Frankie & Mrs. Young Ch. 02


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Mr. Young walked in and sat on the couch that Frankie had once tied his ex-wife to. Frankie sat in a nearby chair. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here."

"The though did cross my mind," said Frankie.

"I want to know exactly when the affair between you and my wife started."

"What are you talking about?" asked Frankie wondering what he knew.

Mr. Young smiled. "You screwed me out of what was rightfully mine, so I'm assuming you did it from fucking my wife."

"Wasn't she your ex-wife?"

"Is that what she told you?"


"What else did she tell you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you trying to play stupid with me kid?"


Mr. Young smiled. "Look kid, I'm not trying to start a fight. I just want to talk, man to man."

"So talk."

Mr. Young sat back on the couch. "Sandra was a wonderful woman. She died way too soon. Now, she had a will drafted up years ago that left everything to me. Then, a month or so before she died, that idiot Rosin files a new one leaving everything to you. I want to know why."

Frankie knew what Mr. Young was doing; he also knew that if the affair were to be revealed, it would hurt his mom. "Because I was nice to her."

"How nice?"

"I took care of her yard."

"I'll bet," snorted Mr. Young.

"I fixed a few things that she broke."

"So her pussy was broke then?"

"Excuse me?"

"I know you were fucking my wife that last summer, kid."

"You sound pretty sure of yourself, yet you didn't bring any proof of this to the courts."

Mr. Young narrowed his eyes. "So you're telling me you never saw my wife naked. Never saw the mole on her left ass cheek, or her pussy that proved she wasn't a natural blonde."

Frankie knew he was lying and trying to bait him to admit to something that he had no intention in doing. "Mrs. Young wasn't a natural blonde? Shit! That just fucked up my fantasies about her."

"Don't fucking play with me boy. I know you fucked my wife."

"And how do you think you know this?"

"I saw you two."

Frankie paused. He knew Mr. Young was fishing, and Frankie wasn't about to bite. "Okay, when did you allegedly see us?"

"I came by one Wednesday evening. You had her tied to this couch and was pounding the fuck out of her pussy. You even smacked her ass."

Frankie stared at Mr. Young, then smiled. "Well Mr. Young, I hate to disappoint you but I never came here on a Wednesday evening because every Wednesday I was at my weekly soccer game with my friends. You're welcome to ask them about it."

Mr. Young's face flashed with anger. "So you're denying that you had my wife naked and tied to this very couch, doggie style as you fucked her silly."

Frankie bit his lip, as he knew what Mr. Young was trying to do. "What I'm saying is that if you did see Mrs. Young engaging in sexual acts on that couch, you didn't see her with me. Now I'm reconsidering if I want to keep that couch or not."

"Cut the crap boy," growled Mr. Young. "I know you were fucking her."

"Get out of my house," snapped Frankie. "I won't have you disrespect the memory of that great lady here, or anywhere."

"And what if I don't?"

A knock came from the front door. Frankie rose and opened the door to see his mom standing there holding a tray. "Mom?"

"I thought we could enjoy dinner together," she said as she walked in. "Oh hello. Mr. Young, right?"

"He was just leaving Mom. Weren't you, Mr. Young?"

"I'll be back, boy," said Mr. Young as he rose to his feet.

Frankie's mom handed Frankie the tray and stepped up to Mr. Young. "Mr. Young. Let me make one thing perfectly clear. If you ever show up here again unannounced or threaten my boy again, I will destroy you myself."

"Please," said Mr. Young. "What can you do to me?"

"I know much more than you think Mr. Young. Threaten my son again, and you'll find out exactly what Sandra told me."

Mr. Young stared at Frankie's mom for the longest time, then turned on his heels and left. Frankie and his mom watched as he drove away, then Frankie said, "Wow Mom, your timing couldn't have been better."

"Let's eat before our dinner gets cold."

Frankie and his mom ate mac and cheese and drank lemonade. After dinner, Frankie's mom carried the tray back to her house and thought about the last time she saw Mrs. Young alive. It was a Monday morning. Sandra had called and asked about their coffee date, thinking it was Wednesday, and was already at the coffee shop they frequented. When Frankie's Mom saw Sandra, she looked a bit disheveled, and Frankie's mom was worried.

"Are you all right Sandra?"

"Yeah," she said. "Why? Don't I look alright?"

Frankie's mom decided to be polite. "You look a bit tired."

