George's Mom


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Irene was aware as to what her son was doing behind her, then, of being positioned, him moving in close behind her. She felt his stiff cock between her legs, probing with the head of his cock. Feeling it sink into the entrance of her wet hole, it pushed into her slowly but firmly... pushed deep...causing her to gasp.

She had been taken! His ample cock had made her gasp but she had not moaned or given any indication that the insertion had been pleasurable. She had known what was happening behind her and knew what was coming and did not stop it. Had she postured her ass? Had she widened her stance? She had no clue. Was his cock, now that it was in her, pumping moderately, to her liking? Was she posturing her ass? Was she widening her stance? To these, she could only admit... yes.

"You have taken me like you would take a bitch!" She chastised.

He ignored her. "You got a beautiful ass!"

George praised, as he studied it, holding onto her warm, bare hips. "I'll admit, I've had my fantasies about you, but I never imagined this one. I just wanted to get my cock into you and have it keep you from changing your mind about continuing. Give me another minute or two and we will go into the bedroom where I do my best... screwing... as you like to say."

He slowed his rhythm a bit, repeatedly pulling his length nearly out of her before pushing slowly backing in. He studied his glistening shaft with each stroke, causing a smile. He began to palm her back with his left hand. His wife enjoyed a massage in the same manner. Of course, he never got to fuck his wife this way! He had told a little white-lie about his mother having a beautiful ass. It was beautiful only in the sense that it was forbidden. She was a mature woman of 56. It was accented well enough, but her ass was a bit broad and beefy. He figured, walking was the only thing that kept her from being overweight. But other-wise her ass, back, arms and shoulders were smooth, and light skinned, being shielded from the sun whenever she went out. His wife's breast were small and perky compared to his mother's larger and weighty ones, and he could not wait to lay eyes on them, to suckle them and get the nipples firm and hard. Her mound and pussy had felt puffy and he felt certain they were going to be to his liking. A closer viewing was his desire. His wife's pussy was just a crack, virtually without any labia, which she kept waxed smooth.

True to his word, after two long minutes, he pulled slowly out of her. He looked down at his cock, seeing a web-like string of moisture snap midway between the head of his cock and her pussy. He reached to palm her pussy once more to get his hand wet. He caressed her ass with the wet palm, smacking it lightly.

"Will you go to the tub and wash your pussy? Then we will go to the bedroom where we will be more comfortable."

"I took a shower this morning. I'm clean!" She replied. "I don't want to get wet again!"

"Have you ever had a man give you oral?" He queried.

"You mean, you're going to put your mouth on my pussy like in the X-rated films?"

"That is exactly what I intend to do. Are you telling me a man has never ate your pussy?" He asked with unbelief in his tone.

"No, they certainly have not! You are not going to do it! I've never thought real people did such nasty things!" Then, stated more than asked. "You sure like that nasty talk, don't you?

"Okay, we will discuss it in the bedroom. Just go wash your pussy for me!"

"I'm not going to let you do it!" She protested. "And I'm certainly not going to suck your cock in return!"

"Look, the men that you have allowed to screw you treated you badly. A woman lets a man between her legs... to stick his cock inside you... he should take care of you properly. Now, please go and do what I ask and I promise you you will not regret it. I must tell you though, Jean can suck a golf ball through a hose."

"You could have kept that to yourself!" She chastised, as she slid from in front of him and headed for the bathroom. Briefly glancing sideways to get a glimpse of his cock, she got caught doing so, causing a slight smile to appear on his face. She rid herself of her blouse by the time she reached the bathroom.

George watched her walk halfway across the living room before he started to follow her. He nearly tripped, not having removed his pants or briefs. He struggled briefly to extricate himself from them, kicking off his shoes, pulling his socks off. He was moving as he removed his T-shirt and tossed it on the pile. His mother was bending over adjusting the water when he finally reached the bathroom door. She had switched on the overhead light. She stood up within seconds of him reaching the door but he got a brief look at her fur-lined pussy. The labia was definitely puffy and defined. He watched her step over into the tub and squat. She reached for the soap, lathered the soap to her hands, and began to scrub her pussy.

"Do all women squat in the tub like that?"

"I suppose. After I take a bath, I always squat like this to finish up. Does Jean squat in the tub?"

