Fun In His Birthday Suit


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Cameron was a different woman now than when she had donned the lingerie set that morning, fresh out of the package. Then, the panties themselves had been the extent of her naughtiness. She never dreamed she'd be using them to act out what she had desired to be one of her first sexual experiences since she hit puberty. She wanted to own a man, to use him and tease him and make him beg for release. She got hot every time she imagined riding a cock captive to her own will and desires, using it and letting it spurt only after she finished with it. She loved sex with every fiber of her body, but the men she found treated her as an object of their lust, and used her for those purposes. Granted, she enjoyed it. She loved dick just for the feel of it. But it wasn't what she desired, what she wanted to do to get her release.

Thus, when she caught Jack—when she heard him whisper her name and glimpsed his wrist in her clothes—she truly realized the opportunity she had. In a single moment she saw that he desired her as much as she wanted him. He desired her enough, in fact, to sneak the feel of her panties on his dick, the smell of them emblazoned in his mind. He was desperate for her, dying to have her, and not picky in the least about how he got her. That realization alone hardened her nipples on the spot. She moaned and smiled as she decided what she would do. He was alone on her floor, a veritable mile away from her snoring brother in his cave down below, in an otherwise empty house. Aside from screaming, he couldn't wake a soul. She knew, as she heard him fall into bed, that she would use him before the night was over. She was going to give her pussy to him, but on her terms, and only after he begged for it with all his heart.

Cameron smiled at him sleeping there, blissfully unaware of her presence. With practiced gentleness, she slowly guided his arm out from under the covers and raised it to the wrought iron headboard. Two clicks of a pair of cuffs fastened it securely. The performance was repeated on the other arm, locking him in place and preventing his escape until she should wish it. Next came his legs, which were easier to move without waking him, being relatively close to their respective bedposts already. It was almost time to wake him and begin, and she was already excited. Her nipples ached to be released from the lace of her bra, and she could feel wetness starting deep in her cunt.

In one smooth motion, she drew away the covers, throwing them to the floor on the opposite side of the bed from the door and the camera, out of sight. His muscular young body was exposed to her for the first time ever unguarded. Goosebumps raised on his skin as the cool air hit his legs and stomach, now uncovered. His abs flexed as he unconsciously tried to move. She thought he was beautiful. She thought he was all hers. And she was right. She bent to retrieve the ball gag from the floor and brandished it in her left hand. With her right she extinguished the dim lamp, walking by moonlight once more. She then pressed a button on the camera to begin recording and flipped on the overhead light, starting the show.

Light flooded in through Jack's eyelids, gradually pulling him from sleep. Why the hell was it light? He couldn't have slept all night! He stifled a yawn, eyes still adjusting even as they were closed, and shivered. Lord he was cold! Where did his blankets go? He tried to reach for them, but his arm didn't move! Why the hell was he attached to the bed! What the fuck was going on!

He shoved his eyes open, squinting against the light shining down on him. "What the--?" He rattled his arms against the headboard. Upon hearing them jangle, he glanced over at one, astounded to see the handcuffs. "What the fuck?!?" he yelled, raking his vision across the room. He didn't have to look far. She was standing silently at his right side, looking down on him, her crotch two feet from his face.

"Cameron? What the hell?" his voice grew louder. He was confused and irritated. "Untie me! What the fuck do you think you're doing? Give me my damn shorts! It's cold as shit in--!" With surprising strength and deliberate accuracy, she stifled the rest of his rant with the ball gag.

His eyes rolled around the room, assessing his situation. He yelled to no avail against the ball of rubber in his mouth, drooling at the sides and thrashing against his soft restraints. She laughed at him harshly, delighting in the way his muscles bulged and bunched. She noticed every time he thrust his hips of the bed his junk would swing further with the momentum, drawing her attention to his package in his boxers. She rubbed her nipples absently, taking in her work. He was starting to sweat now, still turning and thrashing like a fish on the line, desperate to break free. She watched him still, knowing he was hers, thrilled by his near nakedness and his muffled pleas. Only when his body shone with perspiration and she feared the bed would break did she step down to the level of his thigh and speak where he could see her.

