Fantasy Stranger


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"And I won't. Though, I can't make the same promise for your incredibly sexy nighty and panties. I sure hope you're not fond of this outfit."

"Not as fond as I am of living."

He chuckled. "I'm not into necrophilia, Zeela Peterson. Just relax."

That was when I knew whom it wasn't standing in my room. Jimmy never laughed like that, he hated this outfit, and I'm sure he didn't even know what necrophilia even was. He stepped up and I saw the hood over his head, covering everything but his eyes and his mouth. My body trembled and I watched while he took the knife and cut my nighty without ever letting it touch my skin so that I was now fully naked. He set the knife on the end table and climbed onto my bed. Except for the hood, he was completely naked and his cock was hard again. He crawled his way to my head, and my eyes confirmed what my pussy told me earlier, he was bigger than Jimmy. I could see the veins bulging from the shaft and the mushroom top head glistened with precum.

"Now, open your mouth and I'll feed you my cock."

My heart was racing, but it was more from arousal than fear this time. There was the faint scent of leather and a man's cologne in the air that I knew wasn't Jimmy's, so my curiosity was quite high. I smiled up at him and opened my mouth wide, and he fed me his amazing cock. Now, if I hadn't already figured out who he wasn't, tasting his precum confirmed this. He was definitely not Jimmy. This guy's cock tasted nothing like Jimmy's ever did. His precum was much sweeter, with an almost peppermint flavor to it. I licked the head then sucked his cock into my mouth.

"Mmmmm," I moaned.

"Oh yes Zeela Peterson, suck my cock."

I licked the sides and head while he fucked my mouth with his cock. A few times he thrust deep into my mouth to where I choked a couple of times, but never forced me to fully deep throat him. Then he spun around, never removing his cock from my mouth, and leaned down. I felt his bare chest against my body as his head went between my legs and I felt the smoothness of the leather hood on my thighs as his tongue licked my pussy and clit. I moaned on his cock as he began to lick my pussy from my clit to my anus. I felt his finger slip inside me, followed by a second and then a third. I arched my hips into his face while he continued to fuck my mouth with his cock and my pussy with his fingers. Then I felt something change with his fingers and I thought he was just adjusting things until I felt his finger enter my ass. I squealed with shock and pleasure as he began to fuck my pussy and my ass with his amazing fingers. He sucked and nibbled my clit, his fingers fucked me and before long, I could feel the sensation though my entire body and another orgasm raged through me. I screamed with his cock still deep in my mouth.

He pulled off me, taking his cock from my mouth and said, "Damn you tasted good. But now, I need to make sure you don't make too much noise."

He slipped a ball gag into my mouth and hooked it behind my head. My teeth bit into the ball, and I found I could only grunt and squeak. "Now my dear, I'm going to fuck you hard and make you cum multiple times until you literally pass out."

He put himself between my legs, rolled a fresh condom on his penis, and rubbed the head of his rock hard cock against my pussy lips. My labia seemed to ache for his cock and I jerked my hips trying to capture his dick. "My my, someone's anxious to get fucked now isn't she."

I grunted and moaned while he continued to tease me. He then grabbed my thighs and slammed his cock deep into my pussy with one hard thrust. I screamed the best as I could with the ball gag in my mouth as he began to piston his cock inside me. He fucked me with a passion I had never experienced before with any former lover. It didn't take long for another orgasm to rage through my body and cause me to shake violently.

Once my orgasm passed, he pulled out, still rock hard, and flipped me onto my stomach. I could feel the sweat on my back and smell the raw sex in the air. He pushed my legs under me until I was on my knees and then his slid his cock back into my pussy. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up so my face wasn't buried into my pillow and resumed fucking me.

After a few thrusts or minutes since time had no relevance for me anymore, I felt something press against the outside of my anus. At first, I thought it was his finger, but when it entered, I knew it wasn't. It was too hard to be his finger, and too thin, to be his cock which was working my pussy. Then I felt it shake and realized it was a thin vibrator. I moaned into my ball gag, as the sensation was amazing and intense. He pounded my pussy with a fury and passion even greater than before. I pulled at my restraints holding my hands together. All I could think was how badly I wanted this mysterious man to fuck me harder.

