Field Trip Follies Ch. 10


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She just missed seeing a Big Blue Bear stepping out of the elevator, carrying a plastic bag.


Killian felt like a total dweeb. His cheeks were still burning with embarrassment, and his cock was still throbbing with lust from his run-in with that group of sexy little vixens in the hotel gift-shop. Well, I guess it was pretty funny. You don't see a Big Blue Bear popping wood every day of the week. But why do I always have to be the brunt of these things?

Killian was also kicking himself for not saying anything to the hottest girl of the bunch, Laurie. She was super cute, and when she'd apologized for unintentionally turning him on, he genuinely believed she meant it. But hot girls scared the shit out of him, and besides, the Bear never talked. That was rule #2 in the Code of the Big Blue Bear, which he'd had to memorize when he got the part. Sure, it wasn't exactly a binding contract, but he took it seriously.

He loped up the hallway, looking for the sick girls' room, feeling like a dweeb. When he was younger he had no trouble flirting with girls, but the moment puberty hit, so did acne. After that, girls could barely stand the sight of him, and eventually he just gave up trying. What girl would wanna kiss a pizza-face like me? And it certainly doesn't help matters that everyone thinks I'm gay! But I'm not gay! Okay... I'm thoughtful and sensitive and artistic... and yeah, I sometimes check out the guys in the locker room... and sure, I've been giving Christian Peller blow jobs since summer break... and yeah, I love it when he cums in my mouth... but that doesn't make me gay! I've never done any butt fucking. And I won't let him mess with my wiener. I want my first time to be with a girl. Okay, I guess I'm probably Bi, but I'm definitely not gay! If I were gay, would a bodacious girl whispering in my ear have given me a boner? Man... I'd love to kiss that Laurie girl... and that's not all!

Killian sighed dramatically. Yeah, dream on big guy. You ain't losing your cherry till this dang acne clears up, which at this rate should be around graduate school.

When he arrived at the sick girls' door he didn't knock right away. He waited there with his bag of medicine in hand, visualizing puppy dogs playing in a field of flowers until his boner receded a bit. That always did the trick. Then he started knocking. There was no answer, so he knocked again.

Inside the room, Brandi said, dreamily. "Who's there? Go see, Ayako. It's probably just the maid."

Ayako yawned and got out of bed, swinging her feet to the floor. When she stood up, Brandi's big uniform slipped off her shoulders. She giggled and wiggled until it fell to the floor. She said, in Japanese, "I must be losing weight!"

Brandi saw Ayako's bare ass and gave it a squeeze. "Damn, you're cute." She wrapped her hands around Ayako's hips and nibbled her soft butt cheek.

Ayako shrieked and giggled, then there was another knock, so she span herself playfully out of Brandi's grip and skipped to the door. She had to stand on her tiptoes to look out the peephole.

Her mind just about did a back flip when she saw who it was. Big Blue Bear-san! I love Big Blue Bear-san! She was his number one fan. She went to all the games just to watch him do his thing. He was amazing, funny, and totally kawaii! I didn't realize he was on this trip too! Oh, he's so friendly and funny... and tall! He towered more than two feet above her, but in spite of his size, he could do back flips and even the splits!

She didn't know who was inside the costume, because she didn't want to know. She liked to pretend that the Big Blue Bear was actually a Big Blue Bear. But in her current drug-addled state, she didn't need to pretend. She simply believed he was real. And he was outside her room! And he wanted in! She shrieked with joy and opened the door.


Lindsey ran a tub for Alyson, then helped her get in. Alyson was getting more docile by the moment, but from time to time her eyes would fill with tears and she'd start blubbering about how much she loved Dana Lee. Lindsey tried to scrub the marks off Alyson's face with a bar of hotel soap, but it wasn't coming off. Not even a little. She looked through her purse, took out all the cleaning products she had and tried each one. Finally out of desperation, she tried anti-bacterial gel, and lo and behold, the stains started coming out. Luckily she had a pretty big bottle of gel, because this was a pretty big drawing.

Using cotton balls, she worked her way down, starting with Alyson's face and neck. As she worked, she got more and more turned on. Bathing an eighteen-year-old hard-body will do that to you! She cleaned off Alyson's arms next, then took a deep, lustful breath, and started scrubbing Alyson's collarbone, working her way down to the top of Alyson's beautiful C-cups with growing excitement. Alyson's amazing tits bounced and danced with every little movement.

She noticed that Alyson was looking up at her with watery eyes. "Thank you, Mrs. Foster. Thank you. Thank you..."

"No problem, sweetie. Just hold still."

"You're so pretty, Mrs. Foster."

"Thank you, Alyson." Quite a compliment coming from a beauty-queen like her!

