Happy Ending Virgins


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"I don't think we need this anymore do we?" as she took hold of the towel and lifted it up a little way.

With incredible relief at realising that he was not going to be busted, he croaked.


She looked down as she pulled the towel off and dropped it on the floor. He really did have a nice and big prick for the bulge in the paper panties was huge. It was much thicker than any she had been with before and she wondered just what it would be like to feel that going up inside her, not that that would happen today.

"So," she said looking from his bulge to his eyes and back several times,

He didn't reply, but he kept his hand on her leg just under the hem of the tunic.

It was they were both realising still in the balance. There was nothing wrong with him having an erection even though sliding his hand up her legs, albeit nearer to her knees than her pussy, had been pushing things, but she had not stopped him or complained. So he felt he was still in the clear. From her perspective it was a little different. The salon rules were clear. Masseuses should allow no touching and total nudity for the client was prohibited. She had caused both to happen, but she reconciled, what could he do about it? Complain that he had 'accidentally' slid his hand up her legs and that his towel had fallen off when he had a full erection?

"So what?" He replied moving his hand on the outside of her bare leg.

"Well that's really more down to you than me isn't?" She replied still following the company dictum of not offering anything by way of extras.

He smiled for he felt relaxed now. Surely no dead straight masseuse would let him keep his hand on her leg as she moved the towel, looked at his full erection and said 'so.'

He slid his hand slowly further up the outside of her leg inside the coat taking the hem with it. He got to just above her hip bone and found the material of her panties. She didn't move as his hand went upwards, for it was nice, she liked it and her heart started thumping. 'It's on,' she thought looking right into his eyes. They both smiled.

It was a pee or get off the pot time, they both knew it. The time for pretending had gone, the time for worrying about the risk had gone and the time for wondering will he or won't she had gone. For both of them the time for going further had arrived.

They did what they thought was appropriate in the circumstances.

She reached out and placed her fingertips on the bulge inside the pants and he, reached up and took hold of the lapel of her coat asked.

"Does this come any further undone?"

Taking hold of his dick through the paper, she grinned nervously and said in a croaky tone. "Should you take these off first?"

"Yes of course," he whispered longing to flaunt his dick at her knowing it was big and as some had said beautiful.

Her heart was pounding as she watched this rather attractive and quite sexy, forty-something man struggle out of the rather ridiculous paper panties that he dropped onto the floor. Seeing his long, thick, fully erect cock gave her jolt of arousal that she would not have though possible in such circumstances. It really was a gorgeous cock she thought as without making eye contact she said.

"There are press studs."

He got the message and just as she wrapped her fingers round his erection so he pulled her coat undone to the waist.

'Fuck me,' he breathed looking at her pert tits in the nearly see through white lace bra. The shadows of her areola were quite visible and her nipples, which must have been hard, were making lovely indentations in the thin material of the cups of her bra.

As she started to rub his prick slowly with gentle wanking movements, it suddenly struck her that they had not agreed a price.

"You realise that this is extra to the price you have paid don't you?"

As he fumbled his fingers inside the restrictions of her bra and onto the flesh of her tit, he realised that she had not mentioned money until then.

"How much?" He asked not really caring for being a City forex dealer earning stupid money he had bundles and being so aroused the price became irrelevant.

"How much do you normally pay?" She retorted never having gone this far before.

"Dunno, never done it before?"




"No, so what is the charge?" He asked caressing her quite lovely tits.

"What do you think it will be worth? She asked stroking his cock as if it was an old friend.

"I'll pay what you usually charge with big tip, so what is the usual?"

Smiling she said. "Dunno, never done it before?"

"Fuck me what a pair?" He laughed.

"Aren't we just?"

"So it's a bit pointless asking if you have a menu then?"

"Yes, for it's just hand relief."

"May I touch you?"

Looking at him she said. You already are aren't you?"

"Yes I guess I am. Tell you what for hand relief, you with your bra off and me caressing these lovely tits I'll go to one hundred and fifty?"

""What?" she exclaimed rather loudly.

"Ok, ok, it is fucking Knightsbridge after all and if you let me suck your nipples I'll do two fifty."

She could hardly believe her ears. When he had said the first price she had been surprised at how much not how little he offered. To get two fifty for a hand job and letting him play with her tits, which had he have asked her on a date she might well have done for nothing, was amazing.

She removed her hand from him and walked over to the door. Although no one ever came in as it would be disrespectful to the customers, the masseuses were told to leave the doors unlocked for health and safety reasons, unless the customer wanted it locked.

"Just in case," she said.

"Good idea, how much time we got left?"

"You booked for ninety minutes, so just over twenty are left."

"Mmmm good," he said as she returned to stand beside the table.

Lightly touching his swollen dick she asked. "Would you like some oil on it?"

