Fallen Angel - Innocent Angel Pt. 04


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Her legs were twitching wildly with her arms knotting as they took the strain of holding her body. She had gone from agony to ecstasy so quickly that her mind was having a hard time coping. His pounding of her G-spot and clit created unearthly delirium inside her and there was no stopping the madness. She felt her cum rushing towards her, like a runaway train, as she screamed, "OH GOD ... MY GOD ... I'M CUMMING ... OH GOD IN HEAVEN I ... NEVER FELT ... OH GOD!"

Just as she thought her body was going to explode, the bite of the other nipple clamp jolted her with ripping pain. The pain pushed back her cum, but it continued to build with the pain making it more intense. Clarissa was being buffeted between pain and carnal jubilation. Her body reacted with hysterical spasms, and her mind couldn't grasp the intoxicating rapture. Pain and pleasure merged creating an explosion of brilliance more powerful than any drug. All thoughts disappeared from her mind, all she could do was feel, and oh, God, she wanted to feel more. If this were a drug, she would have been addicted.

She could feel every cell in her body exalting the feelings running wild through her body. Every sight, sound, and smell seemed more intense and more intoxicating. She had never felt like this or these kinds of emotions and she was drunk on his devilish ministry. Clarissa was suddenly aware of the frenzied enchantment her body was capable of. It was also clear what incredible magic her body could produce when she gave up control to Dominic. He was indeed her teacher and she knew she never wanted him to stop. In a breathless passionate plea, she whispered, "Please ... More ... Show me MORE!"

Dominic knew they had made a huge step forward, but now was not the time to slack off. With one hand teased the tips of her clamped nipples, accentuating both pain and pleasure. With his other hand he used her wand vibrator to tease her clit and nipples; keeping her on the edge of ecstasy, but never letting her cum. Pain turned into a pleasing liberation while pleasure became an unending torment.

Clarissa was having a hard time catching her breath with the constant buffeting between pain and pleasure. Her chest heaved trying to fill her lungs with air, but it also made her breasts sway invitingly. Dominic used the vibrator as he took advantage of the tempting targets with her clamped nipples dancing before his eyes.

She had fought him for as long as she could, but the erotic combination stripped her mind of all except the euphoria. Her mind disappeared into a foggy bank of unending bliss and only when he removed the nipple clamps did, she momentarily come out of the fog.

The blood rushing back into her nipples brought harsh and brutal pain with her sexual core clinching in response. His tongue felt like sandpaper as it raked across her ultra-sensitive nipples, but his gentle licks soon washed away the pain. As his lips soothed her tortured nipples, she floated back into her foggy ecstasy.

His hands were playing a symphony on her body, with each movement taking her to different themes and tempos. His hands were gentle as they cupped her face, tenderly caressing her neck, arms, belly and hands. It was his soft opening Sonata that had a fast tempo, gentle yet seductive, meant to light the fire inside her. Each flirtatious touch played octaves on her skin leaving behind a fiery tension that was part of the opening movement.

The second movement was slow and torturous, stoking the fire inside her. When his large strong hands gripped her, she could feel his passion and knew that he wanted her. His strong, demanding hands made her feel desired and secure enough to give in to his demanding hands.

By the end of the second movement her body was twitching erotically, trying to quell the bonfire inside her. It was hard to breathe with the fire inside her consuming all the oxygen, but it was pure blissful agony. His hands didn't ignore any part of her body, as he teased and tantalized her beseeching skin from the soles of her feet to the hair on her head. He searched for those perfect spots that made her want to squeal, cry and flee. All while Clarissa was praying, he wouldn't stop.

In the third movement his tenderness morphed into an aggressive master who took what he wanted from her. His hands pulled her hair roughly as his mouth bruised her lips with his demanding kisses. His fingers filled her pussy challenging her and relentlessly pushed her towards her explosive abyss, but he wouldn't push her over the edge. Her pleading whimpers and desperate screams were music to his ears and the beginning of the minuet.

Each stroke of his hands against her ass and each pop of his fingers against her nipples or pussy were like the clashing symbols. Each made her body writhe and jump in time to her internal music. Clarissa had given in to the torturous rapture, with her body freely expressing its passion as the symphony continued.

