Getting Some Tail


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I nodded. "Different parts have different sensations," she continued. "The tip can be very sensitive, and there's probably four or five different 'zones' of sensation in the last three or four inches."

"Wow," I said.

She was looking at her tail, still encased by her catsuit, but now she was touching it at different places, testing out how sensitive each part was. I don't know why, but it was turning me on.

Watching her "test" various parts of it, I asked, "How long is it?"

"I don't know, actually," she confessed, shrugging. "I've never been able to measure it straight out, because my arms can't reach that far. I guess it's probably about two feet long or so."

"How many people know about it?" I asked.

"My mother does," she said. and I remembered that she had said that her father had passed away a few years before. "Somewhere, there is a sixth-grade class from Milton Middle School that got an eyeful after gym class."

I chuckled, but a quick look told me that this wasn't a joke. Buried underneath that flippant statement was a graveyard of painful memories. She was looking down and away from me, so I didn't think she had heard.

"No one else?" I asked.

She shook her head. "You've seen the way I dress normally. I wear loose clothing and nobody ever knows. After middle school, I always got an exception to gym class. Doctor's notes, you know."

I nodded, understanding. "How'd you hide your tail from your boyfriends?"

She laughed at me. "Are you serious?" she replied. "What boyfriends?"

I was struck at this. "Wait, you mean you've never..."

She grinned wickedly. "Well, Kyle," she said with a wicked teasing quality. "I wouldn't say that I've never..."

With that the tip of her tail bent back towards her crotch and began rubbing the place where I knew her clit would be. In that instant I was rock hard, and nearly wrecked the car.

She laughed at me, but didn't stop her tail from sliding between her legs. "I wouldn't exactly say I've been lacking anything," she said. Her voice was coy, playful now. She was now truly enjoying herself - and not just the conversation.

I could see what she meant, though. I had completely underestimated what she could do with her tail. It was dark, but not so dark that I couldn't see that she could rub several inches of her tail in long strokes in between her legs. Once again her nipples were poking through the material, and there was no doubt that she was getting turned on.

"I think that's probably the sexiest thing I've ever heard or seen," I said.

Her eyes locked between my legs. "I believe you," she said.

She flipped her gaze back and forth between my eyes and my lap, before she finally leaned towards me, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "I don't know how to ask this," she said, looking straight down at my lap. But there's something I've always wanted to try. Can I?"

I swallowed, and nodded.

Her fingers went to my wast and lifted up the pirate blouse I was wearing to expose the black tights that showed everything about my cock.

Her hands began to touch it through the cotton, feeling it, exploring it. I was lost in the sensation of her wandering fingers when I took a look at her tail again and - I swear to god - I felt self conscious. This girl had gotten used to what must be the world's greatest wonder-cock. How the hell was I going to compete with that?

Tugging at the elastic of the waistband, I had no choice but to lift my ass off the seat to help her get them down, revealing my throbbing penis to her view.

"Outside of porn," she gasped, "yours is the first cock I've ever seen."

It made sense that she would watch porn, but my mind raced with the visual of her sitting at her desk, watching a computer screen, her tail fucking her pussy furiously to orgasm. This was Natalia for crying out loud!

With that she dipped her head down and kissed the head, slipping it inside her mouth just to the flare of the ridge. "And tasted," she giggled, as she let it go.

She looked up at me, and asked, "Are you still okay to drive?"

"Sure," I lied. I had no idea what she was intending to do, but I didn't want to stop her.

She didn't believe me. "Pull over," she commanded.

I pulled to the side of the road, stopped the car, and killed the lights.

As soon as the car was parked, she climbed on top of me, facing me. My cock was sticking straight up in the air, my costume tights halfway down my thighs. Natalia settled squarely on my thighs and I looked down and saw her tail between both our legs.

The look on her face was absolutely possessed. She had a slight sheen of perspiration, brought on solely by anticipation. What the hell is she doing?

Natalia reached between her legs and pulled at her catsuit until a horrendous riiiiip! brought the reality of the situation home for me.

