Hanna Ch. 14-17


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Chapter 15

A Private Show

He brought Hanna back to the table and thanked us both for the pleasure her dancing had given him, then returned to his group of friends. 'He's a professional, the group is going to be entertaining us in a little while. He apologised for using me to warm up.' she told me with a somewhat breathless giggle, then took a long draught from her glass of water.

'You didn't mind me dancing with him did you Mac?' she asked when she had regained her composure.

'Of course not, I could see how much you enjoyed it. But having seen just how good you are I don't think I'll be game to partner you again.'

'Oh don't say that darling, I loved dancing with you, I really did. What we, Jose and I did was quite different, a much more technical enjoyment. Whereas dancing with you gave me emotional pleasure, and physical too of course.' she added, glancing around us as her hand reached across under the table and slid down between my legs.

Because I had shifted the rigidly swollen length at first she found nothing, giving me a puzzled look as her fingers searched around. Then her wrist brushed against it and understanding what I had done, her hand quickly slid upwards. 'It feels as though you enjoyed what we were doing even more than we ourselves did.' she whispered as her fingers closed around the still throbbing hardness, then added as she explored the full length of it. 'All this from just watching us dance?'

'From watching you Hanna.' I corrected, trying to stifle the gasps her wandering fingers were producing.

'That's very, very nice to know. It should have occurred to me that you would react like that, I only wish it had, for my sake. But you must tell me all about what you were thinking, later, upstairs.' she said in a conspiratorial voice as her hand gave the shaft a couple of strong squeezes. 'But for now, I think we had better organise some dessert and coffee before the cabaret begins darling.' she said in a much brighter tone as she pulled her hand away.

We did just that, and although it took a little while, I gradually came down from the overly excited state I had been in. But even as we chatted, then ate our desserts and sipped the coffee I saw a curious look in Hanna's eyes. It was as though she was not just looking at me, but watching me, as though half expecting some sort of signal. But as she said nothing that gave me any idea of what was going through her mind I decided not to enquire about the impression I'd got.

Then the cabaret began and for half an hour or so we were treated to a quite superb display of dance performance. The young man who had danced with Hanna was actually the lead dancer and at the end of the show he brought a vivid blush to her cheeks when he gracefully acknowledged the lady who had danced with him earlier.

When they left the stage another group began arriving, and immediately recognising what would come next I turned to Hanna and said. 'I don't know about you but Greek dancing is not really my style Hanna. We can have a brandy in our room, so shall we leave now?'

'Good idea, I can think of much better ways of getting hot and sweaty.' she replied with her increasingly familiar cheeky grin as she pushed herself back from the table.

I left a reasonably generous tip for our waiters and discretely did the same for the maitre d' as we left the restaurant and made for the lifts. 'Don't forget I want to know what you were thinking while I was dancing.' she said as she snuggled up to me once we were inside. 'I got wet from just thinking about the state you had got yourself into.' she added in a low whisper.

The explanation for the strange way she had been watching me while we had been having our dessert suddenly dawned on me. She had been recreating the idea of me getting stimulated from watching her, perhaps trying to visualise the actual sight of my fully engorged cock. We really were made for each other, both the watcher and the watched getting excited by exactly the same thing.

For some reason the thought that had crossed my mind much, much earlier, before we had gone down for dinner, returned. 'It wasn't the first time this evening, it had happened twice before.' I said as we got out of the lift.

'Twice, when?' she asked as I opened our door and we went inside.

'While we were eating, you must have seen I couldn't keep my eyes off you.'

'Mmm, my décolletage did seem to occupy a lot of your time. I hoped it might.' she said with a smile as she slid her arms around me and pulled us close. 'But when was the other time?'

'Up here, before we went down for dinner.'

'Here, really! What brought that on darling?'

'I was wishing I could see you getting ready, then imagined I could.' I admitted, somewhat embarrassed by my explanation.

'Oh I wish I had known, I should have thought!' she said in an irritated tone of voice. 'I'm such an idiot sometimes! I was having exactly the same thoughts darling, and all I had to do was leave the door open. What a fool I am!' she added almost angrily.

