Facing The Consequences


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He licked again, pushing his tongue between her outer labia, and this time the taste was fresher evidencing her growing excitement. He kept his mouth in place and licked along the length of the pronounced, fleshy, lips which seemed to clutch at his tongue as if they had a mind of their own.

He wanted to get it over with and he could tell that, despite her outward indifference, she was getting warmer but he forced himself to slow things down. She was lubricating heavily and he was able to slip his tongue deeper inside.

He knew full well that he was not the world's greatest technician but he also knew that, for her, the thrill came as much from who he was as it did from the act itself..

He had never been with a woman older than himself and he somehow expected the taste to be different but he was agreeably surprised to find that it was no more or less pleasant than any of his former conquests.

He was getting hot and he could feel his shirt starting to stick to his skin but she was breathing harder and he hoped it would not take much longer. He eased his way upwards and was immediately taken aback by the prominence of her clitoris. This was not a discreetly hidden pearl . It felt large under his tongue, a smooth button mushroom and, for a few seconds, he licked at it with genuine fascination.

She gripped the arms of the chair and, moving forward slightly to meet his tongue, her body began to shake. At first it was almost imperceptible but then she gave a single violent jerk as her orgasm overcame her.

Even in the throes of rapture she was sufficiently alert not to make too much noise and she chewed on her knuckle as the rode out the sensations.

Once it was over he felt disgusted with himself. Even as she adjusted her clothing he made his way into his private bathroom and vigorously sloshed his face with water. When he re-entered the office she was sitting composed as though nothing untoward had happened but the reek of sex was still heavy in the air.

"You know the way out."

"Ever the gentleman. Until next time."

"Now wait a minute, we had a deal."

"I told you I would not tell your wife about the tape, nor will I, but if I am asked to further my investigation into the affairs of FinnSullu you might be hearing from me again."

She left the room without another word and only then did he think to look down at the contract still lying on the desk.

Chapter 2

The contract , of itself, was not out of the ordinary and would not raise suspicion but he cursed the Finns for drawing the spotlight onto themselves. He needed two more weeks and he would be out of the woods; if, after that, there were prosecutions in Finland then there was one female in particular that he would be happy to see imprisoned.

The rest of the day seemed to drag as he caught up on neglected paperwork and at four o'clock he gave up. His secretary gave him an odd look as he said goodnight and, for a second or two, he wondered if she had heard something but, dismissing the thought, he headed down to the car park.

Three quarters of an hour later he was parked up on the in and out drive that fronted the six bedroom mock Georgian pile that he called home. It had been his house before he was married but, more recently, it had been his wife's income which had cleared the mortgage several years early.

He smiled at the thought. He had first met her after a match. He was touring the executive boxes signing autographs and making polite conversation with people who had no real passion for the game he loved. He hated this part of his job but it had to be done.

The one thing that made it tolerable was the public relations girls. The club hired in the girls on match days and everyone knew that they were there simply to be easy on the eye and to stoke a few male egos. They smiled and pouted for the clients but the highlight for them was the chance to catch the eye of a big name player.

He had spotted Susan before she noticed him. Unusually, he took in her face to begin with. She was laughing with one of the Club's directors and he was smitten by her sparkling brown eyes and her Hollywood smile, the whole framed by a head of thick, expensively maintained blonde hair.

Only then did he appreciate her very desirable body.

In her heels she stood only two or three inches short of his own six foot one and he judged, from her toned legs, that she worked out regularly. And there was a lot of her legs to see. She was wearing a skirt with a hem well above the knee and she was having to lean forward to hear what the, still seated, director was saying.

The look on the face of the director was priceless and he was obviously having difficulty in keeping his eyes away from Susan's impressive décolletage.

He contrived to be at the bar as Susan replenished her drink and then he turned on the charm. She recognized him of course and she simpered as they all did. He quickly decided that she was going to be an easy conquest and so he was more than put out to find, at the end of the afternoon, that she had already left.

Over the next couple of days he could not put her out of his mind and finally he checked with the office to see which company she was from. He ordered flowers and sent them with an invitation to dinner.

Sitting alone in the restaurant he was just coming to terms with being stood up for the first time in his life when she finally arrived. For a second or two he did not recognize her. She wore her hair up, making him appreciate just how beautiful her face was, and she was wearing a sensible, but clearly expensive, black dress which hugged her in all the right places. It could have passed for business wear or evening wear but the heavy lap top case that she was carrying suggested the former.

She smiled and sat down.

"Sorry I'm late. My meeting overran."

Her voice was different, a little deeper and more self assured, and he was confused.

"No problem, the company must work you hard."

"Well I suppose that's up at me ...as I own it."

He suddenly realized that she had been toying with him and he felt a momentary flash of anger but now, if anything he found her even more desirable. Far from being the bimbo that he took her for she turned out to be one of the brightest women he had ever met with a determination to succeed that matched his own.

That night, for the first time in years, he did not wind up in bed on the first date. Instead, he embarked on a very traditional courtship, which culminated in a proposal of marriage exactly one year to the day later.

The marriage had remained solid, despite his personal tribulations, and he counted himself lucky.

