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'Now, you could have done that yourself, couldn't you?' Owen asked as my breathing began to return to normal.

'Yes.' I nodded.

'In fact you should have done it yourself, shouldn't you?'

'Yes.' I admitted.

'But Leah had to do it for you, didn't she?'

I didn't answer.

'No, you can't answer, can you.' He went on. 'And nor can she for taking so long to perform that simple task. I think you both deserve to be punished, don't you?'

'Yes.' It was Leah who answered, confirming, as if it were necessary, that she had masturbated me so slowly on purpose.

I looked at Owen, dreading what he was going to say and yet wanting to hear it.

'Shall we bend them over the chairs?' Owen asked Haydn.

My heart jumped. I wanted him to say yes, my arms and the muscles in my thighs were aching from my time attached to the rings, but not only that, maybe I'd get some male attention now. For all that she was a woman and I'm not into women, Leah bringing me off had only served to make me feel even randier. Now I needed a cock. But it seemed I wasn't going to get one just yet.

'No, we can do that in a bit. I'd like to see them tied to the ceiling rings first.'

'There's only one set of rings.' Owen reminded him as I swallowed my disappointment. Bent over, smacked and fucked would have been so much better.

'I know, but we can fasten them face to face.'

Owen thought about that for a moment or two, and then. 'Yes, I can go with that. I've got some bondage tape, so we can tape Leah to Claire.' It sounded a little scary, but curiously exciting.

While Owen went across to find the tape Haydn came and stood in front of me. For a moment he just looked me in the eye, but then he casually reached forward and grabbed my breasts, one in each hand. I didn't want to stop him even if I could, I could feel my nipples harden under his palms. For a minute or two he squeezed and massaged them, before he gripped my nipples between finger and thumb and pulled on them hard until they slipped free. It hurt, but it was nice.

He smiled and leaned forward. 'Nice tits.' He whispered in my ear. I stared at him, taken aback but strangely pleased by the compliment. I'd thought Leah's were better. 'I'm going to fuck you.' He added casually, moving away and leaving me dumbstruck.

Owen flashed me a quick smile as he came back, and I wondered if he'd heard Haydn's remarks. Not that it mattered, he'd already promised that Haydn could have me, and I wasn't going to object.

'Let's get the other one fastened up too, then.'

'Yes.' Haydn agreed. 'Stand in front of Clair, and facing her,' He ordered Leah.

She did as she was instructed without hesitation, standing right before me so that our breasts almost touched. I couldn't help it, even after what had happened I instinctively swayed away as much as my bonds would allow.

'Don't be silly, stand together.'

I moved back as Leah shuffled forwards until we were face to face with her nipples now pressed onto the top of my breasts.

'Raise your arms and hold Clair's hands.'

My wrists were through the cuffs, but it was easy for us to hold hands while Haydn wrapped tape securely around our wrists to hold us together. He squatted down beside us.

'Spread your legs.'

She did as he asked, but obviously not to his satisfaction. He swatted her backside hard, making her gasp and jerk forward, her entire body pressing briefly against mine and giving me a hint of what was to come.

'Wider.' He told her. 'Put your feet outside of Clair's'

This was where her extra couple of inches in height counted, for she was able to spread her legs wide enough to do as she was told with her hands still firmly taped to mine. It was only the work of a minute to tape our ankles together and then we were both held firm, legs and arms in the same vulnerable star position.

'That's good.' He stood up and backed away, standing to admire his handiwork again.

Now Owen walked around behind me looking thoughtful. I had no idea why until I sensed him squat down. Then I felt a hand fumbling between my legs and I gasped as I felt a sudden sharp pain in my clit as if it had been gripped hard by someone or something. The hand went away but the pain didn't, in fact it felt as though Owen was tugging at whatever he had clamped to me. It wasn't until Leah jerked suddenly and grunted in pain that I realised what had happened.

We had recently bought a gold chain with nipple clamps at each end which he attached to my nipples and then hung a weight on. I loved the throbbing discomfort of the clamps and the constant reminder of the swinging weight. What he had done this time was attach one clamp to my clit and another to Leah's so that we were connected by the weighted chain. Now he too stood and walked around us, smiling at his idea.

'They're ready now.' He told Haydn. 'How do you think we should chastise them?'

'I think these would be ideal.' Haydn picked up the two floggers from the top of the cupboard and handed one to Owen, then he moved to stand behind me instead of Leah. I just had to hope he wasn't too cruel, although we still had our safe word get out clause. Owen now went and stood behind Leah.

'Here goes.' Leah whispered, sounding exactly as I felt, both scared and excited.

I saw Owen nod across me to Haydn and immediately the first stroke landed on my back. It hurt, it hurt a lot, making me gasp and jerk forward just as Owen struck Leah to make her do the same. Our bodies collided, soft flesh bumping into soft flesh. Another stroke followed with the same result for both of us, then another, and another, and then it was clear that both men were speeding up, blows landing in increasingly rapid succession. Soon they were simply whirling the floggers round and round so that we were hit each time it passed in an endless succession of strokes, with each man working his way up and down our bodies from our shoulders to the backs of our thighs and back again.

