Hannah's Hot Tub


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Hannah breathed heavily into my ear as my finger wormed its way further under the tight cloth until I felt the heat of her wet slit. She gasped softly and I paused as if expecting her to stop me but instead, she simply let her knees fall further apart. With the slightest pressure, I pushed the costume's gusset to one side and gingerly slid the tip of my middle finger into her hot, damp slit.

She gasped as my fingertip passed along the length of her outer lips and I felt her arms tighten around my shoulders. I quickly wriggled my fingertip further inwards, sliding it up and down her short, hot slit until I found the entrance to her hottest, deepest place. I paused, feeling her arms trembling slightly round my neck, making certain she really was offering no resistance then ran my fingertips up and down her warm slit, from its base deep between her thighs, over the mouth of her vagina and up to the tiny nub of her clitoris and back.

"Ohhh! That's lovely!" she breathed into my ear.

The faint voice at the back of my mind told me that this was already too much but Hannah's obvious pleasure once again drove the thought from my mind and I fingered her gently but firmly, feeling the tension in her body grow.

"You like this?" I whispered into her ear.

"Mmmm yes! Don't stop!"

I traced the sides of her slit with my fingers again then boldly pushed the tip of my long middle finger into her vagina.

It was tight; very tight; very, very tight; resisting my progress but she felt so, so hot. Part of my mind screamed at me to stop; to try and undo the damage I has already done but another, more dominant part told me to press on; that she was enjoying it; that she really wanted me to do it; that she wasn't my daughter - it was all ok.

As if timed to perfection, I felt Hannah's legs fall even further apart and my finger immediately slid into her body up to the first knuckle.


She moaned, a strange sound like pleasure mixed with triumph and I pressed my finger a second knuckle deeper into her vagina. It clamped hard on my hand.

"So tight..."

I murmured then began to move my finger round inside her tightly-gripping passage. After a moment I felt her loosen a little.

"Please... don't stop..."

Her words were intoxicating. Pushing all remaining reservations aside, I began to finger my stepdaughter's vulva with as much care and caution as my increasing passion would permit. My erection now painfully tangled in my shorts, Hannah couldn't possibly fail to feel it pressed against the back of her legs as my hand slipped completely inside her swimming costume to cup her entire mound. It was an awkward angle and the tight elastic must have hurt her leg but neither of us seemed to care and I thrust my middle finger deep into her extraordinarily tight vagina, turning it back and forth then hooking it upwards within her body in a half instinctive attempt to find her g-spot.

"Ohhhh yessss!"

Hannah's words were whispered close into my ear and I redoubled my efforts despite the tangle of Lycra around my wrist. Curling my finger and working it in short, fast movements I found the small rough patch behind her pubic bone that I had been searching for and ran the tip of my finger across its surface over and over again.

Hannah's pelvis writhed and flexed against my hand, the elasticated hem of her costume all but cutting off the blood to my fingers but I kept on fingering her, all thoughts of impropriety driven from my mind.

I felt her whole body flex, a strange choking noise escape her lips then her teeth biting hard into my shoulder as a powerful shudder pulsed through her body, followed by a second then a third.

"Are you two going to stay there all night?"

Suddenly, reality burst in upon me as my wife Debbie's voice boomed from an upstairs window. Her words were still slurred from the evening's drinking but their effect was as if a bucket of ice had been thrown over me.

I pulled my hand away from my stepdaughter's body as if it had been burned. Hannah squealed softly into my ear and her legs tightened together in involuntary protest as if trying to keep my fingers in place, but the erotic magic of the previous few minutes was broken.

"Oh my God!" I croaked, half paralysed by the shock of what had happened - and what might have happened. "Just letting the cycle finish" I called up unconvincingly to the face at the window.

Hannah's body was still trembling, though whether this was the aftermath of her orgasm or fear of being discovered by her mother I couldn't tell.

"Don't be too long," Debbie called in a stage whisper, "it's lonely up here..."

The sexual innuendo was obvious. In other circumstances it would have been embarrassing both to me and to Hannah but our mutual guilt prevented and such feelings.

"Saved by the bell!" my stepdaughter whispered ambiguously in my ear.

