Halloween Discovery Ch. 02


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He was soon to find out as Sergio ordered both woman to their knees and to suck his flaccid member back to its full glory. With the two of them alternating their worshipping of his cock, it soon started to swell once more. Danny looked on in amazement as Sergio's cock just kept expanding under the administrations of the two women. It was indeed huge, fully 9" and about a thick around as a wine bottle! How the fuck did Sheila manage to accommodate that monster he asked himself" A few minute later he found out. Sergio lay back on the sofa and Danny watched as his wife straddled him and when she was poised above him, Carmella grasped his weapon and gently lined it up at the entrance to Sheila's dripping cunt. He watched as she slowly wiggled her bum and ever so slowly impaled herself on her lover's hard prick. Carmella went down onto her knees and positioned herself so that she could suck on her husband's heavy ball sac as Sheila pumped up and down on his cock. Danny felt himself stirring at the sight of his wife fucking the swarthy skinned Spaniard and saw the opportunity to sample some more of Carmella's beautiful body. He used her own juices to provide the lubrication as he worked the moisture into her little brown hole. When she didn't object he slowly pushed more and more of his fingers into her bum hole until she started to push back demanding more. He knew she was ready so he lined up his now hard cock and pressed it into her arse. He paused to give her time to accept his erection in her forbidden place and then he started to push more and more of is hard 6" into her rectum. Carmella started to move, pushing back into his phallus as she approached her climax and as if sensing this Sheila increased her pace as well. First Sheila let out a scream as her passion reached its peak followed by a grunt from Sergio as he to shot another load into her pussy. Danny and Carmella came in unison and as he started to erupt inside her, his right knee locked and he howled in agony as the pain hit his brain. He rolled off and his still ejaculating penis shot his sperm into the air only to land on her back. They all lay there for a minute trying to recover their breath. Danny's knee, once straightened stopped hurting quite so much and they started giggling as they reflected on the rather absurd position they found themselves in.

Sheila was still lying on top of Sergio, who was panting like he had run a marathon. Carmella was in a heap, her legs entangled with those of her husband and Danny had a wonderful view of his wife's pussy as Sergio's deflating cock lipped slowly out of her. This was followed by an initial gush of fluid that slowed to a trickle that oozed out of her pussy and onto his pubic hair and belly.

Danny said, "Wow! That was something else and if that is to set the pattern for our new venture into swinging, I'm not sure if I can last the pace!"

They all had a laugh at that until Sheila suddenly realised that the time was after midnight and they were entered in a sail boat race early in the morning. She jumped up and pulled on her panties and dress. As she looked for her shoes, she reminded Danny that they needed to get a move on if they wanted any sleep before the race was due to begin. They bade their farewells and promised that they would be in touch regarding another get together soon.

In the morning they were too busy preparing for the race and taking part in it to discuss what had happened the night before, so it was evening time before they talked openly about it. Sheila said, "I really enjoyed last night. Thank you for letting me fuck Sergio."

Danny wasn't sure how he felt about it and in his confused state he said, "There was not much of me letting you, I was not in any position to stop it! You wanted him, that was clear and once the decision had been made, I went a long for the ride so to speak. Carmella's one hell of a ride! She did things to me that left me wondering if I would ever be able to get it up again. That final scene with us all together, was surreal!"

Sheila smiled at him fondly and said, "Sergio is a very accomplished lover and with that cock of his, he can have me anytime he wants."

"That's precisely what I'm worried about. We agreed that swinging was something we both wanted to try together. That's not what you are saying now though, is it?"

She looked at him with a worried look coming across her beautiful features, "yes and no. I want us to continue to do the swinging thing, but I also want to explore my innermost desires. I have no intention of cheating on you! But when we party, I want to really party, if you get my drift."

He smiled at her and said, "You have my blessing to party all you like, but only at the monthly get together. I want the rest of the month to be ours and only ours and the agreement about quitting still applies, either of us can invoke it and the other must comply."

She nodded and said, "OK. Only at the party."

