Gifted Grifter Ch. 12


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I've told you before about Julie's amazing body and what great shape she's in. Yes, she has excellent genetics, but even so looking as amazing as she does requires a lot of work to maintain. So one of the first things she wanted to do when we got to New York was to join a health club and get back into her workout regimen. 15-20 minutes of stretching and agility exercises, 30-45 minutes of cardio, 30-45 minutes of weights, then a shower. I almost always went along, but I couldn't begin to keep up with her. On a treadmill, for instance, I would run about two miles in 20 minutes, while she ran five miles in 30 minutes. When we were done, I looked like I would fall over; Julie looked like she had just walked in the front door. But it was good for me—I was in OK shape before, but I was getting fitter quickly being at the gym with her.

Because going to the gym took some time, and we were always in the financial district from 11-2, getting there took a little planning. One day Julie suggested that we might save time by going to one of the gym's locations in midtown rather than the one closest to the house; she preferred to work out in the morning (Julie has never worked an 8 to 5 job in her life—and now, she won't ever need to, either) and this way we didn't have to worry about getting downtown in time.

Julie was doing a relatively light workout by her standards that day, as this was a test run as much as anything; maybe that's why she had left her Bluetooth mindreader clipped to her ear. Julie was striding along on an elliptical machine; I was on the machine to her right. There were two men in their early twenties riding stationary bikes in the row in front of us, talking. I was engrossed in watching the TVs; sports news and financial news simultaneously on separate sets. Julie, however, was looking around, getting a feel for the place and its clientele, and that's probably why the conversation just ahead of us caught her ear. I noticed Julie reach for her left ear, but I assumed that maybe with all the activity she had to adjust the headpiece to keep it from falling off. Suddenly Julie was trying to get my attention as urgently yet unobtrusively as possible. She got off her machine, long before her normal time would have been up, and gave me a head nod to indicate I should follow her. I knew something was up, but I had no idea what.

Julie found a deserted corner of the sitting area and whispered to me with great excitement.

"Did you see those two guys on the bikes?" she asked?

"Yeah..." I replied. Reflecting my own paranoia about Julie being too attractive for someone like me, my first thought was that she liked one of them—but then why would she be telling me?

"One of them works for a big software company," she said, "and he was telling his friend that his company is going to be in for a rough quarter. I turned on my mindreader, and I saw that after the markets close today they're going to announce that the release of Grand Larceny XII will be delayed until next year."

"Really?" I asked. "That's a huge seller and will be a big hit on their bottom line. We should short their stock bigtime."

"No duh," she said, not needing me to spell it out for her—she was quite cognizant of the practical significance of that information.

"That's a major tip," I said. "I wonder if there are others out there, too?"

"That's what I was thinking," she said, looking at me earnestly. "I'm going to try trolling a little bit. Get your glasses and keep an eye on what the people I'm talking to are thinking, but other than that pretend you don't know me. Is that OK?" She held my hands now; she knew I was prone to interpreting her friendliness towards other men as being something more, even though she had never given the slightest indication of having a romantic interest in anyone but me.

"Yeah, let's see what we get," I said, trying to convey an enthusiasm I didn't really feel. She gave me a quick kiss and headed back to the fitness room while I headed to the locker room for my glasses.

The fitness room was pretty empty, including no Julie, so I started wandering around. I found her in the weight room. She was doing some solo lifting, then nodding ever so slightly to acknowledge that she knew I was now in the room, went to the heavy weights and asked a promising looking-guy to spot her. I could tell that she was lifting 20 pounds less than her max, which I presumed was to ensure she wasn't compromised in her ability to chat. It was a very strange experience; I wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying, and I was focused on the guy's thoughts so I had no idea what Julie was asking him (I had learned early on that if you can't focus on just one person, the magnetic fields will interfere with each other and the mindreader won't work). But I could watch his thoughts suddenly jump from one thing to another in response to what she had said.

