GG's, Like in Maggie Ch. 02


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Resting lazily on the bed, she glanced at her bedside table, where her cell phone was charging.

She really should give him a call.


Another long day, another day of being barraged by massive sets of bare tits. All in a day's work for Kathleen Schaeffer.

The patient in the exam room currently was named Moira, and she was a real piece of work. 21, beautiful, and a complete spoiled brat. Her folks were loaded, and they didn't really raise much of a fight when Moira announced her plan to get breast implants. A few months later, here she sits, in her expensive, form-hugging jeans, topless, sporting a brand new set of DD's.

She was a slim girl, so these huge breasts really stood out. Slim, and tall, and frustratingly gorgeous. The leggy brunette's beauty was only matched by her spectacular unpleasantness.

Moira put off Kathleen from the start. It was not Kathleen's place to judge, and she didn't let her dislike affect her treatment, but Moira was a complete bitch. Incredibly spoiled, and ungrateful, she spent most of her first few exams giving dismissive, impatient eye rolls while texting on her cell phone. This was legit surgery, and Kathleen couldn't understand how anyone could be so uninterested on this big procedure that she was spending top dollar on.

Getting to know her didn't endear her to the doctor to her in any way. She was bratty and judgmental, and hearing her talk about her personal life and her friends was spectacularly off putting. She was such a bitch! The way she talked about her parents and her friends... Kathleen was shocked at how this younger generation of women could be so nasty and mean-spirited.

However, she was an absolute stunner, and she knew it.

Long, firm legs. Smooth, creamy skin. Fit, flat belly. Infuriatingly skinny. A firm, shapely butt. Long straight brunette hair. Gorgeous eyes and plump lips. She was beautiful. And now, her one perceived physical flaw, her small chest, had been fixed, thanks to the talented Dr. Schaeffer.

"Any physical pain?" Kathleen asked as she slid her fingers across the young woman's now full, round bust.

"No," she said impatiently, as if eager to get this done with so she could go back to strutting her stuff.

"Any issues with sensation... any numbness?" the doctors asked.

"No," she replied snottily. Kathleen just gritted her teeth and bared it. She continued with the exam, running her hands across Moira's large bust. She had to admit it, she did a good job. Moira's boobs looked great. Not too big as to be obscene, while still looking huge on her slim frame. The shape and the sizing was on point.

Kathleen had done a good job.

"Any issues whatsoever?" Kathleen asked.

"Uhh..."she sighed. "Not really, just, you know... waiting for these to work."

"What do you mean?" Kathleen asked, confused, her hands still pressed against the young woman's boobs.

"Well, it's like..." Moira began. "Okay, like... my dad is making me work at his big law office. I'm, like, a fucking clerk, or whatever. But anyway, one of the lawyers there, he's, like, oh my god, SO dreamy! He's so perfect... he's hot, and fit, and he's got a great butt, and this really hot car... He makes me, like, melt, every time I see him. I, like... love him. But he's married, which SUCKS, but, like... that doesn't mean I'm not gonna give it my best shot, you know?"

"What?" Kathleen asked, confused.

"I mean, like, you know, yeah, he's married, and he's got kids, and all that. But that doesn't mean, like, if I'm working around him, and I'm not gonna dress really nice and, like, not flirt with him a little bit," she began, speaking to Kathleen as if this should be easily understood. As if this was some unspoken girl code that both should be aware of. "And, like, before, he never looked at me. Not once. But now, with these big boobs... God, he can't take his eyes off of me," she said, with an excited smile.

"Okay..." Kathleen said, still not sure about what she was getting at.

"But, like... yeah, he's looking at me, but I'm waiting for him to make a move! Like... that's why I got these!" Moira said, pointing at her breasts, her nipples stiffened to thoughts of her crush. The doctor had removed her hands from the young woman's chest as this story went on. "These tits are great, and, like, everyone stares at me now, like, even way more than before, but, like... I'm getting impatient. Why doesn't he just make a move? Like... I'm SO ready!"

"But, he's, uh, married," Kathleen said, pointing out the obvious, not sure as to why this young woman didn't see that as the barrier it was.

"So what?" Moira said with a laugh, her fake boobs jiggling. "Who cares? It's, like... just a ring. Besides... married guys are SO hot! God, the thought of them having this perfect life, and then them throwing it all away just because they can't resist you... my God, it's so fucking hot!" she gushed, her nipples stiff as diamonds.