"Jack, stop moving. I'm not going to kill you." He froze at the sound of her voice and looked at her, silent and still for the first time since he opened his eyes. His stare widened as he realized what she was wearing. God she was hot! The outline of her abs disappeared into her thong. His eyes were drawn down her legs and then back up to her chest. He had never guessed her tits were so big! He gaped at them, settled and uplifted as they were by her bra, jutting from her chest like twin mountains of flesh. Finally, much calmer, he stared into her emerald eyes and waited for her to speak. He was still scared, but now he was excited. His cock stirred in his underwear as he took in her outfit, causing her eyes to flick to it at the motion, and then back to his face.

"Welcome, Jack, to my fantasy." Cameron breathed huskily. "You work for me now. If you're a good boy, maybe I'll let you fuck my pussy. If you disobey, there will be consequences. Would you like to fuck my pussy?"

His cock moved again and he nodded, his eyes still wide in excitement and trepidation.

"Good. Now then, I'm going to remove your gag. You drooled on my bed. I don't like drool." To enforce her point she grasped his right nipple and twisted, making Jack squirm and moan. He yelped, the sound dying at his gag, gasping at the fiery pain pulsating from his chest. He writhed on the bed, desperate to do whatever she wanted to keep her from torturing him.

"That's for the drool. Don't do it again. When I remove your gag, Pet, you will call me Mistress. Anything otherwise begets pain. No whips, but you'll find I can be very...persuasive. You will not speak unless spoken to and, above all, you will not cum until I let you. Is that clear?" He nodded again.

In response, she slowly unhooked the gag and removed it from his mouth. Dutifully he stayed silent, his right nipple red and hot.

"Wonderful, Pet! You're learning! Now, I'm going to see that cock of yours. I'm tired of just being able to remember your boner in shorts."

Jack gasped as she admitted to her memory of his hard-on that day. He almost smiled in ecstasy as he realized this was the culmination of her desire as much as it would be his. She fully intended to fuck him! All he had to do was follow the rules....

Cameron bent down at the foot of the bed, as she did when she placed the scissors on the floor, baring her ass to Jack's now open gaze. He moaned and his dick swelled, hardening at her promise. She arose with one hand behind her back and walked toward him, swaying her hips and grinning. A bolt of fear jolted from his testicles to his limbs at that grin.

"Snip, snip, Pet, away with these clothes!" She whipped the scissors out from behind her, holding them with two fingers and dangling them over his genitals, watching him squirm in anxiety. She had also slipped the cock ring around her pinky, which went unnoticed by the fearful boy.

All Jack could see was that sharp steel above his nuts. He wouldn't touch scissors to his balls himself! She sure as hell wasn't going anywhere near them with those things! Without thinking he blurted: "Cameron! No!" then slammed his mouth shut and winced. But it was too late.

As soon as she had heard her name she started for his chest. His left nipple burned this time, hardening and flushing under the pain of her nails. "I told you, Pet!"

"Yes Mistress," he gasped, tears jumping to his eyes, "I'm sorry Mistress!"

"Sorry? If you're so sorry, tell me what to do with these?" She waved the scissors again, challenging him. She was confronting the essence of his will, his pride, his fear, and his masculinity. If he lost this contest he was truly her slave.

He balked, searching for a safe answer. If he said "Cut off your own damn clothes!" he was liable to lose a nipple! He gulped, grimacing under her gaze. "I-I-I want...I want you to cut off my boxers, Mistress. I want you to expose me." He groveled, thinking he should feel ashamed. She practically purred and laughed. In a voice heavy with sarcasm she rejoined "Of course! I live to serve you! One bare dick coming right up!" Then she laughed at her own pun.

Jack felt like he should hate her as she pressed the cold metal to his thigh and started cutting slowly, but he didn't. All he felt was a growing sense of pleasure. He enjoyed being used! He felt dirty and betrayed, and he loved it! She was almost down the right leg when she brushed his cock with the side of one of the blades. It twitched at the chill and he whimpered, but she just laughed. "Almost done!" From that leg she cut directly across to the other one, dragging the tips of the scissors along the top of his scrotum. He quaked and moaned, loving the way she made him squirm, but scared to death her hand would slip. It didn't, thankfully, and he sighed in relief when she was finished and put the scissors back on the floor.

"Now let's see what you've really got!" she said pompously, and then whipped away his boxers, tossing them behind her.

