Force Fed Ch. 03


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"I'm going to cum again," said Kayleigh in between quick breaths. I couldn't believe it. She was already going to cum again. I began pounding into her as hard as I could muster. I felt my balls begin to tighten and knew I was going to cum as well. Each time I slammed against Kayleigh's backside, her body moved forward. I continued to relentlessly fuck her and soon realized that she had buckled beneath me. Kayleigh fell forward and was now lying flat on her stomach on the floor, writhing in the grip of her second orgasm.

I continued my pounding, smashing down on top of her, shaking her soft ass cheeks. I loved the way she looked getting fucked hard in this prone position.

"Yes! Yes! Oh God, yes!" Kayleigh screamed. I felt the telltale signs from my cock that I was about to explode. I pulled out just in time. I grabbed ahold of my cock, drenched in Kayleigh's pussy juice, and aimed it down towards her pale cheeks. A wave of euphoria swept over me as my cum shot out, spattering onto Kayleigh's round ass. Long ropes of cum blasted out from the tip of my penis, emptying my balls and covering Kayleigh's big butt. A few uncontrollable grunts escaped my throat as my orgasm took hold of me.

I fell backwards into a sitting position, exhausted and intensely satisfied. I had to place a hand on the floor to brace myself from falling over I was so worn out. I looked at Kayleigh, still lying flat on her stomach, completely naked on my dining room floor. I looked down at the massive load I had shot onto her ass just a few moments earlier. Most of it had landed near the center and was now collecting into a pool down in her crack. Kayleigh turned her head around and looked at the pool of cum on her ass. Then she reached back with one hand and scooped some of it up. She brought her hand to her mouth and sucked all of it off of her fingers. She did this several times, eagerly guzzling down my cum, until the majority of the sperm was gone.

Even though I had just recently cum, I was getting very turned on by watching this. I took about a million mental pictures to save for later.

Kayleigh then calmly stood up. Her ass and crotch were both still quite messy, but she found her panties and slid them on anyway. I continued to sit on the floor exhausted and watched as she methodically went about redressing herself without a word. Once she was fully clothed, Kayleigh picked up her purse from the floor and grabbed a small makeup mirror from it. She adjusted a few stray strands of hair, put the mirror back into her purse, said, "See ya," and then left. I heard her leave through the front door, and then I was all alone sitting naked on the dining room floor like an asshole.

I was perplexed to say the least. I thought.... No, I KNEW that we had just had some amazing sex. There was no doubt about that. Yet, Kayleigh had just stood up afterwards and left like it was nothing. I know this is a pretty lame thing to say, but I actually felt dirty. I had just been used. Here I thought that Kayleigh was getting all wet thinking about me, but really she just wanted my dick. Maybe not even my dick. Maybe she just wanted A dick. Any dick would have worked.

I felt strange being used like this. However, I wasn't about to let it keep bothering me. I knew what I was getting into when I started having sex with Kayleigh. She had made it very clear that I was just her boy toy. I smiled, picked up my clothes, and walked up to my room. The way I saw it, if Kayleigh just wanted some dick, it might as well be mine, right?

That was my philosophy for the next two weeks. Kayleigh came over almost every day. She would drag me into my room, or the kitchen, or the laundry room (on the washing machine during the spin cycle) and then she would basically give me orders that I would carry out with vigor. Most days, she had me eat her ass. I swear Kayleigh must have had a second clit in her asshole, because I have never met a girl who loved getting her ass licked as much as her. Then again, she may have just been getting off on the fact that she could make me do it whenever she wanted.

Kayleigh liked to keep everything interesting. We rarely fucked the same way twice in a row. During those two weeks, we twisted in and out of every position imaginable. Sometimes, she wanted it in her pussy, and other times she wanted it deep in her ass. Sometimes, she wanted to be spanked, and other times she wanted to sit on my face. She introduced me to a large list of sex acts: once, she wanted to be tied up; another time, she deepthroated me; on several occasions, she brought toys with her. One of my favorites was when I fucked her pussy and used a dildo in her ass, double penetrating her. She came especially hard when we did that, so I began putting a finger in her ass whenever I fucked her doggystyle from then on.

Kayleigh was amazing. She always wanted it, and she had incredible stamina. As for myself, I was getting pretty good at fucking her. I might not have been good at sports, but I was a very fast learner when it came to sex. With all the practice that Kayleigh was giving me, it was no wonder I was soon fucking her like a pro.

