Future with Daddy

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Daddy meets daughter again after 3 years.
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Authors Note: Hi there! I've been reading from this website for years now and I decided to give a try at writing my own little story as a sort of thanks haha.

My favorite author on here for a long time now has been VanillaExtract (check them out if it's what you're into and haven't read their stuff before!), so I would say this is really a homage to their stories. It's pretty inspired by their works, though I'm nowhere near their talent! It's been a while since they've published a story like this, so I thought I'd try and write a little something to placate my own desires haha.

It's a bit of a slowburn, so bare with it and please let me know what you think so I can get some tips if I ever decide to write something again. Thank you and please enjoy!

I brushed my hair as quickly as I could in the mirror. Or at least I tried to, as the course curls refused to give way to any sort of comb whatsoever. I grunted in frustration and settled for wetting my hands with some water and trying to tussle it out. I wanted to look my best, professional even, but I'd already been at the mirror fiddling with my appearance for just over an hour now and I knew my daughter and ex-wife would be knocking at my door any minute. I hadn't seen her in almost three years now, at least not in person as per my ex-wife's orders. It could have been another three years of not seeing her if not for the fact that she just finished her first year in college and was lucky enough to get an internship in the city, where even more luckily, I lived. Instead of having to commute for over an hour they thought it best for her to stay with me during her summer break.

So, there I was, picking out the few stray locks out of my head, contemplating every little detail I could to make sure my daughter, Evie, would be happy staying here. I had sent her the occasional cards and letters over the years, and she had replied to each one of them, though each return letter could put an infantryman to sleep with their formality. Each one signed Sincerely, Evie was a dagger to my heart and I was terrified that she actually hated me. This was probably my one and only chance to try and turn things around and hopefully have a future with my daughter.

It was the knock at the door that brought me out of my worried trance, and I composed myself one last time before going to answer it. Shit, I could barely control the shaking in my hands as I turned the knob, shivering as I opened it and was met with a cold chill, despite the summer heat.


"Allison. How are you?" I asked my ex-wife.

"Not very good. I'm here talking to you after all." She grunted, pulling out a cigarette from the box she had in hand.

"Could you please not do that here?"

She only rolled her eyes as she lit the cigarette, at least having the courtesy to blow the puff of smoke away from my face.

"It's the only way I can deal with seeing you, you're lucky Evie was the one who suggested this whole arrangement in the first place." She took a drag and exhaled another ring of smoke. "You remembered you were taking Evie today, right? Is that why you look half decent?" she smirked taking another puff.

I sighed and looked around to see where Evie was but was interrupted by Allison who stuck a finger at my chest, "Remember to keep your fucking hands to yourself, you got it? If I so much as hear you touched a hair on her head, she'll be back with me and I'll be here to cut off your dick."

"Allison, you know it isn't like that. I would never do anything to Evie. Ever. Christ, she's my daughter!"

"Yeah, I remember you saying the same thing about your students. Ohhh, they're like my children." she offered a bitter laugh as she puffed a ring of smoke at my face this time.

"We all know how that turned out."

I wanted to protest but after three years there was no use in trying to get her to understand. She didn't believe me then so there was no point getting angry and arguing about it now.

"Mom, it's alright." Evie, piped up from behind her rolling along a suitcase. "I'll be okay."

I could only blink and stare at the stranger in my driveway. When had Evie grown into such a beautiful woman? It was only three years ago when she was a lanky little thing and now here she was, with curves just like her mother. I couldn't help but smile to myself, she still had the same shoulder length dark hair that I remembered when she was a kid. She'd always hated when it got too long and would get so mad when I tussled it. She'd give me a glare behind those bangs and I'd glare back until we both broke with laughter. It still suited her well, even more so with her filled out chest and hips. I found myself staring too long at those features and immediately scolded myself, what the hell was I looking at?

"Hey kiddo." I said, offering the best smile I could.

She gave a half smile back and faced Allison.

"It's only for a few months. I'll be back home before you know it."

Allison sighed and dropped the cigarette on the floor, smashing it under her heel.

"If you need anything, honey, you just call me, okay? If your father does anything that makes you uncomfortable, I will be here to take you back home in an instant, okay?"