Immediately she gasped and the beginning of a moan escaped her lips. He was bigger than she thought! Immediately, however she covered up her joy. "Soft! Just as I suspected from the likes of you!"

"I'm sorry, Mistress, I'll try to get it up for you!" He flexed his dick, watching it jump. Her moan was audible this time. He studied the way her thong disappeared into her ass and groaned as well. He felt his cock begin to swell.

"Humph!" she said, feigning disapproval, rejoicing on the inside, "I suppose I have to help you!" She crawled up on the bed beside him, not waiting for an answer, and swung her right leg over to straddle his abs, facing him. He could feel her heat through her panties, and knew just the sight of his flaccid cock and scrotum had gotten her horny. It was all he could do to keep from grinning as she reached behind her. "How do these look, slave?"

Her tits were freed with one flick of her wrist, bobbing and swaying above him. They were huge! They sagged the barest of fractions, pulled down slightly by their own weight, but they were far from ugly. Her areolas were large, as big around as soda cans, and her nipples jutted out from them proudly. They were dark pink, almost red, striking a sharp contrast on her pale skin. Both breasts bobbed slightly with her breath, heavy, natural, and beautiful. Jack couldn't believe it.

"Ooooh, Mistress, they're beautiful!" He gasped, moaning lightly and smiling. He squirmed under her, feeling his dick reach its full pulsing length at the sight of her perfect rack. "Please let me kiss them!"

"Hmmm..." she said, smiling seductively, "Alright slave. Service me. If you perform well enough with your mouth, I may reciprocate." He groaned again, but was cut off by a further warning: "Remember, however, my pet, that if you fail, or fall short in any way, you will be punished!" She glared at him, forcing him to meet her gaze. He nodded, unable to hold her stare, and craned his neck for the first feel of her soft tits on his lips. She laughed down at him and obliged. Her pussy pressed against his pubic mound and her abs to his as she leaned forward, placing her breasts within reach of Jack's eager mouth.

The left one was first, eagerly sucked in by his awaiting lips. He wetted the nipple first, sucking softly, hearing Cameron's breath quicken as her desire strengthened. Gradually he began to pull harder, dragging the blood to the peak of her breast. Saliva ran down his chin as his tongue made circles around her hardening nipple. She gasped with each suck, moaning lightly, her dominance sidelined by pleasure. She writhed on top of him as he kissed his way to her right tit, its nipple already puckered with her desire, leaving the left nipple rigid and wet. He slurped loudly, overshadowing her moans, as he nibbled and sucked on the tits he had so fantasized about for years. There was no effort to restrain himself, and he lapped freely at her chest. His tongue slipped into her cleavage and he ran it back and forth, enjoying the taste of her skin. She no longer held herself up above him, but rested completely on his body, practically smothering him. Both nipples actively received attention, and were sucked and nibbled constantly as long as he could hold his breath. His cock rested against his stomach, brushing her clothed ass, and they both moaned in heat.

Finally, his fantasy enacted and his breath short, he begged for air. "Please, Mistress, I can't breathe!" He tossed his head between her tits to make his point. "Please!"

She rose, seemingly unhappy, both breasts wet and shining and both nipples rigid and bright red. "How dare you put your own needs above mine!" She jumped off him, leaving a damp spot where her pussy had ground against his waist. "I didn't tell you to stop! And what did I tell you about drool!"

He groveled, squirming in his captivity, cock rolling about on his stomach. "I couldn't breathe Mistress!"

"Well this is most unsatisfactory! Not only are you weaker than I thought, but you disobeyed me, and even now your pitiful cock grows soft. Thankfully I can fix that!"

Haughtily she strode to the foot of the bed and crawled up between his spread legs, cock ring now held in readiness for his erection. He smiled, realizing her anger was just an excuse to blow his dick, but it was a short smile.

"First, however," she said sweetly, "your punishment as promised!"

Before he could anticipate her actions, she ever-so-lightly flicked his scrotum with a delicate finger, perfectly tapping his right nut. He gasped as the pain radiated from his groin, not strong but insistent, just enough to make him squirm. His guts rolled, and he whined to her, "Please, Mistress, no more! I won't disobey you again!" She was silent, however, numb to his pained pleas. Deliberately she struck the left nut with the same finger, smiling all the while. Jack rolled on the bed, whimpering as the dull ache rose from his groin, now double in strength.