I felt incredibly lucky for a guy my age. Most men spend a lifetime trying to convince their frumpy suburban wives to do the sorts of things that Kayleigh seemed to naturally prefer. I was in heaven fucking her hungry pussy and her insatiable ass. She really was something special. Something was still bothering me though. The very first time I had fucked Kayleigh, she had said something that I didn't understand. She had mentioned that her friends might want to give me a try. That sounded like it could only be a good thing, but I still wasn't sure exactly what it meant. I soon found out.

After a couple weeks and countless orgasms, I got a text from Kayleigh. It was a Tuesday night, and she hadn't come by after school that day. I thought that maybe she was feeling horny and wanted to meet. It seemed she had something different in mind. The text read, "Meet me tomorrow after school @ 8th and Evergreen." That's all it said. I was excited to find out what Kayleigh had planned. I wasn't sure why she wanted me to meet her someplace new though. The corner of 8th Street and Evergreen was just down the street from the high school. What could she possibly be up to?

The next day, school went by incredibly slowly. I spent every second thinking of all the possible things that Kayleigh could have planned for me. I didn't learn a damn thing in math class that day because Kayleigh was wearing a pair of tight short shorts that clung to her ass. They rode up a little when she sat down, showing off all of her thick thighs and the very bottom of her left ass cheek. I couldn't even tell you what the math lesson was about.

After the final bell rang, dismissing all classes, I ran to my locker, grabbed all my things, and bolted out the front door. I quickly walked down the block until I was standing on the corner of 8th and Evergreen. And then, I waited. I waited and waited and waited. I must have checked the time on my phone a thousand times. More than a few times, I considered that I might be in the wrong place. I couldn't see why she would want to meet me here. It was a simple residential street and nobody I knew in the high school lived in the area.

At about 3:45, I finally saw Kayleigh's little white car approaching. She sure knew how to keep a guy waiting. She pulled up to the curb in front of me and told me to get in.

"What?" I said.

"Get in," repeated Kayleigh.

"Where are we going?" I said. This seemed to annoy her.

"I saw you staring at me in math today. If you ever want to fuck me again, you'll get in." I was still confused, but the answer was clear: I got in. Kayleigh shifted into drive, and we were off. I waited for an explanation, but Kayleigh never offered one.

"So, why did you have me meet you on the corner if we're just going somewhere else anyways?" I said.

"What are you talking about?" said Kayleigh.

"I mean, why didn't you just have me meet you in the parking lot?" I said. Kayleigh laughed out loud.

"Are you serious? Me and you meeting up in the parking lot? So that everyone can see?" That actually hurt me a little.

"Well, I mean...." I said meekly. We stopped at an intersection and Kayleigh turned to look at me.

"Dan, don't be fucking dense," she said. "You've got a nice cock and one hell of a tongue, but you're not my fucking boyfriend." Kayleigh could immediately see that what she said was bothering me a bit. "Can you deal with that?" I was quiet for a moment while I gave that some real thought. Once again, the answer was clear.

"Yeah," I said. "I can deal with that."

"Good answer," said Kayleigh. "Now, would you like to get some pussy?"

"I... umm..."

"Better give me an answer quickly, Dan."

"Yes," I spat out. "I would like some pussy."

"Good boy," said Kayleigh, and we were driving once again. We drove for a few more minutes until we reached the downtown area. I still didn't know what we were doing, but I was learning not to ask a lot of questions. We pulled into the parking lot of Hank's, the town's local steak house, and parked. Kayleigh cut the engine and turned to me.

"It's my friend's birthday, so we're meeting her here. You hungry?" she asked. I wasn't. I looked around quizzically at my seemingly random surroundings. "Say yes and you get a treat."

"Yes," I said, hesitantly. We got out of the car and walked inside. I had never been inside of Hank's before. My parents didn't like the place, so we had never gone. It was a small chain restaurant in our area, so it was a strange mix of small business and corporate franchise. We walked up to the host stand and waited to be greeted. It was almost completely empty inside the restaurant since it was the slow hours for them. A hostess took notice of us from across the room and walked towards us.

