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Gian squared his shoulders before boldly walking into the store, he pressed on when Stefan's words echoed in his head. She was his mate he couldn't possibly ruin her life. Before he knew it he was standing right behind her. He could hear her humming softly to herself as she folded a stack of clothes. She was looking at what she was doing but Stefan doubted she saw it, her mind was far away.

"Hello, welcome to The Republic." He heard from another direction.

He was content to ignore it when his mate whipped around almost running into him. He caught her like before holding her only long enough for her to get her feet under her. His mate looked up at him with disbelief. Gian looked into her eyes and was taken aback by how good it felt to have her complete attention. Her mouth opened as if to say something then closed again as she took a step back.

'Speak of the devil and he will come...well if you think of him' Dee thought as he stared up at the guy from the gas station. His eyes were so green, and he was so warm all she could imagine doing was holding him close to her and laying her head on his chest. She thanked God that he couldn't hear her thoughts. He'd think she was nuts. She also wondered if he even remembered her. 'Probably not' she thought.

"Umm...Do you guys know each other?" Aileen asked and it drew Dee's attention to her. 'Que te loca?' she mouthed before turning a practiced smile toward Gas Station Guy.

"No." Dee said at the same time Gian said "Sort of,"

"Oh...Okay," Aileen said not quite sure she should leave Dee alone on the floor with this guy. "Dee, I'm going to finish the reads for the hour in the back, but I have my walkie. Call me if you need anything." Aileen said looking at Gian suspiciously before slowly walking toward the back.

"Umm...were you looking for anything in particular?" Dee said smiling beside herself. The guy's brow drew together.

"You don't remember me, do you?" He asked

"No, I do!" Dee said more excited than she had meant to let on "I just thought you wouldn't remember me."

"It was just this morning, I couldn't have forgotten you."

It was the way he said it that made something in Dee's stomach flutter. "It happens often. So you decided to come shopping?"

'Shit! I didn't come up with an excuse' Gian thought as he looked into her expecting gaze.

"I...just didn't get your name."

"Why so you can stalk me?" Dee said. Gian's eyes widened causing Dee to giggle "I was joking. My name is Delia but most everyone calls me Dee."

Gian smiled as he repeated her name. "I'm Giancarlo, call me Gian"



"You asked me to call you Gian and I did."

He smiled "I guess I did."

"So, why'd you come see me? Is it remorse about the horrible way you treated me this morning." Dee said exaggerating. She decided she liked Gian he was a little jumpy and didn't seem to know what he wanted to say but he was sexy and he wanted to talk to her so she'll bite.

"A little," he said chuckling nervously, " got a job at this mall and I...guess it would be nice to know someone show me around."

He was lying through his teeth and Dee knew it but she smiled a bit flattered that he was trying to make an excuse to talk to her. Although, she would have accepted the upfront answer...unless it was 'I followed you here to stare at those tig ol' bitties'.

"Oh, so where do you work?" Dee knew she was cornering him but she was curious as to how he would work his way out of a petty lie.

"Um...a little kiosk, near the food court."

"Which one? Candee's, Fire Accessories, Copper's Cosmetics, Bling-a-Ling Jewelry?"

She couldn't help herself this time; she giggled watching his eyes go wide and his mouth open and shut without answering the question.

"How're you guys doing?" Aileen said coming back from the office and saving Gian from answering questions he couldn't possibly answer.

"We're doing okay; I'm just going to help him find some new clothes for his new job." Dee said winking at him.

'She knows' Gian thought to himself. 'Is that proof that she's my mate or am I just a horrible liar' Gian followed her to the men's section which seemed secluded from where her manager stood.

"You've never been to this mall have you?" Dee asked with a smile on her lips.

"How do you know?"

"Take a look around, its only tourist and retirees. You don't look like either, you must live here."

"So I'm guessing you live here as well?"

"Oh Gosh no, as sunny as Fort Lauderdale is, it's as stale as saltines, no."

"Wow, really? You seem to like the city so much." Gian said sarcastically before chuckling. Something lit inside Dee that made her happy to make him laugh.

"I'm born, raised, and reside in Miami."

"Well, what's so wrong with Ft. Lauderdale? I wasn't born here but I spent most of my life here?"

"Hmmm...where do I start?" Dee said then laughed.

They spoke for a few more minutes about the general differences in the people of the two cities before customers began to flock into the small store.

