Forces of Nature


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"Because I want, scratch that... need to understand you." She put her hand up. "And I think you need to understand me better too." She picked up their drinks and walked to the back corner of the bar.

"Okay...." Lynn sighed and followed the sexy butt that made her really want to explore her feelings more than any man could.

Once they sat down Cheryl opened the discussion. "What made you into such a prude?" She took a sip. "I mean really, you wouldn't think it, by looking at you."

"I'm not a prude. I just have morals." She scraped her lip with her teeth. "Let me rephrase that... I have strong morals. I was raised that way."

"You're not one of them religious nuts are you?" Cheryl shook her head in confusion, making her hair fan out behind her.

"No... It's not about religion... it's about faith!" Lynn touched Cheryl's lips to keep her quiet. "Let me put it to you this way." She took a deep breath and looked over the sexy woman's shoulder.

"I believe in God! I love him first, and others as myself; I have no other gods before the living God. I don't pray to graven images. I don't use God's name in vain. I will not bear false witness or let false things pass my lips. I keep the Sabbath or Seventh day holey... and that's Saturday by the way. I honor my parents. I will not commit murder, adultery, steal; or covet anything that is not mine." She sighed and looked into Cheryl's eyes. "These are the rules that I run my life by. I make no excuses and no contradictions to those rules."

"Wow... you memorized them?" She shook her head. "I never met anyone who actually memorized the big ten..." She tried to smile and make a joke out of it.

"Right here... they are written right here." Lynn put her hand over her heart. "Like I said, it's not about religion. I've seen what has been done in the name of religion and it makes me sick. But... that doesn't mean I have to lower my morals to their level either." She placed her hand on Cheryl's, to stop them from fidgeting on the table. "Don't worry; I'm not going to break out into a sermon. Nor do I make judgments."

"But, but... but what about what they say about... well you know... I mean how...? How can you come in here and look at me the way you do and everything else?" Everything that Lynn had said was chipping away at the amour around her heart.

"Just because I live by those rules, doesn't mean I've given up the freedom to chose who I love. I have a whole dissertation on how most people pick and choose what they call sin... don't even get me started or we'll never get out of here and I'm getting tired." Lynn smiled sadly. Cheryl sat back totally confused and stunned. "Now, can you tell me who hurt you so bad?" Lynn asked, letting Cheryl's hands free.

Cheryl felt like someone kicked her in the tits. She felt things she thought were permanently buried, threatened to rip out of her chest. "I, I... I've got to go.... I'll talk to you later." She got up and kissed a startled Lynn on the lips and fled in fear.

Lynn watched her leave and wanted to cry. As the door closed, she picked up her drink and emptied it in one go. "Wow, that's something I never thought I'd live to see." Stella was at the table looking at Lynn with wonder in her eyes.

"What's that...?" Lynn tried to keep her voice steady.

"What did you say to her? I've never seen that girl run away from a confrontation before. I'm impressed. Hey, what are you doing Thursday evening?"


Cheryl looked at applications and thought about Lynn. She didn't know what to say or do about the strong hearted woman. Hell, she didn't even know why she felt the way she did. "Hey, did you hear about Preacher Don?" Ida came in and set her stuff down.

"What, huh...?" Cheryl looked up, trying to focus.

"Don is taking a leave of absence to deal with some personal issues." Ida chatted away as she put her jacket on the hook and got ready for her day. "I've been told that his wife has filed for divorce, and has been spending time in the company of your favorite law enforcement officer." Ida smiled.

"What about the town meeting?" Cheryl asked shocked.

"He won't be there. His congregation is in shambles. The Church is sending in help, but the meeting is tomorrow night and they can't have anything ready by then. I hear the Sheriff and his new wife are going to offer testimony."

"Wow, big doing at what is usually a very boring night." She pulled out the folder. "Here is the paperwork for this morning's signing."

"Good, thank you." Ida smiled at her employee. "Make the interviews for next week please." She grabbed her phone. "Brownville Title Company...."

"What's wrong...?" Cheryl asked as she watched Ida's face go pale.

"Is there any hope? Uh huh, okay... I'll be right there." Ida caved into herself.

"What happened... what's wrong?" Cheryl insisted as Ida dropped the phone on her desk.