"Well, I haven't gotten laid in weeks. Not since Frankie left."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, I guess I shouldn't have said anything. It's just, well; can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure Sandra, you can tell me anything."

Sandra leaned in and said, "I took Frankie's cherry last summer."


"Oh my god, that boy is such a hot fuck! His cock is amazing. He made me feel like a teenager again. He even took my virgin ass."

"Wait, you? And my son?" Frankie's mom felt her anger rise within her.

"I love that boy. I loved him as a son, and as a man. Don't be angry with him. I just had to have him."

"But why my son?"

"Because, I'm dying."

Frankie's mom gasped. "What?"

"I found out just before the Thompson's went to their niece's wedding. I was devastated as you can imagine. I have a brain tumor. No one knows except my doctor, and now, you. He gave me at most a few weeks, but Frankie changed all that. He gave me the entire summer and part of the fall. Our goodbye was harder for me than it was for him because I knew I'd never see him again. Please, don't tell him the only reason I did what I did was because of this."

Frankie's mom sat there stunned. Tears welled up in her eyes, though she wasn't sure what had upset her more. "I promise Sandra, I won't."

"There's one more thing. Take this." Sandra handed her an envelope. "My ex will try to contest my will after I'm gone. If it looks like he might win, or he might try to harm Frankie in any way, use what's in this envelope. I think you'll know what to do, should the time arise. I know I've thrown a lot at you, and I swear to you that I never meant to hurt you like this. But I swear to you that I love Frankie."

Frankie's mom took the envelope and said, "I'll do this for Frankie."

"Thank you. Now, tell me how Frankie's doing in school."

Frankie's mom hid the envelope in her purse and told Sandra about what Frankie had told her about school. They talked longer that day than they had ever before, and even had lunch together. Neither woman mentioned the earlier revelation about the affair between Sandra and Frankie, but talked about assorted random subjects the way the two old friends had done for years. Two days later, Frankie's mom found Sandra Young dead in her bed.

She walked into her house and put the dishes in her sink, then walked to her bedroom. In her closet, she had a safe installed when Frankie's father had left them to keep some cash hidden in, and later important papers. She opened the safe and pulled out the envelope. When Sandra gave it to her, she just shoved it into the safe and never looked at it. She was still dealing with the knowledge that her best friend had seduced her only son. She sat on her bed and opened it. It didn't take her long to understand what she had, and the power of it. She quickly put the items back into the envelope and locked it back in her safe.

A few weeks before Frankie had to leave for school, Mr. Young made another visit to Frankie. Frankie was sitting on his porch drinking a glass of lemonade when Mr. Young's car parked in front of the house. Frankie quickly texted his mom, and waited to see what Mr. Young would do. Mr. Young walked up and said, "Afternoon."

"Good afternoon."

"I thought I'd give you on last chance to tell me the truth about what happened between you and my wife before I call my lawyer."

"I thought we resolved this the last time you were here."

"No, the last time we met, I tried to trick you. This time, no tricks. You're right, it wasn't a Wednesday that I saw you, it was a Saturday."

Frankie shook his head. "And I told you that you were mistaken."

"So you're going to keep up the bullshit story, are ya?"

"If by bullshit you meant the truth, then yes."

Mr. Young reached into his jacket and handed Frankie some pictures. "Then explain these."

Frankie took the pictures as he saw his mom walk up. The pictures were of him and Sandra Young dancing together. Often she was wearing a long nightgown and nothing underneath. Frankie smiled as he looked at the pictures, remembering the good times the two shared. None of the pictures was of them engaging in any sex acts, or anything else inappropriate. Frankie smiled and said, "Okay, you got me. Mrs. Young insisted on teaching me how to dance before I left for college."

"Excuse me?" asked Mr. Young.

"Mrs. Young told me that it was important that a young man know how to dance with a lady and she offered to teach me how to dance. I didn't say anything because, well, it's was kinda embarrassing. I mean, what guy wants to admit that he was taking dancing lessons on a Saturday night instead of out on a date with a hot chick."

"So that's what you were doing when I was on my dates," said Frankie's mom as she stepped onto the porch. "Well, at least you weren't getting into any trouble."

"Hi Mom."

"Hello Frankie. Mr. Young, I thought I warned you about harassing my son."

"I'm not harassing Frankie, we're just talking."

"What are those?" asked Frankie's mom.

"Pictures of me and Mrs. Young when she was teaching me to dance," said Frankie as he handed them to his mom.