They were not hard stokes individually, but as with the riding crop used on me earlier, the accumulation quickly began to tell. Soon we were gasping and squirming, instinctively pushing forward and wriggling to try and mitigate the effects. All we did was to make the punishment more erotic, just as had been intended I suppose, with Leah's body moving against mine, our nipples rubbing together and our clit clamps tugged and pulled by the swaying weight. I could soon hear Leah panting in my ear, and I could tell it wasn't all from the pain of our punishment.

'Oh my god.' She whispered hoarsely. 'I'm going to come.'

'I think I might too.' I nodded in agreement, feeling a wonderful sensation forming behind the discomfort.

'Oh my god.' She repeated, loudly this time, letting everyone know what was happening. I felt her grip my hands in hers, tightening as her climax swelled. 'Oh my god, I'm coming.'

Her orgasm was much more animated than before, she cried out loud, hissing the word "yes" between gasps and cries of pleasure and pain as Owen continued to flog her. Now, instead of wriggling and squirming, she thrust forward rhythmically with her hips in an imitation of sex when each wave of pleasure hit her, driving herself at me, her pubic bone grinding into mine as I jerked forward from my own chastisement. That was a little bit too girl on girl for my comfort, though I'd be lying if I said it was repellent, or even unpleasant. It didn't kill my arousal but it probably held me back, or else I would possibly have come too. I wanted to, and maybe I could have done otherwise.

The trouble was that I wasn't given the chance to catch up again, because as soon as her orgasm had peaked, Leah slumped against her bonds, her head resting on my shoulder, her breasts moving on mine as she panted for breath, and the flogging ceased. I was trembling from head to foot, partly from the punishment, but partly also from my own intense arousal and frustration. I needed some release, some form of real sex. Haydn had remarked before that he would take me later and I wanted it to be now.

He ducked beneath us, unclipping the clamps from our clits. That was painful in itself and made both of us moan, but Haydn ignored us, passing the chain to Owen and then reaching down to unbind the tape from Leah's ankles. She closed her legs together and stood, smiling wearily at me as she waited for her hands to be released.

'That was so good.' She whispered breathlessly. 'Owen did it better than Haydn does.'

For some reason I felt inordinately proud that Owen had been complimented in that way. But for my part, I thought Haydn did all right. My entire back was still stinging and he'd made me so randy I could hardly keep from screaming.

'All right, that's enough talking.' He said, reaching up to release her hands.

She stumbled away to sit down, wincing slightly as her bottom made contact with the bed.

Haydn noticed and smiled. 'Yes, I'm definitely going to screw some rings into our ceiling.' He told her, reaching back as Owen passed him the keys to the cuffs and spreader bar.

'Go and bend over one of those chairs.' He instructed me as he set me free. 'You too,' He told Leah.

While we were being freed Owen had moved the two bedroom chairs until they were facing each other a yard or so apart, so that we would also be facing each other as we bent over their backs. I flexed tired legs and rubbed aching arms as I walked across, so relieved to have been released and so looking forward to what we hoped was to come.

We both did as we were told, bending over a chair to place our hands flat on the seat, perhaps a little stiffly, but willingly enough. I looked at Leah as we took our positions and she looked at me, and I could see she was thinking exactly as I was. We were both hoping it wouldn't be another chastisement. Then we heard the buzz of zips being pulled and we both looked to the side where the men were undressing.

'We think you have earned a reward.' Owen told us, hopping on one foot as he took off his jeans. 'And so have we.' He added truthfully.

My heart lifted at the prospect of being fucked. God, but I wanted it. I hoped it would be Haydn; after all, he had promised earlier on that he would fuck me. Besides, now he was naked I could see that he was equipped with a good thick cock, and that was just what I needed.

'Be my guest.' Owen waved Haydn towards me in answer to questioning eyebrows. I thanked him silently and mentally promised him a blow job in payment.

I watched excitedly as my husband took up his position behind Leah, feeling Haydn's hands grasp my hips just as his gripped hers. Then Haydn moved forward and I felt the tip of his cock touch my crack at the same time as I watched Owen look down to line himself up with Leah. It was like watching what was happening behind me in a mirror, and even more so when the men slid into us both simultaneously.

Haydn pushed right into me in one go, his cock sliding effortlessly into my very slippery and very eager pussy. I gasped with pleasure, looking up at Owen as he entered Leah. This was so good, sharing him with my friend even as I was being shared myself. It was naughty, very naughty, but so bloody sexy. I saw a tiny smile of satisfaction flit across Leah's face as Owen began to thrust into her, something that I'm sure was echoed on mine.

Then I was being fucked just as I had wanted and I loved the feel of Haydn's cock thrusting into me, his belly slamming into my rather tender behind, painfully reminding me of the punishment I'd received. But that didn't matter, in fact if anything it intensified the sensations, and almost immediately I felt my overdue orgasm start to build once more. I just hoped I wouldn't be denied this time.

It took longer than I expected for me to come. Not because my build up was slow, but because it just kept getting higher and higher until I was whimpering with arousal, teetering on the very edge with every nerve fibre in my body stimulated to excess. All the time Haydn was plunging his cock into me, in and out, I and out, hard and fast, his grip on my hips tightening as he himself got nearer to coming. I just pleaded with myself to let me come before he did.