"I love your eyes... your lips... your hair... you're so pretty, so pretty, so pretty..."

"Awww, so are you sweetie. Now turn toward me a bit."

She cupped Alyson's left breast in her hand and started scrubbing it with the other. The fleshy heft of it made her heart pound in her chest. It rippled and squished between her fingers as she swirled the cotton ball around and around. So supple... so soft... mmmm... Lindsey could almost hear her pussy whimpering with longing. Oh, shit, she's delicious. I could eat her up... but not now... now's not the time. Oh fuck... when is the time? Never. Never's the time. She's your student, Lindsey! Get a grip, girl! Just finish cleaning her off... just finish cleaning her beautiful breasts... her firm, freckly breasts... mmmm. Damn it! Stop it Lindsey! Stop it! Damn, why am I acting like this? Oh, fuck... the joint. That's right. I'm totally buzzing. What the fuck was in that thing? I feel so good... so yummy.

Lindsey could her Alyson making happy little humming noises, clearly enjoying the attention. Then she arched her back to make it easier for Lindsey to clean the marks off her areolas. It was difficult to get to the marker stains out of the wriggly little wrinkles on Alyson's nipples, so Lindsey resorted to pinching them with her fingertips and scrubbing them delicately with her fingernails to work out the ink. Alyson's lush lips opened and she let out a long, satisfied moan. Lindsey struggled to suppress the urge to bend over and wrap her lips around Alyson's rosy pink nipples. Focus, Lindsey!

Alyson couldn't believe how lucky she was. Mrs. Foster's touching my tits... she's actually touching my tits! Pinching them and rubbing and tweaking and teasing... just like Amy did during summer break. Fuck... Amy. Why did I run out on her like that? Why am I such a pussy-tease? Not because of Dana Lee. Nobody would be happier to see us together than Amy. No. No... pushed her away because of Mother. Mother-fucking Mother! She makes me feel dirty. I'm just a filthy, dirty dyke... that's what she'll call me, when she sees what I sent her... when she sees who I am. Well, fuck her. Fuck her judgmental bullshit. She can take that college money and shove it up her ass! Let her go ahead and break my trust fund! Daddy left me that money, but I don't need it! I need my fucking freedom more than my goddamned soul! If God has a problem with me eating pussy, he shouldn't have made me want it so much! Oh, Jesus, this feels good! I wanna be like Mrs. Foster. She's not ashamed of her desires! She's not ashamed of licking Miss Ostiago's pussy. She's not ashamed of drooling over my tits. Why should I be ashamed of wanting what I want? Well, I'm not! Not anymore!

"Mrs. Foster. I want you to tell you something. I'm a lesbian. I'm a lesbian Mrs. Foster. I'm a carpet-muncher, a dyke, a fucking homo..."

"I know, Alyson, I know. Please hold still. There's a lot more to do."

"Well, here's something you may not know, Mrs. Foster. I want you to eat my pussy. Whatta you think of that?"

Lindsey felt light-headed. "It's just the drugs talking, Alyson."

"No! Not the drugs! I wanna open my legs for you nice and wide... I want you to stick your tongue inside me as far as it will go, and swallow my cum. I want you to make me scream, Mrs. Foster. Please, fuck me, Mrs. Foster. Please. Please. Please..."

Lindsey bit her lip and took a deep, shaky breath. "Maybe later Alyson. Lets just... let's just finish cleaning you first, okay?"

Alyson smiled. "Okay, Mrs. Foster. Later."

Lindsey was now officially in danger of ravishing another student. As a result, she spent more time than absolutely necessary cleaning Alyson's incredible breasts, partly to prolong the activity, but mostly because it was so fucking wonderful. But, eventually both of Alyson's firm young tits were sparkling clean. She could clearly see Alyson's delicate freckles now. Lindsey couldn't justify fondling Alyson's breasts any longer, so she let some of the water out and told Alyson to lay flat so she could clean her belly. As she worked, she could feel the powerful abdominal muscles under Alyson's baby fat. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck... so soft... damn... I'd like to stick my tongue in that adorable little belly button of hers!

She paused before starting the last phase... cleaning the marks off Alyson's pussy. She had the feeling that if she touched her there, she wouldn't stop until she took Alyson's innocence.

Alyson looked up and said with an adorable pout, "Are you done, Mrs. Foster? You gonna eat my pussy now?"

"No... No, Alyson. Not done yet. Just... just open your legs a bit... oh fuck. Fuck... your pussy is... perfect."

Alyson giggled and fluttered her eyelashes playfully at her beloved English teacher. Then she opened her legs wide, making Mrs. Foster moan desperately. Go ahead, Mrs. Foster. My pussy belongs to you. Take it.