"Well, I have to go provide excellent customer service," Dee said then rolled her eyes.

"You seem good at it." Gian said without thinking.

"You've seen me?" Dee said raising an eyebrow.

She was so perceptive. "Umm...yeah, just before I walked in," Gian said.

"Oh" she said, not giving it much thought. "Well, I like meeting people and don't mind 'serving' them but quite a few of them treat me as if I owe them something more than general human kindness, as if they personally fund my paycheck." Dee began to walk away then stopped to say "It was really nice meeting you." She smiled flashing that cute gap that made her look even younger.

"Wait, when can I see you again?" Gian said trying and failing to keep the desperation out of his voice.

"See me again?" Dee asked sounding surprised.

" can see me..."

"How about on your lunch break maybe we can talk some more." Gian offered.

Dee looked him in the eye for a few silent seconds before smiling widely.

"Okay, that sounds let me just ask my boss when I can take lunch." Before Gian can so much as smile Dee was scurrying off to speak with her boss. The two girls leaned into each other speaking softly and looking in Gian's direction then back at each other. Dee's boss made a pleased squeal which made Dee smile shyly and roll her eyes then she walked back over to Gian.

He admired her walk. He watched the hypnotic sway of her hips and imagined grabbing a hold of them, her body filling his hands, as he pulled her close. It was enough to make his blood run south at a dizzying pace. There had been very few females who were able to do that to him. He was a warm blooded male with a healthy libido he just didn't care for the women who were normally accessible to him, addicts and junkies. They were more concerned about what they can get out of him with sex than actually having sex with him.

"How's two o'clock?" She asked.

"Perfect, I'll see you at two." He was excited even now and couldn't wait for two o clock to arrive

"Perfect" She said walking away from him backwards. She was smiling and wringing her hands as she watched him.

"Wait!" Gian said again.

She stopped immediately in her tracks. "Yeah?" She asked expecting him to renege on the plans.

"You were going to run into that table."

"Oh" She said chuckling "That would've been embarrassing, Okay see you at two."

At that point a customer caught her attention and she was back to work.


Two o' clock was at least three hours away and Gian had to force himself not to just watch her for the three hours. He still marveled at the way he felt about her it was such a foreign feeling, a mixture of arousal and fondness as well as this odd sense of peace. He felt as if he could finally breathe around her. The hard part was how was he was gonna keep seeing her and not turn into some big deal. He definitely wanted it to be a big deal but she was human she preferred her relationships to slowly come together and anything too quick would probably sendoff red flags in her head that weren't there.

Gian thought more about it. Maybe getting a job here wasn't too bad of an idea. It would occupy his time; keep him off the streets, and off his father's radar. That was his plan. Gian found the perfect kiosk that would enable him to still see into the store front of The Republic yet far enough away that Dee wouldn't think he was stalking her. Copper's Cosmetic, he rolled his eyes, this will have to do. He compelled the salesman there into giving him a job. Gian thought nothing about compelling someone. He'd do it in a heartbeat. He felt that everyone was out for their own good and so was he.

That took all of thirty minutes. Bored and anxious, Gian vanished home for a shower and a change of clothes. Dee seemed trendy and he'd be damned if he looked like a bum standing next to her. He changed into some dark skinnies, a white tee and a blue plaid button down. He groaned; he looked like a Hollister poster boy. He set off into finding the right outfit.


For the third time Dee shuffled off to the register between customers to check the clock. It had only been fifteen minutes since she last checked and it was starting to drive her nuts. This was why she didn't wear a watch. She was excited as well as anxious for lunch. She wasn't sure why but this felt like the beginning of something great. She tried to shake the feeling but when it stuck she accepted it.

Maybe he was meant to be something special. It couldn't be a romantic relationship. It was in her experience that white boys only liked white or biracial girls. Of course there were exceptions but to Dee they felt few and far between. She learned her lesson a long time ago. A new best friend was good though. Maybe, he'd have a few cute friends who'd like to date a dark skinned black girl like herself.

She sighed to herself, that sounded like she hated her skin color but that was the farthest from the truth. She loved every part of her the problem was finding someone else who did as well. Dee didn't want to just settle for someone who would just settle for her, but as she grew older she realized she just might have to.

Two o' clock finally came and Dee almost ran to the back room to clock out for lunch. Once she had her purse and was ready to walk out she stopped suddenly overwhelmed with nerves. What was she doing? Gian couldn't like her like she thought he did and Gian didn't have anything in common with her.

