Family Gatherings Pt. 01


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I slid her nightgown slowly up her legs, enjoying the contrast between her skin and the satin. I don't know why, but it always drives me crazy. It's the only piece of lingerie I leave on her when we make love, the rest always end up on the floor. This outfit though, I like to leave it. I reached over to my night stand and grabbed a bottle of KY, spreading her pussy lips and putting a few drops on it before adding some to my throbbing cock. I grabbed my cock and used it to spread the lube around before sliding fully into her.

We stayed that way for a minute before I slowly started to move in and out. Not the same frantic thrusting as this morning, that was fucking, pure and simple, this was making love. This was about intimacy, not release. We kissed softly, then deeply, then softly again as I continued to move slowly in and out. I knew I wasn't going to last long, and knew I didn't have to feel bad about not getting Beth there; I shifted slightly to hit just that right spot.

There's one position that just seems to hit all of my buttons just right, something in the angle, just feels way too good. I don't go there very often, as I know I won't last long if I do. My wife smiled as I shifted, she knew what that position does to me as well. Sometimes she likes it when I go off quick; it lets her know that she still does it for me. Just as long as I don't do it every time......

I picked up my pace a bit and was quickly reaching my favorite point. I felt that wonderful tingle start in my balls and waited until it just hit the point of no return, I pushed in deep, kissed Beth for all I was worth and let the orgasm flow over me. I moaned into her mouth and I felt her shudder slightly.

"God, I love that I can do that to you! I'm just as glad it doesn't happen that quickly every time." She said between the tiny kisses she place on my lips. Apparently I need to add mind reader to long memories and selective hearing. I started to chuckle and kissed her deeply again before rolling to the side.

"Funny, I was just thinking the same thing" I said before cuddling in close, giving her nipples and lazy lick and suck in the process. Soon we were both sound asleep, very content and still cuddled in close.


The radio blared when the alarm went off at 7:00 am, Pink's 'Get the party started' was playing. I chuckled softly and reached over to hit snooze.

"Don't even think about hitting snooze this morning, we have to get packed and hit the road if we're going to catch the 9:30 ferry" I heard Beth call, most likely from the kitchen. I sighed and rolled out of bed. She was right of course, not that I'd admit that to her. I stumbled into the bathroom to take care of some urgent matters and then hoped in the shower.

We were only 30 minutes from the ferry, but they recommend you get there an hour in advance to ensure passage (you didn't need reservations, the ferry loads on a first come first serve basis). I've told Beth before that it wouldn't be an issue to get on the ferry; however, she wasn't going to take any chances. So at 7:55 am we pulled out of the driveway and headed to the ferry.

The 9:30 crossing would get us in before 11 and then it was roughly an hour's drive to the cottages. PEI isn't very big, but you can't drive very fast either. Beth's family was scheduled to arrive between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon; the rest of the family would be coming across the Confederation Bridge.

Just shortly after 12:00 we arrived at the cottages. We hadn't seen the cottages before, everything was booked on-line. I was happy to find that the pictures on-line matched what we found. There were about 25 cottages in the park, most just 1 or 2 bedrooms. We had the two largest cottages booked, and they also happened to be located in the back corner of the park, so we would be as far from other guests as possible. Beth's family could get a little, shall we say, boisterous, so I figured the extra distance was a good thing.

I got us checked in while my wife grabbed all of the tourist brochures for the area she could find. We hopped back into the car and drove through the park to our cottages for the week. They were picture perfect. Cute chalet style cottages, nice wood siding, the interior was rustic but in a designer kind of way, not a hunting cabin in the woods kind of way. We quickly got the car unloaded, put the groceries away and unpacked our suitcase. I looked at the clock in the room; it was now 1:15.

I turned to ask my wife something and saw that she had shed her clothes and was lying on the bed. My favorite grin on her face.

"I've had an itch building since we got on the ferry. Do have anything long and hard you could use to scratch it?" I quickly pulled my clothes off, thinking that clearly my wife was reading too many bad romance novels, not that I was complaining.

I was rock hard before my pants hit the floor and I pounced on the bed, causing my wife to giggle. It's an old joke between us, and it never fails to elicit a little giggle that I find oh so sexy. I pulled her close and kissed her deeply. She reached down and grabbed my cock, giving it a few quick strokes. I slipped my hand between her legs to feel her wetness.

