Field Trip Follies Ch. 04


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His scrawny body deflated as if someone poked a hole in him. But he nodded and said, "Yeah. That's okay. I understand. Thanks for letting me see it... if only the one time. That was totally awesome. But it wasn't real." He glanced over at Bitty and smiled. Bitty waved back at him shyly, smiling a metallic smile.

"You two are really hitting it off, aren't you?"

"Yeah. She's cool... heck, she's like... the best! I can't believe I never kissed her before. You were so right, Mrs. Foster. She totally wants a piece of this." He pointed at his narrow ass and wiggled it comically.

She laughed. "By the way, I got you something from the gift shop while everyone was checking in."


She handed him a bag. "Don't tell anyone I gave this to you."

He looked inside. It was a box of condoms. He snapped the bag closed and looked at her in terror.

"Okay, you may not be ready to make that kind of move on Bitty just yet, but the important thing is that you have these just in case. Okay? You have to promise me that if you get lucky... that if Bitty gets lucky, I should say... you'll use these. Promise?"

"I promise." His expression was now one of unabashed, worshipful awe. "You have got to be the coolest teacher ever, Mrs. Foster."

She blushed, "That's sweet of you to say, Denny." He's right. I am the coolest teacher ever.

The practice was winding down. Lindsey walked around the room, feeling pretty good about herself. She noticed that Dana Lee and Alyson were laughing together as they tried to improve their flag twirling routine. Dana Lee was looking at Alyson almost hungrily. She's probably going to kiss her tonight! That Alyson's a lucky girl.

Then Lindsey noticed Willie Jones with his fellow cymbals players, trying to synchronize a spectacular wave-like move. Willie noticed her looking and he ducked his head to her deferentially. Yeah that's right Willie. You're my bitch. If you're lucky, I might let you prove it again before this trip is over.

Then Lindsey wandered over to watch Stan marching around with the saxophone section, working harder than any of the other guys as they tried to work out a swaying step, while alternating the tilt of their instruments. She could tell that the leader of the group had noticed the sudden improvement in Stan's work habits. Lindsey grinned, knowing that her promise to have sex with Stan if he graduated from high school had improved his overall attitude in an almost miraculous way. It wouldn't win her any teacher of the year awards, but she was proud of herself nonetheless.

She surveyed the room and smiled with satisfaction. She'd extinguished most of the fires, and along the way she'd fostered two romances, helped a kid refocus his energies on schoolwork, and had tamed a somewhat violent kid by teaching him to be submissive. Only a few more loose ends to take care of, and I'll be back to my old goody-goody self.

She noticed that Brant was looking around for someone. Suddenly she realized that he was probably looking for her. Fuck... I'm not ready to talk to him just yet. I'd only end up kissing him or something even crazier. I need to hide. She stepped out of sight into the adjacent ballroom, where the Malvado Playa Wildcats were busily putting away their instruments.

Brant looked around. Where is she? He'd been keeping his eye on pretty little Mrs. Foster all night, waiting until the practice was over to make his next move, but now she was nowhere to be seen. Did she already go to bed? Damn... I was hoping to... I don't know... talk to her or kiss her goodnight maybe. Brant was deeply disappointed, and a deep surge of sadness filled his heart. He felt like a lost puppy without her. Where are you Mrs. Foster?


Farinella found Mrs. Tanner in the ballroom, helping the band pack away their instruments.

"Mrs. Tanner..."

"Miss Ostiago! How was the Band Director's dinner?"

"Oh... fine... I just wanted to switch rooms back again. Have you moved your luggage yet?"

"No. But why the change?"

"I realized it would probably hurt Mrs. Foster's feelings. She's fond of me."

"I understand. Here's your key."

Once she had her key back, she looked around for Mrs. Foster, but didn't see her in the ballroom.

Brant West came up to her, "Have you seen Mrs. Foster, Miss Ostiago?"

"Sorry, Brant, I just got back from the Band Director's Dinner. I'm sure she's gone to her room."

"Okay... if you see her... well... I guess..."


"Oh... nothing," he mumbled, and slumped away.

Farinella instantly knew that Brant was infatuated with Mrs. Foster. She'd seen the look on his face on a hundred students over the years. Why, she'd even seen it on her own face in the mirror at Trez Jolie. She smiled and thought, The only difference between us Brant, is that Mrs. Foster will be sharing my bed tonight, not yours.

