Hanna Ch. 01-05


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'How did you discover that?'

'Oh it's amazing what men discuss over the third or fourth bottle of wine, especially if being prompted by friends who are apparently sharing confidences. As I said, you are the first to approach us this way Mac, without first having been vetted by existing members. You see my problem?'

'I do, and I am surprised you are sitting here telling me this.'

'In some ways so am I Mac, so am I. But again, let's leave that to some time later also.'

'From the number of things you are leaving to later it would seem we will be having several more conversations Hanna.' I replied with a grin.

She gave that low, deep-throated laugh I had heard before, the one that made my toes curl. 'I hope so.' she said softly, then added. Now, I must ask if you are still interested?'

'Most certainly. If only as an excuse to continue meeting you.'

Even in the relatively low light I felt sure that for a moment I saw a faint blush of colour tinge her cheeks, certainly the look in her eyes told me the meaning behind my words had been understood.

'That's another matter altogether Mac. But let me continue.' she said quickly. 'You appreciate that participating in such activities, even though handled with the utmost discretion, puts everyone concerned at great risk.'

'I was going to ask you about the risk of black-mail.'

'We are always on guard, but I developed a scheme that has proved successful for several years now. The American defence policy gave me the idea. It's MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction.'

'The nuclear defence policy that existed during the Cold War between the USA and Russia?'

'Exactly! What we have can utterly destroy you, and what you have can do the same to us. So neither can risk cheating on the other, simple really. And it works, at least it has so far.' she added with a cheeky grin.

'But how...?'

'When the time comes to join, the new member provides us with documentation of something that would destroy them socially or financially, in exchange for which we give them documentation that would do the same to us. You see?'

'Mutual trust, but enforced.'


'And people are prepared to do that, for sex?'

'Ah, but sex that is different to anything they have experienced before. Sex that satisfies not just the body but also the deepest corners of their minds. That's what they will risk everything for. Well to be fair, not everyone will, but enough do. I'm not trying to sign-up the entire planet you see.'

'And wealthy people can be the most bored, the most jaded.'

'Precisely so, that was the key. They already have everything, or can buy it whenever they want. Everything material that is, and the material does not satisfy that long buried yearning for something as elusive as a fantasy.'

'But how do you go about providing for people's fantasies?'

'You must expect me to keep some secrets Mac, just accept that in most cases I, that is we, do. You must understand that I am not personally involved in the activities, I just facilitate their happening.'

'Well I must admit that in one way that is a great disappointment.'

'In one way?'

'The obvious way, that I will not be taken care of by you personally.'


'But I'm extremely glad to hear you are not taking care of all the other men.'

She said nothing for a moment, our eyes locked, as though each was probing the other for some sign, some indication of something indefinable. Then, as though she had given herself a quick mental shake, she continued. 'So, are you interested in going further? That is as much as I can tell you without your agreement in principal.'

'Of course I'm interested. What happens from here?'

'We need to make some enquiries about you, I have myself already made a few of course or we would not be talking like this. But there need to be more. I tell you this in case someone is less discrete than we would like and word gets back to you. While that is going on you need to search your mind on two subjects.

One, what information would bring you down? What documents do you have that would substantiate that? The other, what are you deepest fantasies? Not the day-to-day imaginings that stir each of us, but those in the deepest recesses of your mind, those that you may not have even admitted to yourself.

When the time comes I will talk to you again, explore your thoughts and perhaps help you confirm or consolidate them into something specific. Then, with documents prepared and the money provided, we expect bank cashier's cheques of course, we install you as a member and make an appointment for your first experience. Oh, and one other thing, you will need to attend a medical examination with one of our doctors.'

'A medical?'

'A natural and necessary precaution in these days of unpleasant infections Mac. I assure you it is all done with the utmost discretion.'

'OK, but do the members know each other?'

'Some do, most of those that do were what I think of as the foundation members of the Foundation. They all knew each other before of course, and because the usual route to membership is via nomination many have in time got to know which of their friends and acquaintances are also members. But as a general rule, no, we recommend individuals treat their membership as a purely personal business.'

'Do you have women members?'

'A good question. For some time we did not, but then times change and we must change with them. But there are some essential differences between male and female fantasies, I'm speaking generally of course. Men are usually more profoundly stimulated by what they see, their fantasies more reliant on visual experiences than are most women's. That difference alone makes the creation of satisfactory experiences for women far more complex. But to answer your question, yes we now do, but just a very, very small number.'

'And how many members are there altogether?'

'That too is private Mac, but not as many as you might think, we are not motivated by greed, and quality of service is our first priority. One of the reasons we ask for annual donations is so we can continue the work without having to unnecessarily increase membership numbers.

Now, unless you have any more questions.' she said, draining the last of her cognac.

I took the hint and called for the bill, then having said she would phone me with a time and place for the medical examination and then again as soon as her enquiries were complete, and reminding me to think down into my subconscious, with no more than a firm hand-shake, she left.