"Yes please," he replied dropping his arm from the bed and resting his hand on her leg just above her knee. "But er, what about this?" He asked reaching up and touching her left breast inside her bra."

"The bra?"

"Yes, I thought it was coming off."

Feeling quite nervous, partly because of the chance of being caught, but mainly because of what she was doing, she replied hesitantly. "I thought you would be taking it off."

"Gladly, but the coat."

She pulled the collar of the tunic down her back and sliding her arms out she let the coat dangle round her waist. She looked good. Turning round, with her heart pounding, she said.

"There you go."

Although over the years with his wife and other women he had been with he was used to undoing women's bras, his fingers were shaking as he fumbled her clasp undone. It took longer than it should, but eventually it was undone. She turned to face him again feeling even more nervous as she slid it off so he saw her bare breasts.

'Fuck they are lovely,' he thought looking at the pert, B cup boobs with the average sized, deep pink areola. She saw his eyes focus on them and knew that he would be looking at her nipples. They were full and very prominent and now being hard looked huge to him. 'So suckable,' he thought wondering if she would let him go that far.

"They really are gorgeous

Picking up the bottle with the warmed almond oil she drizzled some onto his erection and scrotum. It felt lovely to him.

Keeping his left hand on the back of her leg nearly on her bottom he lifted his right one across his body and stroked her breasts; they felt lovely. As he did that she lifted his erection away from his stomach and began to masturbate him.

"These are gorgeous," he whispered as their gazes caught.

She smiled. "This isn't too bad either," she muttered.

"Glad you approve, but take it easy, go slowly please."

"Sorry," she replied realising that she was rushing it a little. "Nerves."

"Be easier next time," he said pinching her nipple. "These are fantastic."

Choosing not to reply to the 'next time' remark, but wondering whether there would be one and if that would be with him or someone else, she cradled his balls in her hand and rolled them around in her palm as she knew from previous boy-friends was exciting for men.

"Mmm that's lovely," he sighed as the sensations went through his entire body. "Is this nice?"

"Yes of course," she replied truthfully.

Although she had not done anything like this before as part of her job, she had imagined doing it. When doing that she had thought she would find a stranger touching her to be distasteful and sordid. Funnily, now it was happening, it was not like that at all and it was not that different to when she did similar things with previous boy-friends. Even more surprising to her was that she was finding it exciting. His hand on her leg had made her tingle when he first put it there and now as he stroked and rubbed her upper thigh, it was very arousing. What he was doing to her tits and nipples would she had thought have revolted her, but it did not do that and instead it send wonderful feelings through her. To top it all she had assumed that stroking a stranger's erection would have been a massive turn off for her. Again she was wrong, for adding the feelings she was getting from touching his nice looking cock to the image in front of her of the naked, erect man and what he was doing to her, combined to be quite the opposite; a massive turn on. This worried her and she knew that she would have to think deeply about it when she got home.

Holding his balls in her left hand, she rubbed the fingertips on her right hand the length of the back of his prick, over the tip then down the front until they vanished into his thick thatch of pubic hairs. She repeated that several times sending enormous tremors of sexual stimulation through him.

He was having similar thoughts to her. Often when he had been massaged, he had wondered whether anything would happen, but had not had the nerve, even when in hotels in Sharme al Sheikh and Ibiza to initiate anything. In his foreign exchange trading job his was fully of confidence and get up and go, but in other settings he was far less so. Hence, when being massaged, he had thought sometimes that the girl and once or twice the man was hinting or posing questions, but he had not had the nerve or pluck to do anything. At the times lying on the tables he had regretted it, but afterwards he was generally pleased. He was pretty sure that he would be very disappointed and that the masseuse or masseur would simply jerk him off as quickly as possible and there would be no warmth or feeling in it. That she was taking her time, being caring and considerate, showing warmth and understanding came as a massive and very pleasant surprise.

As is usually the case with him, he was lacking in confidence at first, but when it was pretty clear that he had little to fear his confidence zoomed and his inhibitions melted. So now, totally naked, supremely erect with her topless and him caressing her breasts he was up for anything and wanted to push things.

He moved the hand that had been caressing her breasts onto her shoulder and pulled gently urging her to lean forward. She got what he was suggesting and the idea appealed, which again annoyed her for she felt she should object and not accept the idea that this stranger wanted to suck her nipples. She didn't move for a few moments, which made him wonder if he had gone too far as indeed she was wondering. Then slowly and wonderfully to him, holding his gaze she bent forward and offered her right breast to his mouth.

