Executive Platinum Ch. 06


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At the same instant behind me I heard Brittany say, "Doesn't your girlfriend like to play?"

"I'm not sure just yet." Mary answered quietly.

"I think she wants to, but I can't undress her."

Gloria was seated closest to the speaker, I was pretty sure that with the music in the background, she hadn't heard any of this - I barely had. I turned to her, covered her hand on my arm with mine. I slid my hand up her arm until I reached her dress where I began to insinuate my fingers under the edge and draw it down. Gloria's eyes got wide, her other hand coming up to stop me. "What are you doing?" She asked, although I knew she knew exactly what I was doing.

My hand rested on her arm, the side of my hand pressed against her breast. I wiggled my pinky finger across her nipple as it was in the perfect place. "She'll play with you too, but you have to show her." Her eyes said it all, she wanted to -- but yet she had reservations. Her hand was holding mine in place, I did nothing until she relaxed the hold. This time as I again began to put pressure drawing her dress down, she made no effort to stop me. Her left areola appeared, her hard nipple stopping the dress from moving further until I ran my finger inside the edge, her nipple popping free. I moved to her right side, insinuating my fingers under the edge until that nipple also broke free, then slid the dress down on both sides so her breasts were resting entirely on top of her dress. Her nipples were extremely hard; I once again flicked the near one with my pinky finger, squeezed it, then reached across her body and squeezed the other. When I tweaked her other nipple, she shivered once with a sharp intake of breath. I felt a hand on my arm and looked up; Brittany was telling me to get out of the way.

I pulled my arm back and Brittany slid into place straddling Gloria's legs. Her thong was pulled tightly against her pussy, covering her naked lips, yet displaying it more plainly than if she'd been completely nude. She reached forward to Gloria's hips, slowly sliding her hands up her sides until Gloria's breasts were engulfed by them. "I knew you wanted to play, but you were afraid." I could barely hear what Brittany was saying to Gloria over the music.

Gloria didn't say anything; her eyes closed, her head rolled back, her neck stretched upward. Brittany released her breasts, then took Gloria's hands in hers, moving them to her own breasts. "First time?" she asked, releasing her hands which then stayed in place and moved her own back to Gloria's chest. She didn't answer, I nodded for her.

Gloria was hesitant at first, but made no effort to remove her hands from Brittany's breasts. Brittany's hands had moved back to Gloria's breasts, lifting and fondling, her fingers finally tweaking Gloria's nipples. Gloria had little tremors going through her as Brittany played with her nipples; little shakes of pleasure telling me she was extremely aroused.

I'd been twisted around in my chair, not paying attention to anything except Brittany and Gloria. I leaned back and reached for my beer, and at the same time glanced over at Steve and Mary, who were also watching Gloria and Brittany. Mary smiled and winked, I smiled in return. Turning back, I was just in time to see Brittany lean down and suck one of Gloria's nipples into her mouth which changed her little tremors of pleasure into a full-fledged orgasm. She shifted over, first suckling her other nipple which elicited more tiny convulsions from Gloria, then ran her tongue from the bottom of her breast, across her nipple to the top, in one long lap.

Brittany turned in Gloria's lap facing outward, her nearly naked body leaning back molding into Gloria's, her head laid back beside Gloria's. Brittany turned her face to Gloria's ear, and although I couldn't tell for sure, she must have been tonguing or sucking it. Brittany's hands grasped Gloria's, pulling them around her and upward until they again reluctantly came to rest on her breasts. She just held them there at first and then released them, her own hands slowly moving away, Gloria's hands remaining on her naked breasts.

She gently lifted Brittany's breasts; her hands fully cupping them, squeezing, her fingers separating, then gradually coming together until she was tweaking her nipples. Brittany twisted her arm behind herself, between them, her hand fondling Gloria at the same time. Brittany's hands returned to their spot, on top of Gloria's hands, which were still on her breasts. She directed them further down her body, across her stomach, across the small diamond stud in her belly button and onto her abdomen. Sliding down, onto her thighs, she forced Gloria to rub her hands over her body. She moved them as far down her legs as they would reach, then slowly drew them back up the inside of her thighs, almost -- but not quite, moving them to her thong covered pussy. I didn't doubt that if Gloria had slid her fingers just a little more to the center -- Brittany wouldn't have stopped her.