"No need for foreplay baby, I just need you in me." I smiled and rolled her over to her back. I slid slowly into her very wet and very snug pussy. I love the sensation when I first enter her pussy. It always feels like it's just molding itself to fit me.

I straightened my arms to raise myself up and stared down at my gorgeous wife. I often wondered what I did to be this lucky. I smiled and started to thrust slowly into my wife. She gave such a sigh of contentment that it nearly caused me to blow my load then and there.

"Don't go slow, I need it hard, give me everything you've got." She reached behind and grabbed my ass, pulling me fully into her. I ground my pelvis against her clit for a few seconds before shifting to bring her legs up.

"Just remember, you asked for this." I smiled wickedly and put her legs up on my shoulders and leaned forward a little. It wasn't possible for me to go any deeper than I was. I pulled out slowly and then slammed back into her. She gasped sharply as I started to slowly pull out again. I paused for a second before slamming into her again. I did this a few more times before picking up speed and fucking her as hard as I could.

It didn't take long before her orgasm hit her. I just kept pounding her pussy for all I was worth. Her orgasm continued as I abused her cunt. I managed to keep up the frantic pace for several minutes.

"Oh, god, no more, please, cum for me, please, I can't take it anymore." She said. Who am I to deny such I request?

I kept pounding, not easing off at all. There was a string of incoherent words coming from my wife as I kept pounding into her. A minute or so later I felt the tingle in my balls and decided to just keep pounding, the explosion came and I fucked right through it. It was glorious although at this point, I'm not sure Beth even knew what was happening. I finally slowed down and moved her legs from my shoulders before collapsing in a heap atop her heaving breasts.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 1:30. Sometimes it's fun to play for a couple of hours, sometimes, 15 minutes are more than enough. I kissed Beth on the lips and she finally opened her eyes.

"I was worried I'd lost you there for a minute," I said with a grin.

"Oh god, I'm not going to be able to walk straight for a week!" She said in an exhausted voice. I kissed her again and finally rolled to the side.

"Well, now I'm going to have to shower before people get here. I probably look like a complete mess." I kissed her again, bending my head to suck her right nipple for a second, causing her to shudder slightly.

"I wouldn't say a complete mess; you do look thoroughly fucked though!" I laughed as she slapped my ass.

"I agree. That was definitely a thorough fucking." She grinned and kissed me before sitting up. "Like I said though, I'm going to need a shower now, thanks to you" She laughed and headed to the bathroom. I head the door close and a minute later open again.

"Did you forget something sexy?" I called as I stepped out of the bedroom, sweat glistening off my nude skin. My cock hanging but still showing most of its length.

"I wouldn't say that Uncle Josh, although I do see something I likely won't forget." I looked to my left and realize it was the front door I heard open, not the bathroom door. Standing in the doorway was my 22 year old niece Denise. She was wearing a tight tank top the highlighted her pert young breasts and showed just a hint of her flat stomach. Her long blonde hair was back in a loose pony tail. She had on a pair of tight jean shorts the showed off lean athletic legs.

I probably stood there for only 2-3 seconds before I stepped back into the bedroom, stammering out an apology and trying to find my pants. My mind was racing as I realized that my dick was at full mast again. It had been a year since I saw Denise last and what a difference a year made. Gone was the awkward gangly girl I remembered, she was replaced by a stunning example of feminine beauty. I quickly dressed and stepped out into the living room, preparing to apologize again to Denise.

Back in the living room Denise had been joined by her two sisters, Katie and Melanie.

"Uncle Josh!" both girls squealed at the same time as they ran over and hugged me tight. My erection twitched in my suddenly tight jeans. I noticed Denise staring at me in a way that a niece shouldn't look at her uncle. She raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the bulge in my jeans and smiled before joining her sisters in their hug.

"Girls, it's great to see you. Although, I suppose ladies would be more appropriate now. Look at you, definitely not little girls anymore." I smiled as they broke their hug. All three giggled in a way that only sisters seem to do when they are all together.

"Oh, I'm not sure ladies would be very appropriate either" Denise said with a sly grin. Katie slapped her arm and laughed.