The decision made, they threw themselves into the party scene. Danny had more sex than ever before and found that he gradually started to get bored with the almost clinical approach adopted by most of his partners. He was popular because he always tried to ensure the woman he was with was completely satisfied with his performance. He discovered that he got as much enjoyment from watching his wife getting fucked hard than he did from participating himself. Sheila on the other hand, loved the parties and she was also popular with the other patrons, male and female There was nothing taboo when she was involved and Danny had watched her in gang bangs where every hole had been filled and she was demanding more. One night some months after they started attending Sergio's parties, he had did his duty by fucking one of the woman present and found himself once more watching Sheila as she took on two men and a woman.

Sergio was standing beside him and said, "My God! That woman is insatiable, you're very lucky man to have that sexy lady beside every night. She could make us a fortune in my business. I would have men queuing up to have her!. That's not to say anything about the movie rights. You know that she could be a star overnight in the adult entertainment business?"

Danny smiled tightly and replied, "Sorry Sergio, but that's not going to happen. This is a far as it will go. She loves the parties and all this." He gestured with his hand at the scene of debauchery before them, then continued, "We have an agreement that we will attend only once a month and she looks forward to it immensely, but to be a whore, she would need to be available 24/7 and neither of us wants that."

Sergio smiled and held his own counsel. He had his own plans for the slut and all he needed now was the opportunity to put it into practice.

5.Curtain Call

His chance came sooner than he expected. Danny was called back to England urgently on business. It appeared that the police had renewed their interest in his scrap yard dealings and had arrested his brother Charlie! Danny tried to contact Sheila but she was out shopping. He checked the flight times on the Internet and if he hurried, he could catch the last flight out at four o'clock. He tried to contact his wife, but she must have had her phone switched off, so he left a message for her. He couldn't delay any longer, so he booked the flight and jumped in a cab to the airport.

Once back in the UK he quickly contacted his brief and discovered that they had charged Charlie with receiving stolen goods and that he would be out by the time he had travelled back home from the airport. Two hours later he was sitting with his brother discussing what had happened. It seemed that the new manager, Sammy Dermott had been dealing on the side. He was buying knocked of copper wire stolen from the railways and selling it on to another dealer, pocketing he cash for himself. Sammy had been charged with the same offence, but released as he was not present when the transaction occurred. Charlie said, "It was that bastard Holden, he must have set us up!"

Danny asked, "How do you know that it was a set up, and can you prove it?"

"I was locked up with Sammy before they realised that I wasn't involved. It seems the cells were full, so they had no option. I collared the cunt and 'persuaded' him to tell me who had sold him the wire. He told me that it was Paddy Flynn! That stupid Mick hasn't the brains to nick wire from the railway and he would probably electrocute himself if he tried. No, it was Paddy who brought the wire to us, but he wasn't arrested along with Sammy. He was there alright, but it seems that he 'escaped' when the raid went down. You know our yard, there's only one way in or out and he managed 'escape'! There were four bloody cop cars there with about ten fucking cops and managed to evade them all? How likely is that? That fucker Holden just let him 'escape' as part of the deal."

"OK. I can see your point, but we need to find Paddy before Holden gets him back on the boat to Ireland. Once he gets back there, we'll never track him down." Danny told him.

They spent the next day tracking him down and found him in a pub in Holyhead waiting to catch the ferry to Dublin. His face turned to puce when he spotted them in the mirror above the bar. Danny and Charlie simply grabbed him by the elbows and frog marched him outside. He was blabbering on about how DC Holden had forced him to take the wire to Danny's yard and his promise that he would be allowed to escape as long as he got out of the country straight away. It seems that Holden had him bang to rights for stealing lead from the roof of a two local churches, but promised that they would lose the evidence, if he did him this little favour. His fucking car had broken down on the way to Holyhead and that was why he missed his earlier sailing. They made Paddy write everything he had told them down and then had him read the statement out while they filmed the statement using their phones. Then they let Paddy catch his ferry, they didn't want to see Holden prosecuted, but they would use the video clip to embarrass Holden in front of his colleagues and peers!