As she got nearer, I realized that I recognized her. Her name was Shyla and she had graduated from my high school last year. I remembered her because it's hard to forget someone who looked like her. Shyla was around 6'3"; very, very tall for a girl. She was the center for the girls' basketball team when she was still in school. Everyone in her family was big like her; Scandinavian blood. She was tall, but not lanky. In fact, she was pretty well built. It's hard to describe her to someone who isn't familiar with Midwest Scandinavian-American families. She was big, but everything was perfectly proportioned for her height.

Shyla had been pretty popular at my school, hanging out with the same crowd as Kayleigh and all the other popular girls. Shyla was definitely hot. Personally, I think taller girls are very attractive. On top of that, Shyla had beautiful, shining blonde hair, a pretty face, and a pair of D-cup tits that always stretched her shirt out. She had a marvelous ass as well. It may have been a little flatter than Kayleigh's, but it was also sized proportional to her body, making it big and juicy. It had a longer quality to it like Laci's, which I had acquired a taste for. (pun incredibly intended)

Shyla smiled when she saw that it was Kayleigh who had walked in the door and quickly walked over to give her a big hug.

"Oh my God. Kayleigh?! What are you doing here?" said Shyla excitedly.

"I came to wish you happy birthday," said Kayleigh. The girls hugged each other. Kayleigh playfully reached down and gave Shyla's ass a squeeze, you know, like girls do. Shyla laughed.

"Oh! Is that my present?" Shyla said.

"Actually, funny you should ask...." said Kayleigh.

"Is that so? What do I really get? Did you get me something good?"

"I did," said Kayleigh mischievously. "I heard you had to work tonight. So, since you can't go out later, I brought him with me here."

"Oooo, I'm so excited," Shyla said. "Gimme gimme gimme.... Wait. Did you say him?" I too was curious.

Kayleigh gestured towards me like a model on The Price is Right. "This is Dan," she said. Shyla and I both got confused. I looked first at Kayleigh, and then at Shyla as I began to put everything together. Then, maybe a little slower than I should have, I finally got it: I was the present. 'Wait,' I thought, 'I'm the present? ME?'

"This guy?" said Shyla in a derisive tone. Apparently, Shyla and I were confused for different reasons. Clearly, she was disappointed in her present. I didn't even know if I should be offended or not. Kayleigh put her hand on Shyla's shoulder reassuringly.

"Trust me," said Kayleigh. "Do you have time to go on break?"

Shyla looked me over. It's strange knowing that a girl is looking at your body and trying to evaluate you. I found myself not sure about how I should stand. I put my hands in my pockets, immediately took them out, crossed my arms, and then let them hang at my sides all within a few seconds."

"Ok," Shyla finally said. "I guess I have to trust you, Kayleigh. Come with me." Shyla took us through the restaurant to a door leading back into the kitchen. Even the kitchen was dead at that hour. There were a couple people standing around not doing anything, but that was about it. If anyone took notice of us, they didn't seem to care. Shyla took us to the staff break room, a small room connected to the kitchen with one small table. There was also a door leading to a bathroom inside. Shyla opened the door and walked into the bathroom. Kayleigh followed right behind her. I paused for a moment, unsure if I was supposed to follow. Kayleigh turned around, though and motioned me inside.

Once we were all inside, Shyla shut the door and locked it behind us. It was a fairly large room for only having the one toilet. It was the sort of bathroom you would expect to find in a gas station -- one toilet, one sink, and then just a whole lot of empty space. Thankfully, it seemed to be much cleaner than the average gas station bathroom.

"So," said Shyla, "this is the new toy you've been telling me about." Was she talking about me? I'm pretty sure she was talking about me. "The one who got dominated by the volleyball team?" Well, that cleared that right up.

"That's right," said Kayleigh. "And, he's going to do whatever you want him to do. Isn't that right, Dan?" Kayleigh looked at me as she said that and smiled. The way she said it made me feel... dirty... yet again. I was being treated like a piece of meat that Kayleigh happened to own. I was.... I was a whore. I panicked a little bit in my head as the realization occurred. I was a whore, and Kayleigh was my pimp. My first instinct was to be morally mortified. How did Kayleigh go from using me for sex to whoring me out to her friends? I mean, being her boy toy was one thing, but pimping me out whenever she wanted was something else altogether.

I almost said no. I almost just walked out the door. But, then I thought, 'Why not? Why not do it?' If I walked out right then, I would probably never get to fuck Kayleigh ever again. And, like I said earlier, she could have been punching me in the balls and I would have come back for more. She had that kind of power over me. Plus, it's not like I hadn't fantasized once or twice about Shyla. So, I decided to nut up and accept my new role as a whore, however degrading it might be. A guy like me doesn't really have a backup plan for getting laid.