Farinella was breathless with lust by the time she reached her room. She was happy to find it empty. She had preparations to make. The first thing she did was take out her cell phone and send a text message to Mrs. Foster. "I have a surprise waiting for you in the room. Give me half an hour. Farinella." She added a couple of little red emoticon hearts and sent the message, almost dizzy with lustful anticipation.


Lindsey watched lovely Laurie Bonner helping to pack away the Wildcat Colorguard's flags. There's something delightfully raw and energetic about that girl. Lindsey felt her heart beating faster in anticipation. She was going to try to talk this sweet young girl into taking a creepy loner's virginity. She had no idea how to accomplish such an impossible task, but she was excited to give it a go. Her conscience bothered her a bit, but after her lunchtime insanity with Willie... well this seemed kind of tame in comparison. Besides, it's not like I'm going to fuck Laurie myself. I'm just the broker. Laurie's an adult. If she doesn't go for it, she doesn't go for it. And since she doesn't know I'm a teacher, what's the harm in trying?

Lindsey had a nagging feeling that she was forgetting something. It had been a crazy day full of weird adventures, which she'd managed to get under her control, but something was missing...

Shit. Diana. Of course.

She'd promised to call her daughter back since she was too rushed to talk in the morning. Besides, she wanted to tell Katie about her deal with Gary Blunt. She needed her sister's rational mind, to help her know if she was doing the right thing or not. Katie can be just as crazy as me, but she never loses control like this.

She dialed Katie's number, only to get a busy signal, just like earlier in the day. Then she dialed her mother, just in case Katie had taken Diana over to their parent's house. It rang through to voice mail.

"Hi Mom. Just checking in. Hope you guys are good. I'm in Pasadena now, and things are super busy. Give Dad kisses for me... and Diana, if you see her. And if you see Katie, please tell her to call me. Oh... and I think Mark's helicopter squadron is supposed to be returning to Jacksonville tomorrow, so if you see him... I don't know... tell him... I... I love him, I guess. Well... got to go! Bye!"

Then she dialed her home phone. Maybe Katie's cell phone is dead. It rang and rang, and then a piping little voice came on the line, "Hello?" It was Diana, her six-year-old daughter.

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi." Diana yawned. She sounded sleepy.

Lindsey looked at her watch. Shit. I forgot... it's three hours later in Florida... it's almost 11:15... way past her bedtime!

"Sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"I'm thirsty mommy." Diana yawned again. She sounded as if she might fall asleep again.

"Can you get your auntie Katie for me?"

Diana sleepily said, "She's not here. Grammy is asleep. Want me to wake her up?"

Lindsey was a little pissed. Katie promised she wouldn't go out partying until Lindsey returned, but she should have known better. That little bitch was a late-night party animal. But maybe she had to work. She filled in part time as a bartender at Whiskey River. It was irregular work, but they always made her come in for one of their 'Boots and Bikinis' nights, because she looked great in a swimsuit.

Well, at least Mom is watching the farm.

"Don't bother Grammy. Get yourself a drink, baby, and go back to bed."

Diana yawned and said, "Night, mommy," then hung up.

Lindsey felt weird. Who was that girl? Was that really my daughter? I'm not that old, am I? The last six years seem like a bad dream to me now. This is my real life, right here.

She looked up to see Laurie's gleaming smile. The tall brunette was tiptoeing towards a side door on the ballroom, as her fellow flag twirlers were heading the other way. She gestured for Lindsey to follow, holding a finger to her lips.

Lindsey scampered after Laurie. The door led into a narrow access corridor in the bowels of the hotel. Laurie's face was glistening with sweat from her enthusiastic practice session. She gave Lindsey a big hug, unabashedly squishing her big, sweaty tits into Lindsey's collarbone. "Let's make a break for it, Linda!" She laughed and took Lindsey's hand in her own and they ran giggling down the narrow corridor, looking for an exit.

Lindsey didn't bother correcting Laurie. What does a name matter? We're strangers anyway. Maybe it's better she doesn't know my real name. "What about your curfew?"

Laurie laughed, "What are they gonna do if they catch me? I'm the best flag twirler on the squad. They won't cut me... and I'm over eighteen. Technically, I'm an adult. I can do what I want... just don't tell my mother I said that. Besides, Suzi said she'll cover for me. I asked her to come too, but she's a straight and serious type, unlike me."

"You're the crooked and crazy type?"

Laurie laughed long and loud. "You fucking know it, Linda!"