Standing, her naked bottom in Gloria's face, she moved Gloria's hands to her backside, where she again released them, moving her own hands to her hips. She teasingly slid them around to her front, one hand cupping her sex, the other slowly sliding lower, between her legs, snaking out as she bent further and further, until she grabbed Gloria's arm near her elbow. She began sliding her hand back out between her legs, her fingers slithering down Gloria's arm, to her wrist, gripping her hand again and drawing it forward between her own legs until her two hands and Gloria's one all converged on her crotch.

Brittany was facing away from me so I couldn't see, but I could see where their hands were and she was holding Gloria's directly on her pussy. Brittany had been nude on stage, but during our private dance she had maintained her thong in place, her shaven pussy covered. Now she drew away from Gloria, Gloria's hand sliding away from her crotch and back between her legs. Turning I could see Brittany's naked pussy, her thong pushed aside, two pussy lips exposed and puffier than when she'd been on stage; she'd had Gloria's hand on her naked pussy, if only for an instant.

Through the chairs I caught a glimpse of the Filipina girl returning with drinks, and although I saw Brittany's head turn, also catching sight of the approaching bar girl, she made no effort to hide what was going on. She delivered the drinks, setting one in front of each of us and collecting the remaining empties, ending with Steve, who had her bend down and said something to her. She nodded and headed off with the tray and empties.

When I looked back it was to see Brittany once again spinning by me, bending in front of Mary to wiggle her naked bottom in her face. She'd made no effort to replace her thong, or to stop Mary's hands from caressing her again, except for another head bob as she checked to see the whereabouts of the local constable. Mary's hands were all over her bottom, her hips, but as she started to insinuate her hand between her legs, Brittany turned, straddled her legs and sat, her now wide open and naked crotch facing her. Brittany's hands came up to again fondle Mary's breasts, Mary's hands went down between Brittany's legs, blatantly sliding a finger along the crease of her pussy, not quite disappearing from view as she fondled her sex. It was just that instant, one caress of her naked pussy, then Brittany pulled back, her finger catching the edge of the thong and moving it back into place. She again glanced toward the rest of the room; Mary understood -- a onetime taboo act that she'd allowed.

A motion caused me to look back the other way, and the Filipina woman was bending toward me, having moved unseen by me into our circle of chairs.

"Your friend says he thinks you like chocolate?" I didn't immediately respond, knowing the puzzlement had to be showing on my face. My friend thinks I like chocolate? What kind of question was that?

"Sure, occasionally." I finally answered.

"Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate?"

"Uh, Milk Chocolate I guess." With that she grinned at me, her hands sliding down her sides, catching her tight shorts. She wiggled a little, then turned around, bending over as she slithered her shorts down, exposing her pure milk chocolate ass cheeks to my eyes. I glanced at Steve who was watching with a grin, but although Mary glanced over at us, she was preoccupied with Brittany.

The naked bottom in front of me twisted and churned, backing up closer and closer until she was straddling my legs. I reached up and slid my hands onto her bottom which she allowed, then ran them up and down over her muscular thighs. There was no doubt this beauty worked out often. She moved forward again, out of reach, obviously not going to allow the blatant fondling that Brittany had been doing with the girls. When she turned around, I could see that all she had on was a tiny sliver of a see-through thong, a triangle of cloth that barely covered meaty lips, a camel toe if there ever was a camel toe. The only other clothing she was wearing was the tight fitting top which plunged between her breasts, which didn't appear to be of much size at all, but were sporting two very obviously erect nipples pushing out against the cloth.

She danced for me, raising her hands to her head which accentuated her smallish breasts forcing the cloth tighter against them, making them appear bigger. Forward, backwards, she occasionally moved closer, allowing me to stroke her smooth backside again. I glanced at Gloria who was watching raptly, a slight flush on her chest. She'd pulled the dress back up, her breasts again covered.