I was screaming into my ball gag as each thrust felt deeper and harder, and soon, another orgasm hit, only this time, it didn't seem to stop. Wave after wave was hitting my body, crashing through my pussy, my breasts, my ass, my legs my brain. His fingers worked my clit, the vibe in my ass made me crazy, and then he spanked me. The first blow was shocking, but the second made me cum hard and added to the feelings.

"You like me fucking you like my slut now don't you?"

"Uh huh," I moaned and nodded my head yes.

"I'll bet you wish other men had fucked you like this now don't you?"

"Uh huh," I moaned and nodded again.

"And you'll let me fuck you again like this now won't you?"

"Uh huh," I moaned.

"Anytime I want, any way I want."

"Uh huh," I moaned while in my mind I was screaming 'I'M YOUR FUCKING SLUT! FUCK YOUR SLUT'S PUSSY AND FUCK IT HARD!'

He was right, I knew I would want this again, anytime he was willing to fuck me. I knew I'd be willing to let him keep his identity a secret for as long as he wanted for this kind of sexual experience. In all my years, I had never had any man make me feel so slutty and so amazing at the same time. The more he fucked me, the more I wanted, and the more he gave. The ball gag was making breathing a bit difficult and soon my head started to spin. I was determined to not pass out, but it was getting harder to breathe and even though it was pretty dark in my room, it seemed to be getting darker. He pinched my clit, rammed his cock deep into my pussy, the anal vibrator was maxed out in speed and depth in my ass as he moaned and filled me and the condom with his hot, thick cum. The last thing I remember was hearing him say, "YES! FUCKING TAKE MY CUM YOU LITTLE CUM SLUT!"

I woke to the sun shining on my face, alone in my bed. My head hurt as I tried to sit up. I started to think my night was an intense dream until I saw the marks on my wrists from the restraints, and the remains of my baby doll and panties on the floor. I went to the bathroom, took care of business, slipped on my robe, and walked into my living room. There I was greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and the sound of bacon sizzling. I wandered into the kitchen to see the back of the man from my night of intense sex and passion cooking breakfast. He was wearing my apron, a pair of boxer shorts and nothing else. On the counter was a black leather hood. I picked it up, looked at the holes where his eyes and lips were, and could smell leather and me, or rather my pussy on it.

I set it down and heard, "Want some coffee?"

I looked up and into the hazel eyes of Eric Keller, Jimmy's friend and the man I was sure who had fucked me all night long. "Eric? What are you doing here?"

"Currently fixing you breakfast," he said smiling. "Now, how about some coffee to start you off?"

"Um, sure."

I carefully sat down at my table, my pussy and ass were still a bit sore and my head pounded, as he brought me a cup of coffee with my flavored cream already in it. My pussy was throbbing from the intense sex we engaged in and I tried to get comfortable. "I was going to bring you breakfast in bed but you got up before I could finish," said Eric.

I giggled. I told Jimmy countless number of times how I wished he'd do something like that for me but he thought that was unsanitary unless I was doing it for him. I looked over and saw the breakfast tray with a glass of orange juice and a small vase with a single red rose in it. I sat and watched Eric carry the vase and glass to the table, then return with two plates of food and his cup of coffee. "I hope you like bacon and scrambled eggs."

"I do," I said, smiling.

Eric brought me the silverware from the tray, some Motrin, and sat with me at the table. Breakfast was delicious and after I ate a few bites, I took the Motrin so my head would stop hurting, and asked, "So, care to explain about last night?"

Eric blushed and said, "Well Zeela, it's a long story."

"It's Saturday, isn't it?" I asked and continued to eat.

He smiled, "Yeah, it is."

At least I hadn't lost a day. "Then all I've got is time. Please, talk to me."

"Well," he said and sipped his coffee, "I guess I should give you a bit of background. I've known Mindy and her brother Carl for many years. In fact, Carl and I went to school together, and we partied many a night here in this very house. Which is how I knew where the breaker was, and how to get in without you knowing it."