"Well, uh..." Kathleen began, clearing her throat. "I don't know if I fully agree that you should be thinking like that. I mean... people get married for a reason. It can be dangerous to try to get in the middle of that." She'd had a few patients come in and imply they were looking to use their new breasts to seduce a man, sometimes a married man, but few had been as blunt about it as this spoiled brat was.

"But that's what makes it fun!" Moira said, leaning forward slightly, her big, round boobs bouncing against each other. Kathleen tried to resume her exam as she listened to this young woman's creed. "It's so hot to pursue a guy, work your magic and make him yours. It makes you feel so sexy! I love seducing guys! And honestly, I think most guy's want to be seduced. Especially married guys."

"I don't know if I agree with that," Kathleen said, sliding her hands along the sides of the younger woman's bust. Moira only then noticed the hard indentation of the doctor's wedding ring against her breast.

"Oh, sorry," Moira said. "I'm sure your hubby's, like, totally happy," she said, half-heartedly, letting her gaze drift to the doctor's own chest for a moment. "But, like, this guy... he is SO asking to be taken! He is SO hot! And, like... the way he looks at my chest... trust me, doc, he wants it!"

"Well, I can't really give you advice on that as a doctor," Kathleen began, seeing no negative reaction to her light touching, which was good. "But, as a woman who's been around the block, this is, uh... risky behavior. I would advise against it."

"Well, it's too late now! What do you think I got these tits for?" she asked, joking while unable to hide a bit of her trademark snotty tone. "Besides, all the other girls are doing it. And the ones that get the job done are the ones with big boobs! Cause, apparently, married guys love girls with big tits! Those are the ones they'll cheat on their wives with."

"Oh... kay..." the doctor said, looking away. This girl was something else. And clearly, because she was so young and bratty, she had a very inaccurate skewed view of the world.

"Like, my best friend, Tawny. She's, like, a total bitch, I mean, she's the worst! Literally! She is truly awful!" Moira said with a wicked smile. "But, she's also a super-hot black chick with monster cans. So, apparently, like... okay, like, this is super juicy gossip, so you can't tell anyone! But, from what I heard, she met this athlete, and, like... okay, I don't remember his name, but he's, you know... the baseball guy. He plays here. He's, like, their best player. You know who I mean? The MVP. The one that's, like, super married, and he's supposed to be, like, super, like, Godly, and church going. He's this perfect guy. He has a wife and a couple babies. Makes millions of dollars. He has this perfect life. So, anyway, Tawny met him a few months back, at this, like, lame charity thing that she snuck into. And yeah, let's just say, his divorce is gonna be final real soon, and my girl Tawny will be rubbing her big tits all over his face for the rest of his life! Haha! I love it! She's the best! My girl is set for life!" Moira gushed, biting her lip with a wicked smile.

"Yeah, well..." Kathleen croaked, shocked by how easily Moira could speak about such depraved things. "That is something."

"Trust me doc, I know a thing or two about this kind of thing," the young woman said smugly. "You watch. These big boobs you gave me are gonna get me wifed up in no time, and 'Mister Cute Married Lawyer' from the office is gonna be the one putting the ring on my finger."

"Well," Kathleen said, thoroughly put off by her young patient. "It's not my place to say anything. Just, uh... be careful," she warned.

"Don't worry," Moira said, smiling wickedly. "I love danger!"

After a few minutes of clinical questions, Kathleen was happy to see Moira leave. She thought over the young woman's confident, twisted view on married men. Of course, she was wrong. What she was saying was ridiculous. For one, married men weren't turned into dumb-dumbs around girls with big boobs. In fact, it was the opposite. The married men were the ones who knew how to settle down, to be mature enough to look past such trivial things. It was the single guys that were immature, the ones that cared more about a girl's cup size than her personality. Kathleen knew a lot about these immature guys from her single days. Men like Andrew weren't like that. They wouldn't get sucked in just cause a girl has a deep cavern of cleavage. They wouldn't like a girl just because her boobs were as big as volleyballs. That was the stuff or pornos, not real life.

