Julien and Monique went to lay out on the foredeck. Eve had excused herself to go to the toilet, and Marc asked to speak to me alone. We climbed to the bridge, which was unoccupied.

He spoke in French, in case Eve happened to overhear. "Mademoiselle," he began, "forgive me if I speak to you directly."

"What is there to forgive?"

"You are my father's mistress, no?"

"No, not exactly."

"But you sleep with him?"

"We are good friends."

"I know he pays you, and that Monique too."

"What affair is any of this to you?"

"None whatsoever."

"Then why are we having this conversation?"

"Eve. I wish to know her status. Is she also being paid by my father?"

"Monsieur Marc. My sister is very young and impressionable. She is still in school and will not complete her bac until next year. She is spending a holiday with me, and your father was kind enough to invite her to come along with me this week. She will be returning home soon, and hopefully will have only happy memories of her time here. But what is your interest?" I impressed even myself with this story.

"I enjoy my time with her. My intentions are completely honorable. And I do not wish either my father or brother to corrupt her."

"You imply they corrupted me?"

Marc seemed surprised at this question and looked at me a long time before replying. "I do not know what you are. My father has had many such as you and Monique in the past, but never anyone for so long. Therefore I think you must have some attraction for him that I cannot see myself. At least you seem more intelligent that the others I've met."

"Thanks for that, at least."

"I don't mean to insult you. I express myself badly at times."

"No insult has been taken, Monsieur Marc. I suggest you enjoy yourself with Eve's company, as she is bored with mine already. Since you two have the same interests all will be well."

Our conversation completed, we went to join the others.

Jean did not return that night, and after dinner Julien requested that I join Monique and him in his cabin for a nightcap. I knew what that meant and prepared accordingly. Monique had told me something of his sexual preferences, so I wore a tight sleeveless top fastened high on the neck and a black leather miniskirt over a garter belt and black lace stockings, lacking only the stiletto-heeled boots to be a perfect harlot.

Julien applauded my costume. "I see Monique has briefed you well. My father is absent tonight, and the absent are always in the wrong" (a famous French proverb). "You have no objection to entertaining me tonight, I trust."

"None whatsoever."

"I hope not. Monique has told me how the two of you play together when not engaged elsewhere, and I am anxious for a demonstration."

"Of course. Shall I undress, or would you care to assist me."

"There is no need to undress. Just position yourself on the bed here." I did as he demanded, waiting on hands and knees as he pulled the skirt over my back. "Ah, very lovely," he said, evidently regarding my bare rear. I looked back over my shoulder to see him standing close behind me, and felt his fingers groping between my legs. He was not as gentle or practiced as Jean, or else did not care to be, as his fingers explored my slit in a rather careless manner. Despite this cavalier treatment, my pussy began to moisten as usual, and soon his fingers were sticky with my fluids. "Do you always get so wet?" he asked. "It is very attractive in a woman."

Monique was standing behind him, unbuttoning his shirt. For a short time he stepped away so as to remove his slacks and briefs, disclosing a nice-size cock whose base was covered with a thick mat of black, wiry hair. For her part, Monique was nude except for a leather shelf bra, and I saw that she was wearing a leather harness around her hips, to which was attached a rather imposing red gel dildo. Julien returned close to me, and rubbed the head of his cock in and around my opening. I expected that he would fuck me then, but I was mistaken, for he commenced to stroke himself using my lubrication. With his free hand he once again explored my slit, sliding his hand up and down until wet, and then pressing his fingertips against my anus.

This last sensation was not unpleasant, although I disliked it intensely when the fingertips that had entered my rear returned to dip into my vagina. I held my complaints as being futile, and suffered him to press two of his fingers into my rear, rotating his hand so that I could feel my anal ring relax somewhat. "Your ass is pleasingly tight, Meredith. Has my father taken his pleasure there?"

"No!" I was afraid he was going to fuck my ass at that moment, and squeezed it tight around his fingers, but he merely removed his hand and motioned Monique to approach me from the rear. She inserted the dildo into my cunt, and started to fuck me vigorously while Julien looked on, grinning and stroking himself.