"Remember what you said about Walter...?" Ida looked at the blank wall. "He didn't have a stroke... he had a massive heart attack and, and they can't separate him from, from... her." She put her hands over her face and started weeping. "It's so disgusting... I can't... I just can't."

"I'm calling Deloris... you can't drive like this. I'll deal with the signing, you wait right here until Deloris gets here." Cheryl went to her desk and punched the numbers.

"Yes... hello Ida." Deloris's soft voice said with a happy lilt.

"Deloris, this is Cheryl... you need to get here right away."

"What happened?" Deloris asked instantly.

"Ida needs to get to the hospital... I think Walter...." She tried to tell Ida's friend.

"I'm on the way." Deloris ended the call before Cheryl could finish talking.

An hour later, Cheryl sighed and tried to put on a happy face as the morning appointment came in to sign for their house. Ida was in the best of hands to deal with what she had to deal with, and Deloris would tell her what happened.

"Hello and welcome to Brownville Title... Miss Ida has a family emergency to deal with, so I'll be handling the signing." She shook hands with everyone and set the folder on the long table.


"I know you're not out or anything, but I could use the support." Stella asked Lynn. "I mean you make us look good. No running around, or anything unsavory, and this meeting is so important."

"Okay... I'll go. Do you know if Cheryl is coming?" Lynn asked, wondering if she was being avoided.

"No, Ida's husband had a massive heart attack and Cheryl is covering the office. She's the only one who can." Stella fixed her makeup and pulled off the towel that protected her dress.

"Oh, wow... I didn't know. Is Judy going to be there with us?" Lynn was wondering how she got talked into this.

"No, she's going to be with her mom." Stella checked her hair and switched off the light. Well, let's go." She reached out for Lynn's hand. They left the upstairs apartment and walked the two blocks to the town hall arm in arm.

"Is it always this eventful?" Lynn asked as she felt eyes on her.

"No, usually it's pure tedium. I have to give Judy an energy drink or she falls asleep. It's like a major convergence and they are trying to deal with everything all at once, so they can get back to their normal boring lives." Stella found Judy in the crowd and blew her a kiss.

Everyone settled down as the meeting was called to order. Lynn looked around and wondered if this was a closed meeting, what the open ones would look like. The room was full of people, all looking around, trying to gauge where this meeting would go.

"All Come to order." The Sergeant at Arms called out, as the crowd quieted.

Stella held Lynn's hand as they went through the reading of the minutes and the firing of the controller who had lost or embezzled the money. Stella tightened her grip as they called for any new information as to the referendum of recalling the Sherriff for Moral Turpitude, and other illegal activities.

Lynn saw a young woman in maternity clothes, even though she didn't need them yet. Get up and approach a desk. She was followed by a mid thirties man who was in a suit.

"Yes, I have a lot to say about the allegations of wrong doing my husband is accused of." She said in a loud, clear voice.

"Miss, do you deny that you were caught having sexual relations with a man who wasn't your husband at the time, while he was on duty?"

"So, because my then fiancé, now husband; was on duty, I cannot have sex with him?" She asked unrepentant. "You're trying to say that until a new Sheriff is elected I cannot have sex with my husband...? Because as Sheriff, he's never off Duty! Who died and made you god?" A mummer went through the crowd.

"Miss, you are out of order." A council member said looking down on the woman.

"I'm out of order... How am I out of order?" She refused to back down.

"As a Sheriff, anyone who holds that title must act in a manner that is above contempt or scandal. You admit you were under that age of consent...."

"I never admitted anything of the sort." She interrupted, not letting him finish his sentence. "I said I had not reached my eighteenth birthday. But then again; I've been an emancipated adult since I was sixteen. So, I was a year older than consent requires. My parents are dead! There is no one else to give consent other than me, and trust me! I consented to everything we did to get me pregnant with our first child. I was a virgin until we started having sex and I will never cheat on my husband and the father of my child. So, how has my husband acted in a manner other than above reproach?"

"Even the appearance of improper action is enough to...."