"Ah, I see why Mr. Young thought there was more to this relationship than there was. Did she always wear the nightgown?"

"Yeah," said Frankie. "She said it was important for me to understand how a dress could affect the way a woman moves."

"She was right."

"Are you two fucking kidding me?" snapped Mr. Young. "These pictures aren't dance lessons, they're foreplay."

"Foreplay?" asked Frankie's Mom.

"Yes!" barked Mr. Young. "I hate to break it to you lady, but your son was fucking my ex-wife."

"Mom I-"

Frankie's mom raised her hand and said, "Hush Frankie. Mr. Young, I warned you before that if you didn't back off, I'd make you pay. Why don't you take a look in this envelope?"

She handed him an envelope and waited. Mr. Young opened it and looked inside. "What the fuck? Where did you get this?"


"How the fuck did she get this?"

"Don't know and don't care. She gave this to me just in case you tried to harm Frankie. Now, mind you, those are just photocopies."

Mr. Young shoved the materials back into the envelope and asked, "Where are the originals?"

Frankie's mom smiled. "Now Mr. Young, do I really look that stupid?"

"What do you want?" asked Mr. Young.

"I want you to leave my son alone. This is his house now. If you really want it, I'm sure Frankie will be willing to sell it for double current market value."


"Be happy I didn't say triple."

"I would have," mumbled Frankie.

"So, let's say I do leave Frankie boy here alone? What then? Where's my guarantee you won't use this later?"

"You're just going to have to trust me," she said. "But know this, if I don't make a phone call in," she checked her watch, "ten minutes, it won't matter."

Mr. Young looked at the envelope in his hands. "What will it cost me to get the originals?"

"I don't want your money Mr. Young. I want you to leave my son alone. Come near him one more time, threaten him, try to enter this house without his permission, and I'm sure you know what will happen."

"Yeah," sighed Mr. Young. "I see Sandra got her revenge after all."

"This isn't revenge Mr. Young, it's justice."

Frankie looked at his mom, then Mr. Young. Mr. Young looked at Frankie and said, "Be happy you never crossed my ex-wife boy, she could be a real bitch. You folks have a nice day."

Mr. Young walked away, climbed into his car, and drove off. Frankie took a deep breath and said, "What was in the envelope?"

"Evidence that Mr. Young wasn't always a Boy Scout. The less you know son, the better."

"Don't you need to make a call?"

"No, that was just me playing poker," she said with a smile.

"Remind me to never play poker with you."

They laughed and walked into the house. Frankie poured his mom a glass of lemonade and said, "Mom, there's something I've got to tell you about me and Mrs. Young."

"No, you don't Frankie," she said taking the glass. "I already know."

"What? How?"

"Frankie, I lied in court when I said I didn't know about Sandra's condition. The day she gave me the real contents of that envelope she told me about her brain tumor and your affair."

Frankie's face went pale. He swallowed hard. "Mom I–"

"Don't," she interrupted. "Whatever you had with Sandra is between you two. I will tell you that she did love you and wanted you to be happy."

"When did she tell you?"

"Two days before she died. I think she knew her time was up, and she wanted to clear her conscience. It was the only time we had lunch together. She asked me how you were doing in school, if you had a girlfriend, and other stuff. To be honest, when she handed me the real envelope, I threw it in my safe and didn't look at it. I was angry and hurt with her. So you can imagine how hard it was to find her two days later, dead. I was so focused on my anger that I didn't realize that she was dying. I mean, really dying. I knew when I called 911 it was pointless, but I also knew that no one knew about her condition. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Frankie, but... Sandra was my only friend when your father left us. Remember when I told you about the mac and cheese?"

"Yeah, I remember that."

"What I didn't tell you was the first time you had it was shortly after your father left us. You were so little and as to why you father left, I can't really say. I will admit we were fighting, a lot. Money was tight for us. I had gotten pregnant with you sooner than we had intended and even healthy babies cost money. I don't wish to speak ill of him, but since neither of us have seen nor heard from him since you were about three or four, I don't have too many nice things about him."

"I understand Mom."

"I was having a rough time of it. I had just started at my job and was barely making enough to pay the bills, let alone keep food on the table. I came home from a really bad day at work and you knew it. You tried to do what you always did, hug me so I'd feel better, but I pushed you away and told you to leave me alone. You went outside and cried pretty hard. I felt like shit and just couldn't face you so I hid in my room and buried my face in a pillow. I have no idea how long I was there when I felt her hand on my shoulder."