Even though she was confident in her trust of Andrew, she'd be lying if she said this conversation didn't enflame some of the deep seeded insecurities inside her. Even Moira, in the middle of her story, made it a point to glance at Kathleen's chest, acknowledging that she was aware of the doctor's flat chest and was silently judging her for it. Little bitch. Andrew was the opposite of the type of guy Moira was describing, but she couldn't help but remember that moment awhile back. When he was talking to one of her other patients. Maggie. How she was flirting and preening at him, and while it seemed like he was just being polite and friendly, even in the face of being hit on, part of Kathleen couldn't help but fear that there might be some small part of her perfect husband that might enjoy that type of thing.

Realizing that she'd been working a lot lately, and hadn't inquired too deeply as to how his renewed passion for photography was going, she thought it might be a good idea to check in on him, and give him a surprise call. Knowing she had a gap between appointments, she retreated to her office to make the call.

After a few rings, he picked up.

"Oh, hey... what's up?" Andrew asked, with the sound of water behind him.

"Hey, how you doing? Are you at the beach?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, actually. You hear the waves?" he replied.

"Yeah," she replied.

"So... what's up?" he asked.

"Not much. Just one of those days... just listened to this girl talking how envious she was of her friend with 'massive cans', and how she wanted to... well, that's the type of people I'm dealing with today." Kathleen admitted. "So, how are things with you? Taking a lot of pictures, I'm guessing?"

"Uh, yeah, a few. Been going, uh, well so far," he replied.

"Good! I was just thinking... that I haven't really gone over all your new pictures with you since you really got back going with it again. When we get home, we'll have to go through them," she suggested. There was a bit of a pause before he replied.

"Oh, yeah! Sounds good, we should do that," Andrew stated. Kathleen suddenly heard a voice from his end, relatively close to him.

"Is that someone talking to you?" she asked.

"Oh, no, just a couple annoying people around. It's a bit busier here than I'd prefer," he stated.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Kathleen said.

"No, no, don't worry about it," he replied. A silence fell between them, and she got the sense she had in fact interrupted him while he was in his groove.

"Well, I'll leave you to it. I just wanted to give you a quick call while I was bored," the doctor stated.

"I hope I relieved your boredom," he replied with a laugh.

"Definitely," the loving wife stated.

"Well then, when I get home, I'll show you a bit of what I've been up to, rub your shoulders, and listen to you complain about all your annoying patients. Sound good?" Andrew said.

"Sounds perfect!" Kathleen said with a bright, warm smile.

They said their goodbyes and hung up, and just like that, with this small little conversation, she was reenergized.

How could she ever doubt him?


Unfortunately for Kathleen, she probably should have trusted her instincts.

"I hope I'm not one of those annoying people?" Maggie asked, mock offended.

"Well, you're getting there..." he replied, half joking, but honestly a little annoyed that she called out to him when she knew he was on the phone. It was as if she wanted to get him in trouble. Letting his slight annoyance cool, knowing that he hadn't been caught, he wrote it off as a simple mistake on Maggie's part.

Because he believed in her.

He had finally overcome a lot of his hesitance of dealing with her. She had proven herself professional in all their interactions, and he had made peace with all his hang ups with her. Yeah, he wouldn't exactly volunteer to do this, and yeah, he didn't like the idea of sneaking around behind his wife's back, but nothing untoward was happening. No one was getting hurt, and he was helping someone in need. And, although he would never admit it, the idea of spending hours on end taking pictures of a hot bikini babe wasn't exactly unappealing.

They had only just gotten started when his wife called. Maggie had taken a few tentative steps into the surf when his phone buzzed, and she simply might not have noticed that fact when she turned back to face him.

Newsflash, she totally had noticed, and she very much wanted his wife to suspect he was spending quality time with another woman, a much hotter and sexier woman. But he didn't have to know that quite just yet.

They were at a new location. A different beach. But it wasn't like the other one, which was pretty much just sand and ocean. This one was more visually interesting, with a lot of rocks and dramatic splashing from the surf hitting the rocks. It was a smaller little beach, very private and quiet, but it provided lots of interesting spots for photos. But the scenery wasn't the star of the show. Maggie was, and she looked spectacular.

Knowing it would only be a step down to wear anything else, she was sporting another thong bikini, this one even sexier than the last. The material was thin and stretchy, molding to her succulent figure. It was colored black, with little blue designs all over. And there wasn't much for it to be all over, as it was very, very skimpy. The bottoms were very tiny, a small little triangle, scooped very low to show nearly everything. Let's put it this way... even to a happily married man like Andrew, he couldn't help but realize that she was probably shaved completely clean down there, because if she wasn't, he would probably be able to tell.

