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'I wonder why that is?' you asked with a cheeky knowingness.

'Well, for one thing, they do guard that most precious part of you - so I need to ensure they recognise my touch as being that of a lover, not of an unwelcome intruder.' I replied with an equally cheeky grin.

You laughed. 'Well darling, I'm sure they know by now that your hands - and every other part of you - is an always more than welcome visitor to those parts. But -' you added - 'I'm sorry to say so, but I'm still hungry. Is there any more of this delicious chilli dish?'

There was and I got up to serve it, taking the opportunity of having another look down the dress's neckline as I placed it in front of you.

But that time I couldn't resist the temptation the sight prompted, and having placed the plate down, I reached down and around you and gently cupped the excitingly full firmness of your breasts.

You gasped, faintly - maybe a mix of both surprise and delight - as my hands held you, then my fingers did much as they had to your thighs, moved slowly and lovingly over and around their curves.

The feel of silk, on silk, on silk, was wonderful - the silk of your dress, against that of its accompanying bras, which in turn moved against the silky smoothness of your skin. And I found myself hoping that at least a little of the electrostatic attributes of silk were being transmitted to your always sensitive nerve ends, particularly those that clustered even more densely, around your nipples.

Maybe it was, or maybe it was the magic of my finger-tips that did it, but I quickly felt those rosebud tips, plumping, then thickly stiffening - and heard you give a long, soft sigh as you pressed yourself forward, pressing your breasts just that little more firmly against my caressing fingers.

'This is unfair of you - but please don't stop my darling.' you whispered. 'You have no idea what your hands do to me!'

'No more than what yours do to me - or, come to that, what fondling you does sweetheart.' I responded thickly, feeling my cock stiffening almost as quickly as your nipples had.

Then, while my fingers continued their slow, caressing exploration, I bent and kissed your shoulder - your neck - ear - then buried my face in that always welcoming curve where neck and shoulders meet, at the same time, breathing in the spicy headiness of your perfume.

But, remembering how you said you were still hungry, and certainly not wanting you to run out of energy later, I didn't distract you from the remainder of your meal for too long, leaving you with pleasure-filled eyes, pertly spiking nipples, and probably, already quite damp panties.

I poured us both a little more wine, than while you continued eating, just sat and watched you - feeling the love that I felt for you, flowing out to not only entirely envelop you, but then expanding to fill the corner of the universe that surrounded us. Yet again I marvelled that we two had found each other - in spite of the ridiculous improbability of that happening. Then not only found, but almost instantly totally meshed - meshed and forged this incredibly strong bond that I knew then joined us.

You must have recognised the love-struck look in my eyes, you smiled, perhaps experiencing the warm glow of happiness that comes from knowing you are utterly adored. Perhaps fondly recalling the expression I had used about how I felt about you - 'But if they ever make Love a religion, I would gladly worship it at the shrine of your body.' - by then knowing that in fact it was not just your body that had enraptured me.

Once finished, I insisted you stay there while I cleared away the dishes, then made us some coffee to accompany the wine, then we sat, that time leaning toward each other, our legs pressing firmly together, our free hands linked - and although neither spoke for some time, watching the changing rose-gold colours of the sunset, each of us experiencing the sheer, ineffable joy of our togetherness.

'I'm beginning to think I made a bad mistake about my order.' you finally said.

'Why - what was wrong? I thought you were enjoying it.'

'Oh I did, it was delicious! The problem is that hot and spicy food always affects me, I mean, if its hot enough it often gets my arousal going - even if I'm not with someone as sexy as you are - and even if I don't get so delightfully caressed half-way through it.' You added with an almost woeful expression.

'So you started to get even more turned-on than you otherwise might have?' You just nodded. 'So what's wrong with that? I've never heard you complain about feeling sexy!'

'Oh I'm not really complaining, far from it - it's just that, as I said earlier, I wanted our love-making to be both leisurely and lengthy tonight.'

'Well it still can be - I'm sure that by just temporarily relieving your present discomfort we won't in any way jeopardise what might be to come later. Think of it as merely the small appetiser that is designed to sharpen your appetite for the main meal that's to be served later.'