Chapter 3

Thoughts and Discoveries

She rang me the following morning with the name of the doctor and I confirmed I could make the tentative appointment she had made for me for the following morning. I took that opportunity to tell her just how much I had enjoyed our meal together, adding that I hoped that even if the business with the Foundation should for some reason fail, that I would have another opportunity to see her. Her reply was brief and verging on the formal, but I thought I detected a note implying that would please her too. Then she rang off.

I spent much of the next few days thinking through all of what had happened and what she had said during our meal together. The Foundation and the linking of the seemingly disparate concepts behind it. The information Hanna had said she would need from me. The look I thought I had seen in her eyes on a couple of occasions. Which of the various deals was I prepared to provide her details of? The manipulation of funds I would need to arrange between my various companies that would best provide the cash. That look in her eyes. The thought of essentially baring my soul to her. What was there that I could tell her, what fantasies did I have?

The more I thought about the last question the less confident I felt. Since my business had started to grow most of my time had actually been devoted to it. That had been the main cause of the final break-down of my marriage. Since then there had been women, many women. Some purely decorative companions for social functions. Some purely bed-warmers. A few had combined both functions for a while. But none had broken through the shell I had developed over the years, the shell that enabled me to do what was necessary to drive the business upwards.

Looking back it seemed a sad, but not unusual story of a successful, but lonely businessman.

So I dug back further, before I had moved to Europe, before I had even thought such a thing possible. Back to when I was a brightly enthusiastic young man, back to when I was a student at university. Back to my teen-age years, back, back, back, searching for something, something that would trigger something else.

But as so often happens, the more I thought, the less I found, then, when I was in the middle of deciphering a particularly complex legal interpretation of a contract I was interested in, the memory flashed back.

I was about thirteen, on my way home from school. It was late because I had been in detention for some minor misdeed and as it was winter it was already dark, lights starting to come on in house and apartment windows. As I climbed the hill towards where we lived I found myself thinking about the girl, well she was a woman actually, probably in her late twenties, who lived in the apartments on the opposite side of the road. She and her husband had moved in a couple of years before, then about six months prior to this evening, he had been killed in a car accident.

And, although of course I didn't know it at the time, at about just the same time as that happened the flood of puberty inducing hormones had really started coursing through my body.

I had previously discovered that from our bath-room window I could get a limited view into a couple of rooms in her flat and the surging hormones and the fact that she was there alone, gave me the incentive to spend as much time as I dared to keep watch for a glimpse of her.

She was a brunette, her long, wavy hair giving her what I thought was a Spanish look. I had no real idea of what that meant, but thought it was somehow coupled with having a fiery, passionate temperament, and that was more than enough to feed my fantasies about her. I don't remember anything about whatever they were but imagine they involved her being lonely and needing me to somehow satisfy her own still raging needs.

Anyway, back to the evening when I was returning late from school. Each building along our street had a small strip of garden separating it from the road and the one outside hers had been planted with small, thickly foliaged ornamental trees. Until that evening I had always considered this a nuisance because they blocked any view in from that side, and I had worked out that was where her bed-room was. But as I got closer and saw the light was on in that room, I suddenly realised that one of the trees might actually give me a perfect opportunity.

Checking that there was nobody else in the street I hopped over the low wall, dropped my bags at the base of the tree and scrambled up into it. Once high enough I wedged myself into a fork and reached forward to push the branches apart.

By sheer luck my timing was perfect. She had presumably just got home from work and was changing to go out for the evening, and, perhaps because she was in a hurry, had not bothered to draw the curtains. As I pushed the branches apart and looked in through the window I saw her. She was standing with her back to me and was just reaching down for the hem of her skirt, then I felt my heart miss several beats as I stared at what I saw as she pulled it up.

To this day I can still see that sight, she had long, slender legs, the skin a pale olive colour, the flesh firmly rounded. And although panties were nowhere near as brief as they have now become, at that moment I thought they were the sexiest things I'd ever seen, black, almost transparent nylon, just barely covering the roundly swelling globes of her arse.

As her skirt rose higher, so did my cock, filling and stiffening almost instantaneously. But what happened next made it almost burst out of my trousers.

Perhaps because she was in a rush, once up past her waist she tugged her dress more quickly, giving me a clear view of her matching black bra strap, but at the same time catching her hair in the zip. So, what had started out as what would probably have been no more than a quick, couple of seconds look at her, turned into a minor soft-porno show.

She stood there struggling with her dress, trying to free her hair from the metal teeth, giving me a perfect view of her back, and more importantly, her bottom and thighs. I couldn't help myself, even though I had only one hand free as I continued staring at her I reached down, unzipped my trousers and pulled out my cock.

But then, as though on cue, the show got even better. As she continued struggling she was moving about, gradually turning herself, turning towards the window. I could almost feel my eyes bulging as I saw what was happening, my hand moving faster as I silently prayed she would turn a little more, a little more, just a little more towards me.

And she did, a few moments later it wasn't the bulge of her bottom I was staring at but the much smaller, but a thousand times sexier bulge between her thighs. The mass of curly black pubic hair made a dark shadow against the thin nylon, and I could also see a few stray wisps peeping out from under the edge of her panties.