'Ssh! Ssh!' I whispered, holding her more tightly. 'Of course you're neither a fool nor an idiot, this is new to both of us darling. And anyway if you had left the door open we would never have got to dinner, and then you would have missed out on your dance with Jose. We have plenty of time together, there will be lots of opportunities to do all sorts of things for each other.'

'Of course you're right.' she said, quickly calming down again. 'But -'

'No buts, let's just have a brandy and catch our breath a bit. OK?'

'OK! But you have to promise that in future, if there is anything you want to do, anything at all, either tell me, or just do it. All right?'

'I promise. But that goes for you too, you have to tell me what's going on inside your head too.'

'Promise!' she replied with a much happier smile as she lifted her head to kiss me.

I took off my jacket and tie, then poured the brandies and as the night was still quite warm we decided to take them out on to the balcony. 'This really is a beautiful place Mac, thank you so much or bringing me here.' she said as she sipped her drink and then looked up at the star-studded sky.

'Yes it is, and I'm glad you are enjoying yourself darling. But I'm even happier that you came with me. It's a very long time since I have felt so happy, and so, so, well so alive.'

'I know what you mean, it's a wonderful feeling isn't it. And we do get on well together, and I don't just mean in bed.' she said with a smile, then added. 'But now you have to tell me what was going through your mind while I was dancing with Jose, tell me just what it was that got you so aroused.'

I did my best to explain the things that had gone on inside my head, how what had started as a genuine appreciation of their grace and skill had suddenly changed. How I had developed what I could only describe as the split vision of her, and that of course my reaction to the image of her nakedness had then been inevitable.

'But although whilst I might have been the only man to have such a vision I bet I wasn't the only one to react the way I did. Especially right at the end.' I said when I had finished.

'I don't care about how anyone else reacted, only how you did darling. But what do you mean about, at the end?'

'When he span you around, your skirt rose so high you put just about everything on show.'

'You could see my panties?'

'No, not quite. But I did notice you are wearing a suspender-belt, not those grip-tops you have worn before.' I said, the words instantly bringing back a vivid image of her.

'That was for you darling, for later. I thought you might like that.' she said in a low, somewhat hesitant tone before explaining more confidently. ' I dislike panty-hose and only wear them on really cold days in winter, so I nearly always wear self-supporting stockings. But this underwear came with a matching belt, not that there's very much of it. Anyway, I thought, well you know what I thought.' she added with a shy giggle.

'But if you hadn't got up to dance with him I wouldn't have known, well not until very much later, and it's quite possible that by then I might not have had time to really appreciate the full effect.'

'So you prefer to anticipate, rather than getting a nice surprise?'

'I suppose I do. Not every time of course, nice surprises are great, but being able to anticipate something does heighten the sensations. Don't you think so too?'

'Of course, though I'm not sure which is really best. I mean as we sit here enjoying the view and each other's company we both know we will be making love quite soon, and that gives me a wonderful feeling. But sudden, unexpected love-making can be incredibly powerful. Like the other evening, in your apartment.'

'Oh yes, that was truly amazing, I got just as much of a surprise as you did.' I admitted with a grin. 'Maybe what we like best is a balance, you know, sometimes something totally spontaneous, sometimes the long, drawn-out expectation.'

'I think that's right, so do you think our secret little shared wickedness is just a way of pampering our need for anticipation?'

'Sometimes, undoubtedly, but not all the time. I mean think back, to when you were a girl on the train, you weren't anticipating anything sexual really happening. It just gave you those nice feelings. And that's true for me too, as I told you before, catching a glimpse of something erotic doesn't make me want to rape whomever it is I have seen.'

'Mmm, as we agreed, it is complicated. But nice, and it's really good to have someone to share these thoughts with Mac.' she added.

'Yes it is, sort of like having our own psychologist on tap.'

She laughed, but replied. 'Oh I wouldn't put it as coldly as that, but ongoing mutual therapy could give us a lot of fun and excitement, don't you think?'

'I certainly do, and done well it could provide both anticipation and spontaneity.'