Lindsey watched the lips of Alyson's beautiful pussy spread open, revealing day-glo pink flesh inside. Lindsey stared, and a long drop of drool poured out of her lips. It fell on Alyson's belly, so Lindsey bit her lip to stop from drooling again. It actually hurt to look at such a beautiful pussy. It was not only perfectly shaped, but Lindsey could see Alyson's intact hymen inside, tempting her with its forbidden transience. Lindsey was surprised. Most girls lost their hymen at a younger age, by using tampons, childhood accidents or clumsy masturbation. But Alyson was an authentic virgin. It made Lindsey quiver with lust. She didn't think she cared about the hymen... but now that she was actually looking at one in the flesh, all she wanted to do was bust it open. Oh fuck... I'd love to slide my fingers in there and pop that little cherry of hers. Oh, god, Lindsey! As bad as you are, you wouldn't do something as wicked as that... would you? Would you?

Lindsey gently started to clean the marks off Alyson's labia, combing her fingers lustfully through Alyson's fire-red bush. After that, she cleaned the marks that crisscrossed Alyson's wiggly pink pussy lips. Alyson moaned happily the whole time. Brandi had covered Alyson's entire clit with black ink, so Lindsey had to work extra hard on it, first with the cotton ball, then with her bare fingers. At some point she simply forgot she was cleaning and started rubbing the hard little nubbin in a swirling motion, making Alyson utter little gasps of joy.

"Mrs. Foster... that feels so good... your fingers... on my clit... oh god... oh god... oh god... Don't stop... don't stop... don't... stop... oh! Oh! Oh!" Alyson began to buck, making the water in the tub slosh about, just like her breasts.

Then Alyson reached up and grabbed the back of Lindsey's neck and pulled her down. Lindsey didn't fight her. She leaned over the edge of the tub and wrapped her lips around Alyson's nearest nipple and tickled it with her tongue. Alyson moaned with utter delight and pulled Lindsey in tight. Lindsey sucked in a mouthful of boob and began to slurp. She circled the hardening nipple with her tongue, making Alyson quiver and shriek. Then she moved over to other breast, loving the jellyish feel of Alyson's flesh against her cheeks. All the while she swirled Alyson's hard little clit, until Alyson stiffened then shrieked with an incredible orgasm that echoed off the tile walls.

"Mrs. Fosteeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!"

Lindsey moaned with painful lust at the sound of Alyson's beautiful young voice singing her name in the music of sex. It triggered something deep inside her primordial brain; an urge as old as mankind. She slipped her fingers downward, slowly parting Alyson's pussy lips, until her fingertips touched the margin of Alyson's hymen. She pushed the tip of one finger gently through the little hole, feeling the thin layer of flesh stretching around her digit.

Alyson gasped, grimacing with pain. Lindsey pulled back from her breast and their eyes locked. Then Alyson said breathlessly, "Do it Mrs. Foster. Do it. Take my cherry. Please! Oh, fuck.... I want you to!"

Lindsey could barely think. Alyson's gleaming emerald eyes were shimmering with desperate desire. She wants me to take her cherry. Well... If that's what she wants, who am I to refuse? Lindsey made a triangle of her three longest fingers and readied herself to ram the tips of her sharp fingernails through Alyson's hymen. One quick thrust... that's all it will take... and she won't be a virgin anymore.

"Are you ready, Alyson?"

Alyson's eyes opened wide with intense emotion. She bit her lip and whispered, "Yes."

Lindsey pulled her elbow back with a jerk, intending to thrust forward with all her strength. But.... she froze! She tried again, but again she balked. The third time she almost did it, but she pulled up short again, her fingernails quivering at the edge of Alyson's hymen.

Alyson's eyebrows turned up as if she were in desperate pain. "What's wrong?"

"No. I won't do it. This hymen belongs to someone else."

Tears pooled in Alyson's eyes and poured down her cheeks. Overcome with emotion, she squeaked, "Who?"

Lindsey palmed Alyson's pussy and patted it lovingly. "Not me, Alyson. Not me." She leaned forward and kissed Alyson's forehead and added, "Someone special."

Alyson nodded, trying to control her emotions. "Not Dana Lee, though. Not her. Not her. But somebody, right?"

"Oh, Alyson. Trust me. Somebody is going to take your cherry one of these days."

"But who?"

She kissed Alyson on the forehead, saying, "Just be patient. You'll know her when you see her."

Tears began to flow out of Alyson's eyes. She threw her arms around her beloved teacher, and hugged her so hard, she almost fell into the tub. "I love you Mrs. Foster."