"Explains that," I said and sipped my coffee, then continued to eat.

"I won't lie; I wasn't a choirboy in this place. Hell, Carl and I had parties that Bacchus would have been jealous of, and the Romans would have envied. That's where I learned how to do what I did with you."

"So I wasn't your first, not a surprise."

"Well, I started working in the factory, learning the different jobs per my father's instructions."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I haven't been fully honest with you, or Jimmy for that matter. I'm not like most of the staff who works there, dependent on every paycheck. I'm being groomed to take over the company."

"So you're..."

"Eric Dougherty. Keller is my mother's maiden name."

I choked on my coffee and coughed. I couldn't believe my ears. Dougherty was the name of the man who owned the factory, and the man who signed our paychecks. "So you pretended to be like the rest of us?"

"Kinda. My dad said if I wanted to one-day run the company, I had to know how each department worked, and what my employees experienced on a daily basis. I was pleased to see how the management treated everyone fairly. I had heard horror stories from the old timers. I used my mother's name so no one would realize who I was and treat me differently."

"Yeah," I said, "they said the sexual harassment was pretty rampant. That's why I giggled when you made that comment about the new office girl banging the boss. FUCK! I'm going to lose my transfer because of this now aren't I?"

"NO!" he snapped. "Fuck no, Zeela. I swear to you I had no idea you had put in for the job or that they were even considering you until you said something at the staff meeting. And none of the managers even know who I really am. You're the only one I've told. I swear it."

"Sorry," I said. "It's just, I really hate my job but I can't afford to quit without something else. This last run of mandatory overtime nearly killed me. I tried to get an office job when I started but they only had factory work and well, I needed a job. I was promised the first opening, but that didn't happen."

"What do you mean?" he asked and I could tell I had his attention.

"This isn't the first office position that's opened up, it's the third. The last two went to gals who... well... I can't prove it mind you, but I'm pretty sure they fucked their way out of the factory. At least, that's the rumor I've heard. So when I put my name in for this one, and once again didn't get an interview, I figured it had to be true."

"Until you found out otherwise."

"Yeah. I'm sure I pissed off a few sluts."

Eric laughed. "I'm sure you did, too."

"Okay, so how did you know about my fantasies?"

"Easy, Jimmy came over one night after your breakup and proceeded to get really drunk. I'm not sure if you know this, but Jimmy tends to talk when he's drunk."

"Yeah, I knew that."

"So, he sat on my couch, told me about your dark fantasies of being fucked by a stranger in the shower or being tied to the bed and how sick he found them. He thought you were such a nice girl. He went on to say how he couldn't see himself with such a slutty girl and that's why you two broke up."

"Yeah, that's about right. That and he had a real ugly double standard."

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever seen the porn he's into?"


"He loved watching the major BDSM and gangbangs. He would even love to watch that Japanese anime shit, especially the tentacled creatures fucking the young girls."

"Oh yeah, I've seen that before."

"But when I said I liked it, he called me a freak."

"I don't think you're a freak," Eric said smiling, "I think you're amazing."

"So, you never answered my question from before, why me?"

Eric smiled and blushed. "Well Zeela, I've kinda had a crush on you since before you started working at the factory and dating Jimmy. I was just too chicken-shit to say anything sooner because I didn't think you liked me."

"I don't think I met you until after I started dating Jimmy."

"Yeah, that was my fault. I saw you and Mindy one night but I guess you didn't see me."

"You're right there," I said. "I never met Carl until after I moved here and that was after I was dating Jimmy. If Mindy saw you two, she didn't say anything to me."

"Well, that's because I dated Mindy for a bit, but we split up. She and I were not a good match on any level. Don't get me wrong, she's a nice girl, but we were not a good couple."

"I've had those relationships."

"So, I got the job at the factory and Jimmy and I became friends. I watched him treat you like shit and bitch nonstop about your going to school, or your sexual fantasies, or your reading from those porn sites, or whatever else was bugging him."

"I never got why he hated my reading those stories so much. The night he caught me, I was pretending it was him."

"Jimmy's an odd bird. I guess he thought you'd be looking outside your relationship to fulfill your fantasies."