He unlocked the front door and was surprised when Susan pounced on him with a theatrical kiss. She was dressed casually in jogging pants and a cropped top and he double checked the time.

"You're home early."

"I had to get ready for tomorrow."

He had completely forgotten. Her best friend was launching a new women's magazine and Susan was using some of her contacts to help out in an unofficial capacity. This included the use of the house for the launch party.

It was the first time that they had been home early together in weeks and his thoughts took a lascivious turn. He put his arms around her and backed her into the living room until they stumbled together on to the sofa. They undressed in a frenzy but just as he was about to release his erection from his tented undershorts she pulled herself free.

"I nearly forgot. We had a phone call."

At that moment he did not care. The sight of her naked body had excited him as it always did and his need was ever growing.

"It was from the bank. You might want to call them."

There was something in her voice. Was it guilt?

He paused for a moment waiting for her to continue.

"I'm sorry. I gave a cheque to the garage and used the wrong cheque book. I put it on your business account instead of mine."

"So what's the problem? Your signature is good on that account."

"Well it was only for a hundred or so but the bank say it's being dishonoured."

Alarm bells started ringing in his head. He knew that the recently extended overdraft facility was being stretched but he thought that there was still some slack. He decided to play it cool and began to kiss his way down her neck.

"It will be a mistake. I'll sort it out tomorrow."

He shifted himself slightly and trailed the tip of his tongue across the top of her breast.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't you call now?"

The last thing he needed was for Susan to get wind of his current financial predicament. He closed his mouth gently over her distended nipple and licked in a lazy circle feeling the pronounced dimples of her areola.

He had always loved her breasts. They were a matched pair of firm gourds crowned with dark nipples which formed two almost perfect circles. Susan was convinced that one was slightly larger than the other but he could never see it. The truth was that nature had blessed her and, over the years, he had seen the envy in other women's eyes.

She gave a moan of satisfaction and he hoped that she was now sufficiently distracted. He eased a hand between her legs desperately hoping that she was already wet because his erection was demanding unseemly satisfaction.

"There's nothing wrong is there?"

Her tone was one of genuine concern but it only served to increase his irritation not least because it signaled that she was not yet ready. He had to do something to focus her attention more completely.

Reluctantly, he moved lower lavishing kisses on the flat plane of her stomach. He had not gone down on her for quite some time, notwithstanding some obvious hints, but it was the one thing that was guaranteed to clear her mind of any other thoughts.

"That's nice babe..."

She squirmed beneath him raising her hips slightly and he eased his tongue into the deep pit of her navel. He played there for a moment or two but he knew that he was only putting off what he had to do.

She was lying along the length of the sofa, which had no arms, and he moved again allowing his knees to drop to the floor. As he did so she opened her long legs and he found himself looking directly at her sex.

She retained a neatly trimmed growth of blonde hair declaiming the recent trend towards total depilation as unwomanly but, in truth, he favoured the latter finding the prospect less unedifying. He had not said this to her because she would almost certainly have gone along with his wishes and he would have been expected to attend to her even more frequently.

Part of the problem was that he found her sex daunting. She had thick, pronounced, labia which seemed to part reluctantly at the apex to accommodate her large clitoris. Certainly it was the largest he had seen and when excited, as now, it appeared like a pink face in the depths of a hooded cloak.

She may not have been aroused before but the prospect of what was about to happen had clearly gotten to her. Even as he watched her labia swelled a little and turned slightly darker whilst, at the same time, the scent of her arousal began to permeate the room.

From the early days he had noticed that her natural scent was strong, more potent than any of his previous conquests, but he had found himself inflamed by it until, that is, he went down on her. Now it was thick about him, he could almost taste it, and in some way it served to increase his reluctance but there was no going back.

He steeled himself and moved in between her raised knees but even now he hesitated. He was hovering over her sex and she shifted slightly giving the tiniest hint of impatience. He glanced upwards but she had her eyes closed and her hands joined behind her head as she waited.

Seeing her like that caused a momentary flash of irrational anger. It was the suggestion that he was there for her pleasure and that he was expected to do all the work. It was a nonsense, of course; on other occasions he had been more than happy to be the passive partner.

Finally, he took a deep breath and put out his tongue. He made a long sweep along the length of her sex eliciting a deep sigh and buoyed by this success he found a regular rhythm.

At first her labia seemed to resist him but after a few moments they yielded to his steady pressure and they enveloped his tongue as he slipped it inside.

The inner lips were warm and wet and the sour taste of her was sharp on his tongue but as he continued to lick gently the taste softened and began to slowly fill his mouth.

"That's it babe...eat me..."

It always jarred when she tried to guide him. He knew that he should be receptive to her needs but he had always hated being told what to do. For a second or two he was resentful that she did not seem to appreciate his own need but then he reminded himself why he was having to do this.

He concentrated on what he was doing once more and played his tongue along her inner wings which were sensitive to a degree that her outer labia belied.

"Yes...just like that."

She brought her hand down to the top of his head and moved it fractionally causing another rush of resentment but she was unaware of it as she gave an appreciative groan.

She had begun to leak, a viscous, creamy, offering and he was having to swallow to clear his mouth.