They gave each other an embrace and Allison walked back to her car after giving her one more reminder to call her if she needs anything. I waved goodbye to her, but she only glared back at me. It still kind of stung when she did that. We had loved each other once and she was a good mother so I couldn't hate her...entirely. I just wish she had bothered to try and listen to my side of the story. Oh well, it was best not to get mopey, not now when my daughter was finally with me after so long.

"Evie, why don't you let me help you take that to your room and then I can give you a quick tour of the place."

She gave me that same reserved smile and only said, "Thanks, daddy."

It lacked much enthusiasm, but I'd be lying if I said even hearing the words daddy didn't pull at my heart. It was good to have my daughter back with me.

"It's not a big place, but I think it's cozy. You'll be the first room here. And my room is right down the hall, if you ever need anything from me."

"Pretty big, daddy." She said, looking around the room as I dragged her suitcase in.

"Well, it is the master. I wanted you to have enough space to feel comfortable. There's not much but we can always go shopping for some more furniture if you'd like, or if the bed isn't comfortable enough. It's got a personal bathroom attached to it too, though it is just a half bath. You'll have to use the main bathroom. It's just down here."

She followed closely behind as I showed her the rest of the house and though she remained pretty quiet throughout the tour, it didn't seem like she outright hated being here. So that was a start.

"So that's about it, like I said, small but cozy. I really hope you can come to call it home. Are you hungry? I can whip something up or just order food if you're in the mood for something in particular. There's lots of great places nearby, if you're looking for good pizza I-"

"Daddy." Evie interrupted.

"Yes?" I said, realizing I was rambling like an idiot.

"I get what you're trying to do. But I think it's best we take it slow, okay? I still feel like you're a bit of a stranger."

Ow, that one really hurt. "Of course, kiddo. I was just making small talk." I laughed nervously, but it was hard to cover up the awkwardness.

"Well, I'll let you get settled in then. If you get hungry just let me know, otherwise I'll just make something around dinner time if that's okay."

"That's fine, daddy. Thank you."

She walked back to her room and closed the door to unpack while I went to the living room to sulk. She didn't seem to hate me, that's what I had to keep telling myself. I had to remember what Allison had said. Evie suggested this whole idea. So that had to mean something right? She must want me to be a part of her life in some way or she'd never have come here in the first place. She could have stayed in a dorm or booked a room, after all. Right. I slapped myself in the face and refused to give up so easily, not when this was my only chance. So, I got up and marched into the kitchen with a new sense of determination and started working on dinner.

It was about an hour or so as I was just finishing up when I heard the door to Evie's room open and soon enough, she strolled into the kitchen sniffing the air excitedly.

"Is that what I think it is?" she asked. Offering the first genuine smile since seeing her again.

"Yep." I smiled back. "Curry. If I remember correctly you used to love when I made it."

"Wow. That smell really takes me back, it's been so long since I've had your cooking."

"Well, I will do my best to see you smile like that every time I cook."

I quickly prepared her a plate and was happy to see she was already sitting and waiting for it when I turned around. I set it down for her before returning to the stove to get myself some.

"Oh fuuuuuck. That's good." She said after a mouthful.

I couldn't help but laugh at her cursing as I sat down with my plate. I guess she picked the habit up from me, despite my absence.

"I'm glad you like it so much. You'd always ask me to make it every week. I actually remember making it for a whole month to try and make you sick of it; I think it only made me and your mother sick though."

She laughed and it felt like winning gold at the Olympics.

"I remember that too! I don't think I could ever get sick of it, even when I literally got the runs for a week after."

It was my turn to laugh as I remembered her living in the bathroom for a week and despite it all, still asking for my damn curry.

"It's been so long. I wish mom knew how to make it. I think she tried once but it just wasn't the same, so I never asked for it again."

"Well, I'm glad I remembered you liked it and I'm glad you still like it so much. It's super easy to make, I can show you how if you'd like."

She smiled and nodded at that. I felt my whole day turning around.

"So, daddy...can I ask you something a bit personal?"

"Of course, kiddo. You can ask me anything."