They found a doorway leading out into a dark employee parking lot. It was chilly, and neither of them had coats. So they ran hand in hand to stay warm. Lindsey couldn't believe how friendly Laurie was with her after only having met her less than an hour ago. This girl is a real trusting soul.

When they reached Colorado Boulevard, they strolled shivering past the stores and restaurants, many of which were still open. The streets were full of people, some of them staking out viewing locations for the parade the day after next. Wow... these people are crazy! Lindsey smoked a cigarette. The tension of the afternoon once again magically faded away. She offered one to Laurie but she only laughed. "Right. Like I could spin a flag like that and smoke too! It's bad enough I drink too much!"

They spotted a small lounge-style bar down a side street. After running to it Laurie said, "Time to put our fake I.D.'s to the test."

The lounge was dark and moody, and about half full. There were private booths around the periphery, with thick drapes that could be drawn closed for privacy. Lindsey saw an amorous couple vacating one of the booths, so she led Laurie to it before any of the other barflies claimed it first.

Laurie said, "Good eye, Linda!"

"What do you drink, Laurie?"

"Everything. But don't let me get drunk... I should say, don't let me get stinking drunk. I have practice in the morning. And our band has a performance at Pasadena City College tomorrow afternoon."

"The two o'clock performance? Hey, us too! Fuck, it's going to be a circus. I hope I see you there."

"Oh, definitely. You can't miss our band; we're the ones with the big flowers on our hats. We made them ourselves, using flowers that are local to the Malvado Playa area. That's up the coast a ways. Your band is called the Big Blue... does that mean you wear blue?"

"Yes. I haven't actually seen the uniforms yet. They're wearing them in the morning, so we can put the Rose Bowl logos on them. But, yeah... all blue, just like the busses we drove here."

"Whoa... you didn't fly? You bussed it all the way from Florida?"

Lindsey nodded. "Long trip. Three days."

"Wow..." A twinkle lit up Laurie's eye, "Any hanky panky going on in the busses?"

Lindsey cracked up, right as the server walked up. He was a handsome Asian guy about the same height as Lindsey, but probably older, although she never could tell with Asians.

He looked at the girls suspiciously. "Hi, I'm Cho, your server tonight. Sorry... how old are you girls?"

As they showed him their I.D.'s, Lindsey said, "Bring us a couple of lemon drop martinis, Cho."

Cho studied the I.D.'s suspiciously. The tall girl's is probably real, but the short girl's... well, it looks real enough, but she certainly doesn't look twenty-seven. Maybe nineteen or twenty. But the bar was starting to fill up, and Cho had a lot of tables to cover, so he went ahead and placed the order.

Laurie was shocked that the martinis cost twelve dollars each, but Linda whipped out the cash and paid for them. I like this girl! Her parents must be loaded. "Damn, girl. This martini is seriously yummy!" She shot the twelve-dollar martini down in one gulp, and ordered a couple of beers, which she then paid for herself. They toasted each other's bands, after which Laurie started asking more questions about the hanky panky on the Big Blue bus. "I just know you have some juicy gossip to tell."

Lindsey giggled, her tongue had been loosened a bit by the martini. But she also enjoyed the cloak of anonymity. After all, this girl is a stranger... and she doesn't even remember my real name. I might as well tell her what happened.

"Actually, Laurie... I'm the one who messed around on the bus. I gave a blowjob to the guy who sits next to me."

Laurie's face lit up, even brighter than it was already glowing. "Oh, fuck! I knew that sort of thing happened! I just knew it! Is he hot?"

Lindsey blushed, feeling like the eighteen-year-old Laurie thought she was, "Oh, he's so fucking fine! Tall and ripped... and sensitive... and sweet... and his cock... just beautiful." She sighed.

"Good for you!" Laurie suddenly gulped the rest of Lindsey's martini.


"Man, these are seriously yummy! Lets have another round!"

Lindsey slipped out of the booth and brought back two more lemon drops. By the time she returned Laurie had chugged both of their beers.

Lindsey picked up her empty mug. "You little bitch!"

Laurie laughed, feeling that wonderful, warm buzz she loved so much. "Okay... I'm almost at my limit. No more chugging." She took the Lemon Drop and put it aside. "Anyway, Linda, tell me more! I want to hear every detail about your blowjob on the bus!"