And with that, without giving you time enough to disagree, I stood, heaved your chair around so you were facing me, then dropped down in front of you.

Even as my hands rested on top of your legs, you trembled, sighed 'Oh yes - yes please!'

With that, although I began by doing no more than rotating my thumb slowly round and round down the side of your knees, we both understood that by doing so I had started us on the way to the eventual outcome that we both knew so well.

My fingers traced increasingly complex patterns on your legs - at first not attempting to slide beneath the skirt, instead using the slipperiness of it to further enhance the feelings you were receiving. Only some time later, moving it higher, taking it up until I could see the fancy tops to the thigh-highs you were wearing - then adding my licks and kisses to the trail my finger-tips continued exploring.

Once started you had automatically eased your legs further apart for me, and as my progress up your thighs moved higher - making the first, only lightly brushing contact, with your skin - I caught my first glimpse of the panties you were wearing.

Although the light was fading fast, there was still just enough of it for me to make out their colour, fabric and design - and they were spectacular!

They had been made from the same fabric as the upper part of your dress, plus a little strategically incorporated lace - just as the bras I had also caught a glimpse of was - the same French pink silk, and identically coloured lace. The lace had been used to create a large, roughly triangular section at the front - through which I could see the dark shadow of your pubic hair - but it had been beautifully decorated with a curving spray of tiny rosebuds, made in the dark purple colour used for the lower section of the dress.

They were so pretty, so sensually attractive, that in one way I wished there was far more light than there was, and that we were in a position where I could admire them properly. But, I thought, there will be plenty of other times for me to do so. So I continued my slow, meandering kissing and caressing.

By then your sighs had become both more frequent and much more breathy - telling me that what I was doing was increasing the level of arousal you had already been feeling - so I eased your legs even further apart, then began kissing and licking my way slowly up the insides of your thighs. At the same time as I did so, allowing my hands to drift higher, skimming them slowly across the smooth softness of your skin, then finally splaying their fingers out across your pubis.

You gasped as my thumb slipped down and pressed against the already moist silk that covered your pussy, then grunted as it pressed inwards - pushing between your poutingly swollen pussy-lips.

While keeping it there, feeling the silk I had carried with it absorbing more of the apparently free-flowing juices, I pulled back my left arm, pushed it around behind you, and tugged you further forward, until your bottom was right on the edge of the chair. And immediately understanding my intention, you spread your legs even wider for me.

Of course it would have been better if I had slipped your panties off earlier, but I wasn't prepared to break whatever roller-coaster was by then carrying you, so I simply pushed the crotch to one side, then buried my face in the space between your silky smooth thighs.

I slid two fingers up where my thumb had previously been - but burrowing them deeper - and at the same time that my tongue busied itself on your clitoris, I curled them and began probing for that sometimes hard to find g-spot.

Perhaps because by then you had already become intensely aroused, that time I had no trouble at all, and within just a minute or two of licking and stroking, I heard your by then familiar, sharply staccato grunting. A pattern of response that I knew indicated your approaching climax.

You came, loudly and lengthily, doing your best to both jerk yourself hard up against my still fast-licking tongue, and down on to my deep-rubbing fingers.

I continued on, until I felt you finally begin to wind down from the heights you had been to, only then lifting myself high enough to take your face in my hands, and kiss you with my pussy-juice smeared mouth.

It took you a while, but when you had finally recovered sufficiently, you said in what was a still breathlessly soft whisper. 'If that was merely the appetiser, I'm not sure I'll be able to give the following course its full justice.'

'Oh if I know you as well as I think I'm starting to, I'm sure that when it comes to it, you'll be more than ready for the main course. But for now, how about a little more wine?'

'Oh yes please!'

So, while you readjusted your dress - only half-heartedly lamenting that it would now already need dry-cleaning before you could wear it again - I poured us the last of the wine, then we once again sat - holding hands as we gazed out across the by then rapidly darkening landscape.