The dancer faced me and bent over, leaning onto my knees with her hands. "Are you sure you don't like dark chocolate some?"

"I didn't say that, I like dark chocolate too."

"Oh goody. Ever have chocolate drops?" Her hands crossed and gripped her shirt at the bottom, drawing it up and off, tossing it to one side. She bent back down, her hands to my knees which accentuated the form of her breasts, which as I'd seen were moderately small. But what she lacked in breast size, was more than made up for in her large, luscious, nipples. Two huge, dark chocolate drops, accents on milk chocolate ice cream scoops; cone shape breasts that rounded off into puffy areola and dark chocolate nipples twice as large as a standard pencil eraser. My hands involuntarily reached for the delicacies in front of me, but she stood and pulled back. "Uh, uh, be good."

She danced in front of me for several minutes, turning, displaying her body, but except for that first fondle of her bottom didn't allow me to touch her at all. She said something to Brittany, who agreed. She started to change places, Brittany coming back over to Gloria while the Filipina gal (who I never did get a name for) moved over to Steve. As they slid by each other in the small space, Brittany's hand drug across her body, grabbing a quick fondle of her chocolate breasts and tweaking her chocolate drop nipples. Their hands briefly gripped in passing, I wondered if these two were more than just co-workers that were often naked together.

Mary and I watched the two of them dancing with Steve and Gloria. The excitement of the forbidden was beginning to disappear for me, and as I saw Mary's hand slide up her dress, putting 'the girls" back in place I realized it was for her also; time to move on. Our round of drinks had all but disappeared, and as the music changed again, Gloria finally called a halt to our entertainment, saying she was ready to go. Steve and Mary said they were too -- all it took was closing out the bill, which although steep wasn't as bad as it could have been - thanks to Brittany, I'm sure. The others started toward the car, I returned momentarily and found Brittany. I leaned into her ear, simply said "Thank You" and slipped a cash tip into her hand that was every bit as much an extra as the extras she'd allowed us.

She took the tip without looking, simply hiding it in her hand. "Thank you," she responded. "Bring the girls and stay later next time. If they want we can play a little more freely away from here when I'm off...."

I smiled, "I'll let them know," and walked out. She hadn't mentioned Steve and me, there was no doubt in my mind that she didn't mind showing off, but she wasn't particularly interested in men.

The others had ended up waiting. As we were walking toward the car, Gloria took my arm for support. "Oh my god I'm drunk."

"Yeah, but did you have a good time?" Steve asked.

"I did," she answered, "did you?" directing the same question at me. She stumbled a bit, I caught her from falling.

"Absolutely. Great time."

"You guys were a lot of fun." Steve said as he started the car.

"Yeah." Mary added, "We like to play, but it's not always easy to find other people that like to play too."

"Brittany said to come next time when we can stay later, that she can have a lot more fun playing with you two away from here."

"Us two?" Gloria asked, not quite following what I'd said.

I laughed. "Methinks Brittany prefers women."

Gloria looked sheepish, she may have even blushed but it was hard to see in the parking lot light, a simple "Oh" explaining that she finally understood.

It was pretty obvious Mary's statement about finding playmates was both intended to explain the evening that had happened, and leave an opening for further "play" when we got back. There was little doubt that Brittany would play if invited, which meant that finding 'other people' to play had to mean Gloria and me. I wondered if Gloria had picked up on what she was intimating.

Unlike earlier on the way to the club, where Gloria had remained on her side of the car, this time she just slid halfway across and remained cuddled next to me. Her hand at first rested on my leg, but it wasn't long before it slid up across my lap. My semi hard cock rapidly hardened to her caress.

I was sitting slightly sideways, back against the car door, my hand stroking the side of her breast under her arm. She moved her arm slightly, the dress gaped just a little, the spaghetti strap slid off her shoulder, my fingers found the crease under her arm. I wiggled my fingers in her armpit, finding the soft skin on the side of her breast like a teenager copping a feel of his girlfriend for the first time. She shrugged, her dress loosened a bit more, just enough for my fingers to slide inside, my fingertips finding a willing nipple. I looked down at her upturned face, her eyes closed. I kissed her forehead; she raised her face to meet mine. I lowered my kiss to her mouth, her tongue penetrated my lips, her mouth sucking hungrily on my tongue as it followed hers back to her mouth. Her hand, which had been gripping and squeezing my now much harder cock, rose until she could slip her forefinger into my pants, twirling it around the purple knob she found there. She pulled away from the kiss, her eyes came open, her face turned slightly toward the front seat.

