Getting Even


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Revenge had replaced grief as his newest all-consuming obsession. Roger could simply not be allowed to get away with what he did. He deserved punishment, and Bill would be the one to deliver it. Roger needed to know what it felt like to be humiliated. He needed to suffer loss as Bill had. He deserved to lose his wife, his house, his kids, and his beloved car. Everything that mattered to him needed to be ripped away from him.

It took several days for Bill to devise a plan. It took several more to find just the right woman to execute this plan. Once he found her, he met her at a coffee shop to ensure that she was the right fit, and that she was willing and able to follow orders. Money was no object, and he paid her handsomely.

After days of planning, the day of reckoning finally arrived. His heart beating rapidly, Bill knocked on the door across the street. Chelsea answered, looking perplexed.

"Everything okay?" she asked sweetly.

"Everything is fine," Bill said, "but I need you to come with me. There is something I need to show you."

"What is it?" she asked, looking worried.

"It's something of great importance to you," he explained. "That's all I can say right now. Just come with me. Please."

She continued to interrogate him as they drove the short distance to the country club, but Bill was steadfast in his refusal to answer her questions. He almost felt sorry for her. However, she deserved to know the truth as much as he did.

He pulled into the parking lot of the country club, and Chelsea suddenly looked panic-stricken.

"Why are we here?" she asked. "Is something wrong with Roger? You know he's playing golf here today?"

"Yes, I know," Bill responded calmly. He looked at the time on the dashboard. "Come with me," he said, exiting the car.

He led her, on foot, around the side of the country club and through a short path through a wooded area to an adjacent lot. It was empty with the exception of one lone car parked at the furthest end.

"That looks like our Lexus," Chelsea stated. "Why is it parked way over there?"

"Let's have a look," Bill said, doing his best to suppress a smile.

As they approached the car, Bill slowed his pace, allowing Chelsea to move ahead of him. He reached into his pocket and extracted his cellphone, swiping it to switch to its camera, and then swiping again to switch to video mode. What was about to happen would be so righteous, he knew he would want to relive it again and again.

Chelsea approached the car with apprehension. When she was close enough to see what was happening in the back seat, she gasped loudly, and her hands covered her mouth. She stood for a moment, frozen on the spot. Then she lunged toward the handle of the back door and swung it open with force.

"You fucking son of a bitch!" she screamed.

She leaned into the back seat and pounded her fists into Roger's torso while he raised his arms in defense. She continued to shout and punch, and then emerged from the backseat with a handful of clothing. She slammed the door with a kick of her foot.

Her face was streaked with makeup, and her normally-perfect hair was a tangled mess. Roger emerged from the other side of the car and looked around furtively before he scurried around the back of the car.

"Give me my clothes!" he shouted at his wife. He was completely naked, and his hands covered his private parts.

"Fuck you!" Chelsea shouted, and she ran around to the front of the car, still holding the bundle of clothes.

"I'm not joking, Chelsea!" he screamed. "Give me my fucking clothes!"

"Fuck you!" she shouted once again.

He chased her around the car for two laps while the half-dressed woman in the back seat quietly slipped away and ran toward Bill.

Roger stopped on the passenger side of the car, and Chelsea glared at him over the roof.

"Chelsea, please give me my clothes," Roger said in a calm voice, "and we can talk about this."

With one swift move, she opened the door, tossed the clothing inside, and slid behind the wheel. She locked the doors before Roger had a chance to grab the handle. She looked at her husband with mascara staining her cheeks, thrust her middle finger in the air, and drove away with the tires squealing against the pavement. Roger stood in the middle of the parking lot, wearing only a dumbstruck expression.

"Chelsea, you fucking bitch! Get back here!" he screamed in a high-pitched voice and hopping up and down with one of his hands still covering his genitals.

For the first time, Roger seemed to notice Bill. It took him a moment to process who it was, and another moment to realize that he was being recorded.

"Bill, what the fuck are you doing here?" he asked. "Turn that fucking camera off. In fact, just give me the phone." He thrust his hand out, as if he were a school teacher demanding her student to spit out his gum.

"You're fucking crazy if you think I'm giving you my phone," Bill laughed.

"Give me the fucking phone!" Roger screamed in the same high-pitched tone. He took a few steps toward Bill.

