Esther and Me Ch. 02


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We ordered in a pizza, opened a bottle of wine, and ate naked by the pool. Hot cheese can be deadly if you're not careful or are just playing around I soon found out the hard way. She did kiss it and make it better, which started the first of two sessions.

"I don't want you to leave," I told Catherine holding her in my arms."

"No choice, I've got a job up north that's impatiently waiting for me. And a boss who wouldn't take kindly to me calling in saying my new lover has tied me up and is refusing to let me leave. That wouldn't go over big."

"When can I see you again?"

"Well, you can fly up any weekend because I'm not coming back until Thanksgiving. We can talk on the phone and my computer has video capabilities that way we can talk on it while watching one another."

"That could be interesting."

"You really are a dirty old man, aren't you?

"You have no idea to what degree," I said biting her lower lip. With a second satisfying session under our belts, a long shower and a swim ended out night. At least until the rest of the clan were in their beds asleep.

I didn't sleep more than a few hours as we slept in each other's arms that last night. At eight o'clock we were up having breakfast and making plans to get her to the airport.

"Steve, will you be a dear and take Catherine to the airport. A cab will cost an arm and a leg and they're so unreliable," Esther asked while Lucy cooked us breakfast.

"No problem, I haven't got anything on for today and it would be my pleasure."

"Good, I'm glad that's settled. Do you know that your wife came looking for you last night? I told her you were on a fucking date. That shut the bitch up when she started whining at me."

"Esther, we're not supposed to be making waves."

"Steve, I couldn't help it. I watched her all night flirting with this guy or that one and needed to take her down a peg or two. Hell, it's not like you're going to be running back to her. You're not, are you?" I shook my head no glancing over to Catherine. "That's what I thought. Let the bitch know you've moved on and have a new life of your own." I knew she was right, but it was the last thing on my mind right now.

I packed up my car while Catherine said goodbye to her mom and Lucy. I saw her slip an envelope to Lucy before giving her a big hug and kiss goodbye.

It was a quiet drive and I did just barely the speed limit hearing trucks honk and cut around me.

"You're going to get us killed you do know that, don't you?"

"I'm just being careful, that's all."

"Bullshit, you're dragging out what we both knew would eventually come. Now step on it, because if I miss my flight I'm going to get stuck on the red eye and that I won't put up with."

Since 9/11 you can't even get to the gate area without a ticket so we said our goodbyes at the departure gates outside.

"I'm going to miss the hell out of you," I said giving her as many kisses as time would allow.

"I just better not hear about you hitting on some old lady or showing anyone your new moves on the dance floor. My mom and Lucy will keep me abreast of your activities."

I grabbed her once more, drew her in close and gave her one last kiss knowing it would have to last for a while. She looked into my eyes, gave me one more peck and walked into the terminal giving me a small wave. The drive home was silent, boring, and painful.

September and October were busy. Sarah and I talked on and off. She was looking for some type of closure, one way or another. I put her off as long as I could. By the first week in November I was done playing games.

"I'm not coming back," I told her over dinner. "Too much has happened and although I'm still disappointed with you, I'm finally over it."

"Steve, I never did it to hurt you, but I guess I was just kidding myself about it. I was truly hoping that you would join me but really I knew all along that would never happen. We had a good run, didn't we?"

"We sure did, I'm just sorry it had to end." She was now tearing up.

"You sure you don't want to try once more? I can promise you I'd be faithful to you."

"Like I said, too much has happened. I would always wonder when we went out with someone if you'd slept with him and don't even get me started on your relationship with Connie and Judy. Too many issues and not enough trust." We ended it for good that night. She wanted the house and we worked out an arrangement for her to buy me out. Nothing was said about spousal support, our 401K's, and the rest. I told her I'd keep her on my medical until the end of the year and that there were only a few items I wanted out of the house. The idea of her keeping everything else was my main bargaining chip. I think I came out smelling like a rose and most of all we ended it if not as enemies, not exactly as friends either. After forty or should I say thirty-eight good years and two kids there was no point trying to kill one another. Nonetheless, I was still somewhat depressed. It was like something inside of me died that day.

Esther and Lucy gave me a wide birth for about two weeks and then informed me that moping around didn't become me. My one joy was still Catherine.

We either talked, e-mailed, or computer chatted almost every other day. Her job got crazy and mine kept me busy, but I was counting down to the time I was out of there. Something was missing in my life. I'd been a 'we' for over thirty plus years and being a 'me' only made it that much harder.

It was the Friday the twelfth of November when Catherine came onto the computer. She kissed the screen and asked if I was still missing her.

"What are you nuts?" I replied.

"Tonight, I'm going to give you a little fashion show of a few items I'm bringing with me," she said turning on her bedroom light so I could get a good view. Walking out of my line of sight she came back into view wearing something that gave me an immediate hard on.

"Damn, why can't you be here right now," I said, and she laughed.

"I take it you like this one?"

"What's there not to like, what there is of it?" So it went for the next twenty minutes as she paraded four outfits in front of the screen; I was rock hard. With the last one on, she moved up to the computer and put one leg up on the desk and pushed her black thong to one side. There, almost filling the screen was her beautifully shaved pussy.

"Remember this?" she taunted me. "I think it misses you," pulling the lips apart to show me her clit and moisture forming on her inner lips. "Remember that night you kept teasing me until I thought my brain would explode? Well tonight is pay back time and there's not a thing you can do to stop me," rubbing her middle finger over her clit and easing it into her pussy.

"Boy, it sure is damp tonight," she said, moving a single finger in and out stopping every once in a while to smear some juices onto her clit. "Your tongue does a much better job, but since it's not here right now, I guess a finger will have to do." Her speech was getting more rapid and her breathing deeper.

She teased me for ten minutes until she took out a vibrator and finished herself off describing how she was feeling up until her orgasm started. She was still crying out that it felt so good that my dick almost ripped through my pants.

"That, my love, is what is waiting for you when I get back down there. I sure hope you've been taking your vitamins because you're going to need all the energy you can muster." Five minutes later she was kissing the screen goodbye, and I went into to the bathroom to take care of business.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Feel that there was a lot left unsaid. That perhaps the marriage was nothing like the picture he painted. Still it seems a little rough to have none him like that, she had to have known that he would never go for it and that he would eventually find out.

AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Well, its not like anyone doesnt know that florida is the capital of std's and 60-70 year olds are leadimg the charge.

What gets me though is considering the infirmities and diseases of old age, and the less resilient the body becomes to disease and fighting off infections that people past 60 would take such risks.

guess the morally corrupt, mentally infirm and those looking to self delete would. Which begs the question, who would be interested in being a party to such ...

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19693 months ago

I hope Sarah has a boatload of STDs... selfish character.

LegacybadLegacybad4 months ago

Sarah is one cold devious cunt. She knew he wouldnt go for it and still she lied and manipulated him into selling the house he loved just to go fill her days with dick. Damn, she had already left him, she just didnt told him. Its not gonna be long when she's spending her nights alone missing what she had. Sure she's gonna have fun, but in the end the excitement will fade enough for she to realize she fucked up. Good story. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

My, my, what a lovely girl friend he has in Catherine. A step up!

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