'Let's make sure it does darling. And that leads me to ask something that occurred to me when you told me how you had wanted to watch me earlier this evening, when I was getting ready.'

'What's that?'

'Well it may sound silly, and if you think it is just say so, but, well, would you like me to start again?'

'Start again, what do you mean?'

'Just that, let you watch while I do it all again. Look, I perspired quite a bit while dancing with Jose, so I'll want to have a shower before we do anything else. If you would like to we could pretend we are getting ready to go out, you could watch me having my shower, then putting my make-up on and getting dressed.'

Of course the idea appealed to me, or at least to that particular part of me, but I said nothing for a moment or two, thinking a little deeper about her suggestion. She also remained silent, watching for my response and I couldn't decide whether the expression on her face was one of hope, or anxiety.

I leant forward and took her hand. 'It's a wonderful offer darling, very creative. But I think we'd find it a bit contrived, if you know what I mean. And there's something else.' I added, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. 'I love the perfume you wear, it's very heady, but as I've told you before, I love your own natural scent far more, and it's a much more powerful aphrodisiac. So you don't need to rush off and shower every time you perspire a bit, in fact I would prefer it if you don't.'

A faint blush coloured her cheeks but she gave me a smile. 'An unusual compliment darling, but a nice one too, if you really mean that I'll try not to be quite so fastidious when I'm with you.'

'Of course I mean it. But now, let me freshen your drink.' I said, reaching for her nearly empty glass.

'No, let me.' she replied, pushing my hand away. 'You don't have to run around after me like some waiter, darling. Give me yours please.' she added firmly as she stood up.

I watched as she went through into the lounge room and crossed to where the small bar was set up. But before refilling the glasses she turned, not to look at me but at the coffee table in the space between the two sofas. It was a massive piece, made from a thick sheet of plate glass on sculpted stainless steel supports, standing about half a metre off the floor and at least two metres in length. Of course I had no idea what was going through her mind but I could see she was thinking deeply, then she looked around the room, then smiled, before turning back to the glasses.

'You were quite right.' she said when she brought the drinks back out on to the balcony. 'Much too contrived. But I have a better idea, one that I'm sure you'll like.' she added, raising her glass to me before taking a mouthful.

I did the same, then she said. 'You remember how excited you got from watching me dance?'

'Of course I do.' I replied, puzzled but intrigued.

'Well, I'm going back inside for a minute or two, I'll call you when I'm ready. But what I want you to do is shut your eyes, then recreate that scene in your head. I know you are good at doing that. Imagine you are back downstairs, sitting at the table while I am out on the floor, dancing, but this time dancing just for you. Will you do that darling?'

'Yes.' I said, putting down my glass and then gently shutting my eyes.

'That's good. I shan't be long darling.' she said softly as she lightly pressed her lips to my closed eyes.

As she had said, I had very little trouble re-creating the earlier scene, my brain even managing to somehow edit Jose out of the picture. I watched Hanna dancing, dancing for me, her supple body moving, swaying, bending and turning as her feet carried her backwards and forwards in front of me. But that time there was no split-screen effect, instead the picture altered from time to time, sometimes her body was hidden beneath the swirling fabric of her dress, and sometimes she was totally naked.

It didn't seem to matter which I was looking at, the effect was the same, I could feel myself reacting, responding to the construct of the combination of memory and imagination. And perhaps because my earlier one had been so strong, it happened surprisingly quickly, so by the time she called to me I already had the start of another erection.

When I opened my eyes, got up and turned to look behind me I was surprised to see that the room was in virtual darkness, just one small lamp was on, and for some reason it was down on the floor behind the coffee table. Hanna took my hand and led me inside. 'Now we just need to make you comfortable, so take your shoes and socks off please.' She said, then steadied me while I also removed my trousers and pants. 'Aha, that's good.' She added, smiling up at me when she saw my swollen and already partially stiffened cock.

'Now it may not be too comfortable but I don't think you'll mind that too much.' she said as she took me across to stand beside the table. 'At least I've given you a cushion for your head. Just lie down there please darling.' she added, giving me a gentle downward push.