"I'm telling you right now," Bill said, pressing a button on the phone and placing it in his pocket, "if you take another step toward me, I will knock you the fuck out."

Roger stopped in his tracks. He looked past Bill to the woman hiding behind him. He appeared to be gripped with panic and confusion, and his eyes welled with tears.

"Why?" Roger asked.

"You know goddamn well why," Bill said. He took the woman by the hand and led her back to the main parking lot.

Roger remained frozen on the spot and stared into the distance.


"Here's the other half," Bill said, handing a thick envelope to the woman once they reached his car. "As agreed."

"Thanks," she said. "I have to say, that was way easier than I thought it would be."

"Seducing him, you mean?"

"Yeah," she said, adjusting her top. "Don't get me wrong. I've never had any trouble picking up men."

"Well, you're his type," Bill stated, matter-of-factly.

"And how do you know that?" she asked, playfully.

Bill turned to her. "You look a lot like my wife."

"Oh," she replied quietly. "I guess you also knew he wouldn't hesitate to make out in his car, then?"

"He's a predictable guy," Bill said with a chuckle. "He seems to have an unhealthy fetish for that car."

"So, I guess it went the way you expected."

"Better. Much better than I ever could have expected. Thank you."

They drove in silence for a moment.

She smiled. "Okay, but how did you know that he would cheat on his wife?"

"Another easy one," he responded. "Once a cheater, always a cheater."


When Bill arrived back home, he cracked open a beer and watched the video from his phone over and over again, laughing until his belly ached. A furry orange cat purred at his feet.

"Felix," he said, giving the cat a scratch behind the ears, "I haven't laughed this hard in ages."

If only he could share this video with the world, he thought. He took another gulp of beer and nearly choked on it.

"Felix," he said with a wide smile, "we're not done making this asshole pay for what he did."

He leapt up the stairs and made a beeline to his office. He fired up the laptop, and connected his phone. He created a YouTube account and within minutes, his video was uploaded for the world to see. He giggled uncontrollably as he captioned it with the title, "Wife Catches Husband Cheating, Hilarity Ensues."

Incredibly, within a week, the video had gone viral, with more than 400,000 views. A week later, it had exceeded more than two million. Bill's friends on Facebook were sharing the video, clueless to the fact that Bill was the one who uploaded it. When the television show "Tosh.0" picked it up, the video went mega-viral, exceeding more than one hundred million views.

News vans began showing up across the street from Bill's house. One reporter even showed up at Bill's door once, asking about the whereabouts of his neighbors. People began creating parody videos, mocking Roger's high-pitched voice and setting it to music. One of those videos went viral as well, fueling the phenomenon even further.

Roger was forced to resign from his law firm. He had become far too infamous and recognizable for any jury to take him seriously. Chelsea filed for divorce soon thereafter. She ended up with the house, the kids, and - in a delightfully righteous twist - the car. The rumor around the neighborhood was that she took a sledge hammer to the car, and then sold it for scraps.

Bill watched it all unfold with bemused detachment. Justice had been served, and he had no regrets about what he had done. He and Roger were now even, as far as he was concerned. Still, he felt a cold and bitter emptiness inside of him. He wasn't sure why he still felt that way until the day he heard a knock at his door.

It was a cold winter day, and he had just thrown a log onto the fire when he heard the unexpected visitor at his door. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see Marilyn standing there. She was Emily's best friend, dating all the way back to grade school. He hadn't seen her since the funeral.

"Marilyn," he said, standing in the doorway with a look of confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Bill," she said with an uncomfortable smile. "Can I come in?"

"Of course," he said. They shared an awkward moment of hesitation, and then hugged each other. He led her to the chairs in front of the fireplace. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"No, thanks," she said, "I won't be staying long."

He stared into her eyes, perplexed. "What can I do for you?"

"Well," she said, "I saw the video online." She motioned toward Roger's old house across the street.

"I'm pretty sure the whole world has seen that video!" Bill laughed.

"I have a hunch that it was you who posted it," she stated.

"Really?" he said, bemused. "What—"

"I just have a hunch, that's all," she interrupted. "I talked to Phil." She let the words sink in, and stared at him, meaningfully. Bill shifted in his chair, uncomfortably.

"Did you?" he said. His expression was stone cold.

"He told me that you know," she continued. "And I'm here because I made a promise to Emily. I made this promise just before she passed. She told me that if you ever find out what happened, to give you this."