For the first time in my life I saw an actual tail on a human being. I watched, fascinated (and not a little scared) as her tail began wrapping around my balls and the base of my cock, and then wrapping in circles until just the head could be seen. Like Natalia, it was white, the skin pristine. The skin was smooth, a texture much closer to a newborn's than an adult woman.

The coil of her tail felt warm around my cock and balls, very different than any handjob or blowjob I've ever received. This was much smoother, much more powerful. I watched as the red bulbous head emerged out of her grip, thoroughly happy with the completely new experience.

"Oh Kyle," she said, panting. "You have no idea how much I've fantasized about doing this. For years I've wanted to do this."

She looked me in the eye and said without an ounce of hubris, "You should feel lucky, Kyle. I'm the only person in the world, probably, who could do this to you."

I couldn't speak. All I could do is watch as the tip and the remainder of her tail, which at this point was only about five or six inches, slid inside her pussy.

Natalia's back arched as she penetrated herself, and it suddenly felt like my entire body had been caught up in her ecstasy. She quivered on my lap, and I tried to hold on to her while at the same time prevent myself from blacking out from sensory overload.

She began to fuck herself with the end of her tail, the movement of the tail contracting and squeezing my cock and balls. It felt as if I had six or seven hands wrapped around me at the same time. Natalia was fucking herself slowly, obviously trying not to go crazy which might hurt me. After all, I was the first man she had ever seen, let alone done this with, and she already admitted that she didn't know her own strength.

As she run herself through, though, her tail became slicker and wetter, which in turn slid down to my cock and balls. What began feeling like six or seven hands began feeling like six or seven mouths.

"Oh Jesus," I moaned, but it was the last thing I was capable of saying. What she was doing completely eliminated my ability to speak at all. She had total control over my cock, and I fought not to come. She had been manipulating me for less than a minute and I feared what she would think. Coming in under a minute? Not the first sexual impression I was hoping for.

But oh, this felt so good! The lubrication from her body was now easing the friction between her tail and my cock and balls, and I began to realize I could no longer hold back my climax than hold back a tidal wave.

"Oh my god," she said in a rush of breath. "I can use you... for leverage... so good. So good!"

Her body clenched in orgasmic bliss, and of course her tail clenched with it. My body, with no ability to control itself, released my eruption high into the air, the force of her squeezing firing my load farther and higher than I thought possible.

In that moment, the first splash landed on her upturned neck, just before she collapsed forwards in exhaustion to catch a second blast on her ruby lips. A third, slightly smaller eruption merely coated her tail. From the looks of things, you would have thought that I had been keeping up a reserve for decades.

She didn't seem to notice the come on her lips as she came down from her own high. She smiled, and her tail twitched, send my body into a rapid convulsion.

"Oh my," she said, giggling. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"That's all right," I said, or rather, what I would have said had I actually had verbal control. In reality, it came out more like, "Da ah ra."

She looked down at our union as if seeing it for the first time. She raised her hands to her mouth to stifle a giggle, and found my burst of come. Feeling around her face and neck she began to realize the extent to which I had covered her.

She began to laugh. "You know," she confessed. "When I fantasized about doing this I never realized how messy it would be."

We both started laughing as she started to untangle herself from me.

As I pulled the car back on the highway, we were still trying to catch our breath. "Holy shit," she said, looking at my hastily-reassembled clothing. "That was better than I ever imagined."

She looked straight at me. "And I have been imagining that for a very long time."

She paused, and cocked her head in thought. "Kyle," she began slowly. "How... how was it?"

I was dumbfounded until I realized that she honestly had no basis for comparison. It was, quite possibly, the most incredible experience I'd ever had in my life, and I told her so.

She smiled cautiously. "You're sure?" she asked. "You're not just saying that?"

"Oh boy, I'm sure," I said. This time the enthusiasm in my voice was unmistakable, and she visibly relaxed.

We sat for a little while listening to the hum of the motor, each thinking our own thoughts.

"Can I ask another question?" I ventured.

"Go on," she prompted.