She carefully, almost reluctantly removed her leg from my lap and, standing and turning slowly began to get out of the tub. I watched as she pulled her swim suit down over her partly exposed pudenda and wriggled until the elastic lay where it should have been before stepping onto the bench and out of the not water, which cascaded steamily from her lithe body.

She stepped onto the cold wooden decking and pulled a bathrobe around herself. I followed a little behind her, shivering.

"You go on up to bed!" I said, unable to look her in the eye. "I'll clear up here."

"I could help..." She protested.

"I'll do it on my own!" I snapped then immediately regretted it. "Sorry Princess. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's ok... Daddy," she replied.

I was amazed. Hannah almost never called me Daddy. She crossed to the doorway and turned. I raised my head, still barely able to look at her.

"I mean it's ALL ok, ALL of it, understand?" she said, looking me straight in the eye.

And with that she blew me a kiss and skipped upstairs.

Drying myself as best I could with Debbie's damp cast off towel, I pulled on my own robe and gathered all the used glasses and bottles from the garden and into the kitchen. I left our three champagne glasses beside the kitchen sink and, locking the back door, joined my wife in our big double bed.

Debbie was fast asleep, as expected. I listened to her breathing as I lay awake for what seemed like hours, racked by feelings of guilt at my behaviour, shocked that Hannah had let me do it and apparently enjoyed it, terrified at what had nearly happened and what might still happen if Debbie found out.


I didn't sleep at all well that night, or the next few nights, plagued with feelings of guilt, bafflement at what I had done and with a terrible dread that Hannah had in some way 'set me up' as one of her terrible games. Every night when I came home from work I half expected Debbie to be there waiting for me armed with accusations, Hannah behind her with that evil triumphant grin on her face.

However, after nearly two weeks without the sky coming down around my shoulders, I began to accept that Hannah really did think it had all been ok and I gradually began to relax a little. Nevertheless, I still tried to avoid being alone with my stepdaughter and avoided using the hot tub altogether to the extent that Debbie began to ask why I had agreed to buy it in the first place if I wasn't going to use it and wondered jokingly who she might get to accompany her into the water instead of me. From then on I made sure that I was available whenever my wife wanted to relax in the tub and things began to return to normal again.

It was clear from the looks she occasionally gave me that Hannah believed she and I now had a shared secret but there was no sign that she was even thinking of letting her mother in on it.

Her behaviour however became even trickier for me, with her choice of clothing being the main cause for concern. Her short skirts became, if it were possible, even shorter; her tight tops even tighter; her absence of bra even more obvious through the tightly stretched material of her shirts. Her bedroom door was left ajar on more occasions as she changed and sometimes even the bathroom door was left open too. On a few occasions when her mother was out, she even came downstairs after a shower or bath with only a short fluffy towel wrapped around her.

I didn't know where to look; certainly I had no idea what to say. It was increasingly difficult to avoid seeing far more of her than I was comfortable seeing and hiding my consequent unavoidable arousal from both Hannah and her mother was becoming tricky. I even began to go for long runs or to the gym on the obvious occasions when the two of us would otherwise be alone in the house, but to no avail - I simply could not get that girl out of my mind.


It was Friday night, a few weeks later and I had arrived home from work unexpectedly early. My meeting in London had ended sooner than usual and I had been able to catch an earlier train. The house was empty; Debbie was meeting colleagues after work and Hannah was going to a movie with a potential date so I could do whatever I wanted without interference.

What I wanted to do first was go on a run through the ancient woodlands that our house backed onto - the warm late August sun was shining so brightly it was simply too perfect an opportunity to miss - so after quickly changing into my vest and shorts, off I went.

An hour later, hot and sweaty but feeling content and very righteous, I jogged panting into the back garden and tried to regain my breath while cursing myself for not having trained harder for the past few months. The run had been everything I had wanted; warm paths, cool shade, the smell of the trees; perfect! Opening the back door I quickly grabbed a cold drink from the fridge before going back outside to rehydrate and cool down.

My eyes were inevitably drawn to the hot tub that bubbled away almost silently in the corner of the patio and the idea of having the sweat and dust on my body washed away and my tired muscles gently massaged by the water grew more appealing by the minute.