"You like a big cock I see," he whispered. Climbing onto the bed in front of me, he pulled my chin up and offered his cock to my mouth. I took in the head and began to suck it and ran my tongue around its edge, and even into the opening, a technique that seemed to please him. "You suck very well, but I don't want to cum too soon," he stated, pulling free as I sucked in air and gasped as Monique's actions in my pussy began to take affect. "Now, I want you to ride on top, so I can see your cunt being fucked from behind."

Monique removed herself and got onto the bed, lying on her back and holding the dildo by its base, while I straddled her hips and slowly lowered impaled myself once more on the plastic cock. It was longer than I could take comfortably, so that I leaned forward and made fairly short strokes. Monique began to massage my breasts through the thin fabric of my blouse, and the dual sensations were intensely pleasurable as I felt my orgasm start to build. I was not prepared, however, for Julien to climb behind me or to feel the head of his cock pressing against my virgin ass.

"No, don't!" I cried, and tried to pull away, but Monique held me by the arms, pulling me forward and exposing my rear opening even more.

"Monique tells me no one has been there before," he said laughing, "so this will be even more piquant than ever." He pushed into me with some force, and as my opening had been somewhat relaxed earlier by his fingers, I was not able to resist his attack. In a matter of a few seconds, he was fully buried in me.

It was all quite painful, and I began to cry, both from the pain and the humiliation of being raped in such a manner, especially with the complicity of my lover. Julien was not deterred by my tears and cries, and began to fuck my ass rapidly. I was still attached to Monique by the dildo, and the double penetration made it feel as if my insides were compressed. Monique, for her part, murmured words of love into my ear and licked my tears as I cried into her neck. Fortunately Julien was sufficiently stimulated that my ordeal was brought to a conclusion by his shooting a load of semen into my intestines, after which he pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside us. I saw that his cock was slimy with both sperm and blood, and after I had pulled free from Monique I felt behind gingerly to determine if I was really injured.

My anus felt sore and still gaped open, and my fingers came back into view covered with a small amount of blood. Julien looked at me, grinning, as if he had somehow given me a present.

I hissed at him, "If you ever touch me again I'll cut off your balls." Monique tried to calm me, but I brushed aside her attempts, pulled the skirt down over my hips, and limped back to my cabin. I drew a hot bath and lowered myself gingerly into the water, wincing has my pour rear came into contact with the water. As I soaked, the pain lessened to a dull ache. Shortly thereafter, Monique came into the bathroom.

"My poor Meredith, I had no idea he would treat you that way."

"I'll bet you didn't. This sounds like something you'd dream up."

"It's true he'd talked about doing your ass, but he promised he be gentle, and he is paying us extra. He's a pig sometimes, but I never thought he'd do it like that. You can have all the money. Please don't blame me."

"I do blame you, and I want to go home tomorrow."

"Don't be silly. If you go, Jean will want to know why, and Eve will have to leave too. I'll stay with you tonight, and it will be all right. Are you really hurt?"

"I don't know. I was bleeding, but it seems to have stopped."

"Get out and I'll have a look."

I dried myself and gingerly lay on the bed, while Monique examined me closely, being very gentle. After a few moments, she stated, "There's a little tear, but otherwise it looks OK." She had some ointment that she spread carefully with a fingertip, just inside my opening, which was itself still sore. The ointment was very soothing, and soon the pain had almost disappeared. "It will take a day or two to heal, and we will need to put more ointment on after you use the toilet."

That night she held me very tenderly, and although we did not make love, the experience was sensual and comforting. In the morning I resolved to forgive her for her part in my ordeal, but my enmity for Julien was unabated. At breakfast, Julien was smirking at me and asking me how I slept. Monique tried to appear natural, but I looked daggers at him and refused to answer. Eve and Marc were oblivious to the interchange, announcing their plans to spend the day ashore. Marc was planning a trip to Nimes to show Eve the Pont du Gard and to attend a bullfight if he could borrow the jet.

Julien shrugged and eventually took the tender ashore, leaving the yacht to Monique and me. Jean returned two hours later, and although I did not tell him what had happened, I pled 'feminine problems' that evening and left him Monique for whatever solace he required. Marc and Eve then departed, warning that they would not be back until late.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Nice job!

This is a very good series. Keep it up!

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