"I love you too, Alyson." Lindsey was shaking inside. I almost did it. I almost did it. Fuck! That was a close call. Man, oh, man... I have got to be the worst teacher ever. Mr. Molarez would not be proud of me right now. Not one little bit.


Killian simply couldn't believe his eyes. The adorable little Japanese foreign exchange student with blue hair was standing in the open doorway. She's naked. Totally... buck... naked!! He'd never seen a naked girl with his own eyes before. He scanned her up and down through the bear's big eyeholes. Oh, my god, oh, my god... she's actually naked! Just look at her! Oh... what is her name? I forget... I think it starts with an 'A' or a 'K'!

The short blue-haired hottie was grinning up at him from ear to ear. "Ohayo gozaimasu, Bigu Brue Bearu-san!" She started giggling and jumping up and down like a kid, crazy with glee. That made her amazing pale tits, with their dark brown areolas, bounce up and down, and her long blue hair spray about her head like a water sprinkler. Looking down through the big opening in the bear's smiling mouth, Killian was surprised to see that her fuzzy little bush was bright blue, just like her hair. Now that's school spirit! Below the blue tuft, he could see the wriggly brown slit of her pussy. His heart did a back flip. Oh crap... that's the first for-real pussy I've ever seen! And it's beautiful!

The adorable girl kept jabbering away in Japanese. All he could do was stare at her glorious little body and wonder what good deed he'd done in a former life to be rewarded with this miraculous gift. Suddenly, she grabbed his paw and pulled him inside. He dropped the bag of medicine as he stumbled over the threshold, then reached for it and tripped over his own big blue feet. He caught himself with his hands on the edge of the nearest bed.

Once again, he couldn't believe his eyes. Framed perfectly in the center of his big eyeholes was an unknown girl's gorgeous vagina. It was only inches away, so he could see every detail of it in the brightly lit room. She had a beautiful fan of sun-bleached pubic hair, which stood out prominently against her deeply tanned, copper colored skin. The ruddy, fleshy hood over her clit was glistening with moisture, and her pussy lips were slightly open, giving him an incredible view into the vivid, pink depths of her vagina. He turned his head to look down her long, muscular legs. She was clearly an athlete. Then he turned his head to look up her torso, and found the view even more astounding. In fact, it was the second most incredible sight he'd ever seen, coming in a close second to the week he'd spent with his dad hiking, camping and rock-climbing all over Monument Valley.

From this position hovering just inches over her coppery body, she reminded him of a beautiful, desert landscape. Her hipbones were arching prominently out of her abdomen like windblown rock formations, and her tight belly had an amazing six-pack of muscles, which rippled like sand dunes. Her outie belly button, with the little gold ring through it, reminded him of one of those mysterious rocks that crawl around Death Valley as if they're alive. The harsh ceiling light was casting a deep hollow shadow under her ribcage, reminding him of one of those mesas where the Anasazi built their hidden cities. Just beyond, he saw two tall buttes... her nipples... rising out of the low hills of her shallow breasts. Her nipples were majestic... utterly epic. He wanted to hike to them and climb to the top of each one, just to plant his flag. Looming beyond her nipples was a mountain range, comprised of her clavicles, shoulders, neck and chin, forming a sight of such indescribable beauty that he knew he would never forget this moment. Her long, bright blonde hair was pouring over her beautiful coppery shoulders like a flash flood, on the brink of turning this vast red desert into a glittering oasis.

Then he recognized her from the sharp shape of her nose, and her broad, lush lips. Dana Lee Pruitt. Holy shit. It's Dana Lee. Naked... right under me. At 5' 10", she was one of the tallest girls in school, so his mom was always pestering him to ask her out, as if that made any difference. At 7' 1", he still towered over her. Besides, Dana Lee Pruitt hated his guts. She was always making wise-cracks about his acne. "Well, here comes Mount Vesuvius," or "Hey, I didn't order a pizza!" Just looking at her sleeping there made him wince with fear of what she might say if she caught him ogling her this way.

He felt Ayako's hand pulling on his arm, so he stumbled back to his feet. He turned toward her, looking down from a great height at her tiny little body. Then she hugged him so tight that he felt his resurrected boner bending against her ribcage. He hadn't noticed it's return, but now he flushed with embarrassment, hoping she didn't feel it. But she started jumping up and down, babbling happy, high-pitched things, punctuated with only a few words he recognized: "Bigu Brue Bearu-san" was obvious. She also used the word, "kawaii" a lot, which meant "cute", and "segoi", which meant "awesome". Other than that, he was clueless. But he knew she was a big fan of the Big Blue Bear. She always asked him to sign her program after games, and he sometimes saw her walking around school in a t-shirt she'd made herself which read "Big Blue Bear -- Happy Funtime Helper." It was terrible English, but it always made him smile.