The back of the thong, of course, presented her hot ass perfectly. The tiny little string in the middle disappeared in the cleft between her firm, juicy ass-cheeks before reappearing, combining with the two tiny strings rounding her hips into a small, divine triangle of material just at the small of her back. It looked amazing on her, allowing her firm, fit ass to be presented proudly, each of the tiny strings highlighting each cheek's perfect shape.

Her ass was built for thongs.

But, as amazing as her ass was, it still didn't beat what she was sporting up top, at least not for Andrew.

This top was different from the other two. Those previous bikinis had triangle cups, which strained to contain her massive breasts, allowing both sides to be visible. This one hugged the outsides of her breasts, molding to their bulbous roundness, the cups rising up as they reached the front of her breasts to cover up her nipples and not much else. The two cups were connected with a small clasp in the middle, which struggled to hold back the massive force her big tits were exerting on it. While the previous tops had allowed her boobs to bounce and sway more freely, this one packed them together, making them jiggle with every little move she made, while also creating an absolute canyon of juicy cleavage.

She looked incredible.

Even as he was talking to his wife, with Maggie standing a few feet away back on the beach, looking around, waiting for his call to finish, he couldn't take his eyes off her. With her, in that bikini, with THAT body... it was impossible to look anywhere else.

As he discussed his day with Kathleen, and she took a renewed interest in his photography, he reminded himself to take pictures of the scenery, none with Maggie in them, just to cover up for his little white lie. Finally, when he hung up his phone and re-pocketed it, Maggie spoke up.

"I hope I'm not one of those annoying people?" Maggie asked, mock offended.

"Well, you're getting there..." he replied with a teasing smile, which she returned in kind.

"How's the good doctor doing?" she asked affectionately.

"She's good. Just, uh... checking in," he stated.

"Do you two have any kids?" she asked as she watched him pick up his camera again.

"Uh... no. Not right now," he replied.

"Do you not want kids?" she inquired.

"Not right now," he stated honestly. "We're both kinda doing our thing right now, and we're happy. Having kids is a... big responsibility, and that'll be a big change in life. We don't want to go there unless we're ready, you know?" She nodded with a mature understanding before replying.

"Well, I want tons of babies. Like... a whole litter." She said with a teasing smirk, and he couldn't tell if she was joking or serious. He never could with her.

They resumed the photoshoot, and it was quickly becoming their best one yet. The locale was perfect. For a small contained area, it presented so many photo opportunities. She stepped into the water and posed there. She posed on the beach as well, and also on the rocks, showcasing her hot body from every angle. She loved the camera, and the camera loved her.

And this time, more than any other, they got to talk and really get to know each other. She inquired a lot about his past and how he got to where he was and how he got into his many hobbies. He wondered about the transition of moving from Britain to America and the big changes that entailed. They talked easily, without the nervousness that previously infected him, because they were slowly, but surely, becoming friends.

The plan was going so well.

Maggie had this all planned out. She was slowly wearing him down. They had eased well past his nervousness as they formed their friendship. She could easily keep this going, and push him into more photoshoots, and he would eventually get to the point where he excitedly agreed, eager to be around her and her hot body again. This would lead them down the natural path to not only being good friends, but BEST friends! They would text all the time, and chat on the phone, all in secret, behind his wife's back. They would joke and tease each other, like best friends do. And, as friendships between attractive men and hot women go, this teasing would eventually turn sexual. Dirty jokes, light touching, followed by dirtier jokes, and more prolonged touching. This would all lead to a bit of fooling around, firm touching, light kissing, nothing major, but definitely a tease of something more. Soon, he would do everything he could to make sure his wife was occupied, so he and Maggie wouldn't be interrupted. All pretense of friendship would be forgotten, the comments would become nakedly sexual, and the kissing deeper. Clothes would soon slip off, and raw, lusty, passionate sex would ensue. He would, of course, feel a momentary bit of regret, and try to recommit to his wife, only to find her completely dull and painfully unsexy compared to the pure hotness he had just experienced. He would then return to Maggie, ready to make this side affair a real thing. The rough fucking that would ensue would be rough and nasty, and from that point on, there would be no looking back. He'd dump his wife, marry her instead, move her in with him, and spoil her rotten. They'd have a long, beautiful life together, and he'd give her lots of beautiful babies. Sons who would grow up to be as handsome as their father, and daughters who would grow up to be as beautiful and busty as their mother.