But it wasn't Haydn who tipped me over the edge, it was Leah and Owen. Leah had been breathing heavily almost from the start, but now I heard her speak softly to herself, whispering that same sibilant "yes" that she had voiced when she was coming before. I raised my head and looked at her face, seeing her with a frown of concentration, her bottom lip gripped between her teeth and the muscles on her neck standing out. I looked up towards Owen. He had his eyes closed and his head thrown back in a pose I knew so well. He was about to empty himself into Leah and she was about to climax too. That did it for me.

My orgasm was awesome. That is the only word to describe it. It seemed that my entire body was on fire, every super sensitive nerve on overload, and every muscle so tense it was almost going into spasm. I cried out louder this time than ever before, my mind calling for Haydn to fuck me harder but the sound coming out as a long drawn out wail, punctuated by a gasp each time he hammered into me. And then he pulled back, almost slipping from me altogether, before slamming back in, growling as he dug his nails into my hips, his cock twitching and jerking inside me. He was coming and the knowledge extended my orgasm, making me seem to come again, a new wave of sensations surging through me with each spurt he shot into my womb. By the time he was finished and his climax was spent I was simply draped over the back of the chair, lifeless and exhausted.

I looked up again as he pulled clear and staggered away, expecting to see Owen and Leah looking at me. But they weren't there any more, they had moved to sit on the bed to watch me being fucked, and I hadn't even noticed. Leah was leaning back, propping herself on her arms as she got her breath back, while Owen sat beside her, elbows on his knees, breathing heavily, his worn out cock now just a flaccid tassel between his legs. He smiled as he saw me looking at him and nodded his satisfaction. I smiled back as I pulled myself stiffly upright, immediately feeling Haydn's cum running from me. It had been the best climax I'd had for a long, long time, and it looked like everyone else was thinking the same about theirs.

We were almost silent as we recovered, and then we went downstairs, still naked because we couldn't be bothered to get dressed yet, and gathered around the kitchen table for a much needed coffee. We sat there (Leah and I rather carefully) and just looked at each other for a while, none of us seeming to find the words to comment – until Haydn burst into laughter.

'Fuck.' He chuckled. 'If that's what happens with everyone you invite over I'm surprised there isn't a queue.'

'I don't think either of us could stand that too often.' I told him, with a large degree of truth involved.

'Oh, we could.' He replied for himself and Leah. 'We could stand that every day.'

'No darling.' Leah contradicted. 'You only think we could. It's called wishful thinking. But I do hope we'll be asked over again.'

They will, I guarantee it, but as for me, I definitely couldn't take it every day, fabulous though it was. That said, the session had done what I needed it to. It had satisfied my hunger to be used, to be someone else's plaything other than Owen's, and to have my boundaries stretched almost to breaking point. I hadn't used our safe word, but I'd come very close to it a couple of times and that was just what I had needed. It had been an astonishing, but very, very intense and rewarding evening.

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Kitist02Kitist02over 8 years ago
Well done

I think everyone of the four got the play they wanted at the time, although Haydn will bear watching. He seems a little pushier than the others.

Nicely written, despite any nit-picking that may come along. The female first person voice carried the story right along. The basic structure, that of Owen and Claire's growth in their awareness of what they wanted, was handled very well, beginning with fumbling and stumbling efforts to define what each wanted and ending with all four having reached personal goals well beyond anything they could have imagined at the start.

I was bemused to note that in my reaction to parts of the story I found myself making lists of what tools and toys in which they were deficient. You know, more hooks, at least one more spreader bar, cuff sets, slave collars, etc.... I mean, if you are going to host a function you should have everything needed to make it a success!

Thank you for this gem. I hope there will be further developments in the Owen and Claire story, with or with out the other two. (Although Leah seemed worthwhile to keep around.)

Epiphany_JonesEpiphany_Jonesover 8 years ago
I have to disagree with the prior comment.

The fact that neither woman is "into" women adds to the encounter. I'll admit that both of them seem to be capable of appreciating the aesthetic beauty of the other woman, but while this could indicate some bicuriosity on their part, it also stresses how much of their free will they're surrendering. It wouldn't be much different if instead of submitting to the sexual attention of an attractive woman, they were submitting to to the attentions of a man they found physically, or at least sexually, unattractive. They can suppress their personal distaste because they're being told what to do. It isn't about their choice, it's about surrendering their decision to choose. They're just obeying their commands, and that only increases the dominant/submissive nature of this encounter. "I don't WANT to do this, but I HAVE to."

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

A bit confused and aggravated. Owen let Haydn run too much of the show. From the first discussion, Clair made it clear she wasn't into women and what happens? Most of the scene ends up being Leah on Clair with punishment hanging over them. No, she didn't safeword, but admittedly came close several times. Doesn't sound fun to me. Doesn't sound like Owen was paying much attention to Clair, just his own jollies. I'm left wondering if it was a good experience for them and what will be the fallout after the hormones are settled.

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