I went back into the house and grabbed a towel from the laundry room then slipped off my running shoes, socks and vest before returning to the tub dressed only in my running shorts. I knew I should have had a shower before getting into the water but it looked so inviting, I felt so hot and sweaty and there was no-one to see me so I just couldn't resist it. I stepped guiltily into the water, panting a little at its temperature then lowered myself up to my neck in its hot depths.

It felt simply wonderful as my body adjusted to the heat; the calming, soothing liquid enveloped my tired, aching muscles, its warmth making me almost dizzy with the sensations. I sat on the submerged bench, lay back against the smooth side, spread my arms around its edge and tilted my face towards the clear blue sky.

Relaxation washed over me. Alone in the house, out of earshot of the phone, invisible to the neighbours and feeling pleased with myself for having got the day's exercise out of the way, I washed the salt from my face and pressed the button beneath my fingers.

The bubbles started. I could feel the powerful water jets pummelling my legs, lower spine and shoulders, easing the strain my woodland run had induced. I sipped my Diet Coke, wishing it had been a cold beer instead, closed my eyes and let myself drift into a doze.

The weekend was coming; Anne and Ted's barbecue on Friday; walking in the countryside on Saturday...

"Pfffft!" The sound of a drink can being opened snapped me back from my reverie with a jolt.

"Hi!" Hannah's voice coming from behind me was soft and friendly, "Fancy a beer?"


I jumped with surprise, my head turning first left then right in a futile attempt to see where the voice was coming from. My awkwardness made her giggle as she walked round the tub and into my field of view. My tall, skinny stepdaughter had changed into the smallest bikini I had ever seen - mere scraps of dark blue cloth held together with dark blue strings and bows. There was no way her mother would ever have bought it for her. Fortunately her breasts were so small even this inadequate piece of clothing could contain them but I still felt uncomfortable.

"Like my new Bikini?" she asked, amused, "better not tell Mum, ok?" she added in a conspiratorial whisper as she replaced my warm flat Coke with a can of cold beer and lowered herself gently into the water opposite me.

"I thought you had a date," I said, slightly annoyed at the interruption and feeling rather nervous.

"I just cancelled," she replied as she sank beneath the water, looking me straight in the eye.

She leaned back until just the tips of her barely-covered nipples were visible above the foam. To my horror I could see they were erect.

"You've been avoiding me," she said accusingly once she had settled herself on the low bench, "Why?"

The bubbling water just covered her bikini top which saved me a little of my embarrassment.

"What makes you think that?" I asked, spinelessly answering a question with a question.

She gave me an exasperated look.

"I'm not a child anymore," she said enigmatically, "I thought we had... something special between us."

By now my cock was rock hard and painfully tangled in my running shorts. I fidgeted beneath the bubbles trying to free its constricted end without drawing my stepdaughter's attention to my discomfort.

"Hannah, that was a mistake," I replied, trying to sound like a parent and not like the rather frightened, turned-on teenager that I felt like, "I shouldn't have..." I ran out of words.

"Shouldn't have what?" she asked aggressively. "Shouldn't have fingered your stepdaughter?"


"Well that's what happened isn't it?"

"I didn't realise what I was doing," I protested. She laughed.

"From here it felt like you knew exactly what you were doing!"

Her green eyes sparkled with mischief and something moved between my thighs. I quickly tried to close my knees but was too late; Hannah had stretched out her leg until her right foot was pressing against my crotch, her toes firmly against the erection that I now couldn't hope to hide.

"That's better," she said, wiggling her toes against my shaft, "I thought you might be hiding something from me. Now we don't have to pretend."

"Hannah, I..."

"Don't worry!" she interrupted, "When I told you everything was okay, I meant EVERYTHING was okay."

Her toes wriggled again against my cock which was now bent painfully in my shorts.

"Except it isn't okay anymore because you don't want to be with me."

The toes worked their way beneath my tight scrotum.

"Why are you doing this, Hannah?" I asked, for some reason quite unable to do the simple thing and push her foot away from my groin.

"Don't you like it?" she asked archly, "It feels as if you like it." She wiggled her toes against my erection again.

"Hannah, please..." I began but there was no conviction in my voice.