"Speak for yourself; I'm most certainly a lady!" Melanie said with just the right amount of indignation in her voice.

That caused Katie and Denise to laugh even harder. I heard the bathroom door open behind me and Beth came out, wrapped in her towel. She didn't look like a complete mess anymore; however, there was no showering away the thoroughly fucked look. The girls looked at each other and started to laugh even harder.

"Girls, I'm so excited you were all able to make it." Beth said as a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Are you sure that's what has you all excited?" Katie asked and Beth's blush deepened. I have never seen my wife blush like that in all our time together.

"Let me get dressed, and then I'll greet you properly." Beth replied, ignoring Katie's question.

"Nonsense Aunt Beth" Denise said as all three moved in to hug her close. My cock seemed to get even harder as I watched these three gorgeous young women give their Aunt, my freshly fucked and freshly showered wife, a very impressive hug. Needless to say some very improper thoughts were racing through my head at this stage. I watch their hug break apart in a fit of giggles, with Beth slapping playfully at them.

"Ok, you ladies, and I use the term loosely, have the two rooms upstairs. Go get your stuff put away while I get dressed. Where are your parents anyway?"

"They dropped us off and decided to run to the store for some supplies," Denise said as the three sisters headed up the stairs. I couldn't help but watch as the three visions of loveliness climbed the stairs. I was brought back to reality by a flick to my ear. I turned and grinned at my wife, still standing there in her towel.

"You, buddy, need a shower. I'm not the only one that has that thoroughly fucked look." I grinned and kissed her lightly before slapping her ass and tugging at her towel. Beth laughed and slapped my hands away.

"Go get showered, you should be good for at least a couple of hours after that fucking." She whispered to me before she looked around and opened her towel to flash me before ducking into the bedroom and closing the door. I grinned and went into the bathroom to shower.

I got under the hot water, my cock still throbbing, and thought about what had just happened. As I already said, Denise has changed a lot since we saw her last. Denise was almost 6' tall, just a hair shorter than me in fact. She hit that height when she was 17 and always looked very gangly and awkward. It would seem that the rest of her body finally caught up to her height.

She has definitely filled in nicely. Her breasts have filled in; probably a c-cup now, her body, which used to be pretty straight, had just the right curves. And, as I noticed when she went upstairs, her ass was absolutely marvelous. It was the sort of ass you would beg to fuck. She was your prototypical blonde bombshell, only with brown eyes instead of blue. She looked just like my wife did in pictures I'd seen of her at that age.

Katie was almost the opposite of Denise, appearance wise, a petite 5'6" with long straight black hair. Katie filled in very early. By the time she was sixteen you knew she'd be driving the boys crazy. She was just one of those girls that couldn't help but look sexy. She didn't have to try; it's just the way she is. Her raw sexiness has only gotten stronger as she's matured into a young lady. Katie was the sort of woman guys would say was built for sex. She was an interesting mix of tom boy and girly-girl. She was into all sorts of sports like volleyball and basketball, although biathlon was her favorite, and dance; it kept her very fit. While at the same time was very much into fashion and make-up. Katie took after her mother, in the looks department anyhow.

Melanie was somewhere in between her sisters. She was around 5'9"; very fit as well, a bit more muscular looking than her sisters. Her breasts were a little smaller; however they were still quite lovely. Melanie was a gymnast growing up and still coached it today. She loved the sport and loved to show off her flexibility. Needless to say, once she got older, that had some unfortunate effects on her poor uncle.

I had been lost in thought about the girls and didn't even realize I had started stroking my cock. I felt a brief flash of shame and quickly dismissed it. They were gorgeous young women and nieces or not, there was no way I couldn't respond to what I had seen. I picked up the pace and quickly brought myself off. It was a very short, yet very intense orgasm. I finished my shower, dried off, wrapped my towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door.

Beth and the girls were chatting in the living room as I quickly ducked into the bedroom. I caught Denise glancing in my direction just before I closed the door. God, this was going to be an interest week. I hoped Beth wasn't in one of her shy moods this week. Sometimes it's a sex free zone if we are staying with someone, or have someone staying with us. Other times it seems to get her going. I can never tell which it's going to be. It's going to be a very long week if it's a sex free zone.