Predictably, the first thoughts he had were about having sex with Julie. She was dressed to work out, which meant short shorts (the kind you wear with the waistband turned over on the outside so that they rode lower on the hips) and half-shirt/sportsbra. But as Julie talked, she got him thinking about his job. Unfortunately, he was not at a level to give us any insider information. Julie moved on, going back and forth between the weight room and fitness room so that it wasn't obvious that she was asking a number of different guys to spot her—that might be misinterpreted. About the fifth person she talked to also had a great lead: a major company about to announce an earning miss and a big one-time charge; another golden shorting opportunity.

We never did make it to lunch that day. Both of those tips we got at the gym turned into huge money-makers for us; it turns out that a lot of the people that have the kinds of information we wanted work out at lunchtime. After that, we had a new routine, one we still follow. We go to a different gym in a different part of Manhattan every day—we joined every health club we could find, which gives us more choices and lengthened time before we inevitably went back to a specific location. We get in our workouts in-between trolling for information. Julie complains that the workouts aren't as intense, and I'm sure she's right; on the weekend we still go to our local gym just for ourselves, and she can work as intensely as she wants.


Once we discovered that the best secrets are obtained at the gym, we started making serious money. When our net profit hit a half-million dollars, we decided to celebrate by taking a long weekend at an Atlantic shore resort. We stayed in a fancy hotel right on the boardwalk; we could literally walk out of the hotel and right onto the beach. Friday afternoon the beach wasn't too busy yet, as most of the weekend crowd wasn't in yet. Julie and I were laying on a huge towel on the beach. Julie was flat on her back, wearing a striped bikini and oversized sunglasses, eyes closed and working on her tan. I was wearing my trunks and sunglasses, but even putting a baseball cap over my face the sun was so bright I couldn't snooze. Julie could lay on a beach for hours, but I get bored. After about 45 minutes, I was looking for something to do, so I propped myself up on my elbows and looked around. There were a few children jumping in the surf with their parents and a few older teens trying to surf although the waves weren't very good for that. There were all kinds of girls in bikinis, of course, and I carefully evaluated every one. Many were quite nice, but in the end none of them could compare to Julie. Maybe that's why I saw so many guys suddenly turned to look in another direction when I gazed their way.

I glanced over at her, and the way she looked just lying there hammered the point home. Her hair was pulled back from her pretty face in a ponytail, and she looked amazing in her tiny bikini. But my attention was drawn to her belly. At first glance, flat was the best way to describe it. But at a second look, it was anything but. There were two gently rounded ridges on either side near the bottom, showing where her thighs connected to her torso. Then there was the gentle hint of a ridge down the middle of her belly, differentiating the left side and right side abdominal muscles. Finally, there was the silver ring in her belly button, standing out proudly in contrast to the gently curved flatness. And throughout was the base coat of Julie's tan, with no visible white lines anywhere. I turned so I was lying on my side, stacked my arms on top of each other as a makeshift pillow, and lay my head on them so I could just look at her, tummy rising ever so slightly with each breath.

Julie became aware that I was looking at her. Shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand, she looked over at me. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Nothing." I said, eyes transfixed upon her. I was drawn to her belly like a moth to a light bulb; slowly, as if against my will, I brought my left forefinger close to her and gently touched her. I slowly traced along the gentle curves of her tummy with my finger.

Julie giggled then grabbed my finger, saying "Stop...that tickles."

"Oh, sorry," I said, moving my hand further away but still staring at her perfect stomach.

"If you're bored, why don't you look around at all the scenery?" she asked.

"I did," I replied, "and right now I'm looking at a part of the most beautiful thing that I can see."

Julie effortlessly crunched those abs, sitting up without assistance of her arms, and kissed me. Then she whispered into my ear "If you keep saying sweet things like that, I'm going to have to kiss you. And if I keep kissing you, I'm not going to make any progress on my tan."

"Sorry," I kidded.

She smiled and lay back down. I put my head back down on my arms, but I kept running my eyes back and forth over those subtle curves. Her suit bottom broke up the landscape of course, but I had not trouble visualizing what I could not actually see. I thought about her shaved pubis and her tender privates, tucked away between her legs.

Julie glanced my way and commented "You're still staring at me, aren't you?"