As he took her provocatively, protruding and very evidently swollen nipple between his teeth, a little sigh of pleasure slid from her mouth; it really did feel nice. She tried not to, but could not resist pushing her body forward a little to increase the pressure on both her nipple and breast. She was now, unconsciously almost, holding his erection and rubbing it with long slow strokes that were sending sensations through him. Moving his head to transfer to her other breast, their faces came close together and his mouth was near to hers. Without even thinking as it seemed so much the natural thing to do he kissed her. That made her jump for it was unexpected, but quickly she recovered and as his tongue pressed against her closed lips, so she opened them and it slid into her mouth. At the same time, he slid his hand further up the back of her leg right onto her panty covered bottom. That felt good for both of them.

With her bent over almost at ninety degree so that her breasts were pressed against his chest, they continued to kiss. To be able to continue rubbing him with long, slow strokes she had to hold his cock almost upright, which increased the pressure on it for him. He was getting near.

With the excitement of an impending orgasm driving him, any inhibitions he had left vanished and his confidence was boosted further. He wiggled his hand down from her shapely bottom to the back of her legs that were pressed tightly together. He pressed on them enquiringly. Naturally, she knew exactly what he wanted her to and what he wanted to do. Just like the kiss, though, she resisted at first, but her need for satisfaction had now reached fever pitch and that became more important than her pride. He persisted pressing on where her thighs were squashed together and her resistance waned. Her need now was for satisfying the tremendous desire that was raging through her body and her pride and sense of decorum rapidly took second place. She slowly opened her legs. He felt amazing as he realised what she was doing. Reaching round her with his other hand that he moved from her breasts, he pulled the hem of the white coat up so that was bunched around her waist with the top of it that was rolled down. Her panty covered bottom was exposed.

'No, no he can't do that,' she said to herself as she felt him pulling on the elastic waist band of her white, satin panties. 'He can't take my panties off.' She reached down and grabbed his wrist.

"No don't take them off."

"Don't worry I'm not, just let me roll them down, it's be easier."

Thinking. 'What will be easier? Surely he doesn't think I will let him fuck me?"

"We are not having full sex," she told him somewhat regretting that they weren't, so aroused had she become.

"No of course not just this," he said running his fingers along her nicely lubricated lips.

She felt relieved at his assurance, but more she felt searing pangs of sexual torment as his fingers found her clit and rubbed it.

"I am very near," he groaned as those wonderful sensations welled up in his balls.

Leaning over him so that initially he could kiss her and latterly could suck her nipples she was almost facing him. That made it difficult for her to masturbate him as his cock was behind her. Also, her position made it awkward for his hand between her legs. Unconsciously, almost, she turned her body and moved down the table a little so that her face was quite close to his erection. That made it easier for her to pump that, but as importantly it opened up her intimate places to him and made access to them easier.

'Fuck she's not going to suck it is she?" He thought rolling onto his side a little so he could look at and get to her gorgeous arse and soaking pussy. Stroking one of the beautifully rounded orbs with one hand he ran the fingertips on the other along her slit. Of course she didn't suck him, although the thought crossed her mind for she did enjoy giving oral, but resumed pumping him with long slow strokes.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," he groaned thrusting his cock harder in her hand as he pushed his three middle fingers up her waiting cunt and pumped them in and out. "You've done me I'm gonna cum."

Her climax had been building up slowly since he had first touched her. In fact, she had felt the first tremblings of it immediately he had touched her breasts with his hand, it had built up when he sucked her nipples and she had in fact started to cum when he first touched her pussy. Now bending over her client, with her knickers round her thighs, her legs open, her back to him with his hands all over her bum and his fingers taking on the role of a surrogate cock and fucking her, it started to overwhelm her.

"Oh yes, yes," she groaned now frantically almost pumping his cock.

"Are you cumming?" he asked reaching round her and squeezing her breast.

"Yes I am, it's lovely."

He was ready to cum. The pressure in his cock was immense.

"Can I cum on your tits?"

"Yes, ok," she groaned too far gone to object as his cock seemed to explode and shot several streams of spunk into her shallow cleavage and across her right breast.

Her body was shaking and she collapsed onto him.

"Was it ok?" he asked stroking her blonde hair.

"Yes, was it for you?" she replied looking around at the wreckage.

"It was wonderful and that truly was a very happy ending indeed and worth at least another hundred. Can I book you for the same time next week please?"

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ukguy55ukguy55almost 8 years ago
Happy reading also.

Fantastic story written at a good pace and building up to a great climax.

RandyB69RandyB69almost 9 years ago
A great way to spend an hour

A really top story so well told it was just like being one of the characters. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I lived and loved every minute

Excellently written, you got well into both characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
So realistic, wow!

I felt as though it was all happening to me (taking the male role). Having enjoyed a couple of massages, the thoughts that went through my head matched those.written here in this expertly written encounter. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Hot and incredibly sexy! Fantastic writing!

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