"The volleyball team always was a bunch of sluts," said Shyla. "He looks a little scrawny. Whatever happened to Dean? I used to love fucking Dean."

"Dean went to college in Oregon or somewhere," said Kayleigh. "Trust me. Dan will surprise you. I've been... teaching him. You know, if you don't want your present, I'd be happy to take it away and let you get back to your shift." Listening to them talk together, you would have thought I wasn't even in the same room as them.

"I'm sorry, Kayleigh," said Shyla. "I didn't mean to be mean. He's just a little... different than your usual boys. OK. That's ok. Let's ... let's see what he's got." With that, she took off her shoes and tossed them aside. "Get on your knees," she said to me. I did as she said. Then Shyla took off her work uniform. She stood tall above me wearing only a lacey black bra and a matching thong. She had a great body. She may have been bigger than me and... well, let's face it, probably stronger, but she was very feminine in her own way. Kayleigh put the seat down on the toilet and sat down cross legged to watch. Shyla then turned around, facing away from me. She had to bend her knees to get down to my level, and then she pressed her ass into my face. My nose just barely caressed the fabric of her thong in the crack of her ass. The smell of her was warm and somehow soothing.

With her hands on her knees, she turned her head and said, "Lick my ass, boy toy." It seemed that Shyla had similar tastes to Kayleigh's. Having willingly accepted my role in all of this, I quickly reached up and grabbed onto her hips. Then I stuck out my tongue and ran it up the length of Shyla's crack, starting as far down as I could reach and ending at the top. The sensation sent a small shiver through Shyla's body. I did this two more times then moved on to licking her sizeable cheeks. With long, deliberate licks, I ran my tongue all over the soft skin of her ass, building up the anticipation as best I could.

Without being told, I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of Shyla's thong and slowly peeled it off of her body. I noted that she had no tan lines whatsoever. I put a hand on both of her ass cheeks. I spread her ass open and was only slightly surprised to see a fairly well-fucked asshole. It wasn't gaping wide or anything, but you can usually tell when a girl takes it up the ass fairly regularly by the look of her asshole. Shyla's was still pretty, but she was obviously a huge anal slut. I smiled to myself, realizing what that would mean for me later on.

I stuck out my tongue again and plunged it into Shyla's hole. I brought my lips tight around it and started Frenching her ass passionately. Shyla started to moan and began lightly rubbing her clit with her hand. She pushed back against my tongue, urging it to explore deeper. I pushed the tip inside her hole. My nostrils were filled with the sweet aroma growing stronger from her pussy. It didn't take a lot to get her going.

Shyla straightened up and turned around, standing over me. Still remaining standing, she lowered her pussy down to me. My head was engulfed by her large thighs as I started licking at her sweet juices with my head tilted nearly straight up. I lightly licked along her lips and teased her pussy. Then I attacked her clit in a battery of tongue lashes. Shyla's legs tightened around my head in response. I could hear her breathing getting heavier as I continued to eat her out.

"Oh God," said Shyla. "That's so good. Kayleigh, did you teach him that?"

"No, I never had to teach him any of that. He's a natural with that tongue. When he starts fucking you though, that's all me." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Kayleigh had slid her shorts and panties down to her ankles and was rubbing her pussy gently with her fingers.

I reached up with my right hand and worked my middle finger inside of Shyla's pussy. Her juices were really flowing now. I fingered her for a while, making sure to get my finger covered in pussy juice. Then I pulled it out and reached around to her ass. I found her asshole and slid my middle finger up her ass with ease. Shyla let out a deep moan. She grabbed the back of my head and began moving her hips back and forth, slowly fucking my face. We continued like that for some time. Shyla's breathing became increasingly labored, and I thought she was going to have me eat her out until she came. But, Shyla suddenly pulled away from my mouth.

"Holy shit, this boy has got a tongue," said Shyla. Then to me she said, "Stand up. Take off your shirt." I got to me feet and slipped my shirt over my head quickly. Licking Shyla had gotten me turned on. Shyla attacked my pants with her hands, impatiently taking off my belt and sliding both my jeans and underwear down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Shyla got on her knees, reached out and grabbed ahold of my semi-hard cock, just holding it in her hand as if she was examining it.