Girls Have Fun


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‘Please, babe. Do it! Aw fuck,’ her body convulses as Kim’s tongue touches her pussy for the first time and draws a slow line up to her clit. Kim knows just how to please and she gently sucks Kathryn’s clit into her mouth and flicks it rapidly with her tongue. Kathryn moans a long moan that becomes a cry of ecstasy. In that moment she was a convert. She’d always known that she was curious about other women and in that instant she knows she will seek sex with women as frequently as with men.

Kim expertly licks and sucks her along a roller coaster ride of pleasure. Bringing her to the very brink of orgasm then pulling her back down only to start the cycle again. Each time she takes her to the edge Kathryn’s feelings intensify. Each time it is harder to bring her back. Finally it is impossible and Kathryn cries aloud as her orgasm over-whelms her. It is a powerful, intense, almost painful orgasm. She shudders and moans and shakes through it as wave after wave of satisfaction carries her into bliss.

Kathryn must have drifted into unconsciousness as the next thing she knows Kim is beside her kissing her face. She opens her eyes to Kim’s smiling face and she smiles too. ‘Fucking dirty girl. You made me cum.’

‘That was just for starters.’

‘It’s your turn now. Show me how to be a real lezzy and make you cum.’ Kathryn slithers down Kim’s body and arrives at her panties. ‘These can go,’ she says, pulling them down as she goes. Kim’s pubes were suddenly exposed. Darker and thicker than Kathryn’s. Natural growth, compared to Kathryn’s trimmed bush.

Now confronted by Kim’s pussy Kathryn’s sexual confidence slips somewhat. For the first time in her life she is staring at another girl’s pussy from only inches away. She can smell the musky scent of Kim’s arousal and she knows that she is going to touch and lick this pussy. She, Kathryn the man-eater, is going to have full-on lesbian sex with this lovely woman. In one way she knows that this was probably inevitable, not that it would be Kim, but, sooner or later, she was going to have sex with a girl. Deep down she knew that’s what the ‘for show’ kissing was all about. It was nearly always here who initiated it, and always her who went French first.

But she is suddenly afraid. Not that she won’t like it. But that she won’t be good at it. With guys she knows she is a good fuck. A wild ride. And she is a blowjob Queen. But can she ‘blow’ a girl?

Kim notices the hesitation and asks, ‘You OK, Kat?’

‘Yeah, honey. Just, you know. I want to do it right.’ Kim sees the uncertainty in Kathryn’s eyes and smiles.

‘You will. Just think about what you like. Besides the very thought of you here with me is going to make me cum.’

‘Why? Have you had fantasises about me?’ Kathryn’s confidence is returning.

‘Of course. You are a sexy bitch, babe,’ Kim does a dreadful Austin powers impression and both girls laugh.

‘Seriously, though. Tell me what you fantasised about.’

‘Well.’ Thinks. ‘It’s mostly to do with me finding you playing with yourself. I watch you for a bit and start to do it too. Then you notice me and we sort of decide to play together. I liked the idea of watching you cum.’

‘Now you’ve seen me. Made me, even. Did it live up to expectation?’


‘Good answer. Now relax and let Aunty Kat get to work.’ Kim smiles and lies back and Kathryn moves in to her pussy. She copies Kim’s technique by kissing her thighs and slowly starts to make tiny light licks closer and closer to her sex. She can taste the tangy juice even on the edges of her labia and seems to get sucked-in and is suddenly French-kissing Kim’s pussy.

Kim gasps and squirms at the strong contact and her fingers find Kathryn’s head and knead her hair in time with the rhythm of the sex. In return Kathryn ‘kisses’ harder and her hands stray up Kim’s body to play with her boobs. Then her arms encircle Kim’s body and draws the smaller girl’s lower half up off the bed. Kathryn ends up hugging Kim to her, her bum squashing into her boobs. Kim’s pussy is pointed at the ceiling with her legs spread wide. This gives Kathryn total access to Kim’s pussy and she soon has the smaller girl moaning and panting with pleasure.