"Are you in control of everything it does, or does it do its own thing?" I asked, not quite sure if I chose the right words.

She giggled. "You mean, does it have a mind of its own?" The tail waved in the air for show. I smiled at her playfulness.

"A little of both, I think," she said. "I mean, I definitely have a lot of control, but there are times when it does things in reaction to my body. Sometimes I'll be watching TV and something will happen and I'll see the tip flick or flex out of the corner of my eye. I don't even know it's doing it."

That must have been what I saw during the party, I thought. I recalled how she would be talking with someone and suddenly it would flinch. At the time I thought she had somehow managed to use a remote control to get it to do that, but upon reflection I started to realize that, in fact, she had seemed unaware that it was happening.

That made me think of something. "Weren't you afraid it was going to happen at the party?"

She frowned. "Yeah," she admitted. "I was nervous about that for a while and kept it at the front of my mind at first. But then I had a few drinks and started letting my guard down..." She trailed off.

Natalia's jaw set as she seemed to become more determined about something. "But I figured that I've been hiding for so long. I wanted to just be myself, and I thought that the costume party would be a great way to do that without getting caught."

She looked at me. "So much for that idea," she said ironically.

I shrugged. "I was looking closer than most, I think," I suggested. "I was staring at you all night."

She smiled demurely. "Well, that's kind of what I wanted. You know, just to be noticed." She paused for a moment, looking out the window. Not facing me, she finished, "Sometimes I get tired of being invisible, even though it's my own choice. Sometimes you just want to feel sexy."

I thought about all the times I had seen her wearing frumpy, form-obscuring dresses and large shirts that practically went down to her knees. Knowing that all that time she was trying to hide her true self from the world, made me realize just how much pressure she had been putting on herself.

After what she had just done to my cock, and the creativity it took to fantasize about that, not to mention the audacity to actually do it, I started to realize just how much she had hidden from the world. Here was a woman, screaming from the inside out, hiding parts of her sexual nature that the rest of us took for granted. I could only wonder what other fantasies she had come up with over the years.

And yet, she was blessed and cursed at the same time. Even an ordinary activity like masturbation was brought to the level of sexual nirvana, and yet until our tryst in the car she had yet to experience even the most basic forms of intimacy with a partner.

"Well," I offered, hoping to lift her spirits back to where they were before, "you certainly succeeded there. Obviously I couldn't take my eyes off you. I just had to have you."

She turned back to look at me, and the melancholy look was replaced with something far more predatory.

When we finally got to her place and got out of the car, our clothes were a wreck. It was a damn good thing that it was dark and she hadn't bothered to leave the lights on, because any neighbor would have made no mistake in guessing what we were up to.

I'd been in her house before. Several times, in fact. So when she walked in the house and immediately turned to the bedroom I knew that our evening was nowhere near over.

She went to the sink and began washing her face, removing her makeup and my come, which had long worn out its welcome, I'm sure.

I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly realized that I, too, still had my skull makeup on. I had a momentary panic as I realized that everything that had happened - all of it - had been while I was wearing that gruesome mask.

Reading my mind, she said, "Now let me see your real face." She handed me a washcloth and pointed me towards the shower.

It was a little weird getting undressed in front of Natalia, despite everything we had already done. Nevertheless, I did as I was told and began washing away the remaining bits of the costume and anything else which may have lingered.

Through the shower I watched Natalia preparing to slink out of her catsuit, and once more I was mesmerized by her inherent sexiness and beauty. She stopped, reconsidering things, and came into the bathroom where I could see her.

With a wicked smile, she opened the shower door and joined me. Her hands went to her chest, her nails digging into the fabric and ripping it open in a sudden reveal of her beautiful small tits. I immediately latched my lips to them, and began sucking them in earnest. The water fell between my face and her chest, and as the final remounts of makeup ran off I tasted the slightly chalky residue, but I couldn't have cared less.

Natalia pushed me away, gently, and then turned to the side. "Help me with the last of it?" she said, coyly.