"Is it true that mom said you were a pedo?"

I choked a bit on the spoonful of my food and tried my best to cough out a response, quickly gulping a glass of water to help relive my near-death experience.

"I'm sorry, your mother said what?"

"She would say all the time that you were some sort of pedo that was into kids."

"Evie. That's not true at all. That's not the truth and she knows it."

"So then, what is the truth?"

I sighed as I put down my spoon and set the plate aside. "Listen, she's taking what I would say out of context. I used to be a teacher at a community college, remember?"

Evie nodded.

"Well, I used to say that I always thought of my students as my children. I used to get a lot of young adults in my class since I mostly did entry level courses. So in a lot of cases, they really were still kind of children. At least to an old man like me they were."

"You're not old, daddy."

"Well, compared to a nineteen-year-old like yourself, I'm old, kiddo."

Evie only shrugged, "You're still sexy."

I looked in confusion at that and she smiled back to me.

"Go on, daddy."

"Right...well, I think that's what she means when she tells you I'm some kind of pedo."

"So, you fucked one of your students?"

"No, that's not true either."

"Then why does mom call you a pedo?"

I wanted to slap that woman for causing all this confusion and slander towards me. How on earth did she rationalize that incident to me being an abusive pedo?

"I was hoping we could have this talk later down the line, but I suppose it's better to just get it out of the way. Like I said I taught a lot of young adults like yourself and well...one time one of them came on to me. Pretty strongly. She'd always offer to stay late to help or get extra tutoring on things she didn't understand. I thought she was just an attentive student, at least until she tried to kiss me and do...other things."

Evie nodded as she finished off her plate. "And that's when you fucked her?"

"No!" I protested. "No, I didn't do anything like that to her. I'll admit maybe I leaned into the kiss but after she started groping me...I came to my senses and told her we couldn't do that."

"What happened after that?"

"Well...I felt too guilty over the situation and way to uncomfortable to keep teaching her, especially if I had to see her for another semester. So, I told the dean what happened, without going into too much detail, of course. So I could get her removed from my class."

"And the dean reported you." Evie said.

"Yes and no. He talked to the student who absolutely denied everything. She said that I was the one who came on to her. And despite a lack of evidence I was the one who was found guilty. Your mother didn't believe me either and so she filed for divorce. She thought I was some pervert who was into kids and it didn't help that the student kinda looked like...never mind. Anyway, somehow, she got it into her head that I wanted to sleep with you and was doing it with my students to live it out vicariously."

"So, you never even fucked her?"

"No, Evie. And please, I know I don't have the best language either but it's a bit much when talking about this."

"Sorry, daddy."

"It's okay. Anyway, that's what happened. I got divorced quickly after and your mom refused to let you see me anymore ever since. Because of her sick ideas."

"So, you would never fuck me, daddy?"

"Jesus. No, Evie! Please don't say it like that."

"It's okay, daddy. I know you haven't been with anyone in a long time. I wouldn't blame you for being a bit pent up."

"Listen, Evie. What happened in the past was my own mistake. Maybe I liked the attention and didn't stop it earlier than I should have. Either way, I know it was a mistake and I've regretted it ever since. But please believe me when I say I would never do anything to hurt you. Despite what your mother believes."

Evie smiled at me and actually took my hand in hers.

"I know, daddy. I'm sorry I was so cold when I first got here, I was just really nervous and I wasn't sure how you felt about me. Especially after everything mom told me and the rumors I heard. How about we start over?"

Oh god, there were rumors? Whatever, I left that part of my life behind me a long time ago and my daughter was here now. And she wanted a fresh start. I would have walked through hell itself to hear her say that.

"I would love nothing more, kiddo." I squeezed her hand, and she squeezed back.

"Good. How about I help you clean up, daddy?"

"I'd like that a lot, kiddo."

She grabbed our plates and started on the dishes while I packed the rest of the leftovers into the fridge. I felt like a new man and cleaning dishes with her had felt like the greatest accomplishment of my life. It was probably because of that feeling of bliss that I didn't notice I had pressed the switch to the sink spray and it completely ended up soaking me in ice cold water.