I did as she asked but it was only when she turned on the CD player beside the bar that I got some idea of what she really had in mind. The music she had chosen was quite innocuous, something designed as pure back-ground stuff, but it did have a steady beat. The beat was quite strong enough for someone to dance to, and when she kicked off her shoes and stepped lightly up on to the top of the table I knew my thought had been correct. Hanna was going to dance again, and this time it really was to be just for me.

As she stood there for a moment, waiting to catch the start of the rhythm, I also realised why she had moved the lamp. Having the only light source below and behind her put her legs centre stage, so to speak. Although I could see some light reflecting off her face and see the outline of the shape of the rest of her body, her legs were the only parts of her that were strongly illuminated.

At first she moved quite slowly, perhaps getting the measure of the restricted area she had to dance in, but as her confidence grew her steps became more assured, bolder. And once she was certain that the table was quite stable she began to make use of its full surface, adding twists and occasional small kicks to her steps, presumably including those so I could see even more of her legs.

Of course I took full advantage of everything she did, my eyes riveted to the show she was giving me. I took in every tiny detail, from the slender, almost fragile looking ankles, the shapely curve of her calves and knees, to the length of firmly rounded thigh I could glimpse above. And because of the angle I was seeing her from, and the fact that the table-top was clear glass, even before she began to twist and kick I could see more than enough to add to what I had been feeling before.

But once she did start doing those things my excitement level rose even faster. My view was no longer restricted to just the nylon clad length of leg, each time her skirt swirled upwards, or one of her legs kicked high, I got to see even more, both the dark band encircling her thigh and a good deal of the pale skin above.

Then, perhaps because she had been carefully monitoring the steady growth of my cock, she added one more element to her performance. Waiting for an appropriate section of the music, and positioning herself in the very centre of the table, she did a long, much faster spin, making her skirt swirl up to waist height. And what suddenly sent my level of excitement rocketing was the discovery that underneath the dress there was only the wispy suspender belt, she had taken her panties off.

For a few seconds I could see everything, her tautly rounded buttocks and the invitingly deep valley between them, her neatly trimmed and darkly curling pubic hair, and even, for just an all too brief moment, a hint of the moistly pink slit below it.

I felt my cock surge, rearing high, then felt it start jerking about as a deep, throbbing beat began pulsing through it.

Hanna obviously saw the effect she'd had on me and although she continued to move about over the full surface of the table she kept her special steps for when she was closest to where I was lying. Sometimes keeping her twisting turns quite short, so I really saw no more than an additional length of her legs, sometimes doing a riskier spin on one foot, at the same time lifting the other high enough for me to see everything.

I have no idea how long she continued dancing, it may have been only ten or fifteen minutes, it could well have been for half the night, but I was lost in a world of my own where time was of no importance. But although I may have lost all sense of time all my others were still working, and working extremely well. The steady pulsing throb in my cock continued, and in fact seemed to get stronger the longer she danced. And although the feel of that seemed to dominate, some time later I also became aware of a growing ache in my balls as my still rising excitement made the semen seethe and churn.

Looking back sometime later I had to admit that I was so enraptured by what Hanna was doing for me that I gave no thought at all to what she was thinking or experiencing herself. So what she did next came as a total surprise.

As she had down in the restaurant, at the end of the music she went into a much longer spin, allowing the skirt to swirl around her waist for several seconds, the much clearer view sending my blood pressure soaring even higher. Then, even before her skirt had fully settled, she quickly stepped down off the table, and, placing one foot on either side of me, then, reaching under her skirt to find and guide my cock, slowly squatted herself down on to it.

'Ah yeeeesss!' she sighed as she pushed down over the head, then gave a small, surprised yelp of excitement as the rigid mass below it stretched her pussy wider. But she was already so wet that in spite of its size it took little effort to push right down, taking the entire length deep inside herself in one continuous movement. The unexpectedness and the intensity of the sensations that suddenly coursed through me were truly mind-blowing, and their impact drove the air out of my lungs in an explosive gasp.