"But I wouldn't. I wanted him to be the stranger. Fuck, I even asked him to be but he just called me a whore."

"You're not a whore."

"Thanks. I did enjoy you being my mysterious stranger."

Eric smiled. "Carl told me earlier this week they were going out of town yesterday and I knew my chance had come. So, I waited for you to leave the factory, followed you home, waited to hear you start the shower, killed the lights and slipped in. My biggest fear was you were going to ask me to stop, especially when I gave you an out. I was so relieved when you let me fuck you in the shower that I knew I wanted more. So, after I flipped on the lights, I snuck back in and hid until I saw you dress and go to bed. I knew you wore that baby-doll for me, and that's when I tied you up. You were out cold. You laid there for over an hour with your arms tied over your head and your legs spread wide. I hated waiting but it was so worth it. I won't lie Zeela, you're fucking gorgeous and last night blew my mind. I could have fucked you all night had you not passed out when you did."

"I think the gag was part of the problem. I couldn't seem to get enough air in my lungs and my head started to spin."

"Yeah, that can happen. Though, seeing you sitting here now, I just want to carry you back to your bed and fuck you again, only without the restraints or the mask."

I smiled and said, "So what's stopping you?"

Eric smiled, rose to his feet, and stepped over to me. He took my hands, stood me up and kissed me on the lips. His kiss was electric and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced together and he wrapped his arms around me. He scooped me up and carried me back into my bedroom. He laid me on my bed and climbed in next to me as we kissed. He untied my robe and pushed it open caressing my breasts with a gentle touch. I reached over and pushed his boxers down and he climbed on top of me. "What about a condom?" I asked.

He smiled and pulled one out of the apron pocket as he untied it. He tore the package open with his teeth, rolled it on his penis, and slipped his rock hard cock into my sore but wet pussy. I cried out, Eric paused and asked, "Are you sore?"

"A bit."

"I'll be gentler this time."


Eric slowly slipped his cock into my pussy until he was fully inside. He moved slowly and soon the pain subsided and pleasure took over. Each thrust filled me and sent waves of pleasure throughout my body. We kissed and fucked until my orgasm hit and caused him to cum as well. Once again, he filled the condom and me with his hot, creamy cum. Afterward, we kissed and nuzzled each other until we drifted off to sleep. We spent the weekend fucking and talking. I even shared with Eric the stories I liked and the sites I enjoyed visiting, and he showed me a story site he liked too that I wasn't familiar with.

Monday morning I reported to my new assignment and Eric returned to the factory. We dated for about six months when he finished his assignment and began working with his father in the office portion of the factory. We kept our relationship professional at work and quite erotic at home. After a year working with his dad, Eric proposed and I accepted. Jimmy hit the fucking roof as he felt our relationship was a betrayal of their friendship and they haven't spoken since. Eric knew this was a risk, but he told me that I was worth the risk and hoped maybe one day Jimmy would let it all go.

Eric and I enjoyed a lavish wedding, an erotic honeymoon, bought a nice house, and just after our second wedding anniversary, we found out that I was pregnant with our first child. I still work in the office and Eric now runs the factory. Jimmy accepted a transfer to another location with a nice raise and a moving bonus. Last week he e-mailed Eric and they are working to rebuild their friendship. Eric assured me that I can stay home and raise our children if I wish, and I may until they return to school, but I'm not exactly sure if I want that or not. Our baby is due in a few weeks and I'm not sure who's more excited, Eric or his family. We've decided to not find out the sex of our child, a bit old fashioned, but Eric tells me he loves surprises, and this will be the greatest surprise in the world and he doesn't want anyone to blow it. I can say that this baby loves its daddy and they play for hours, especially when we're having sex or cuddling in bed. I know that as long as Eric and I can enjoy a passionate sex life as we currently do, and communicate openly like we do on a regular basis, things for us will be wonderful.

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rsqman68rsqman68over 8 years ago
A bit tricky

If she was tied face up on the bed by her hands and feet then how could he "flip" her over and do her ass? Other than that it was a great story

angelx602angelx602over 11 years ago

What a great story, loved reading it.

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