She was deep into subspace with her mind clear of any thoughts and her eyes staring, but not seeing. She could only feel and respond as pleasure became pain and pain became pleasure. For the first time in her life she was free. There were no constraints as her body rejoiced in the perfect combination of painful pleasure. He was merciless as he continued to push her boundaries, yet kept her from achieving the release she craved.

It was incredible and special to be taken and used like this. He was teaching her and showing her what her body was capable of feeling. He had understood her fears, but pushed them away so she could find who she really was. He was showing her just how special she really could be, and how much she meant to him. He had shown her things she had never seen and taken her places she had never been. He had done it all for her without anything for himself.

Dominic had wiped all thoughts from Clarissa's mind except thoughts of him. His touches, kisses, lashes and caresses were dominating her thoughts. He controlled her mentally, emotionally and physically. She was at the point where she didn't know if she could exist without him. He had become part of her and she part of him. They were now dominant and submissive, man and woman, pleasure and pain.

She was helpless before him with her body stretched taut between two poles. Her body's skin glistened with perspiration. Her muscles rippled and strained underneath her skin, glorifying the passion that he discovered inside her. The insides of her thighs were wet with her juices, a testament to the fire inside her. Her chest heaved with exertion and she'd given up trying to speak, but instead only moaned and whimpered with the joy she had found.

Dominic watched her face screw up with unrequited passion and she was truly breathtaking. Her true beauty came to the surface and the real passionate Clarissa revealed herself. All the hiding was now gone, as well as the prideful willpower. She was wide open with her passionate heart and loving soul exposed to his adoring eyes. He was right, her inside more beautiful than her outside and her outside was stunning.

Her luminous eyes were sending a message and it was, "I'm yours, all of me." He finally felt her love and trust, but her willing surrender was a moment so perfect it took his breath away. As he looked into her eyes, Dominic knew he would never be the same. Her eyes stirred a bone-deep emotion that wracked his very soul. It was what many people call love, but it wasn't just him, he saw it in her eyes too.

She had just let him in, she had given him all her desire. Dominic stopped and gently kissed her trembling face letting her know that he felt that love as well. Clarissa watched his loving kisses and felt a deep ache inside her heart, one she knew only he could fill. In a breathless whisper that he could barely hear she pleaded, "Mmoorree ... please m-m-more."

Dominic kissed her gently, his hands lovingly caressing her heated and inflamed flesh. Her impassioned looks tugged at his heart and the love in her eyes captured his soul. Dominic gently kissed the tip of her nose lovingly whispered, "Absolutely, my love!" He stepped back continuing the symphony. He pushed Clarissa back into subspace as he completed the third movement.

The fourth movement felt very much like the first movement to Clarissa, seductive yet demandingly tender. Except now every cell in her body was attuned to his touch. Her skin was glistening and responding to his touch, with her heart needing his loving attention. Clarissa's heart and body were still yearning for the one thing hadn't given her. She ached to feel his cock buried inside her and to feel his skin rubbing against hers.

He was teaching her things she never imagined and it changed her forever, but she needed more. She wanted him to love her and make love to her. Clarissa wanted to feel his muscles rippling against her skin as he held her tight. She needed to feel his chest hair tickling her nipples. Clarissa wanted him to love her as much as she loved him. As the fourth movement continued, she was lost in her dreamy loving subspace.

Dominic took her to an existence she never knew existed. She writhed in deliciously sensual need while he teased, tortured and tantalized her. She thought she would go insane from the incredible pleasure, but then he pushed her over the edge. The explosions of orgasmic pleasure were beyond her ability to comprehend. It was pure pleasure and limitless in its blissful satisfaction. She felt like she was floating on a sea of stars with supernovas exploding in her mind.

Her previous orgasms were insignificant compared to the bone-searing pleasure she felt during the symphony's climax. Her earthly existence seemed to disappear behind the rapturous explosions that controlled her heart, mind and body. She thrashed, wriggled and squirmed like a worm on a hook as the unparalleled bliss controlled her body.