"Shit!" I yelled, managing to turn off the faucet before flooding the kitchen floor.

"Oh, daddy, I'm sorry! I must have accidently pressed the button by the nozzle. Here, let's get that off you."

"It's okay, Evie, don't worry about it. I can wash up later."

"Don't be silly, daddy. What if you catch a cold?"

I was surprised at how quickly she undid the buttons, almost eagerly, as she ripped off the shirt and started patting me dry with a kitchen towel.

"Mmmm. You are still as yummy as I remember."

"Haha very funny, kiddo."

"I'm not joking, daddy. I always thought you were very sexy."

Her hands were very liberal in their drying, slow and deliberate in their movements, she ran them all over my chest and abs as she worked to clean me up. I was a little older in age and I was certainly no marbled statue, but I did take pride in taking care of myself. Evie seemed to be interested in that too as she kept feeling at my pecs, her fingers grazing my nipples as she did, moaning softly as she worked. It was then I noticed that some water had gotten on her as well and I could just make out her bra through the shirt. It was red and lacey, and it looked oh so inviting. That shirt was unfairly tight on her generous chest and every movement from her arm caused a wonderful squish and shake to run through them. Noticing this and feeling her hands moving sensually on me started an involuntary tremor on my hardening cock which quickly snapped me out of my trance. I was pretty sure I was dry at that point, so I politely grabbed her hands.

"Okay, that's enough teasing, Evie. I'm dry." I laughed.

She pouted but smiled as she folded up my wet shirt in the towel she used to dry me.

"How about you go shower up, daddy. I'll finish up here."

"Oh that's okay, this isn't a big deal-"

"Go shower, daddy! I'm not a child anymore, I can finish up some dishes and then maybe we can watch some TV and talk before going to bed, okay?"

I only smiled and nodded. She'd become so much like a woman and here I was eying her like she was one and not my own daughter. I shook my head when I left her and gave myself a little slap in the face. What the hell was I thinking?

I grabbed a few clothes from my room and headed into the shower. I washed my hair quickly to try and get out soon, but when I started soaping up, I noticed my cock was hanging half hard at the memory of Evie touching me. The way her tits moved through her wet shirt, the ever so subtle hint of her erect nipples. It was enough to have my dick rise to great me. I was tempted to give it a tug, but I didn't want to keep Evie waiting and more importantly I did not want to cum at the memory of my own daughter. What the fuck was wrong with me? I sighed and my cock almost seemed to grow angry at the lack of attention. It took an agonizing minute or two to finally settle down. I quickly turned off the shower and stepped out, though I jumped when I heard the door close. I was pretty sure I locked the door. Maybe I heard wrong and it was actually Evie's room the slam came from. I shrugged and quickly dried myself off and dressed to meet Evie for some bonding time.

I found her there sitting on the couch surfing through the TV trying to find something to watch when she noticed me approaching and smiled another radiant smile. I offered one back and settled in the couch. Evie quickly scooted up beside me, grabbing my arm and resting her head on my shoulder. This time I felt a lack of bra and when I looked closer, I saw she had changed to a tight white tank top which did an even worse job of hiding anything. The straps on her shoulders were fighting for dear life.

"Did you want to shower too, kiddo? I think you got a little wet back there too?"

"Mmmm I sure did, daddy. But that's okay, I'll shower in the morning before I head out. I don't mind you making me a little wet."

"That's...good to hear, sweetie." I laughed nervously. That was a bit of akward phrasing.

"Mmmmm, you smell good, daddy. I like you fresh and clean."

Evie hugged my arm a little tighter, squishing the side of her breasts on my bicep. I cursed silently to myself, regretting not wearing a tight pair of boxers, as my cock responded to the wonderful sensation on my arm. I leaned in to kiss the top of her head, hoping to remind myself that this is my daughter, but even smell of her scalp started engorging my dick with excitement. Had it been that long since I'd been with a woman that my own daughter was making me horny?


"Yeah, kiddo?" her sudden voice startling me and my growing erection.

"What did you want to watch? There isn't much on TV right now."

"Oh! Right, um lets see." The innocent question made my erection retreat, and I was honestly thankful for it.