"Then let's look at the reproach of former Sheriff's of this county." She interrupted and opened her file. "The first sheriff, who was in his forties, married his cousin on her thirteenth birthday. Another sheriff never married, but produced eleven children from women that lived at the Manor House. According to these newspaper articles, the Manor house was the local house of prostitution. The sheriff, who was re-elected three times before and during the war of the states, kept three female slaves and had children with all three and two with his wife until he got a son to give his inheritance to. The sheriff that followed him had five wives. Let us not forget Sheriff Leland and his daughter...."

"That is besides the point...." Another member tried to divert the topic.

"No, that is exactly the point. My husband and I were unmarried and unattached when we started our relationship. We both were of legal ability to enter said relationship. As history shows, my husband has acted well above the morals of the prior people who held his office. Since when is it illegal or immoral for a widower and a single woman to date, become engaged, have sex and get married? Until that time, my husband is guiltless in all of the things he has been accused of."

"Are you trying to say that you didn't have sexual relation while in his official vehicle?"

"And, on the hood, on his desk, on our table, in the park at midnight... anywhere and everywhere we can find time to have sex. As a matter of fact, we had sex before we came here, if that's any of your business." She smiled at the look on their faces. "I love him and he loves me. We're married, having sex and making babies. Sorry if you're not getting any, but that is not my fault!"

"Order... that is out of order!" the Mayor banged his gavel and tried not to smile. "And what do you have to say about all of this Will?"

"I've let my wife have her say." He scratched his head. "Now, I'm insisting that you reinstate me, or I'll file a federal suit against this county and all its officials. I have done nothing to warrant the investigation into my private life. I'm an elected official and have voluntarily submitted to the investigation to clear my name. That's done. I'll be reassuming my position as of tomorrow with all accrued back duty pays and vacation time. I will be going through my department with a fine tooth comb and making some changes. Other than that, I have nothing else to say on the matter." He made a motion to a man in an expensive tailored suit.

"I'm Phillip Moreno, Attorney at law. I have in my possession a copy of aforementioned legal action and a summons for each of you, if my client is not reinstated." He sat back down and looked forward.

"Without sounding like a threat, I know enough to make this really dirty." Willis finished and put his hand on his wife's back. "Let me know what you decide. I'll be in my office in the morning." He walked out of the side door, with his attorney following.

The people in the gallery started talking. One of the members raised his hand to be noticed. "I might be the newest member, but I move that we reinstate the Sheriff, and ask for an outside audit on this matter to ensure we haven't made the county liable for any further legal actions."

"If the members would place their votes and pass them down... we'll see what the vote says." The mayor said and turned away. Ten minutes later, he called out.

"Settle down please. Can I have you attention?" Judy's dad held the papers in front of him. "By a vote of seven to three, the motion has passed and the Sheriff is returned to active duty. The three dissidents know they can ask for an appeal within thirty days. I will request an audit from the Capital next week. Next business...."

As the crowd reacted, Judy stood up to be recognized. "Mr. Mayor and members of the board... I suggest that we adjourn for the time being, since it was slotted for Don Phillips to address the meeting, but he is absent. None of the changes that are to be looked at can't be tabled until next month's regular meeting."

"Do I hear a motion?" He asked, looking around.

"What are we going to do about the controller's position?" A member asked.

"We're looking for one and as soon as we have at least three good candidates, that is a dead issue." The lone female board member said, before making the motion. "I move we adjourn for now and get back to regular business for our next meeting."

"All those in favor...?"

"Wow that was quick..." Stella whispered into Lynn's ear. "Ten more minutes of the closing of the board and we're out of here."


The next day, Lynn walked into Cheryl's building while on her lunch break. She waited in the waiting area as she watched Cheryl talking to an elegant Hispanic woman.

"Here is the paperwork that makes you the Office Manager and allows you to keep the doors open for business. Ida will be taking at least two weeks off after she is done with the funeral home. Ida said to hire who you need, to keep the office viable. She trusts you to keep things running smoothly."

"Are you going to be staying with her?" Cheryl asked as she looked at the folder.

"No, Ida will be staying at my house. She can't stand to go home for now. She's talking about selling it and everything in it. I'm trying to get her to rent it out as an investment."