"It's only fair," she continued, her foot falling away from my groin.

She slid forwards in the water until she was on her knees in front of me, the bubbles reaching her small breasts, her hands replacing her toes on my erection.

"After all, if it's okay for you to touch me, then it should be ok for me to touch you, shouldn't it?"

"Hannah I..."

"Or don't you think Mum would agree with that?"

The supposed threat was obvious but belied by her eyes which were sparkling with mischief as her fingertips slid underneath the elastic waistband of my shorts, pulling them down a few inches, allowing the head of my almost fully erect cock to poke out of the top.

"Stop!" I croaked in surprise.

My hands flew to my groin in an attempt to cover myself but she was determined. I felt her slender fingers closing around the upper half of my exposed shaft. A surprised, uncertain expression crossed her face but whatever thought were causing it, she seemed to fight them away and I felt her grip on my shaft tighten.

"Fair's fair, Daddy," she said softly in a voice quite unlike her normal tones, "it's my turn now - I'm sure Mummy would agree."

"Hannah I didn't..."

"Oh yes you did, Daddy. You definitely did. And now it's my turn - unless you'd like to ask Mummy first!"

She brushed my helpless hands away and began to run her fingers inexpertly up and down my erect cock. She was clumsy and unsure with a slightly puzzled expression on her face as if touching one for the first time though that idea didn't come to me until much later.

Whatever her skills might have been, my body didn't complain and within seconds my cock was fully erect, awkwardly tangled in my shorts. Hannah's fingers delved deeper between my thighs as if exploring a man's body was a new and exciting adventure but the shorts frustrated her access.

I felt her fingers leave my cock and slip under my elastic waistband. There was a short sharp tug, then another, then she looked me straight in the eye.

"Lift up!" she grinned.

"Hannah please," I began, "we shouldn't..."

"Shh!" she interrupted, "we already did, remember?"

She pulled again at my waistband. Like an automaton I lifted my bottom from the bench and felt my shorts slip being drawn down my thighs and over my knees where presumably they rested tangled around my ankles beneath the bubbling water.

"There! That's better!"

I felt very naked and exposed; my eighteen year old stepdaughter had just stripped me! Freed of its constraints, my cock burst out from the tangle of pubic hair at its base and stuck vertically upwards, already very hard indeed.

Hannah looked both puzzled and amused then I felt her little hands moving along my thighs until her fingers brushed against my shaft then took it once again in her fist. Beneath the water, my stepdaughter began to masturbate me, her slender fingers sliding awkwardly up and down my so-hard shaft. Looking back it was obvious that she had little idea what to do; she made no attempt to play with my smooth, swollen end or the tight sack between my thighs but it didn't matter; the sensations were wonderful if bewildering. Indeed I became so aroused so quickly that, if she had done any more, I would probably have come straight away.

"Do you like this?" she asked quietly.

"God yes," I replied breathlessly.

A huge glow of satisfaction crossed her pretty young face as she moved closer, her hands still on my cock then rose slowly to her feet in front of me, only releasing my erection as she stood upright with the bubbling water washing around her barely-covered groin.

Her smooth, skinny belly was only a few inches from my face, dripping with hot water; her pale skin slightly tinged with the pink which was as close as she ever got to a sun tan. She placed her hands on my shoulders and stood still, expectantly, her legs straddling mine.

"Take off my panties, Daddy!" she hissed into my ear, "I want to feel your fingers again."

Stunned, compliant and with my heart thumping, I raised my right hand to her left hip and gently pulled the tail of the bow holding her tiny bikini in place. It resisted and she giggled. I pulled harder and, with a slight squeaking sound, the bow came undone and the side of her bikini fell away, revealing tantalisingly the top corner of her tightly curled triangle of fiery pubic hair.

"Now the other side. Please!"

I could feel Hannah trembling slightly as I raised my left hand and released the second bow. The tiny scrap of material fell away completely, floating on the bubbling surface of the water and leaving her vulva naked and glistening in the foam. My heart still pounded in my chest as I reached out for her waist with both hands, then ran my fingers down her sides, across her skinny tight buttocks and around to her flame-red triangle where I tangled my fingertips in the tight teenage curls.