"Yes! And I try to catch her every time. Every time she is in a decent mood. The same as sucking cock. She has to be in the right mood." He added with a smile on his face. "Mercyyyyyyyyyy when she is!"

She could not hide the smile at his comments. Finishing up, she stood and reached for the towel, drying her lower half before stepping out of tub. She kept her eyes lowered, not willing to look at her son's nakedness, as she started by him.

He grabbed her lightly by the arm and maneuvered her around to face the large mirror over the sink. "Let me look at them and touch them for a moment." With both hands, he cupped her slightly sagging breasts and lifted them high. He jiggled them lightly. "These, my dear lady, are exceptional. It's been a while since I've had tits this big to play with. He began to thumb the nipples. "When I get the nipples hard, they are going to be a nice little morsel!"

"That's enough!" She exclaimed, as she removed his hands and backed up causing him to move back.

She exited the bathroom and turned right towards her bedroom. She did not cut the light on, continuing to the far side of the bed, standing at the foot.

He turned to follow her to the bedroom.

It was starting to get dark. George walked to the very narrow, but long in height, left window. There was one on each side of the bed. He noted the rain was heavy now and the street shined with its wetness under the streetlights. He thought about the darkness of the room, doubting anyone could see inside the room if he cut on the bedside lamp, but not wanting to rile his mother, seeing the outside lights were illuminating the bedroom well enough, he let things be. He figured, she had only fucked in darkness anyway, which he was going to change next time. He watched her pull the bedding down.

Irene, finished with the bedding, stood watching her son. His side nudity did not alarm her in the semi darkness. She appraised his muscular 5'10" frame. She was but 5'5" tall. She knew she was solidly built, maybe a bit overweight, but she knew most men liked a firm, broad ass, not like Jean's hip-less, skinny ass. He turned to look at her but she did not move until he reached out his right arm to direct her to the bed. She kneed herself onto the edge of the somewhat high bed and rolled to the middle, laying outstretched in the middle, her arms to her side. She waited.

"Do you like to kiss?" He quizzed, his legs touching the left side of the bed.

"No, not particularly" she answered. "But I could try to get used to it... if you don't stick your tongue in my mouth."

"How many men had screwed you?"

"Just 4. All bastards. One before your father and one after the left. I was hoping that young bitch would cause him to have a heart attack! The thought of them depresses me. Hellava time to be bringing up their dumb asses!""

"Yeah...sorry We'll start small, then." He said, bending over to kiss her lightly on the lips, noting she did not kiss him back. "I want you to put your hands on my cock. Can you do that? Scoot over a little bit."

"I don't particularly like that word either." She said obstinately. "Cock!" She made a face.

"Sooo, what do you prefer to call it?"

"Dick, I suppose." She replied, watching him standing there... waiting.

Grudgingly, she reached to finger his rigid cock. Grudgingly, she wrapped her hand around it. It was no longer wet. She squeezed it and found it quite hard.

George bent to take her right nipple into his mouth and sucked on it lightly. It firmed up nicely in half a minute and he increased the suction, reaching over to cup the other, squeezing it lightly. The breasts was very much to his liking. He noted, holding onto his cock with him bent so, was a bit difficult but she had not released it.

Pass the two minute mark, Irene was trying to suppress her breathing. Involuntarily, she was now gripping his cock firmly and tugging on it. Then, his right hand began to slide slowly down her belly to her mound. He pulled lightly at the lavish hair and squeezed her mound lightly. She hoped he could not feel her body tremble . Was she frightened or was she getting aroused, she pondered.

George extended his middle finger and eased it down. Distressed that his mother was keeping her legs tight, he reached to push her left leg out, meeting a bit of resistance.

"What the hell is wrong with you, woman!" He chided, removing his mouth from her nipple.

"All right! All right!" She chirped, with a protesting tone. "Me, bare-assed and in bed with by son is kind of new, you know! Give me a second to relax."

He put his mouth back to her nipple. His hand retreated to her mound where he remained a few long moments before extending his middle finger again. Finding her legs parted enough, he pushed it slowly downward, through her puffy labia, over her clit, down to the bottom of her crack. The lips were substantial.

"Do not try to finger me again!" She warned.