Bill watched intently as Marilyn reached into her coat pocket and produced an envelope. The word "Bill" was written on it, in Emily's handwriting. Marilyn handed it to him, and he stared at it, emotionless. Several moments passed, and neither one of them moved a muscle. Only the crackling of the fireplace and the ticking of a clock could be heard.

Without warning, Bill tossed the envelope into the fire. Emily leapt from her chair and attempted to retrieve it, but Bill grabbed her by the arm.

"What did you do?" she shouted, wide-eyed and mouth gaping.

"Now we're even," he stated calmly.

"Your dying wife wrote you that letter!" she said. "How could you just throw it away like that? What do you mean you're even?"

"I never got a chance to confront her," he stated in the same calm tone. "And now she will never get a chance to explain."

"But...but you have to hear her side of the story!"

"Fuck her side of the story!" he shouted, causing Marilyn to recoil. "What could she possibly say to explain herself? 'I'm sorry?' 'I didn't mean it?' 'It meant nothing to me?' 'It was just a mistake?' 'I was drunk?' Yeah, well, fuck her!"

Marilyn sat in silence for a moment, stunned. She stared at him as he paced the room.

"She never meant to hurt you," she said, quietly. "You were the love of her life. You know that."

"I don't know anything anymore!" he shouted. "It was all a lie! Our entire marriage was a lie!"

"No it wasn't!" Marilyn yelled, standing to her feet. "She loved you, dammit! And yeah, it was a mistake. Humans make mistakes, Bill. She had too much to drink, she wasn't thinking clearly, and she made a mistake. That one mistake doesn't mean your entire marriage was a sham, and it doesn't mean she never loved you."

"Yeah, well, to me, it does."

Marilyn stared at him, but he refused to look at her. She looked around the room, and saw empty shelves and tables where family photos once stood. She shook her head and sighed.

"Bill, I'm going to tell you something, and I want you to listen." At last, he looked at her. His eyes welled with tears, and he swallowed hard. "Forgiveness isn't a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength. It isn't about the person who wronged you; it's about you. It isn't about letting someone off the hook; it's about allowing yourself the freedom to put your past aside and move on with your life."

He stood, silent and still, trying desperately not to cry. She approached him softly, and embraced him, squeezing him tightly. She then moved toward the door and showed herself out.


It was springtime when Bill heard that knock at his door once again. Marilyn stood on the front porch, smiling curiously.

"Going somewhere?" she asked, motioning toward the moving truck in the driveway. A sign on the front lawn announced that the property had been sold.

"Just packing up the last of it," Bill said with a smile. "Come on in."

"It looks like I caught you just in time," she noted, motioning toward the mostly empty house. "I just happened to be in the neighborhood, and saw the sign and moving van, and put two and two together."

"You should've been a detective," he teased. She responded with a smile. "I'm packing up room by room, and this is the last one."

"Need any help?" she offered.

"No, but thank you. I think I can manage it."

"So, where are you heading?"

"Florida," he said. "Time to get away from the cold. There's a retirement village where the ratio of women to men is nearly two to one. I like those odds." He flashed her a devilish grin.

She scanned the room and paused when she noticed the photo on the end table. It showed Bill and Emily, smiling happily and looking healthy and young.

"Well, I'm glad to see that you're moving on," she said with a smile. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Marilyn. I decided to follow the advice of a dear old friend."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I thought Bill was kind of childish when he destroyed the letter. Not a bad story otherwise.

inka2222inka22224 months ago

@anon - your degree of empathy to the victim here is overwhelming. He doesn't need to get his questions answered **from a biased, lying, self-serving source who will say anything to make herself feel and look better**. I get it that you hate men so you wish him to die alone in pain. Thanks for showing your disgusting, psychi, man-hating colours.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story. But burning the letter is childish. Sorry. She died. Yes she cheated. That letter is thr only way to get any questions answered, and a deathbed confession has a good chance of being accurate. Besides the email trail was vague and Phil saw them once. It isn't hard to believe the predator Roger seduced her with alcohol. Having it taint everything he remembers about their many years together (assuming it was a one time slip and she is already dead) is just cutting off his own nose to spite his face. Seriously read the letter. Or die alone in pain. It is that simple. At least Marilyn convinced him (to some extent).

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Pointless rubbish.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story ruined by the ending

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