"That makes more sense... with the market now, she'll lose money and it will be years before she can get what her house is truly worth. I'll start looking for tenants that can be trusted and I'll have a report ready by the time she comes back from her bereavement." She sat in Ida's chair and stood back up. "What about her church?"

"You better get used to that chair. If I have my way, it will be yours as soon as I can get her to retire. The sooner the better..." Deloris smiled at Cheryl. "As for those busybodies at church, let them mind their own damn business. We're both widows now, and consolidating our households to make it work in the harsh economy. If they don't like it, they can kiss my dead dog's ass!"

"Amen...!" Lynn laughed, bringing attention to herself.

"Hey Lynn... Well you have a client." Cheryl and Deloris said in the same breath.

"It's okay... I can wait for a bit. I have to be back in forty minutes though." Lynn smiled and waved at them.

"Well, I've given you your marching orders. Ida will remain the owner until she either sells the business or you buy into it. Either way, it's not going to be easy and I'm keeping her away from here as much as possible. We expect to see you at the memorial." Deloris kissed Cheryl's cheek and left.

"Wow, I um owe you an apology." Lynn blushed. "I thought after our last conversation, you were avoiding me."

"I'm sorry Lynn, but I've been neck deep... I don't know how Ida did it all these years." Cheryl sat back down and looked around guiltily.

"Like she said, get used to that chair and desk... Miss Office Manager and all around big boss." Lynn smiled and sat on the edge of the desk.

"Yeah..." Cheryl swallowed. She wondered if Lynn knew that sitting there gave her unobstructed view of her legs, silk stockings and the pastel flowers covering her crotch. "I, um, have to hire two temps and one full time receptionist slash researcher." Her mouth went dry as Lynn moved and pulled her panties into the grove of her sex.

"Well, I know Jennifer Barnes is getting a pink slip at the end of the week. I can send her to you. She's reliable and smart." Lynn offered as she could feel the heat growing between her legs. "How about if I fix you dinner and we can finish the talk we were having." She stood up and the magical view disappeared.

"Um yeah, that sounds great... Um, send her in later today and I'll interview her. If she can start right away, then she won't have to get pink slipped. Talk to your boss and maybe this can work out even if she's just one of the temps." Cheryl was trying to think about work as visions of Lynn's sex seared itself into her brain.

"What time do you want dinner?" Lynn asked and ignoring the hard nipples poking out at her.

"Six will be fine..." She took out the pack of cigarettes, "Um, can you give these to Pat? I don't have any more time to talk today."

"Okay, and then I can tell you what happened at the town meeting." Lynn smiled and kissed Cheryl's cheek before walking out and meeting Pat.

Cheryl watched as Pat hugged Lynn and instantly felt irritated. Lynn handed Pat the pack of smokes, they laughed, and in her mind; it took way to long for Pat to release Lynn's hand. She blew her bangs back and dove into work.

Later that night, as Lynn set up Cheryl's dinner plate. "So Richard said if Jenifer wanted to start sooner, he'd waive the two weeks' notice and still give her a good recommendation." She set the plate of food in front of Cheryl, moving the files out of the way. "Ida would be irritated to know you're still here."

"Yeah but, I have three closings tomorrow. I have to have everything ready. Jenny could start tomorrow and it wouldn't be soon enough. She said she'll put a notice up at her apartments... and hopefully I can save the money from placing an ad in the paper. Do you know how much they want for a business ad now days?"

"Jenifer is a good worker. I think she'll be able to take over your old job without much training." Lynn sat down and took a drink of her tea.

"I hope so, or I'll never get a day off, let alone laid again." Cheryl huffed and regretted her words as Lynn flinched.

"Speaking about that... you were about to tell me who hurt you so bad." Lynn bit her lip and tried to let the pain flow through her.

"Well hell, it's not like it is a big secret." Cheryl sat back and looked at the ceiling and she started telling her story. Lynn listened without comment. At first she got mad for Cheryl, but by the time she was done, she was mad at Cheryl. "So anyway, after that; I stopped talking to all of them and made a life for myself." Cheryl finished.

"I don't want to sound harsh or judgmental...." Lynn tried to be objective.

"But...?" Cheryl saw the raw emotion on Lynn's face.

"But if they hurt you so badly, why are you doing the same thing?" The anger was just under the surface.