It was not his intent and he proceeded to pull his finger back through her deep valley of a crack, raking her clit once more. Her body shuddered involuntarily and a moan escaped her lips. She mentally rebuked herself for not keeping herself in control, knowing his finger was moving upward. Then, his hands were off of her and he was standing above her again.

"Roll to your belly." He directed.

"You not going to finger me to orgasm?" She appealed. "That's what I want."

"Cool your heels a bit." He chastised. "We'll get there."

Waiting until she positioned herself, George then straddled her lower back, keeping his weight on his knees, and began a firm massage. Occasionally, he kissed her shoulders and back. A good 10 minutes he worked on her before scooting himself down over her buttocks to work on her lower back... then, up a bit.

"You could have been doing this years ago" She said with a praising tone.

"What, screwing you or massaging your back?"


"I thought you would like this. Like I said, there's no need to be in a hurry."

He began to add her buttocks to the massage. After a few minutes, he began to kiss her buttocks, nibbling at them lightly.

"Don't, don't, don't, that tickles!

Her words only drove him to bite her ass a bit harder.

"No, no,, no, no!"

"Is this getting your pussy to twitching?"

Without waiting for an answer, he ceased the massage and maneuvered her to her back. He spread her legs wide, gripped the back of her legs to bend her knees, lifting up, pushing her knees wide. He now knelt between her legs. His head started to drop towards her pussy.

"I said no!" She challenged.

"Just let me look at your treasure a moment!" He insisted.

She made a weak effort of pushing at his head, but figured it was dark enough in the bedroom for him not see her blush of embarrassment or have much of a view of her privates.

George stretched out on the bed and began to study his mother's pussy. His eyes, now adjusted to the available light, had more than sufficient light! It was as he had hoped. Her labia was thick lipped. He was able to discern that her clit was pretty much hidden from view.

"I'm going to spread your pussy's lips." He warned her.

Before she could utter her displeasure, it was done.

"I would love to see this in the light of day sometimes."

"The hell you will!" She replied, very uncomfortable with the closeness of his face.

Again, before she could react, George pushed his face into her crotch. She felt his tongue searching, then, against her clit and she could not suppress the moan. Her hands reached to push his head away but they seemed to have no strength. Her mind reeled with the pleasure coursing her body. She had never felt anything so good or quite like it. Her hands retreated to her thighs and she let herself give in to whatever pleasure was in store for her.

George concentrated on her clit until he was sure she had relinquished any thought of fighting. He could smell the sweet scent of the soap, but also, an underlying feminine odor. It was to his liking. He began to probe her crack from bottom to top. He listened to her elevated breathing and her moans. Back to her clit. Back to her crack. Back to her clit. Did he dare! Before he lost his nerve he pushed her thighs back and stuck his tongue deep inside her hole. Expecting a harsh reprimand, he was a little surprised when her ass began to hump against his face, she, trying to send his tongue as deep as possible into her. Back to her clit. Inserting his tongue again for a good tongue fucking. Back to her clit. Then...

"AGGGGgggggg! Gooooooooooood! Lord have mercy!" She cried, but did not issue a reprimand.

George had felt her body lock momentarily before quaking, her ass lifting. Determinedly, he had kept his tongue stroking her clit, as her ass lifted. She moaned like a stricken animal! As her ass dropped, he lost point of contact, and her hands returned to his head with enough strength to push it away. He quickly maneuvered to mount her.

Her legs did not drop and he waited a long moment to see if she would acquire his cock and place it to her. She did not and he reached between them taking hold of his cock and searching for her hole. He found it easily! She moan lustfully. As she was well lubricated he pushed into her deeply and held for a few long moments. Then, supporting himself on his elbows as he cradled her, he began a slow methodical rhythm.

"Did you like that?" He whispered in her ear.

"Yes! I didn't think anything could feel that good." She willingly confessed. "Where did you learn that?"

"It's a short story. I'll have to tell you sometimes. But Jean prefers it to a "cock" orgasm."

"And you stick your tongue in her?"

"You bet I do! Most women prefer to orgasm like that. I would think you will too. It doesn't bother me in the least if you don't want to suck my cock."

"So, you think we will do this again?" She challenged.

"I don't think you will want me to call you mom in the throes of passion, so, Ethel or Irene? Which do you prefer?" He had whispered into her ear, ignoring her challenge.