I looked at her and began to see her for the first time - the real Natalia. I began to realize just how much pent-up frustration and perversion must be coursing through her tiny body and huge brain. Being able to fuck herself with an appendage like her tail left her with an amazing talent for creativity and exploration, a stark contrast to a startling naivete and inexperience towards sex as a whole.

The way she pranced in front of me, though, was polished. Too polished. Too practiced. Too... porn-like.

Suddenly a lot of things began to make sense. She was interacting with me the only way she had ever seen it. With no first-hand experience, she thought this was the way couples had sex. I wondered whether or not this was her real side coming out, or merely the way she thought she was supposed to act.

I felt conflicted. I had been holding onto a crush for so long for this woman, that I couldn't help but feel protective. I wanted to hold her, wanted to take her in my arms. I wanted to do all of these things, but there was something about the way she was standing, moving, something that was triggering something far more primal.

She twisted, turned, and placed her hands on the wall of the shower while looking at my face. A broad smile crept over her lips and she spread her legs to present her ass to me. Slowly, with a teasing I'd never thought possible, she lifted her tail and exposed herself to me. Her back was arched, tail raised, beautiful tight ass and pussy tantalizing close beneath impossibly stretched fabric.

She looked like she was in heat. That's the only way to describe it. I've had women bend over for me to enter them before, but never was the invitation so wanton. Moreover, no experience I had ever had before could have prepared me for the raging animalistic passion I was feeling watching her brace herself. She wanted to be mounted.

I was beside myself with lust. "That's the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life," I said, my voice hoarse, grumbling with desire. My cock was rock hard, throbbing with my heartbeat.

I had enough room to run my hand over her splendid backside, felt the unusual curvature of her skin as the base of the tail lifted my hand in an unfamiliar pattern, feeling new and unfamiliar curves. I grabbed the soaking wet material and tugged a little, and she cooed.

"Do it," she snarled. "Rip it."

I grabbed and pulled, and the fabric melted away from her flesh and began to slide down her tail, heavy with the water. She flicked her tail once, twice, and the wet material sloshed onto the floor of the shower.

I took a step closer and grabbed her hips, my cock finding its own way towards her pussy. I needed to be inside her, a need that felt like if I didn't shock myself deep into her waiting cunt I was going to go mad.

Sliding home on the first thrust, she howled. Her tail shot straight up, pointing at the ceiling, before coming down on my right wrist and coiling around my arm. I could feel her pulling on my arm with each of my thrusts, urging me to go faster and harder, to fuck her wildly.

"Oh god," she cried. "Fuck me like that! Fuck me like an animal!"

I pounded into her. Compared to her lily white skin, the redness of my cock invading her body looked otherworldly. Angry, throbbing, it seemed to be flush with its arousal to the point of bursting.

Unfortunately, her tail was a bit stronger than my wrist, and the more she got lost in the moment, the more pressure she began putting on my arm. What began as some enthusiastic suggestions quickly became a very painful lock on my wrist, and I began to seriously wonder if she would be capable of breaking my arm.

Pulling out of her, I gently started uncoiling her tail from my arm with my free hand. "Sorry," I said, "But it was getting a bit too much."

She stood upright, and gasped. "I'm sorry!" she said. "I was getting carried away. I didn't know how much pressure I was putting there." Releasing my arm revealed white cord-like indentations where she had been squeezing.

Taking my wrist in her hands, she gently massaged it back to health. "Come on," she said. "I'm too close to stop now!"

She turned off the shower, grabbed a couple towels and threw one to me. Drying as she went, she walked into her bedroom, her tail swaying back and forth with each step. Yet one more time I was completely and totally fascinated.

She lay down on her bed, sliding back to the middle on her back. "C'mon, baby," she purred. "I'm going to give you something no man's ever gotten."

I crawled on top of her, my cock still erect in desperate need of attention. Climbing in-between her spread legs, I knelt just in front of her pussy, looking at the incredible sight before me. Bare and hairless, I saw the cleft of her vagina disappear into a crack that should have given way to the bedsheet beneath, but in turn folded into a white tail that fell down between her legs, disappearing underneath me.