"Its just so...perfect..." I said. In reality, I was hard pressed to explain my sudden fixation.

Julie again effortlessly sat up without using her arms and looked at herself. "Oh come now, what are you looking at?

"You can't see it when you're sitting up," I said.

"That's a convenient excuse," she kidded.

"No, really," I explained, looking at her eyes but not able to see them through her sunglasses. "There's just something about the way your muscles fall into place when you're lying down...its just...perfect."

Julie reached for her beach bag, rummaged around in it for a second, then emerged with a compact, which she flipped open to expose the mirror inside. She took off her glasses, handed me the mirror, then laid back down saying "show me."

I tried to line up the mirror so she could see the subtle curves I did, but the mirror was small and I doubt it would look the same in a two-dimensional reflection anyway.

"All I see is ordinary skin," she chided, "nothing special."

I tossed the mirror aside, then lay down right next to her, touching along the sides, within easy kissing range. "There is nothing ordinary about YOUR skin," I whispered, "and everything about you is special."

She gave me a scolding smile, but wrapped her arms around me and started kissing me. I started sprouting a woody. I was so close to her, she could feel it pressing gently against her leg. She interrupted the kissing to whisper in my ear "I think somebody wants to visit."

I agreed, going "Mmm hmmm" in between kisses.

Julie stopped kissing me, reached for her cover-up, and started to put it on.

I felt guilty, that I was taking her away from the beach before she wanted to go. "No, wait," I told her, "there's no hurry. We don't have to leave now just because of that...we can stay as long as you want."

"It's OK," she said, tossing things in her bag. "There's always tomorrow. And besides...I want to try out the Jacuzzi in the room."

So that's what we did. Our suite had one of those big, roughly triangular Jacuzzi bathtubs in it. First thing we did when we got in the room was to start filling it with water; it had to be filled up to within a few inches of the top in order for the jets to work. I decided to just plunk myself down in the thing while it filled; Julie was putting a few things away in the room.

"Okay, it's ready," I announced.

"Ooo, coming," Julie announced excitedly, kicking off her flip-flops and climbing in. I hit the switch and the jets started sending massaging sprays to my back and legs.

We were sitting at almost a 90 degree angle from each other, both still in swimsuits. We both lay back against the jets; Julie closed her eyes. I adjusted so that the jet hit me in a different spot, and accidentally bumped toes with her. Ah hah! With just a slight turn, I was able to play footsie with her. She opened her eyes, looking across at me, which each of us tried to tickle the other's feet. At one point she splashed water at me in mock frustration. I responded by laughing. But then she had a better idea—she started gently rubbing the inside of my thigh with her painted, pedicured toenails. I started sprouting wood again—even with her toes she could make me hard! She bit her lip with a satisfied look on her face, knowing that she had won the war, because I had just surrendered.

Julie slid over from the far corner so she was sitting next to me in the tub. I put my arm around her; she teased my thighs with her fingers. I was putty in her hands, and she knew it.

Suddenly, and I'm not quite sure how she did it without me noticing, her hands was IN my swimsuit. She held me between her fingers, gave me a little grin, then slid over to kiss me while kneading my semi-hard member in her hand. My right hand was around her, but my left was free; I reached towards her and quickly determined her breasts were in easy reach. I untied her top with my right hand, then slipped one of her breasts free from the fabric with my left. I pulled gently on her nipple until it was firm, then alternated between making little circles on her areola with my forefinger and rubbing her nipple between my forefinger and thumb. Now I was fully hard, with help from Julie's continued stroking under my suit.

Enough of that...Julie rolled over and, with a little help from me lifting my butt, took off my trunks and tossed them over the edge of the tub. I started to reach for her top; I arrived just in time to be no help whatsoever as she pulled it over her head and sent it flying next to my trunks. Then she knelt in the tub with my thighs between hers, so that my dick was standing straight up right next to her pubic bone, but not in a position where I could penetrate her pussy. She held and stroked me with both of her hands simultaneously while bending forward and kissing me.

