FPGA Gets a New Pro


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Yes, he actually used that expression when he saw the pairings. A southern expression from a good ole boy from a rural area where he grew up, that phrase is overused!

Back home in Hawaii, Melissa parents had been following her game closely. They arranged for the remaining family of four to fly in, since Melissa had two decent rounds of golf on Thursday and Friday. Unaware of her exploits the night before and her unexpected predicament to come, they flew in to follow her last day and a half of golf in the men's tournament.

Upon arriving, they were picked up by a taxi, shuttled to a private lot within the grounds of the Golf Club and carted out nearby where Melissa was playing. They kept their distance as they watched her play.

However, they didn't know her plight. Melissa's whole game had gone from awesome to appalling overnight. The front nine, she was well over her stroke average. She shot a 43. She was out of control. She was headed for a round of 85 or 86 approximately, based upon how she played the first nine.

Upon seeing this, her father was visibly upset but also confounded. "Why is she playing so awful? What didn't she do properly that she's playing like this? He asked the redundant questions to his wife. Melissa's mom was also surprised as were her siblings. They talked among themselves until one daughter suggested something that she kept secret.

"Mom, Dad... I think I know why she's not playing well. Actually I'm sure of the reason, daddy."

He looked at her with curiosity. He thought, "You don't know why; you don't know anything about golf at all. It never was your sport."

Then he openly asked her anyways why that was. He had changed his outlook for Melissa's sake and allowed her to turn professional at an earlier age then most, so he listened to Melissa's sister.

Standing alone between fairways, away from everyone else, and under some low-lying Flowering Cherry trees, Melissa's sister explained what she knew. Her dad was fuming afterwards! Her dad was visibly upset and since he was Melissa's dad, he thought about trying to get her removed from the tournament.

"I'll get her to just drop out, that's simple enough. Where the hell is Sandy, he continued, she has to be around here somewhere! Go with your mom and brother; I will catch up later."

He searched out Sandy among the crowd of spectators. She was two holes over following the guy she went out with the night before. They had plans for that night and she was getting together to spend personal time if possible, with him.

He asked some of the officials, some younger golfers he suspected might happen to know of Sandy and eventually got her whereabouts. Trekking over to number 8, he located her, pulled her aside and confronted her.

"Why is my... as he asked her a barrage of questions. Sandy never had a chance to respond to any of his incriminating queries. She was guilty of her failure to keep things in check. Essentially, it was her last day on the job. She was fired on the spot. However, until she was released from her contract legally, because of her Guardianship over Melissa, by all rights, she had as much control over Melissa that her dad had.

He wasn't aware of it. She could demand what she wanted, with in reason, and Melissa would be required to do as commanded. Sandy wasn't like that and she wouldn't begin a pissing match with anyone. She knew she failed, the night before, in her obligations.

Melissa's game continued to suffer and Todd's game began to suffer eventually, as he felt worse about her game. As he tried to focus on his game, he'd watch her hit the ball and it wouldn't be bad, it was horrific as if he was watching a bad amateur play a pro golfer's game. She should withdraw, he kept thinking. He didn't say a word. He didn't say anything until the 15th hole.

Walking up that fairway, he slowly headed towards Melissa whose ball, for the first time on Saturday, landed in a fair lie; it landed in the light rough. That was the first time she had a civilized tee shot.

"Melissa, he called out to her gently so the crowd would not hear a discussion, what's wrong, he continued. Why are you playing this way? There's has to be a reason. We got home early enough last night, didn't we? You had a chance to get a good night's sleep, right? I hope... well, I hope you aren't playing the way you are because we went out last night, are you?"

He hit it right on the head. He nailed the reason. She knew it, but she didn't look at him once he asked. She liked Todd without question. There were so many things too say, she wrote about everything she liked about him on her online journal the night before.

Her sister happened to read Melissa's journal entry just before going to sleep herself. She was as excited as Melissa was. Her sister was a year older then Melissa. The two of them were close. Melissa always read her sisters journal entries too. They shared many thoughts, feelings and emotions. These though were memories of the evening before; the things they did that night is what she wrote about and of course, all of her deep feelings.

Finally, Melissa turned around and looked at Todd. She looked at him directly. She initially couldn't say what she felt. She'd then saw herself as immature. No way did she care to be seen as immature. "I'm grown up and more mature now", she's say to herself.

"I'm alright Todd. I'll be okay. I'm just not as focused as I should be. I may withdraw tonight, but I'm not going to now. Todd? Thanks for asking, I appreciate that a lot!" Then she smiled at him and when she did, it lit him up inside, big time! He liked her smile as it made him feel very special... very, very special!

