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Susan had never really met Dean before. Oh, she saw him around. He did make quite an impression at six foot five inches. Some said he played basketball in his younger days, and others said football. If it wasn't for his grey hair, Susan thought he could still be on the gridiron.

Jane was nervous. She couldn't afford to lose her job. She now had three and a half mouths to feed. Her savings had taken a major hit. She wanted nothing more than to hold the just as frightened Susan's hand but knew better.

They jumped in their pacing as they heard the intercom. "He'll see you now.... Third door on the left." Trish directed them past her desk.

As they walked in, Dean was writing something in a file and closed it. "Sit, sit. Do you want some coffee?" He said as Jane saw her name on the file. Both women sat at the edge of their seats, smoothing down their skirts. Swallowing hard, Jane said.

"No, we might as well get on with it." Susan just shook her head in agreement.

"You two look like someone kicked you dog. Relax; it's not the end of the world." Dean said smiling. "Wait. Let me guess. John got to you first?"

"Yes sir" Susan said.

"Figures.... Anyway, you can relax. We have some stuff to go over and then I want to hear about your trip so I can officially say I counseled you." He took a deep breath and let them know what he wanted.

"As you must have figured out by now, John wants you out of his unit. I've given it some thought and reviewed each of your files. I think I'm going to give him his wish..." He said looking at Jane first.

"Jane, how would like to take over the International Development Department? I know it is three steps up, but you meet all the requirements. You think you're up to the challenge?" The air whooshed out of Jane as 'Not fired... PROMOTED' screamed in her brain.

"Yes... I'd need some time to get up to speed, but yeah I'd love the challenge." She smiled at Susan who looked stunned. "Is Susan coming with me?" Jane asked wondering why Susan was there if they weren't fired.

"Yes and no," Answered Dean. Holding up his hand he continued, "Susan will be moving to the sixth floor, but we need her skills in the contract renegotiation. The city is pushing the renewal of the bottoms and we are supporting them. We want Susan to be our public face in the contract negotiations. I'll be on the advisory board, but the ball would be in your court. You'd answer to me and Clark. I'm sure Legal will be there too, but it will be your baby."

"But John..." Susan sputtered.

"Yeah, John..." Dean sighed. "Well, John is useful in his own way, but he'll never get any higher than he is right now. He'll retire where he's at, if he makes it that long. You two on the other hand, have a chance to advance. It isn't going to be easy, but if you prove yourselves... I'm sure there will be many other prime jobs opening up once the economy rebounds. It saves us from outsourcing these contracts which saves us a bundle."

"Why us...?" Jane had to ask.

"Many reasons..." He said folding his hands on his desk. "I was already looking for someone suitable... My daughter was in the diner when you two handled the incident and threatened to withhold my grandpa privileges if I didn't so something nice for you. Once I looked at your files, I realized we've overlooked your potential. So killing two birds... Then John called... Everything just fit. So, that brings us to this prove it or lose it proposition I'm offering you." Dean smiled as he watched the women digest what he had said.

Seeing he had them, he clapped his hands, stood up and said. "Okay then... You need to move your stuff to you new offices. I'll have someone meet you on the sixth floor and introduce you around. Then you can take the afternoon to get what you need from resources sent up. Susan, if you don't have any formal dresses, you'll need some. 50% can be reimbursed, so keep your receipts. Don't forget to check in with Tina in payroll."

Dean went around his desk and shook their hands. "Don't thank me yet..." He warned them. "These jobs might make the Spanish Inquisition look tame, but it's up to you. We can talk about the trip another time." He escorted them back to Trish's desk and picked up his messages.

"Knowing the office grapevine, you have about a half an hour to clean out your desks before John learns where you've landed. Use it wisely." Was Dean's parting shot, as Trish smiled up at them.

"Well you ladies look in a better mood than when you went in. John, being the jerk he is, has had boxes put on your desks. If it was me, I'd let him think he's won until you head upstairs. Knowing him, he'll want to gloat." She smiled letting them figure the rest out.

Jane and Susan went to the closest bathroom, looked around for a second and then squealed, doing the happy dance. "Oh my God...! Do you believe it?" Susan asked.