Kim loves the control and power of her larger lover and gives herself up totally to the ministrations of Kathryn’s mouth. All her fantasies about this gorgeous, sexy woman drive her towards and massive climax. She hears a long sonorous groan and it takes several seconds to realise it is coming from her. From deep within her. Signalling the release of the dam against the tidal wave of her orgasm. The groan becomes a howl of ecstasy as Kim is submerged in pleasure. The longing for Kathryn’s touch, combined with its unpretentious lack of sophistication, tipped her into a vat of satisfaction. Kim wallows in this bliss for some time before Kathryn stops her touch and lowers her body to the bed once more. Kathryn then slides up beside Kim and they share a gorgeously slippery kiss. As they part Kim looks into Kathryn’s eyes and says ‘You’re a proper lezzy now, babe.’

‘Could you two fucking freaks make any more noise?’ suddenly the post-coital revere is shattered by Jacqui’s harsh and angry enquiry. ‘You may as well know, I’ll be moving out next term. So you can have the place to yourselves and your queer friends.’ And with that she storms off leaving the bedroom door open.

‘Jacqs!’ Kathryn calls after her. ‘Don’t be an arse.’ She rises and makes off out of the room and across to Jacqui’s room. Kim follows her. Neither girl pauses to dress.

Kim is still in the hallway when she hears Jacqui’s shrill tones demanding ‘Get the fuck out of my room. You’re a freak. Get away from me.’ She hears Kathryn’s voice in reply. She sounds consoling and soft but Kim can’t make out the words until she enters the room.

Jacqui is in bed with the covers drawn up to her chin and Kathryn is sitting beside her saying ‘Calm down. We’re only having fun. No one is getting hurt. Why are you being weird?’

‘Me? Weird? That’s rich coming from you, you dyke.’

‘Stop it, Jacqs. You’re being a pig. We’re not trying to hurt you. So why are you being so nasty?’

Kim is shocked by Jacqui’s reaction but she has seen it before. Not all the girls at her old school were understanding about some of the closer maiding relationships. So she’d heard these kinds of insult before. ‘Leave her, Kat. You’ll only make it worse.’

‘Listen to her. Take your little friend back to bed and leave me alone.’

‘No. Not until you explain what harm you think we are doing.’

‘It’s obvious what…’

‘What’s obvious? I’ll tell you what’s obvious. It’s obvious that we just had a really nice time and you’re jealous.’

‘Jealous! Of you and dykey drawers over there.’

‘Dykey drawers? Is that the best you can do, Scotchy.’ Kathryn attacks the first chink in Jacqui’s apparently homophobic armour. ‘That’s just crap.’

Jacqui flashes an angry look but can’t follow-up with a retort. She tries to keep her anger but Kathryn sees through it. ‘You’re going to laugh.’

Jacqui continues to stare at her.

‘Dykey drawers,’ Kathryn does a whiny version of Jacqui’s Scottish accent. Jacqui starts to smile and then laughs loud as Kathryn joins in. Kim moves forward to climb on the bed on the opposite side from Jacqui. Kathryn is hugging Jacqui and is saying ‘Sorry we left you out, love. We didn’t mean to, but you stormed off. And, well, I didn’t want to stop once we’d started.’

Jacqui doesn’t reply but just looks at each girl in turn then laughs again.

‘What?’ asks Kathryn.

‘Oh. Nothing. Just you two sitting there. Naked. Your faces shiny from.. Well I don’t want to know from what.’

‘From licking each other’s pussies. Is that what you don’t want to know? We’ve been kissing and licking and she made me cum and I made her cum.’

‘I know. I heard. You weren’t subtle, you know.’ Jacqui scolds.

‘And you’re jealous. You want some too. Don’t you? Who do you want to do it? Me? Or Kim? Or both of us? You like oral sex. You told us that. So come on. Who do you want?’