Little did Todd know that he wasn't dealing with whom he thought? He was dealing with someone who really wasn't being truthful in her 'friendship' with him. She began to understand that. She knew in the back of her mind, she should be more honest.

"This isn't the time, of course, but I have to tell Todd because I know he doesn't know the truth." It made her game go sour even more. Her game was becoming a little better, but not much. The camera's showed her game as it went bad, but when it went downhill more, they focused on the leader board and only that, for the most part.

On the eighteenth fairway, finally heading home and in the midst of shooting an appalling round of eighty-eight, Melissa asked her caddy to walk over to her ball while she headed over to Todd and his ball.

"Todd? Maybe I should wait until later but I want to tell you something."

"What's that Melissa", he asked.

"Last night? Last night was super fun for me. I had a super time. I've never had as great a time as I did last night. The truth is I'm not even as old as you might think I am. I only seem like it because of how I look to lots of people, okay Todd?"

Getting ready for his pre-shot routine, he abruptly looked up at her. He was too curious now. "What's that supposed to mean Melissa? Exactly how old are you? Wait, do I even want to know how old? Wow, don't tell me. Don't even begin to suggest you aren't even of ..." and he trailed off before looking for the answer.

He didn't want to know he had gone out with someone, a beautiful young lady who wasn't... near his age.

"Tell you what Melissa. If we get a chance afterwards or after this tournament tomorrow, look me, up. If you can't, let's try to stay in touch. I'd love to be reacquainted if you'd want to go out. I really liked being with you last night; I really did; you should know that, okay Melissa?"

"I'm going to get a two-stroke penalty if I don't hit this shot." He looked at her with an earnest smile; she walked away a little downtrodden.

She always remembered what he said about looking him up a couple of years later and she did. She withdrew from the tournament that evening. She learned of Sandy's firing. She spoke to her later and they hugged. Sandy said she'd call her when everyone wasn't around to get the story on Todd as well as just talk.

Sandy started dating the other tour player. That grew into a fantastic relationship. That guy was divorced and she could be his kid's nanny as well as his friend, his good, good friend.

Melissa took a month off from pro golf to get her game and her head back together. She became a huge success on the FPGA. Time flew and it would be two plus years before she would run into Todd who was having moderate success on the PGA.

They ran into each other at a benefit they both were invited to for one reason. Unbeknownst to them, one young woman invited both of them to the golf outing. That benefit was two fold in that it raised money for charity and re-introduce Melissa and Todd!

Melissa's sister and Melissa's long time friend and ex-Guardian were responsible for hooking up the two of them. Todd had always thought about Melissa. He just never knew how old she really was, not until the year before. Melissa thought a lot about Todd, however with each having successful careers, both were out to prove to their selves and to the world that they could compete on the big stage.

When Todd saw Melissa, he walked briskly to her with a large glowing smile on his face. He was in a jolly mood. His heart was fascinated by her presence.

"Hiiiii Melissa, it is so... so good to see you finally! Wow, I've missed you. How are youuuuu?"

She was overcome by his charm and positive attitude. She quickly was elated when she saw him too. "I'm real good Todd; it's great to see you again too. How have you been? If you don't mind me saying, I've missed you a bunch! I've thought about you a lot."

"So Melissa, you aren't two years older then me as I assumed way back at that one tournament. Hahaha, you sure had me fooled. Why didn't you tell me the truth back then? No, guess what, it doesn't even matter any more. You are as beautiful and sexy as... well as always. I've seen you on TV a lot over the last year or so. I really, really miss you Melissa! Will you give me a big hug... please?"

"Ohhh God Todd, I am so happy you asked; here's as big a hug as I can give you", she said in a cute and passionate tone of voice. Before either realized it, they were locked in a fervent kiss in the middle of the parking lot as Sandy and Melissa's sister looked on.

Those two were proud of themselves that day. They brought two individuals back together that was inevitably meant to be in the first place.

After kissing for a little while, Melissa looked up and asked, "How old are you anyways Todd?"

He laughed and laughed, because the running joke was she was a little older then him back a couple of years ago; this was because she had certain personal attributes she exhibited that many took notice of and made her seem older then she was.

She still has those awesome and incredible attributes and he still pays close attention to them. He even pays detailed attention to her attributes nowadays. Actually, more now then back then!

That weekend, the two of them played as a couple against several other combinations of pros in a charity event. Holding hands while walking from tee to their ball or from their lies to the green, they were as cute as cute could be on this golf course of love!

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