"Oh my," Gloria moaned sounding a bit sick, "I think I've had too much to drink." She definitely had had a lot to drink; but from the mixed signals she was giving, I wasn't sure whether it was really too much - or something else was going on. Her hand certainly hadn't let go of my cock, my hand was caressing a very hard nipple, and although she'd just claimed otherwise, her smile previously hadn't led me to believe she was about to lose her cookies.

"Are you going to be OK?" I asked, as fearful that she really might be about to deposit some well used wine and beer in my lap as anything. She nodded.

"I'll be OK." She looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks."

In just a few minutes we were back at the Terra Cotta Inn. Steve pulled into the parking lot this time; we walked in together. Once inside we stopped in the courtyard; despite the post-midnight hour, a couple was lounging in the pool.

"We've got a bottle of wine left," Steve said, "care to join us for a nightcap?"

Without hesitation Gloria groaned. "Oh, I don't think so. I don't think I'd better do anything but go to bed."

"I understand," Mary answered, the disappointment in her voice barely hidden. "We'll catch you tomorrow." We issued our goodbyes, I steered my drunken lady toward our door.

Once behind a closed door, Gloria attacked me. Her arms around my neck, her tongue driving into my mouth as her hands barely managed to unbutton my shirt without popping the buttons off. I needed no urging to join her, pulling her dress up and off was easy, leaving her dressed only in her black thong. She pushed me backward onto the bed, unbuckling my pants and pulling them off. She dropped to her knees, her mouth engulfing my member, sucking me to full hardness.

She climbed onto the bed with me, the thong she was still wearing slid easily aside as she steered my cock to her dripping wetness. She rapidly impaled herself on me, moving her body in search for the right stimulus. Not finding it, she gripped my arm and rolled us over together. I slid to the end of the bed, standing, her legs wrapping around me to force me deeper into her. We fucked like that, hard and fast; me partially standing, her on the edge of the bed, her hands reaching first for my nipples - then her own; tweaking, twisting, even yanking back and forth on them. She came once, then as I continued pounding, a second time before I could hold back no more and spurted my load deep inside her.

Sated for the moment, dripping with sweat from the exertion, I crawled beside her on the bed and collapsed. "My god, where did that come from? I thought you were drunk and needed to go to bed?"

She giggled, "Pretty good huh? I needed to go to bed but not because I was drunk. Oh my god, that was hot. Did you see she was playing with me? When she sucked my nipple?"

"It was kind of hard to miss."

"I touched her pussy."

"Uh huh, I saw. Mary too."

"Did you see she made me cum?"

"I saw." She rolled toward me, pulling my arm down and resting her head on it. Her hand began to twiddle the hair on my chest. "You didn't want to play with Mary and Steve?"

She didn't answer immediately, but eventually she let out a simple "no."

"Mary was disappointed, it's pretty obvious she likes women."

"I know... but it isn't her, it's Steve. I know this might sound strange, but I don't want to fuck him. I was afraid that if we went with them he'd want to have sex with me and I'm not ready for that. I don't know if I'll ever be ready for that."

I assured her I understood, there was a distinct possibility that was what they had in mind, but told her I wouldn't have let anything happen that she wasn't a willing participant in. We talked some more until somewhere in mid conversation we must have fallen asleep. We really had had a lot to drink.

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tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

slight tremor in the foundation. TK U MLJ LV NV

Gary13Gary13about 14 years ago
Another wonderful chapter to a wonderful story!

Ben, I'm loving this series. Can't wait for each chapter to unfold.

Your writing is so believable, so realistic, I'm still not convinced it's fiction.

Thanks for the great reading material, and thanks for your recognition of my efforts.


My favorite category

Another great story from the master of suspense. Good read.

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