So Lindsey described how she'd accidentally started giving Brant a blowjob when she was half asleep, and didn't really know what she was doing until he already had his nine inch cock pressing into the back of her throat. Laurie was amazed, but was even more amazed when Lindsey described how the following night she'd climbed up on Brant's giant cock and took his virginity.

"You didn't! On the bus?" Lindsey nodded. "Oh, Linda, you are a bad, bad girl!"

"You have no idea."

"I'm a bad girl too."

"Oh? You've banged guys on a bus?"

Laurie laughed her husky laugh, "Not yet. I may have to try it on the trip back! But... well, I was at a pool party at a friend's house. There were maybe five or six of us left, and we were a little drunk. Anyway, there's this obnoxious jerk in my school named Rory Jones. He thinks he's the new Chris Rock and is always telling stupid jokes and making up crazy stories and bragging about his supposed sexual conquests. I can't stand him. So eventually I called him a 'dickless wonder' and he says, 'I ain't no dickless wonder', and to prove it, he stands up and whips out his cock, right in front of my face. I stood corrected. Rory's cock is hugemungous. Like... this big."

She held her hands a distance apart that reminded Lindsey of Brant's nine-inch wonder.

"Everyone was shocked, but I shocked them more. I just leaned forward and started sucking his big black cock, right there in front of everyone."

"Wow, that is bad!"

"And then, like a minute or two later, he's ramming it in and out and I'm thinking, 'what the fuck? I hate this guy!' But then, he's cumming and I'm swallowing and everyone is going nuts."

Laurie was guffawing now. Lindsey couldn't help but notice how Laurie's big breasts bounced about as she laughed. Her nipples were still hard from their run through the cold, and Lindsey found her eyes constantly drifting back to them.

"And then in October, I totally had sex with this kid I was hired to tutor."

"Really? You fucked your own student? That is extra bad." Lindsey smiled wickedly.

Laurie laughed, "I guess so, but I tell you what, that boy taught me a thing or two."

"Are you still his tutor?"

"Yep. I've 'tutored' him six times now. Actually... he's basically my boyfriend. I'm like totally in love with him and everything. Everyone knows about us except his mom. She would freak out if she knew he was having sex, much less that he had a girlfriend, so we keep up the charade for her sake."

Lindsey was disappointed to learn that Laurie had a boyfriend. That could complicate things. "So... are you and... what's his name?"

"Bill," said Laurie, her eyes twinkling with infatuation. "Bill," she repeated dreamily, glowing with love.

"Are you and Bill exclusive?"

"Well... not exactly. This may sound weird, but I've been helping him try to get into the pants of this junior he's got the hots for."

"That doesn't make you jealous?"

"I don't know... maybe a little, but not too much. He's really got a boner for this Millie girl. It's this big thing with him. His white whale. He doesn't love her like he loves me, but he totally wants to tap that ass. She's totally cute, but totally won't give him the time of day. But we'll figure it out, and when he finally scores with her... well, it'll be like scratching an itch. It won't bother him anymore. And if he wants, I'll help him score someone else. Actually I've already done that... hooked him up with other girls who weren't nearly as hard to crack as Millie. Is that weird? It's weird isn't it?"

"Not to me. I'm not the jealous type myself. My sister is totally trying to seduce my... uh, my boyfriend back home."

"You're shitting me!"

"It was my idea. He's real stiff and moral and shit, and I figure, if she seduces him, maybe he'll loosen up a bit."

"Wow. That's some sister!"

"You know it. Katie's my best best friend in the whole world. I love her so much... you have no idea. There's nobody I'd rather share my boyfriend with than her."

"That's so cool."

"So... you've hooked up Bill with girls?"

"Yeah. Three or four... I'm not so sure about the count because I got a little drunk the last time. Might have been more, but he wont tell me, the little scamp! He needs my help or he'd never get laid. I mean, he's not shy so much as he is inexperienced. He was home schooled until this year, and he's got this delayed puberty thing that weirds girls out a bit. He looks like a fourteen-year-old, but he's nineteen... almost twenty! But he's a great lover. So sweet and sensitive. Mmm makes me feel fuzzy just thinking about him..."

"So, do you fool around too?"

"Oh, I've kissed a few guys, and gave another guy a hand job, but nothing more. Bill's the only guy I've ever, you know... fucked ... not counting this guy who took my virginity, but the less said about him the better. I've been crazy-busy with practices ever since the band started winning championships in November. But hey, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, so I definitely don't rule anything out, know what I mean jelly bean?"