Danny tried to contact Sheila, but her phone was still not responding. That had been the third time since he arrived back in the UK that he had failed to get in touch with her and he was getting worried. She had left him text messages to say that she was fine and that she had been looking into some new business opportunities and the mobile reception was dodgy where she was. Her last message was imply signed 'S' She usually appended 'Love Sheila' but not in this case. What the hell had she been doing that her normal routine altered. His imagination started to run riot! The wording didn't sound like Sheila, she forever using abbreviations and slang in the wording of her texts and the way she finished the text, didn't follow her normal pattern. Was it even her that was replying? He called Sergio and asked if he could check if she was OK and he reassured him that he had had lunch with her that day and she was fine. Danny was relieved that at least she was still around, but why wouldn't she answer her phone? He would be home tomorrow so he would leave any further attempt at contact till then he resolved.

When they got back to the yard, Danny explained to Charlie exactly how he planned to stitch up Holden, once and for all! First he sent a copy of the video clip to the Chief Constable. Then he sent copies to every national newspaper's website and finally he posted it on U Tube. Even if the statement Paddy had made was inadmissible as evidence in a court of law because of the way it had been obtained, there was sufficient justification to warrant an investigation into Holden's activities. It was on the evening news that DC Holden had been suspended following allegations of corruption and trying to pervert the course of justice!

A side effect of this was that the charges against Sammy were dropped. Charlie said to his brother as he was leaving to catch an evening flight to Spain, "You can leave Sammy to me. Anyone can get duped into buying knocked off gear, but the bastard tried to cheat us in the process. It's best that you are out of the country before I deal with that bastard. Nobody cheats on me!"

Danny arrived back in Spain and headed home immediately expecting Sheila to be waiting for him. The villa was empty and he tried phoning her mobile only to hear it ringing in the bedroom. Sighing, he went into the bedroom and found the bed was neatly made, but some her clothes were draped across the bed. He picked them up and could smell her perfume on each garment. He decided to shower before preparing some supper. He was towelling himself off when he heard her return but she was not alone! He slipped onto the patio and walked round the villa to look in lounge from the patio. Sergio was with her and they were just talking and laughing together.

He was about to go and join them, but stood there quietly when he heard Sergio say, "That was you're best performance tonight. You must have serviced 20 guys and they all paid 1,000 Euros each for the right to fuck your sloppy cunt! Not bad for a night's work. Aren't you glad that I contacted you when I had that little problem last week? You must have handled around fifty guys since then and your earnings have topped any of the best girls in my bordello."

Sheila smiled at him and said, "I was happy to help you out and it wasn't for the money, you know that! Now, Danny is due home tomorrow, so we must be very careful not to spoil a good thing. You get your kinkier customer's needs satisfied and I get all the fucking I can handle, but my husband must never know! I love him, but it's just not enough. I love being used like a slut and helping you scratches that itch. So please be discreet around him. We have been lucky that's he's been back in the UK for the last couple of days, but now I must focus on him and try to get back to normal."

Danny was furious and he was tempted to go in there and confront them both, but common sense told him Sergio's minders would not be too far away. He would need to give some thought to how he could get his revenge on Sergio, but Sheila, well he knew exactly what he was going to do to her! He slipped back to the bedroom and pretended to be asleep on the bed when she came in. Sergio had just left and she was humming to herself as she stripped off her clothes. She jumped in surprise when she saw him lying naked on the bed and apparently asleep. Her immediate thought was had he heard her conversation with Sergio? When she realised that he was sound asleep she was relieved. She'd been stupid to respond to Sergio's flattery because she knew Danny was getting more and more disturbed about her behaviour at the parties. If he ever discovered that she had been working for Sergio whenever he was out sailing or she could find an excuse to go out without him, he would go ballistic and their marriage would be over.

Danny lay awake most the night trying to come up with a way to get back at his erstwhile friend Sergio without success. He knew that his marriage to Sheila was over. He had participated fully in their swinging lifestyle and enjoyed it on the whole, but she had broken their agreement only to attend the parties together. Now that he had found out that this meant nothing to her, he was determined to make the break. Part of him wanted to get some revenge on her too! He had briefly considered selling her to the Algerian pimp that Sergio had introduced when they got rid of Magda and Denise, but that route would lead to far too many questions being raised. In any case, he still loved her and could not force himself to commit to that extreme solution.