Clarissa lost track of everything except Dominic's mastery of her mind and body. At this moment, she couldn't tell anyone what date or what year it was. She couldn't tell where she was or even her name. Clarissa could only feel and even that faded as her mind and body disappeared into sensory overload.

Chapter 9

She didn't even remember how the night ended, but she was in his apartment and now she was in Dominic's arms, wrapped around him. He must have brought her home, but all she remembered was the endless orgasms and the sea of ecstasy she was floating on.

They had only known each other for a little over a week, but it felt as if she had known him all her life. He knew her desires, her thoughts, her angst and the edge of her boundaries. He built her passion to epic proportions, soothed her fears and calmed her panic. He tested her limits, but knew how far to go and seemed to know her thoughts before she did. He had disarmed her the first time they saw each other and no one had ever done that. Now she wanted to feel, let herself go and give herself to him unconditionally.

Clarissa snuggled hard against his neck and almost like she couldn't believe it's true she repeated seductively whispering, "You. I belong only to you."

Dominic walked over to the bed and leaned over until Clarissa's back was touching the duvet. Even though she didn't want to give up his skin touching hers, she released her arms and legs so that she lay naked on the duvet. Dominic stood for a second admiring the stunning woman who was giving herself to him.

For Dominic he had run out of adjectives to describe just how much this woman affected him. With her sexual scamp released, she just glowed with a sexual heat that's hard to describe. She was the personification of Aphrodite, radiating love, sex and passion. It was hard to believe she was the same woman he had met a week ago. The emotional transformation was simply astonishing, with her body language being joyful, open and accepting. Her face was softer with a genuine beguiling smile and her eyes lovingly watched him, showing him her heart.

Clarissa was having a similar reaction. As she lay on the bed open and vulnerable she didn't even feel like the Clarissa everyone knew. She was a sexual being in love with the man hovering over her and trusting him with her heart, mind and body. She was proud of what she was with him and was breathlessly waiting to feel him inside her. Submitting to him was an emotional act of love and trust. Outside she was still Clarissa, but here and now she was Dominic's wildest fantasy come true and he was hers.

Dominic pulled a long leather strip out of his bag and leaned over tying her hands together. When he attached it to her headboard, her hands were firmly tied above her head. Being bound released Clarissa's sexual devil and her womanly folds were practically dripping as he tied her hands above her head. She felt liberated and eager for Dominic to use her as the embodiment of all his sexual fantasies.

When Dominic finished tying her hands Clarissa's eyes were practically smoking with desire. She kept licking her lips hungrily as Dominic moved towards her, and her face was joyfully tense with anticipation. She was practically begging Dominic to use her anyway, he wanted. So, he did.

Dominic laid the riding crop, flogger, and wand vibrator on the bed next to Clarissa, but then his hunger got the better of him. He began ravenously kissing her face while returning to her lips every few seconds. Clarissa lifted her face into his greedy kisses, eagerly sacrificing her face in his mouth.

As Dominic started to pull back from her lips, Clarissa threw her head forward and captured his lips, continuing to devour them in a soul-searing kiss. As they both poured their love into each other's mouths, Dominic slid his hand down her taut, silky body. His finger slid through her swollen pussy lips and into her slick, tight pussy. Clarissa's whole body quivered with her back arching off the bed. As she broke the kiss and threw her head back, she moaned lustily, "Oh, God, Oh, God, Dominic!"

Dominic's lips moved down to her nipple and sucked it into his mouth. As his finger began to slide in and out of her swollen slot, he continued to suck and nibble on her thrusting nipple. Clarissa's whole body was trembling with the dual assault. She was gasping for breaths as she felt Dominic's passion focusing and directing her body's desperate need.

Dominic lay down beside her, started kissing Clarissa's face lovingly, but then his hunger took over. His lips moved to her neck and ears, beginning to kiss, lick, nip, and suck on her leaving little nips and suckling bruises over her neck. Then those voracious lips moved to her breasts where his hunger increased, becoming more aggressive. Clarissa began to tremble and shake as she felt his love and passion for her escalate, driving her passion before her, leaving little nip and suck marks all over her breasts. Her nipples were engorged and distended, begging for more and her back was arched, pleading for his love to sweep her away.