'Shut up Dee, he wouldn't have asked you to lunch if he didn't like you in some way' she said to herself before forcing herself out onto the floor. Before she could get to the exit Gian was standing there asking Aileen for Dee. She smiled widely not sure if she could help it. He turned to see and smiled.

"Are you ready?" He asked and his voice rumbled inside Dee's soul.

"Yep" she said.

They headed down to the food court, which was decorated to look like a really, really big Italian bistro. Despite being a stupid concept to Dee she had to admit it was nicely done with pottery and 'Roman' statues everywhere. Gian didn't seem to find it silly like Dee did. In fact he couldn't care less; he kept his eyes on her.

"Their Chinese food is good, The Rotisserie, not so much but they do have the best Panini's. The Sushi is very fresh and one sip of that gourmet pink lemonade and you'll be hooked for life." Dee explained. When she finally took a breath she turned to him and laughed nervously. "You'd better take notes if you're going to be working here." She said winking again.

'Speak now, dummy' Gian thought but he was so enraptured with her. He was so close he could smell her, she smelled wonderfully like Coconuts.

"Don't worry I've noted it, the guy from Copper's Cosmetics, where I work, says that the Quesadillas are the best." Dee's eyebrow cocked up.

"So you weren't lying about a job?" She asked

"Well, when I told you about the "job" I didn't have one but I found one." He explained.

"Well, congratulations, I'll treat." She offered as they got in line for the Quesadillas.

"I was gonna treat, I mean, I invited you so I should." He said reaching for his wallet.

"No worries, I'm gainfully employed and you have just gotten a job. I'll treat this time and maybe you'll treat with your first paycheck, Deal?"

Gian wasn't sure; he wasn't raised to let women take care of him financially. He was always taught that a real man could provide for his mate, but he was sure as hell not going to give up a deal where he could see her again.

"Deal." he said reluctantly

"You sure that's all you want?" Dee asked when they were finally sitting. "I can afford to fill you up and not 'tease' you as my Aunt would say."

Gian sat there with his bottle of water and bag of chips while Dee had a plump quesadilla overflowing with tomatoes, cheese, and chicken pieces and a big Styrofoam cup of pink lemonade

"I'm sure" He said his eyes never leaving hers.

"Well, you can at least help me eat this so I won't feel like a fat ass." She said laughter in her eyes. Gian frowned as he looked at her. He opened his mouth to say something.

"'Fat ass', its slang for a person who eats constantly without shame or consequence. You can be stick thin and be called a fat ass. Something my sister and I started in saying in high school."

Dee explained when Gian gave her the look that people gave when they thought you had low self-esteem.

To Dee's surprise Gian smiled "Well, I guess I can be considered a major fat ass. I love to eat, no shame here."

"Great." Dee said slicing the Quesadilla with her plastic utensils.

"Tell me something about you." Gian asked after they dug in. Dee had a mouth full of food and took her time to chew it. As she chewed an awkward silence fell over them and she giggled. Gian found himself smiling too. There was a charm to her eyes when she laughed. He bet that she laughed all the time.

"Sorry, my mouth was full....umm let me think." She said looking him in the eye "I love my name, Delia, but I hate when people pronounce it wrong so I tell everyone to call me Dee. I love movies. They make me feel...I dunno...marvelous. I have a little dog named Chloe, and I love pink. I think my love for pink has officially become a fetish." She laughed again and Gian found himself chuckling along.

"Now it's your turn. You have to tell me four things about you, to make it even."

"Hmm..." Why did this seem like a hard task to Gian? "I'm Italian; I was born in Italy and travel there often. Um, I love playing guitar I even name my guitars. There's almost nothing, short of poisonous or harmful, that I wouldn't eat, and I hate that I love Dub-step music."

"What's the name of your guitars?"

"Chuck-chuck, Brangelina, and Derek Jeter."

"You're kidding right?"

"Nope" He said causing them both to laugh.

They spoke candidly for the rest of the lunch hour. They didn't speak about much but Dee felt as if he was telling her everything. From the way that he looked at her to, what he found funny. She could tell he kept to himself, but he was by no means shy. He could be just as silly as Dee. He was absolutely gorgeous but didn't seem to know it, or if he did he obviously didn't care, which was even better in Dee's book.