At first I just put my arms around her and kissed her back. But as good as it felt, I felt like I wasn't giving back as much as I was getting—at which time I realized I could reach her genitals just as easily as she could mine. So I slipped my hands under her arms and forward until I could feel her bikini bottoms sitting on my thigh. I started by stroking her thigh with my right hand while running my index and middle fingers up and down the outside of her bikini. She kept right on stroking and kissing me. Then I laid my hands flat on her thighs and reached inwards with both thumbs. I could feel where her sex was through the fabric, and used my thumbs to stroke her there. It started having an effect; Julie stopped kissing me so she could sit more upright, but kept her eyes closed and started to gently rock up and down, pressing her pubis against my thumbs. I could feel her breath start to show excitement.

Julie momentarily released one of her hands from my cock, grabbed her bikini bottoms, pulled them away from her genitals, then got back to the business of stroking. At first I thought that maybe we should get out of the Jacuzzi to prevent yeast infection. Then I realized that this wasn't like the hot tub because it was fresh water we had just drawn, not a shared community tub, and it wasn't nearly that hot, so I kept going. Just by touch I had not trouble finding her labia protruding from her shaved crotch. I pulled them apart gently with my thumbs, followed them to the point where they met, and thus located and began to rub her clit.

Next thing I knew, Julie was lifting herself up slightly, moving a few inches forward, and easing herself down onto my penis. She put one hand on my shoulder, one hand on my dick to line it up, and then I felt my dick surrounded by her warm, wonderful insides. Once I was inside her, she put her other hand on my shoulder and began slowly, gently rocking up and down, looking at me. I put my hands on her hips to go along for the ride at first, but then my brain noticed that her tits were bouncing up and down just in front of my face. I held them in my hands, squeezing them together, then with just a slight curve of the back was just able to reach them with my outstretched tongue as they went past on the way up and down.

She was getting more excited, and so her amplitude and frequency increased. Unfortunately the Jacuzzi was not built for this activity, and her knee slipped on the floor. She wasn't hurt, but she just missed banging it on a jet, and that would have done some damage. I suggested that we get up. She stood up, and before she knew what hit her I had turned her around, bent her over so she was holding the edge of the tub, pulled her bikini bottoms down to her ankles and penetrated from behind. She held on while I slammed her from the back; by chance her hand was right by the power switch, and she turned off the jets. That helped, but it was still slippery. As I started to build towards climax, I sped up my thrusting, and suddenly my foot slipped too.

"Fuck this," I said. There were two large bath towels in easy reach; I grabbed them and laid them both flat on the ground next to the Jacuzzi. Julie climbed out, lay down on the towels, and thrust her legs straight up in the air. I followed her out, knelt by her butt, slung her legs over my shoulders, and entered her again. No slipping this time; I fucked her for all I was worth. Holding her legs in my hands, I thrust in and out of her like a jackhammer.

I leaned forward a little so I could put support myself with my arms, necessitating that she lift her legs past vertical. As an unintended but pleasant consequence, my strokes must have not been directly rubbing her clitoris, because suddenly her face took on a look bordering on disbelief and she began saying "Oh...oh...oh..." I adjusted my stroke slightly, trying to maximize my sliding action rather than maximize my thrust. It was driving her crazy, so of course I kept doing it. Then I saw her open her mouth and her eyes wide, then close her eyes, and I felt her shudder with orgasm. I slowed down while she was coming, partly by choice and partly because she became squirmy like an eel. When the orgasm subsided, she bent her knees and split her legs out to the sides. Greenlighted, I resumed jackhammering. She ran her fingers through my hair and touched my face, her eyes encouraging me to join her in orgasm.

I don't know why I looked down at that moment, but I did. And when I did, I saw a very similar sight to what had started this—her abdominal muscles shyly making themselves known beneath her skin, the gentle roundness where her leg muscles attached to her torso. Only this time, not only was there no need to imagine the curves of her crotch, but there was me, planting my flag inside of her and claiming her as my own. That image, lingering, triggered my orgasm. I all but stopped thrusting in favor of reaching as far into her belly as I could reach, ejaculating again and again and again.

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