Then everything happened at once.

She finally got her hair free from the zip and pulled her dress up over her head. I suddenly had a clear view of everything, not only her bulging pussy but also the way her breasts seemed to be trying to spill out from her bra. It was too much, I felt the dizzying rush, then heard myself grunt as the first searing wave surged up through me.

And in the same moment, having removed her dress and found herself looking straight out of the window, she saw me, the light streaming from it illuminating me, and let her see exactly what I was doing.

I saw the initial look of shock and horror on her face, but as I was in the grip of my climax, could do nothing about it. I felt the first load searing up through my wildly jerking cock, then my hand flashing faster and faster, and then the blissful relief as the rest of the churning semen jetted out after it.

Then of course the feelings that had driven me were instantly replaced by the most horrendous flood of shame and guilt. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted the ground beneath the tree to literally open up and swallow me.

But then something happened that changed everything, meant that an experience that could have become one I desperately wanted to forget, became one that would be forever filed away in my brain. She smiled at me.

Of course I have no idea if her smile was one of understanding or mere amusement, but with the benefit of hindsight I realised that it had undoubtedly changed some aspects of my sex-life forever. In effect that smile gave me permission to look, to enjoy looking. And even though the memory itself had become subsumed by all the subsequent sexual events in my life, I suddenly realised that ever since then that's what I had enjoyed doing.

With every lover, and even during the early, happy years of my marriage, I had found watching them one of the most stimulating aspects of the physical relationship. Whether bathing, dressing, and of course undressing, even just seeing them apply their make-up, watching them do so had always aroused me, sometimes much more strongly than others, but always arousing.

The revelation was astounding, it's impact breath-taking. How could I have spent most of my life being so totally unaware of what was going on inside my own head?

Chapter 4


Having had the required medical examination, decided which of my business dealings to use as cross-insurance, drawn a number of cheques totalling the amount Hanna had stipulated, and with the details of my long forgotten memory fresh in my mind, I waited.

She rang me the following week and after initial pleasantries said that the results of the medical were satisfactory, then asked if I had the other three things she needed ready.

The sound of her voice excited me more than I had expected it to, but I replied as calmly as I could manage. 'Two are sitting in my top drawer, the third in the forefront of my mind Hanna.'

'Good, so now we make a time to meet, what evening next week is best for you?'

Next week, I would have to wait nearly another week before seeing her again. A week suddenly seemed an age, but again I tried to control the tremor of disappointment in my voice as I answered. 'Any evening except Monday.'

'So, shall we say Tuesday evening, about nine o'clock?'

'Perfect. Where do we meet, the same restaurant?'

'Oh I think not, you have things to give me, things to tell me, and exchanging such things in public is not wise. I have an apartment in the Hotel Bellecoeur. Do you know it?'

When I said I didn't she gave me the name of a street in one of the no longer fashionable suburbs. Then, having told me the concierge would show me up and that she was looking forward to seeing me again, she hung up.

I put the receiver down with a trembling hand, then sat there staring at it, trying to bring my emotions under control. Although the prospect of handing over the envelopes in my desk drawer might have accounted for the rush of adrenaline I knew it wasn't just that. The sound of her voice had triggered it, just the sound of her voice. Surely that wasn't possible?

In spite of the amount of work I set myself to complete, the days seemed to drag by, and the nights were even longer. I woke many times, woke bathed in perspiration, and often with a raging erection that refused to subside until, like that thirteen year old, I relieved myself.

My dreams were a crazy confusion of images and events, many, though not all, apparently totally unrelated to either the woman in my earliest sexual memory, or Hanna. But it was those that were that were the most disturbing, those were the ones that forced me to masturbate in the early hours of the morning.

In some Hanna was the woman I was seeing through the bed-room window. She who was slowly, tantalisingly slowly removing the business suit. But, unlike the woman from all those years ago, all the time she was doing that she was also watching me, smiling at my reactions to what she was doing.

But perhaps the most disturbing of all was the one that required no manual assistance to deflate my initially super-engorged cock. In that one I was watching the Spanish looking woman, but somehow knew that Hanna was at the same time watching me. Then as the woman continued moving about in front of the window I got more and more excited, until it felt as though my cock was about to explode. Then I looked down to find Hanna kneeling in front of me, staring at my cock. But as I woke from the dream I realised she was slowly shaking her head from side to side in disappointment.

Somehow I managed to control my almost out of control emotions during the day, hurrying from one meeting to another, attending to details of existing and potential contracts, refusing to allow myself to dwell on what was happening during the night. Literally counting off the days until the following Tuesday evening when I pulled up outside the address Hanna had given me.

It was an old, turn of the previous century hotel, grand in its day, and still obviously well maintained. The concierge took my car keys and the accompanying gratuity then showed me to a modernised and refurbished, but still beautiful late nineteenth century lift.

'Madame has the first floor.' he said as he closed the outer gate and it began to move slowly, but smoothly upwards.