"No way, I thought we were toast." Jane said with a big smile. "Okay, okay... let's pull it together. We want to keep the proper bearing when we get our stuff."

"So how are you going to play it?" Susan asked starting the water.

"I'm not saying a word to anyone. Make them think... Meet you at the elevator?"

"Okay... Great... Let's do it." Susan added as she washed her face.

So with faces masked and tight to hide the suppressed mirth, they headed down to the third floor. The elevator door opened with two security guards standing there waiting for them. They noticed John standing by his desk with a smirk on his face as he watched them go to their desks.

The two guards, replete in their uniforms, looked on as the woman started putting their personal belongings into the boxes they had brought up. One leaned over and asked.

"Why we here anyway...?" His partner just shrugged.

"I guess so no one steals their stuff." They watched for a few more minutes, the taller one asked again.

"So, why are we here?"

"Because we get paid by the hour, and it's better than walking the parking lot. Besides the scenery is great...." He said nudging his partner, looking at Susan, who was bending over getting something out of the bottom drawer.

Susan and Jane finished boxing their stuff and headed back to the elevator, not looking left or right at the open eyed stares. As they approached, the guards moved out of their way as one hit the call button. As they entered the lift, Carole, the chunky office fixture, came running up.

"Oh my god...! I've just heard. The sixth floor...." John had made ready to rebuke Carole until her words penetrated. "Congratulations girls. Call me and we'll meet for lunch soon. You know I'll want all the details." She grinned big and gave them the thumbs up signal. They noticed the look of complete and utter shock on John's face as the doors started closing before he could find his voice.

They just waved as the door closed to the excited babble as the news swept the unit. Once the doors were closed, Jane and Susan busted out laughing. The guards just shrugged and looked around to get what few glances they could of the two attractive women they were escorting to their new offices.


By the next weekend, everyone was looking forward to a break. Taking over the new jobs meant a significant increase in salary, but it also meant a much larger work load. Once Jane and Susan's parents got word of the promotions, they scheduled congratulatory dinner parties. Jane and Susan invited each other to their respective parent's houses and decided to bring Reyna and Janna with them just to get them out of the small apartment.

The first party was at Jane's parent's house. Where hamburgers, kosher hot dogs, fudge and sweet Latkes; were served up with a large helping of Jewish guilt.

"So why didn't you call your father and let him know you had to rescue Reyna?" Jane's mother asked as she passed out the dishes. "He could've helped you know. I almost had a heart attack when I heard." Then she directed her questions to Reyna.

"And you, Why didn't you call the first time he hit you? You know we love you like our own daughter... Some days even more... Well?" The plump woman asked as she played with Janna on her lap. "Especially when she brings us cute little grandbabies to visit..." Look at Susan she added. "And you dear, would you like some tea?"

Sighing, and not realizing Rachael, Jane's mother, didn't want an answer. Reyna gave her the truth. "In our culture, it is allowed for a man to hit his wife if she misbehaves. He is master of house. I knew this, but I wanted children. As long as he was alive, I could do nothing. But, once he was killed, then the family was supposed to take care of me until either my family came to get me or they find a new suitable husband." Reyna motioned Janna over and sent her into the other room with her 'See-N-Say' so she could finish.

"I only learned I was pregnant again the day after Rajah was killed. As soon as family heard, they decided it was boy, and it needed to stay with them. They say I become third wife of uncle. When I say no, Uncle beat me. Only then I could call my family to help. He is not husband and has no right to beat me."

Jane had to interrupt, a second quicker than Susan, who was appalled. "Rey, you know better than that. You've lived in America for long enough to know our laws forbid a husband from hitting you!"

"I know, but I am Jordanian by birth, and Ummah wanted me to be married to Muslim. It gave me Janna, and new baby. I am content." The discussion continued until it was time to go when Janna nodded off in her desert.

On the way home, Susan commented. "Your family is nice."

"My family is Jewish and all it implies." Jane said laughing. "Although thanks to Janna, we didn't go into our usual arguments and kept the volume down." Jane smiled at Susan.

"Yes, the first few times I visited, I was shocked at the yelling. But I was more shocked at the loving. They will yell and hug and kiss in equal measure." Reyna said quietly.