Kim is amazed at all of this exchange. She is not sure she understands how Kathryn turned the situation around but suddenly the night looks like becoming even more interesting. Feeling suddenly bold she blurts out ‘Let me, Jacqui. I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you want.’

‘Two-timing me already!’ Kathryn taunts. Then to Jacqui she says, ‘I’d let her if I was you. She’s good. Just lie back and think of Scotland, or whatever you do and let dykey drawers tickle your sporran, or whatever you call it.

Jacqui laughs then looks at Kim. ‘Really? You’ll make-love to me?’


‘Do it, honey’ urges Kathryn. No one speaks and Kim moves towards Jacqui and softly kisses her lips. While this is happening Kathryn pulls the covers away from Jacqui to reveal that she is wearing her usual bedtime attire of a T-shirt and panties.

Kathryn strokes Jacqui’s leg as she watches the two girls kiss. She has always admired Jacqui’s beautiful legs and secretly wanted to touch them. Now she can and does. Stroking them with relish from her toes to her knees, then to her thighs. Her hand lingers between her soft flesh and she is thinking about touching her pussy when they break-off from the kiss. Kathryn leans forward and says, ‘That wasn’t so bad, was it?’

‘No,’ the soft reply comes.

Kathryn then kisses her lightly on the lips. Her hand still resting between the slightly parted thighs. As they break Kim moves in again but Kathryn stops her, ‘Wait. She can’t join our little club yet.’

‘Why not?’ Kim asks, puzzled.

‘She hasn’t confessed.’

‘I told you I wanted you. And you said you wanted me. She hasn’t said anything.’


‘So, Scotchy, do you want to do this? Do you want to lose your lezzie cherry?’

Jacqui just nods.

‘You have to say it. Say what you want her to do. Go on!’

Looking at Kim Jacqui says, ‘Please Kim, make-love to me.’

‘No. Say what you want properly.’

‘Kim, please make love to me. Lick me…’

‘More specific.’

‘Lick my pussy. Make me come, please.’

‘Good. Now strip.’

Jacqui looks at little uncertainly from one girl to the other then smiles and stands between them. She pulls her T-shirt off over her head, then slides her thumbs into the waist-band of her panties. She hesitates, then slides the briefs down past her knees and steps out of them. She quickly kneels again between her two naked flatmates.

‘Well done. Now what do you want to do first?’ Kathryn asks.

Jacqui confesses that she has always envied girls with larger boobs and wants to know what it is like to kiss and suck a girl’s boobs. Kim demonstrates on Jacqui who then copies Kim’s actions on Kathryn.

‘That’s nice, honey,’ Kathryn purrs. Jacqui looks up at her with a slight string of saliva connecting her lip to Kathryn’s nipple. ‘Sexy.’ Kathryn declares as she leans forward to kiss Jacqui. This time the kiss is deep and passionate and both girls moan in pleasure.

Meanwhile Kim continues to suckle Jacqui’s boobs until they stop kissing. Jacqui then kisses her. Softly at first, then with more force and finally a fiery clash of fencing tongues and lip biting. They are both breathing hard as they part.

Kathryn has moved behind Jacqui and is kissing her neck and shoulders. She whispers ‘Wait until she does that to your pussy.’

Jacqui just moans in reply and as she breaks away from Kim allows Kathryn to gently lower her back onto her lap. Kathryn draws circles on her up turned face with the tip of her finger. The tickling sensation is lovely and Jacqui totally relaxes, giving herself absolutely to these two beautiful, sexy women.

Kim kisses down her body and eventually arrives at the edge of Jacqui’s pubes. Jacqui’s knees are bent from her previous kneeling position and so Kim lifts them to straighten and spread them, exposing her pussy completely. But Kim doesn’t rush to that place just yet. She too has often admired Jacqui’s lithe, shapely legs. And now that she has them in her hands she wants to enjoy them. She starts by kissing down from her left thigh, past the knee and along the calf. She lifts Jacqui’s foot up to her face and kisses the sole.