I quickly got dressed and went out into the living room. All four women looked at me, then at each other and started to laugh. I just sighed and went to the fridge to grab a drink.

"If you ladies are done conspiring over there, can I get you anything to drink?" I asked as I opened a Mike's Hard Lemonade for myself. I got four no thank-you's, shrugged, then walked over and pulled the chair at the end of the table out, turned it towards the ladies and sat down, giving an exaggerated sigh as I took a drink. They giggled again.

Before I could say anything else the front door opened and David and Cathy came in. The girls all got up to greet their parents. I got up and took the bags of goodies from Cathy and sat them on the kitchen table.

"Thanks," she said before turning to give my wife a hug. Before I knew it the five women were in full catch up mode. I look over at David; I was mostly likely wearing the same exasperated look on my face as he was.

"Drink?" I asked.

He just nodded and I grabbed him a beer from the fridge. I nodded my head towards the front door and we stepped out into the fresh air unnoticed by the women.

"It never ceases to amaze me how that always happens. I swear there are 10 conversations going on between the five of them." I looked and David and smiled, "of course, you've spent the last, what 6 hours, in the car with 4 of them, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much!" He gave me a punch to the shoulder, took a long drink from the beer bottle.

"God, I'm going to need more than one beer." David said

From inside the cottage came five voices saying 'I heard that!' followed by gales of laughter. David and I looked at each other and shook our heads. Women!

"So, how was the drive?" I asked

"It was pretty good. The ferry docked a little early in North Sydney so we got here sooner than we expected. It was a good day for a drive and it gave Cathy and the girls more time to get caught up. You'd think that 6 hours trapped on the ferry from Newfoundland would have been enough. And it's not like they don't talk 4 or 5 times a week as it is." I nodded in sympathy.

"I can only imagine. But hey, now that Melanie has finally moved out, at least there's some balance in the house again. Having been surrounded by that much estrogen for that long, I half expected you to have boobs by now." I grinned and leaned out of the way of a slightly harder punch. "I kid, I know you miss the girls. I don't blame you; you and Cathy did a great job with them." He nodded silently and then turned as we heard a car coming up the gravel driveway.

"It's Trish." I said and David nodded, a slight grimace crossing his face. Him and Trish had a bit of a falling out shortly after her youngest, Clarke, was born. From what Beth told me there was a lack of understanding on how a 32 year-old single mother with a nine and a seven year old son and no job could somehow find herself pregnant. Apparently, some very harsh words were exchanged and feelings were hurt. Things had gotten better over the years; however, there was always a little tension when they were together. They never let it affect family gathering though. I don't think anyone would have stood for that.

The car stopped and Trish's two oldest boys, Connor and Craig, got out of the minivan, along with Alicia, Craig's fiancé. Both boys rushed over to greet us, with Alicia staying behind to help Trish. Both David and I shook our heads and looked at the boys.

"What?" they said in unison.

"Go help your mother," I said, "you're in cabin 32, the two rooms upstairs are yours, your mother gets the king bed down stairs and the other room is for Ron, Cindy and Candice." They both shrugged and went to the van to help unload.

Both boys had grown up to be very tall, both were 6'2", the same height as their uncle Ron, and just a little shorter than David's 6'4". At 6' tall I'm not used to being the shortest guy around. Connor was in his usual dirty jeans and old t-shirt. It wasn't a fashion statement; he just couldn't be bothered to dress any better. He had a wisp of a goatee growing on his chin, and his dark blonde hair was shaggy and tightly curled. The curly hair worked for him. He had an impish kind of look about him. I know girls found him cute; I had several at work comment on that to me one day after he had stopped in for something. His issue was that he was oblivious to it and couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to notice.

Craig was very different than his brother. Where Connor was always slouched and unaware, Craig held himself to his full height and always seemed keenly aware of what was happening. Craig kept himself in great shape, I know he and Alicia ran several kilometers every day and he regularly went to the gym. When he came to our place during his first year of university with Alicia on his arm, Beth and I both laughed softly. We both figured it wouldn't take long before someone grabbed ahold of him. Thankfully Alicia was a sweetheart.