"Do I taste nice...?"

He knew that there were some men who liked the taste, a few, perhaps, who craved it but he was not one of them. He did not actively dislike it but he was surprised that women, and Susan not least amongst them, believed that they were bestowing some form of manna from heaven.

He was tempted to push his tongue deep inside and speed things along but he knew that it would only defeat the purpose and so he controlled himself and, for the next few minutes, he licked at the wet pink interior just within the outer portal.

"That's so good...you're really getting me wet."

He needed no telling. Her sex was weeping juices and his perspiring face was slowly being coated.

He had no idea how long he had spent between her legs but his neck was beginning to ache and, to avoid any greater discomfort, he eased himself upwards and prepared to assault her clitoris.

"Not yet...I'm not ready."

He could not quite believe that she had said it; she had never been critical of his performance in the past. She settled back again, expecting him to take up where he had left off, and he was confounded. He wanted to protest but, more, he wanted to sate his own urges. His erection still showed no sign of flagging and her ever warmer sex teased him to an even greater degree of arousal.

He forced himself to remain calm and, surrendering once again to the ache his neck, he resumed his former position.

"Take it slow..."

She said it almost dreamily and he began to wonder just how long he was going to be expected to keep this up. He began to lick again and she playfully squeezed his head in appreciation.

He laboured for several more minutes and he was amazed that she was still as wet as ever but now, finally, his mind began to wander. Almost immediately she sensed the lack in concentration.

"Do it nicely..."

He vowed that next time he had her down on her knees he was going to mete out some instructions of his own but, for now, he gave her his full attention once more. He did all he could, short of licking her clitoris, to raise her to a peak of excitement and finally he heard the words he was waiting for.

"Now babe..."

She used her fingers to open herself putting her plump clitoris fully on display and he immediately went to work. He alternated broad sweeps of his tongue with a rapid flicking motion and her body began to respond.

Her spine stiffened as she pushed her hips at him.

"Suck me..."

He took the swollen bud between his lips sucking gently whilst still using his tongue and her body began to rock. At first the movements were controlled as she sought out the natural rhythm of her impending climax but, as it rose to a crescendo, she allowed it to take hold and then she was torn back and forth as the waves of pleasure broke over her.

He was wrenched with her, and would have pulled away, but she was not to be denied. At the zenith she straightened her legs and crossed them behind his head crushing him to her as she crested the peak.

When she finally relented he had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from swearing. Her legs were incredibly strong, from long hours spent in the gym, and his head felt as if it had been crushed in a vice but she was oblivious to his plight as she tried to bring her breathing back to normal.

He sat on the floor with his back to the sofa as he composed himself but, to add injury to insult, his erection had wilted and he was feeling cruelly denied. He was still feeling sorry for himself when she leaned down and kissed him on top of the head.

"Your turn lover. Come and lie here."

She slinked off of the sofa allowing him to take her place, which he did with alacrity, and then she began an erotic massage.

Over the next few minutes she ran her hands skillfully over his whole body but deliberately avoided his manhood which was starting to regain its vigour.. He was not concerned. He had contemplated a violent coupling but he would be equally happy to avail himself of her delightful oral skills.

He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift whilst her teasing fingers moved ever nearer their goal and then he gave an inner smile as he felt the first delicate touch. She gently swept the back of her finger up along the length of his shaft and then repeated it over and over coaxing him to even greater arousal.

He began to lift his hips a little, hinting that he was ready, but he was not prepared for what happened next. She took a firmer hold of his manhood but, at the same time, she leapt lightly back onto the sofa.

Too late, he opened his eyes, but with feline grace she was already astride his face with her damp sex pressing against his mouth. This was not what he wanted, and he felt almost childishly hard done by, but he was in no position to make an issue of it.

Her hand was now doing delicious things to him and he decided that he would simply lie still but, just a few seconds later, she pressed herself more demandingly against his face.

He did not find it pleasant; the moisture on her pubis had cooled and the smell of her was just a little less fresh. He turned his head slightly but, immediately he did so, her hand became still.

From his vantage point, sealed in by her thighs, he could not gauge her mood. Was she being playful or not? He was almost overcome by the urge to roll her over and assert himself but, all else apart, she did not enjoy rough sex as she had made abundantly clear in the past.

There was nothing for it. He had to endure and so, once again, he put his tired tongue to work.

Fortunately, it did not take her long to warm up again and she was soon leaking a fresher offering which he accepted with growing reluctance as he waited for her to take him into her mouth.

Her fingers were weaving their magic and he needed to convey to her that he was getting close. He raised his hips slightly but, instead of leaning over him as he might have expected, she knelt a little more upright increasing the pressure on his face.

He realized that she was more aroused that he had thought as she began to squirm with pleasure. For a few seconds he was forgotten as she focused on her own needs but then she shifted slightly and began to work his shaft furiously with her hand.

He was desperate to feel her warm lips, that special way she had of drawing it out of him, but as she rode hard towards another climax it seemed that his needs were a secondary consideration.

She was pounding his face and the movements of her hand were a little less controlled. He had almost reached the end of his tether and was tempted to throw her off but then he felt his balls starting to contract.