"Well, don't expect quiet tomorrow at my folks house. Just by sheer numbers it's going to be loud. On the positive side, Janna will have other kids, dogs and a cat to play with, if she decides to grace us with her royal presence. Junior the cat that is... It should be fun." Susan was trying to reassure the startled Reyna.

The next afternoon, with Janna in her arms, Susan led Jane and Reyna into complete chaos. As they approached the front door, it burst open with one boy in hot pursuit of his younger brother.

"James you dweeb, you give me it back." He yelled without a pause as he darted around the women. An older woman came to shut the door and called out when she saw her daughter.

"Justin, James, say hi to your Aunt Susan. That child! He never stops for a second. I don't know how Sharon keeps up. And who is this little darling?" She said as she came up to the shy Janna.

"Hi mom, this is my friend Jane, her friend Reyna, and the one trying to burrow into my neck is little Janna." Susan said by way of introductions.

"Oh, isn't she just precious... We need a few more little girls. We're boy heavy right now." Susan's mom said as they heard the next lap of the brothers chasing each other.

"You Dork! I said give it back...." One yelled as the other yelled back in a sing-song voice "Na Na na na na...! I'm telling; you have a girlfriend..." The younger and more agile brother teased as they zipped back into the house causing a breeze in their wake.

"Welcome to pandemonium, but welcome all the same." Susan's mom said as she led them past a room where two different redheaded boys were wrestling each other for the remote.

"Boys... Boys!!! There is a new little one, so keep an eye out for her." Susan's mom clapped her hands to get their attention.

"Yes Ma'am," They intoned politely then went back to fighting over the remote. "I don't want to watch this lame show..." One said as they tumbled over the floor.

"God... to have that kind of energy again..." She sighed.

It took awhile, but soon Janna was running around with the rest of the younger kids. She was laughing with the rest of them, chasing the two little dogs and cat as the adults chatted, argued and laughed.

Jane knew she'd never remember all the names. She remembered Susan's sisters Sharon, Sheila and Stephanie. She didn't even try their husbands yet. If she remembered right, she thought the brothers were Shaun, Steven and Shane. They all had varying degrees of red to blonde hair and acted just like they were, a big happy Irish American family.

They sat outside under the awning that kept the sun from beating down on them while Susan's dad maintained control of the big barbeque pit. There was laughter and teasing and good will. Two of the men made a scene when they carried a big cooler around the back calling.

"Oy, we've got the Guinness. And the soda and swill for the kiddies and ladies. Okay, okay... the Wine!" The parents laughed and the kids looked at them like they were from another planet. Jane and Reyna stayed close, they had never been the center of attention of so many people before. Everyone wanted to know all about then.

Reyna had a hard time with the men. They all wanted to know who gave her the fading bruises, so they could go and repay the favor. It was possibly the first time Reyna had ever received truly positive attention from so many males. Shane said it the best when he proclaimed.

"Lucky Bastard, if he wasn't already dead, he soon would be... No man should hit a woman." He was seconded by the women.

"Why didn't you introduce him to the back side of a frying pan? A good conk on the bean should've gotten his attention. They do have to sleep you know." Sharon said looking at her husband meaningfully.

Reyna, not knowing how to respond, instead told the story of how Jane had knocked down the uncle and his oldest son. The story caused Jane to blush and with proper embellishments from Susan, it caused everyone to laugh even harder as they teased Jane.

When it got suspiciously quiet, Susan took Reyna to find her daughter. They found her in the middle of a tangle of bodies, as the kids and animals were all sound asleep in the middle of the living room floor. The bigger kids had moved their activities to let the little ones sleep in peace.

Susan's youngest brother, and family trouble maker, Steven, even had the audacity to ask. "So which one is yours, Suzy, so I can hit on the other one?" He openly ogled both unsuspecting women, and added. "Good taste sis." This of course, made Susan blush. But then again, that's what he was trying to do.

When it was time to go, it took half an hour to give the mandatory hugs all the way around. They bundled a groggy Janna, in a borrowed light blanket so she could sleep on the way home.

When they got to the quiet of the car, Jane's head still spun. Reyna just looked shell shocked. She had been used to being in a large group, but never in the middle of such a boisterous one. She'd never been hugged so many times in one day.