Gian walked Dee to the store, trying to watch her and avoid bumping into other shoppers.

"You're a little bit of a weirdo, aren't you?" Dee chuckled when he nearly hit yet another person. "You keep staring at me."

"I'm sorry I can't help it," He said his eyes on her making her skin tingle with warmth.

"It's the 'fro isn't it? It surprises a lot of people. You can touch it if you like?"

"I can?" Gian asked surprised. It was such a weird thing to want to do but he wanted to know how it would feel in his fingers. He tentatively reached out, touching the hair closer to the nape of her neck and smiled. It was soft, he thought surprised, it was cottony and soft.

It felt as if all of Dee's nerves endings went haywire the closer he got to her. He was maybe an inch away as he explored the texture of her hair. She could feel his warmth and again fought the urge to rest her head on his chest.

"Okay, Sir Magic Fingers, my time is up. I've got to go." She said. She needed to get away from him before she did something stupid. All through lunch she stared at his lips and wondered how an Italian guy, such as his self, gets lips like that. They weren't thin but they weren't thick either. She wondered how it would feel to kiss his lips. One of his hands would wrap around the back of her neck and pull her closer while the other would slide down to rest on her backside to pull her into him.

She was not supposed to be having these thoughts.

"Can I treat you tomorrow?" Gian asked to keep her from walking away.

"Yeah, that sounds great...only...I'm working night shift tomorrow so lunch will be more like dinner."

"That's perfect."

"Okay, see you tomorrow night." Dee said before reluctantly walking back into the store to finish another three hours of work.

'Damn' she thought. How did she expect to stay friends with him when she couldn't stop imagining his lips on hers? Dee knew herself and her imagination was not going to stop at kissing.


Stefan sincerely hoped he would never become anything like Durante Contiello. He'd only met the man maybe three times, once a year, on matters concerning his son. It was so sad how he treated his son, as if he were a business investment more than his flesh and blood. Even now Stefan was typing a report of what Gian had done for the month. How could someone be so cold and distant to their son?

Every three or so months Durante sent him goals and assignments. His newest assignment was getting him therapy for his drug problem, preferably a therapist that will encourage him into a business school. Stefan was clever but how in the hell was he supposed to get Gian to go to therapy, much less school, if he'd completely given up. It was obvious that Gian merely existed. He hadn't spoken to his father in over three years and his mother in two.

Stefan scrubbed a hand over his face. This was work and he was becoming too involved. He had a life of his own, or he'd like to believe that. Stefan saved and exited out of the stupid report he was to send to Durante and pulled up his business plan. Stefan had everything all planned out from the building he'd planned to use to his stationary. He even knew the exact amount he'd need. He gave it maybe another year before he'd have all of it. He'd even have clients lined up.

Stefan sat back in his chair just staring at the screen. He'd come so far, from a gang banging orphan in New York to a vampire on the edge of his own success.

'And it only took fifty nine years to do it.' He thought. He didn't look a day over thirty five and didn't feel a day over twenty. He'd only been a vampire maybe twenty years and yet everyone he'd known as a human was dead or incarcerated and for some reason it felt as if he couldn't start his new life as a vampire. He knew what Gian was going through, to an extent. When he was twenty three he'd been on drugs, sold drugs, had a hustle prostituting young girls and in no way was he slowing down. He didn't want to get involved with Gian's situation because the vampire world was completely different from the one he'd grew up in but, it would kill him to see him snowball out of control like he had.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not a finished story

Do NOT read. The story isn’t finished.

ihartekennyihartekennyabout 7 years agoAuthor

Trust me it gets better but I'm eternally grateful for honest feedback. You make me better

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Just a few things:


Is English not your native tongue?

Do you not know the meaning of some words or are you getting confused by words that sound similar but have completely different meanings?

I ask because you constantly use the wrong words to describe things.

Body of the story:

You need an editor BADLY!

You add a lot of unnecessary filler dialogue and it takes away from the story.

Your wording at times is nonsensical.

Your use or lack thereof of punctuation causes your story to be a choppy, disjointed, frustrating, puzzle of a read.

The story has loads of potential because it's SUPER interesting. You just need help.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
You are missing a lot of commas in your sentences

It's not bad so far, but this is basic grammar.

silverstar88silverstar88about 9 years ago

I was intrigued the entire time! You should continue their story, I enjoyed every minute of it!

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