"Sandra. She was holding you and telling me to get up. After a few minutes, I did. She took us to her house and fixed us dinner. You ate a big bowl of mac and cheese with a glass of lemonade while we ate steak and shared a bottle of wine. For the next week, she fixed us dinner and I was sure she'd never make mac and cheese ever again after that."


"That was all you would eat. But she didn't falter. Then, one night you asked for pizza instead. I thought poor Sandra was going to cry, but instead she smiled really big and asked you what kind. She helped me through a really dark time and gave me the strength to carry on. From then on, whenever you asked for the mac and cheese, I'd call her and the next night, a big bowl was ready for us to enjoy. I think it's why learning what you two did just before her death hurt me so. She was my friend and treated you like a son for so long, that it never occurred to me that she saw you grow into a man, while I still saw you as my little boy."

Tears fell down Frankie's cheeks. Hearing his mom share this story weighed heavily on his heart. "I remember holding you when you'd cry, but I don't remember us ever coming here for dinner."

"No, I didn't think you would. Like I said, you were maybe four at the time."

"Why didn't we continue?"

"Sandra wanted you to think I was making the mac and cheese. She wanted you to think I was Super Mom."

"Well it worked, because I do think you are Super Mom."

Frankie and his mom hugged for several minutes and shed many tears. They never spoke again about Mr. Young, his dad, or the affair between him and Sandra Young.

A few days after all had been revealed, Mrs. Thompson came to visit, asking Frankie if he would be willing to mow her lawn and take care of her hedges again and of course, Frankie said he would. After he finished, she said she'd come by later to pay him for his services.

That evening, Mrs. Thompson and an attractive young woman with dark brown hair came to Frankie's house. Frankie was sitting on the porch drinking a glass of lemonade, smiled and said, "Good evening ladies."

"Hello Frankie," said Mrs. Thompson. "This is my niece, Rebecca."

"I thought your niece got married last year?" asked Frankie, a bit confused.

"That was my cousin," said Rebecca.

"Oh," said Frankie feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Frankie," said Mrs. Thompson. "Rebecca is visiting for a few weeks before she starts college. She was accepted to the same school you're in and I thought it would be nice if you two met so she'd at least have a friend when she starts school."

"Really?" asked Frankie.

"It was a tough choice," explained Rebecca. "But after weighing all my options I knew it was the right school. I was telling Aunt Millie and Uncle John about my decision when Aunt Millie said she knew someone who was going there. I mean what are the odds right?"

"Right," said Frankie. "Oh man, where are my manners? Would either of you like a drink?"

"Is that lemonade?" asked Rebecca.

"It is," said Frankie. "It's fresh too. Just made it today."

"That sounds fine," said Rebecca with a smile.

"Well, I can't stay as Mr. Thompson doesn't know I'm out, but I wanted to give you this Frankie and thank you for coming by today."

Mrs. Thompson handed Frankie an envelope. "Thank you Mrs. Thompson. I hope Mr. Thompson was happy."

"Oh you know him," she said. "It's good to see you again Frankie. I'll let you kids get acquainted."

"Bye Aunt Millie," said Rebecca.

"Bye Mrs. Thompson."

Mrs. Thompson walked away as Rebecca said, "So how about that drink."

"Would you like to come in?"

"Sure. My aunt tells me you own this place."

Frankie escorted Rebecca in and explained how he inherited the house from Mrs. Young, but not about the affair. The two spent the bulk of the evening talking about school and each other. For the remainder of Frankie's stay, he spent the bulk of his time with Rebecca, even taking her up to the college to give her a personal guided tour. The two quickly became a happy couple and began dating with the start of the term.

Their last weekend before school, Rebecca helped Frankie shut down his house. As she was looking for old sheets to cover the furniture with, she found the restraints Frankie had used on Sandra hidden in the linen closet. She carried them into the bedroom where Frankie was packing and asked, "What are these?"

Frankie's face went pale. "Where did you find those?"

"You're avoiding my question, Frankie."


"Have you used them before?"

Frankie bit his lip, but knew he was better off being honest with her. "Yes."

Rebecca smiled. "Good."

Frankie looked up at her surprised. "Good?"

"Yeah, it means you know what to do with them. How many women have you used them with?"


Rebecca smiled. "Wanna make that two?"