"How often do they get together like that?" Jane asked as she drove them towards Susan's house.

"Only about every chance they get. It's harder now. Shaun is looking at having to move to Chattanooga for work, but it's only three hours away. Sharon is helping him relocate. I don't envy his gas bill." She said leaning her head back and closing her eyes. It had only been since Easter since the last family party, and even she was worn out.


Over the next few weeks, Jane and Susan, or Aunty Shoezy, as Janna had started calling her, tried to find their equilibrium. They signed Reyna up for prenatal care with a good female OB/GYN, who was concerned about the damage that might have been done with the beatings. She wanted Reyna to take it easy until she could get all of the tests back.

Those instructions caused a problem. Jane's apartment had never been so clean. It was getting cluttered, but it was spotless. Jane was sleeping in her chair more often than not, so Janna and Reyna could have the bed. This was grudgingly accepted, but not liked by Reyna.

The stress of the new job and living situation was also affecting Jane's relationship with Susan. They found what little time they could, but Jane had started feeling like she was having an illicit affair where she had to sneak off to see Susan.

Her mistake was telling Susan one day about a month later. Getting tired of the sneaking around, she wanted.... She didn't know what she wanted. She knew Reyna could never know her true feelings, but then again she knew she's falling stone cold 'In Love' with Susan too.

She drove over to Susan's place after work on Friday with the intent of asking her to spend the weekend. They wanted to take Janna to the park and Jane needed to be close to her lover. She knew she was tired and Susan was too. She didn't get three steps into her apartment.

"Hey Baby," Jane said as she hugged Susan, who looked just as burned out.

"Hey yourself..." Susan hugged Jane back, wondering if they had enough energy to get rid of the overflowing desire that had built us since their last love making session.

"God I miss you... I hate hiding us... It's like were having an affair and all this sneaking around makes me feel guilty." Jane said not realizing she had hit a sore spot with Susan.

"Why, there's nothing to be guilty about." He voice dropped three degrees. "Unless you'd rather be with someone else," she asked, her voice going cold. It wasn't often, but there were just some things that got Susan's Irish up and cheating was one of them. It went downhill from there.

Jane was still crying as she drove home. She knew she had to be calm when she went into the apartment. She didn't want Reyna to know. It's part of Jane's problem, as long as Susan was in the picture, she never take anything further with Rey. As if she knew Reyna even wanted a physical relationship with her. Was she willing to lose Susan over a maybe? She was confused, and after the fight, hurt.

She brushed her hair back and shook her head, trying to clear it before she opened the door. She was greeted by the smell of something good and an excited Janna.

"Aunty Janey... Aunty Janey..." She'd scream as she ran as fast as her little legs would carry her. Jane would drop her case and scoop up the precocious child. "Where's Aunty Shoezy?" She asked looking for her favorite person.

"She had some stuff to do. She might come later." Jane fibbed; not having the heart to tell her Susan might not come over that weekend.

"Janna...!" Reyna called to her daughter. "Go to room and play. Shut door, I need to talk to Aunty Janey."

"Okay Mommy. Am I in trouble?" She asked confused.

"No, sweetie," Jane said. "Your mommy and I have to talk, is all." Jane reassured Janna.

"Kay, can I watch my video?" She asked knowing video time was usually after dinner.

"Yes, I'll be right in..." She told her daughter. "You sit!" Reyna added to Jane who had never heard such a tone from Rey before. Jane grabbed a glass of wine and waited for Reyna.

She didn't have to wait long. Reyna softly closed the bedroom door and stalked over to Jane. "Where is your lover Susan?" She asked without preamble

"She's... What? How? I... We had a fight." Jane sputtered. "How did you...?"

"What? Do you think I never learned what the word Lesbian mean? It was first new word I learned after I met you. I cook good meal, clean room and you have fight with lover? What is wrong with you?"

"Damn it Rey, You're not my servant... I've told you a million times...!"

"Like you cook... Like you clean.... You sleep in small chair so Janna have bed. You save me and my daughter and I cannot thank you? We need big house. I was going to talk to you and Susan this weekend." She said a lot more, but Jane didn't speak Arabic, but she got the gist, Reyna was pissed.