Clarissa felt him pour his love and passion into her as Dominic hungrily ravaged her taut body that was beseeching him for more and more. As Dominic bit down on her nipple, Clarissa started trembling violently and pushed agonizingly close to her cum. She could almost see it, taste it and she was frantic to feel it. All this did was fuel his hunger as Dominic aggressively moved to her other breast and started building the hurricane-like intensity of her furious ecstasy. Clarissa was rapidly going mad with the need to cum and began screaming her anguish.


As Dominic's lips started leaving love marks all over the bottom of her breasts and her taut belly, one of his hands stayed behind to keep wreaking havoc on her breasts. Meanwhile, his other hand slid two fingers deep inside her and began to devastate her pussy. His urgent need to possess Clarissa was driving him mad and Dominic felt as if he had to show her the depth of his desire. Clarissa was on an endorphin high with his out of control passion. Dominic's need to conquer her boiled over as his mouth and hands teased her unhindered. He became obsessed with taking and claiming his woman with all the love in him. He felt as if he had to prove his deep commitment to this spectacular woman.

One hand was on her nipples with the other teasing her hips. Clarissa was going wild and felt like his hands and lips were everywhere. Powerful waves of emotion pounded through her body. Some waves were heart rending and emotional, while others were stormy heat. However, they were all agonizingly intense and she couldn't think, only feel.

Dominic's lips and hands moved down her body leaving no inch of her skin unloved. By the time his lips reached her feet and began their way back up Clarissa was going crazy. Her skin was hot and red glistening from a combination of perspiration and the remnants of Dominic's sloppy kisses. Inside she was even hotter with her body wound tight ready to explode.

Clarissa had been moaning and whimpering from the very beginning, but as Dominic reached her inner thigh her pleas became more ragged and desperate. Her lips spasmed open and closed as she breathlessly tried to beg for his cock, but her inner fire robbed her of any speech. Her hips were squirming and bouncing off the bed trying to find anything that will end this erotic torture. Dominic saw the huge wet spot of Clarissa's nectar on the bed, and knew Clarissa was on the ragged edge

His mouth moved to her cleft and as Dominic claimed her clit, her body exploded into a backbreaking arch derived from her earth-shattering cum. Clarissa's body tried to jump to the stars as her whole mind and body exploded. With the unrelenting light show in her brain, Clarissa couldn't see, she forgot how to breathe, and the rapturous insanity robbed her of all reason. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. All of her desires were wrapped up in this single moment.

Every muscle in her body clinched in orgasmic rapture as Dominic continued his assault on her clit and pussy. He felt all of her tightly knotted muscles begin to quiver and tighten even more. All the muscles in her arms and shoulders were knotted as she pulled against her bonds. The tendons in her arms were stretched tight, popping like cords in relief against her skin.

Likewise, her neck was a weave of veins, muscles and tendons shattering in relief against her skin as she screamed out her bliss. Her head thrashed wildly with her mind exploding in wild consuming rapture. Her hair swarmed over her face in its own way of trying to get in on the action. Her cum continued and she wasn't coming down as her extended orgasm kept battering her on a sea of bliss. An exhilarating tsunami with powerful waves crashed over her not giving her time to recover from one cum before the next stole her reality.

When her body finally remembered to breathe, it came in huge gulps of passion-laden air. Almost immediately, her body followed with a banshee like scream. In the back of her mind Clarissa wondered where the screaming was coming from, because she didn't do that, but it was her voice. Dominic had freed her to feel anything and everything. She opened her mind and heart and was now feeling things she never even dreamed of, so yes the scream was indeed her. Joyfully, as her breath came back she screamed again.


Dominic couldn't stop. He was in a feeding frenzy and Clarissa was on the receiving end, immediately blasting into an even higher level of orgasm. Dominic continued to pour all of his unrelenting love into her pussy, forcing her to cum, her body racked with tremors and spasms. Finally, Clarissa's screams of passion broke through his unrelenting lust. He looked up at his beautiful Clarissa and the devastation he had wrought brought him to his senses.