"You know my whole family calls me Sis." She whispered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Your pussy is good, Sis." He whispered, giving her praise in the hope that she would relax.

It seemed to work.

"You ever measure it?" She questioned. "Your dick?"

"6 ½ inches from the bottom." He answered. "Do you feel my balls against your ass?"

"Yes." She whispered, mixed with a light moan. "I've got it all. And, you seem to be a bit thick. Your father was a tad longer but you are thicker. Push it! Push it deep! See if you can get pass that used pussy."

Was she playing with him? He pushed into her deeply several times. "It's been too long, I suppose, for you to really remember, but what do you think?"

She moaned, "for the sake of argument, I think you just made it...the second time! Push again. Yep, you can do it when you try!"

George was in no hurry so he continued the slow methodical rhythm for quite some time. He monitored his mother's reaction to his occasional deep thrusts. He received the expected moan and praise. Her breathing began to escalate and he increased his rhythm accordingly. She had admitted she had not had a man between her legs for quite some time. Perhaps 20 minutes passed before her knees were ratcheting methodically against his sides, with her ass thrusting back at him. Was her grunts his sign of pleasure or her efforts to stay in rhythm and fuck him back?

He lifted himself above her, supporting himself on his hands, and hammered into her vigorously, stabbing her hard repeatedly, noting her beefy ass flattening onto the bed. He felt invigorated as she gripped her legs behind her knees to keep him high and spread wide. She was now moaning almost constantly, muttering incoherent praise.

"Look at me." He commanded. He got no response. "Look at me, dammit!"

She opened her eyes. They looked into each others eyes, each trying to read the others state-of-mind.

"Do you want to come again?"

"I think I can. Yes." She reasoned.

"What do you want me to do to you?"

She knew his meaning and shook her head knowingly.

"Tell me. Utter the two words I want to hear and I will see to it that you come again, even if I have to fuck you all night. He waited, steadily hammering into her, looking into her eyes.

"Come down and hold me and I will tell you."

Having to cease his relentless hard fuck, he slowed almost to a stop and lowered himself, slipping his arms under her shoulders to cradle her, chest to chest. And waited.

"Keep going and I'll tell you in a minute or two. I promise I won't forget."

He increased his rhythm slightly. He again monitored her arousal and was soon stroking and stabbing into her vigorously once more.

"Fuck me!" He finally heard her was music to his ears. "Fuck me hard! Harder, dammit, harder! Get past that used pussy!"

'Was that a taunt, again?' He thought, but choose to ignore it.

Her knees were now ratcheting in rhythm with his relentless stabbing and stroking into her. She was moaning continuously, grunting with each deep stab of his cock. He was going to get past that used pussy. Her ass and knees loss rhythm occasionally, but quickly regained it.

10 or 12 minutes of strenuous intercourse took its toll on George's back. He hated that he had wrestled in high school. He had no choice but to slow his rhythm.

"It's your back, isn't it?" She queried, in a motherly, concerned tone.

"Yes. And I hate it when it bothers me at such times."

"To be honest, I could use a bit of rest myself."

"You like to fuck, don't you?"

"Oh, hell yes!" She chuckled.

"Do you think we will do this again?" He pressed, in a low tone.

"Yes, I think we just might. If you can agree to a few rules?"

"That's fine. Are you ready for another round?"

"You bet! Get with it Tiger. You get me riled again and you might hear that word you like!!"

George repositioned his cradling of her slightly, and within moments began to increase his rhythm. Their intercourse was soon back to the level to where they had slowed.

"Come for me, Sis!" He said lustfully, breathing heavily against her neck. "Come for me!"

"I will! Don't stop! Don't stop! Fuck me! Looord yes! Harder! I'm close!" A few moments of heavy, mouth open, puffing, "FFFUUCCKKK ME!" she bellowed.

There was no lock-up of her body. Not a moment of stillness. She was at a full gallop when the orgasm raged through her body. Was it the length of time between having a man or was it the fact that it was her son between her legs, his cock inside of her, bringing her to such a strong, strong orgasm? It was something that would enter mind later.

George had never had a woman react the way his mother had at orgasm. An orgasm at full gallop! His own knowledge of his mother underneath him caused his lust to engulf him totally. Barely had she relaxed, when he reached to grabbed her ample buttocks in both hands, locking her in tight.