'You know -' you said in a still soft voice, in which I thought I detected a note of almost wistful sorrow, '- it's going to be impossibly hard to manage without your special style of love-making. It's going to be difficult enough to slip back into my normal day-to-day life, but what you do to me with your hands - and of course especially with your tongue - well, if I'm not already, I'm sure that by the end of these few days together, I'm going to be totally addicted to it!'

'Well perhaps that will encourage you to make an extra effort for us to repeat this meeting.'

'Oh I have no doubt about that darling! I had already decided that, so long as that was what you wanted - and we could somehow arrange it - I'd be there, and, as they say, with bells on!'

Now it was the use of that phrase that jogged my memory. 'Hold on a tick, that reminds me!' I said, pushing back from the table and heading for the bed-room.

I returned a minute or so later, carrying a small, tissue wrapped package. 'Now before you unwrap that, let me remind you of something we wrote about.' I said, placing it down on the table beside you.

'You may remember that quite early on in our correspondence, the matter of oral sex came up - and I said that the reason I frequently included scenes where my male characters went down on their lover, was because in reality that was almost the very best part of lovemaking for me.'

You smiled and nodded. 'I certainly remember that - and how hot it made me to just read what you'd written. And, in a funny sort of way, it was just one more of the things that made me a bit more determined to first write to you.' You added with that wickedly mischievous smile of yours.

'The things we do - and what prompts them' I said, then continued. 'Well you subsequently said that if you were my lover you would be more than ready for me to do that whenever I wanted to - and that there might well be times, not always convenient times, when you might even demand it!'

You grinned. 'I know, I don't know what got into me, but I do remember that I was feeling particularly wanton that day.'

'Well, good for you! But this little package is for just such occasions. You can open it now.'

Your expression reflected both your obvious curiosity and lack of comprehension, which quickly turned to a sparkling eyed, full-bodied laugh, when you unwrapped the small brass bell - on which I'd had your initials engraved.

'It's small enough so you can to carry it at all times - then, when you feel the need for my special love-licking, just give a little ring, and - like a well-trained Pavlovian - I promise you I'll come running.'

'What if we're out somewhere - the shops, the art gallery for instance?'

'Trust me, I'll find us somewhere - it may have to be no more than a broom cupboard or something - but I'll find somewhere where I can be of service to you.'

'I don't think sitting on an upturned bucket while my lover goes down on me, was ever one of my particularly fulfilling fantasies - but you never know, the sheer unexpectedness of it could well make it exciting.' You replied, then went on in a slightly more serious tone. 'But it's a sweet gift darling, thank you, I'll certainly treasure it. And I promise not to over-use it, well at least not too much!' you added with a knowing grin.

'I assure you that I have a tongue that never tires - at least not when it's licking you.'

By then the light was fading fast, and maybe it was the oncoming darkness that prompted it, or maybe it was merely the still prickling tingles of arousal that must have been continuing to resonate through you - but you suddenly gripped my hand, then said in a low, almost embarrassed, whisper. 'Would you mind if we made it an early night tonight sweetheart?'

'Of course not! Has the day been too tiring for you?' I added anxiously.

You grinned. 'Heavens no! What I meant is, I can't wait too long to get my arms around you - and preferably, when neither of us has any clothes on…'

'You've got me!' I answered eagerly. 'I'll clean these things away while you freshen up, but I'll also need a quick trip to the bath-room, then I'll join you, beneath the sheets.'

Just a few minutes later - after I'd noticed your semi-naked body hurrying from one room to the other - I too was stripping off in the bath-room, taking a much needed pee, then giving my hands and face a quick wash.

But before I'd even had the chance to dry myself, I heard the metallic chinking of that little bell. Now of course the erection I'd developed while going down on you, had never fully dissipated, and the thought of you lying waiting for me, hadn't done anything to help it subside. But I swear that even if I hadn't already had the start of one, just the sound of the bell - and the thoughts as to why you had rung it - would have been more than enough to start my cock stiffening. As it was, I felt the already thickened length twitching as a fresh rush of blood surged into it.