The next morning, both Danny and Sheila tried to act as though everything was normal. Sheila was particularly attentive and dresses only in a transparent robe she moved around the kitchen preparing breakfast. They were clearing up the breakfast dishes and Sheila was making it plain that she wanted to welcome him home in their bedroom when the phone rang. It was Sergio asking if Danny would take him out and show teach him how to sail. He was considering buying a yacht and wanted to try it first. Danny immediately seized this opportunity and told him he would be delighted. In fact he said, "Why don't you bring Carmella along and the four of us will spend a couple of days sailing the Western Med?"

Sergio was pleased at that suggestion, they could even swap partners and he could have the pleasure of fucking his best girl, openly and with the added benefit of his own wife also watching as he slaked his lust for Sheila. So it was arranged and they started that weekend leaving port on the Friday afternoon and sailing wherever the fancy took them. At night they preferred to find a secluded bay where they could anchor, have dinner and then fuck the night away. Danny was usually paired with Carmella and Sergio with Sheila. They even had foursomes where they would all share the master cabin, but Danny struggled to keep up with Sergio and often left the three of them to go and get his head down in the aft cabin. This set the pattern for the rest of the summer and most weekends would find them out sailing. Sergio had started to look around f or his own yacht, but Danny suggested he wait until the following spring and save himself the mooring charges over winter when he could not get much sailing in.

They continued to attend the monthly swinging parties but Danny only fucked the once and then went to watch Sheila in action. Sergio was right, she was insatiable. Danny watched her couple with one, two or even three partners all at the same time. Men, women, it didn't seem to matter to her as she took her enjoyment to the limit. Apart from a the parties, Danny kept Sheila on a very tight leash, giving her little opportunity to entertain Sergio's customers out of hours, so to speak, or at least he thought he did! The truth came from a strange source, Carmella told him one night as they shared an after sex moment. "You know, of course that Sheila's servicing Sergio's clients for him when you think she's with me. Well she actually is with me, but the thing is, we're both entertaining his clients and getting paid for it!"

Danny replied non committedly, "I see. Just how often have you pair been, errr.. entertaining clients for him, then?"

"Usually twice a week. It would be more often, but you are making it very difficult for her to get free. That's why I've raised the issue! You need to let her get out more often, then we could really clean up. There's lots of clients waiting for a chance at taking the two of us together, but we need to more available than we are now."

Danny told her he would think about it, but that he wanted to discuss it with his wife first. That was the final straw, they would separate just as soon as he had 'fixed' Sergio. He got his opportunity the next weekend. Autumn was upon them and the weather less friendly than they had previously experienced. The girls and Sergio wanted to stay ashore, claiming it was too rough to venture out. Danny persuaded Sergio that he needed to experience a 'blow' before deciding what type of craft he wanted to buy, so they all trooped aboard and set sail. They were making for a marina near to the border with Gibraltar when the squall struck. Danny handed Sergio a life jacket, while the girls went below to put their life vests on. Sergio stayed on deck and Danny watched the rollers as they swept down on their yacht. He needed to time it right and he did so. Just as Sergio slipped his arms into the jacket, Danny swung the boom over, striking Sergio on the back and propelling him into the turbulent waves. Danny immediately called 'Man overboard' and Sheila rushed back on deck to see who was missing. Danny pointed back astern to where Sergio was thrashing around in the waves. Danny shouted to Sheila to fix her life line and waited for the chance to turn their yacht around. When they finally managed to reverse course, they could not find any sign of Sergio. The radioed Spanish Coast Guard and declared an emergency. The Coast Guard launched a helicopter and two rescue vessels but failed to find Sergio. As darkness fell, they were forced to abandon the search until the morning. Danny took the distraught women back into harbour where they were met by the Guarda Civil and they made their formal statements about what happened. It was an anguished Danny who reported that a rogue wave had smashed into the side of the yacht, driving her over on her beam end and that in the process, Sergio had been struck by the boom and swept overboard. They tried to recover him, but by the time that they reverse course, Sergio had vanished. The girls supported his version of events.