Jacqui reacts with a jerk and a slight squeak. Her feet are very sensitive and the feelings of Kim’s kiss are very intense. Undeterred Kim continues to kiss and lick up the sole to the perfect line of toes. She then kisses each in turn before sucking the big toe between her lips and flicking with her tongue.

The entire manoeuvre is repeated on the right leg before Kim starts to move up. Kissing and licking as she goes. Kathryn is now stroking Jacqui’s boobs lightly with her fingertips. The sensations are causing Jacqui’s nipples to stand out proud and hard. Goose bumps forming on her skin. At the same time Kathryn is kissing Jacqui. Whispering to her. Telling her how sexy she looks and how Kim will make her feel.

‘Oh babe,’ she coos, ‘She’s almost at your pussy now. You’re going to love it. Her tongue is hot and soft. Better than any bloke. She’s going to make you feel wonderful.

Jacqui’s breathing is getting harder and harder. She is almost panting in desperation for the first touch. Suddenly Jacqui gasps and jerks up, stiffening against the almost overpowering sensation of Kim’s first kiss on her pussy.

‘Oh yes, darling. Enjoy it. Let her make you cum. Cum in my arms you lovely girl.

Kim laps Jacqui’s pussy from back to front. Over and over again. Each time she reaches her clit she gently sucks it between her lips and Jacqui moans and gasps in response. Her toes curling upward in reaction to the waves of pleasure surging her towards a climax. Kathryn and Kim are the perfect tag team. Kathryn is stroking and kissing and coaxing Jacqui towards a peak of lust, whilst Kim works on delivering the killer blow.

Kim now has hold of Jacqui’s feet. Holding them out either side of her as she has her face pressed to Jacqui’s vulva. She is adding to the intensity of the ride by scratching her nails on the soles of Jacqui’s sensitive feet. Jacqui is squirming and moaning against the hold of her two lovers. Not in any desire to escape. But simply in sheer lustful abandon. She’d wanted this. She loves and trusts these two. She had felt left-out and hurt by their behaviour earlier. But now she too was part of this luscious love-in. She knew she had to cum soon and when it started she almost passed-out. Her insides felt like they had melted and all her strength leaked away. She felt suddenly hot, scorching-hot. She felt the sweat break out all over her body. She could feel it trickle down her side. She was clawing for Kathryn, kissing her. Moaning into her mouth. She held Kim’s head between her legs. She couldn’t breathe. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Then the dam broke. Her climax burst through and she screamed in pleasure as gratification surged through her. Every nerve jangled and she felt like she was losing her entire insides through her pussy.

Jacqui lay between her two new lovers for several minutes. She was breathless and still experiencing minor after shocks of pleasure. The others teased her by touching her ultra-sensitive pussy, or by kissing her nipples. Each contact made her jerk and groan in ecstasy. Eventually a blissful calm descended and slowly they all drifted-off to sleep. To dream. Each one dreaming of the many adventures and possible permutations of future lovemaking in this Sapphic triangle.

Starting from when the first awaken.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That was lovely. You have a way with words in that you can convey a lot of passion with minimal description. The characters were well-conceived and you portrayed the "first time" Sapphic experience for both Kathryn and Jacqui tastefully, including Jacqui's initial refusal which was mostly a misunderstanding that was quickly resolved. Life for these girls will never be the same, both as roommates and for the two young ladies who just had their sexual world rocked and opened to rich possibilities. More???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You are a wonderfully descriptive, very talented writer! Please keep this story going!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
ohhhhhh dammmmn

just wonderful, this was one of the best stories on here, probably the best, keep it coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I don't know about you guys...

but this story had me hotter than dry sand at midday, and wetter than the ocean. I thought the description of Kim and Kats first kiss was the most delicious part of the story. I'm not sure if you meant for them to leave their socks on, but I thought it was cute anyway. Keep up the good work

Don1028Don1028almost 17 years ago
If I were a female I would certainly have enjoyed

sex with another female by this point in my life. If I were a female past the point in my life when I canted children then I would most likely turn lesbian or better yet find a compatable couple.

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