Then that twitch turned to a far more noticeable jerk when I walked into the bed-room, and saw you lying there, waiting for me.

You lay, propped up on one elbow and half turned towards me - a pose that threw the always stirring curve of your hip into high relief. And although in one way I was disappointed to see that you had already let your hair down, that was more than compensated for by the way the dark cloud of it both framed and highlighted your face, your shoulders, and by the way a few teasingly coiling tendrils did what my fingers already itched to do - curl themselves around the firmly round lushness of your breasts, and then brush lightly against those already deep rose-red nipples.

Even as my eyes washed over the entirety of you, I noticed that yours were firmly fixed in just one place, on what was right then happening to my cock.

I felt it continuing to stiffen, felt it rising, jerkily, as the sight of you sent my heart pounding, and sending fresh flows of blood down into it - until, in no time at all, I knew its ram-rod hard length was already rearing proudly.

Although your wide-staring eyes never left the sight of it, and your voice had taken on a husky hoarseness, I clearly heard you say. 'Tony darling, could we please do something I've never done before?'

'Of course sweetheart - anything at all. What did you have in mind?'

'I know it probably sounds strange but I've never known a man with whom I was either sufficiently confident or comfortable to try soixante-neuf.'

It certainly did strike me as strange, that a woman of your personality and capability could have been so vigorously sexually active for so many years, without once trying what was - at least so I thought - such a basic position as sixty-nine. But of course I didn't voice that opinion, instead I simply answered.

'We must rectify that deficiency straight away - and of course it will be a very great pleasure to introduce you to the delights that both parties can receive from performing in that particular way. But all that's with one very strong proviso.'

'What's that?'

'That whatever you do, you make absolutely certain that you do not make me come that way. I have a number of alternatives for what will follow, but if you give me a climax - and it's anything like the one you gave me in the gardens this afternoon - I'll be unable to do much more than lie back and recuperate. OK?'

You smiled and replied. 'Of course darling, now in exchange will you let me be the one who is kneeling above? I ask that because I'm sure I will be able to enjoy you so much better that way.'

'Done!' I replied as I went across and quickly lay down across the middle of the bed.

You immediately span around then lifted yourself up and over me, kneeling astride my head, allowing me to adjust your position until your already moistly pouting pussy was immediately above my mouth. Then, realising that I might well develop a cramp or crick in my neck, you pulled down one of the larger pillows and suggested I push it under my head.

Having done so, and remembering what you had said much earlier - that you wanted our love-making to be both long and leisurely - I began by licking you in that way; first up along the insides of your thighs, and even when my tongue drew close to your pussy, for a long time keeping my licks confined to just its very outermost edges.

You treated my cock in much the same way; keeping your initial caresses to lovingly light ones, only every now and then interspersing those with one or two of those especially long slow l-i-c-ks you had used on me in the gardens.

Then, after a few minutes of mutually stirring caressing, I heard you speaking - but clearly speaking not to me, but to my cock.

'You really are magnificent - and you must know that. Not just long, and also thick - which you definitely are - but in your own way, you are also really quite beautiful. Tall, straight, and quite perfectly proportioned, and with a head that's utterly perfect - not only in size and shape, but also in having such gorgeous colouring.

I adore the look of you - and also the feel of you, so vibrantly and powerfully responsive - and find the smell of you stirs me deep, deep inside.

It's combination that makes you utterly irresistible - and whether it's in my hands, in my mouth, or in my always welcoming pussy - I'm positive I'll never get enough of you.'

All that time your fingers had been skimming lightly up and down the shaft, or - even more disturbingly - drifting lightly over and around the head. So, not surprisingly, that stimulation - coupled with that coming from both your words, and having your deliciously juicy to feast upon - soon had the pressure inside me not too far off from boiling point.

So, perhaps hoping to distract you from what you were doing to my cock, I began to use my tongue a little more decisively; licking up along each of your pussy-lips, then sliding it down between them and repeatedly dragging it up along that wetly dripping furrow. Taking my time before doing so, but of course eventually heading directly for your by then visibly spiking clitoris.