As the pain reached its peak, however, just enough to make him groan, she grabbed his dick and sucked the head into her puckered lips. His eyes burst open wide and he gasped loudly as she sucked powerfully on his velvety cockhead. Pleasure swiftly entwined with the pain, leaving him breathless, as his dick swiftly began to harden for the third time that night. With her mouth still holding his cock up, she dribbled lube onto his sore sac. Softly, she began to massage his balls, rubbing them and rolling them over her practiced fingers, soothing his punishment. She pulled on them lightly and wrapped her fingers around them, soon causing him to buck against her wet mouth.

As his cock reached its full size again thanks to her mouth and hand, she began to take more of it. She slurped loudly as she popped the head, now swollen and purple, out of her mouth then back in again. She lowered her head slowly over his shaft, staring him in the eyes, until her nose pressed against the fuzzy triangle on his mound. He groaned and thrust against her throat, in pure ecstasy. She let him thrust, happy to see him in so much pleasure, but soon enough had to pull back, gasping for air herself, leaving his dick soaking wet and throbbing. Seeing the threads of spit from his cock to her chin, he almost said something to her, but then remembered the pain she could cause him and held back, glad to just let her keep going.

She lapped at the underside of his cockhead, now seven inches above his body, making him moan, and also began to rub her slick fingers over his perineum, between his balls and his ass, massaging his prostate from the outside. Her tongue curled around the base of his cock and rose, always ending at his cockhead before traveling back down. His gasps and moans filled the room, accompanying her wet slurping, and he felt himself draw close to his first orgasm all day. She helped him along, nibbling at his sensitive glans, and stroking his shaft. He humped her face, eager for the release that would soon be his. Pre-cum leaked out of his cock and down his shaft in a long stream, swiftly licked up by Cam's warm tongue. That, however, was the end of her ministrations.

Smiling, her mouth sticky and salty from his fluid, she completely withdrew from his rigid penis, leaving him unfulfilled. In one easy motion, she slid the cock ring tight over the base of his erection, confining the blood to his dick. Jack shoved his pelvis into the air, desperate for some touch to give him release, but none came. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and dark red due to the ring, but he was denied his orgasm. He moaned in frustration, and humped harder, slinging spit and pre-cum onto his chest. She laughed aloud at him and checked the camera briefly to ensure his frustration was captured. Eventually, he stopped, collapsing on the bed, disheveled and spent but still hard. Cameron ran her fingernails along his sweaty torso, feeling his chest rise and fall with his gasping breath. He glared at her, groaning, on the verge of cursing at her as she lifted her fingers to her mouth and slowly sucked his salty sweat off them.

She backed away from his body far enough to see her entirely, and studied him wordlessly. She loved the view. He was mad but silent, tired, sweaty, and dirty. He still strained at his bonds uselessly, causing his taut cock to wave in the air above him like an antenna. It was time to take him one step closer to the orgasm she would deny him.

Jackson loved the view as well, though he was aggravated by his desire and the burning ache in his loins. The muscles in her legs constantly worked to keep her standing in her heels, which highlighted her long legs. Her tits swung freely as her walk rotated her ass in that breathtaking green lace thong. Her hair fell around her shoulders in perfect disarray as she stared back at him. His mouth watered and she started to speak.

"Why so mad, my pet? I expected a little more gratitude for the work I did! Have you still not learned your lesson?"

"Yes, yes, Mistress!" Jackson fawned, "No more pain, Ma'am! It was the best blowjob I've ever had! But please, Mistress, can't I come?"

"No! When will you learn that my pleasure comes first? Maybe you just don't know how to please a woman! Looking at that sorry excuse of a cock, now I'm sure you don't! Well, I can fix that too."

She turned away from his shameful grimace with an angry glare and planted her feet apart, hooking her thumbs in the waist of her thong. In one motion, she jutted her ass out while shoving her panties to the floor. In an instant, Jack went from ogling the golden globes of her thong-clad ass to ogling her swollen labia as it poked out from between her thighs. He could see the moisture glisten on her lips in the light as they shoved out from under her ass. His cock pulsed almost painfully, trying to grow bigger than it already was. Jack groaned and strained to touch his dick as she rose up and stepped out of her panties, turning to face him.