Harry, Kate & Jan Ch. 02


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He parted the sparse hairs at the base of her crack and opened her up. He slid two fingers into her and inserted his thumb into her arsehole.

Kate watched his every move, parting her legs as wide as she could so that she could see.

"Ohhh yes Harry, that's wonderful. Give it to me now, my darling. Ram that huge Hampton of yours right up my hole. I'm dying for it."

Harry positioned himself behind Kate's ample arse cheeks and eased his cock to her entrance. Then they both watched as he slid his tool home, right up to the hilt. Then he pulled almost out, paused, and then rammed his cock in hard all the way.

"Yes, yes, yes," screamed Kate. "That's it Harry, fuck me, fuck me hard. As hard as you can!"

Harry leant on Kate's lovely arse, reached around and grasped her tits.

"Right darling," he gasped. "Let's fucking begin."

Harry began to pump hard and fast. He felt in full control of himself and very powerful. He made sure that he thrust with long sure strokes as he grasped Kate's tits firmly, pulling her nipples hard in a milking motion. Kate loved it, opening her thighs wider as she tried to get Harry deeper into her cunny. She was getting wet, very wet, and it was soon obvious that she was about to burst.

"Yes Harry, yes," Kate shouted and thrashed about violently as she came all over Harry's big stiff cock. He had to leave her breasts and grasp her thighs firmly so as not to be dislodged. He stopped pumping

into her and just enjoyed Kate's sensations as she squeezed him with her cunt muscles and rubbed herself into his crotch.

Harry felt his groin and thighs wet. As Kate slowly wound down from her orgasm he felt for her pussy. Kate was sopping wet all around there! He started to spread her juices all over her belly and bum and then still managed to get her breasts wet with some more of the remainder. Kate suddenly seemed to realise what he was doing.

"Gosh, I'm really wet, aren't I? It's not pee is it?"

"No darling Kate, you just made a lot of juice that's all. If I weren't impaled up your lovely quim I would lick it all off you. It just seemed to flow out of you. Do you always make so much?"

"No I don't think so although I used to notice that I got very wet when I came. I didn't always come though with Bill. He wasn't very good at arousing me. You do though Harry darling, your cock is so big and hard. Just looking at it makes me go wet. No, on second thoughts, just thinking about it makes me wet. I keep going to the loo. Don't you want to come yet?"

"Yes Kate my darling, I am bursting now. I love being rammed so hard up your pussy. Look in the mirror as I pull him out, all glistening and wet with your cum juices."

It was an erotic sight. Harry's cock was still rock hard. He slowly pulled out and rubbed his tool all around Kate's sopping wet pussy, especially over her clitoris. He stopped with his knob end at the entrance to her bum hole. Kate pushed back on it as if she wanted him to push it in. She was watching everything in the mirrors.

"I've never had a cock in there," she murmured as she watched Harry's cock making her bum hole wet. "I've often wondered what it would feel like or if it would hurt. Have you ever fucked a woman up her arse Harry? Did you like it or did it hurt?"

"I told you about my initiation with 'Auntie Sue', didn't I? What I didn't tell you was that she really liked it up her bum. She made me feel really great by saying that my cock was one of the biggest she had ever seen, even on a fifteen year old. She said it was just right for her bum; she liked it up there. So that's what she did. She laid me on my back and took hold of my tool. She then wet my cock by sticking it up her cunny and then lowered her bum on to my cock, telling me to watch. She leant back so that I could see everything and raised and lowered herself on my rod, telling me to spunk her arse. We did it that way several times during the weekend. Provide you are wet it doesn't hurt at all"

Harry now pulled back from Kate and turned her around to lay on her back on the bed. She immediately grabbed a hold of his cock and started to lick his shaft from top to bottom. Then she closed her mouth over his knob end and sucked him in. Harry gasped and turned so that he could bury his tongue into Kate's pussy and then, in turn, suck Kate's prominent clitoris into his mouth.

They both loved what the other was doing to them and it didn't take long for them to reach their critical moments. After Sunday Harry didn't feel the need to warn Kate about his gusher and he, in turn, forgot about Kate's gusher. As he shot his load into her waiting throat he felt his mouth and face anointed by copious juices from Kate's cunt as she thrashed into another orgasm. So Kate drank Harry's spunk and he drank hers. What a finish to the evening!

Harry called a taxi for Kate and they sipped coffee and brandy as they waited.

"I'll meet you at the match then Harry. Outside of course so that we can sit together; we can get the bus back to my place for a quick fuck then you can get a taxi home, OK?"

Wednesday at work was a bit of a drag with Harry impatient for the working day to end so that he could get to the match. There was one real surprise though.

There was an appointment in his diary at two thirty with a Mr. & Mrs. Graham for advice on investments and in due course the receptionist, Melanie, rang through to tell him that they had arrived.

Imagine Harry's surprise when he entered the interview room to meet Mr. Graham and his wife, his old 'Auntie Sue'!

With the benefit of maturity and experience, Harry managed to keep a straight face and start the interview. When he once looked Sue in the eye however, she winked at him slowly.

After about twenty minutes Mr. Graham stood up and said he had to leave for another urgent appointment. The investments were all to be in Sue's name so he didn't have to wait to sign anything. He shook hands with Harry, kissed his wife briefly on the cheek and left.

Harry turned and sat down again in front of his old 'teacher'. She would now be about thirty-eight, he reckoned. The blonde hair was shorter now but otherwise she still looked great.

"You will gather that I remember you Harry," she smiled.

"And I you!" Harry grinned. "You look absolutely fantastic! Still playing golf?"

"Oh yes, and other things," Sue laughed in a sexy way. "Tell me Harry, did your fantastic cock grow any bigger since I saw it last? What was it, eight years ago? God, what a weekend! I never fucked so much and so often in so short a time span before or after that weekend. My bum still feels sore from the memory sometimes."

Sue stood and went to the connecting door with the main bank office. She turned the key. Harry stood and waited. Even after eight years Sue was still in charge. She came and stood in front of him and kissed him lightly on both cheeks and then a little more firmly on his lips. Their mouths opened and Sue reached down and grasped his growing tool.

"This is what I remember," she whispered and sank down on to her knees. Before he could say anything she had pulled down his zip and delved into the gap. His cock was out in a flash and Sue examined her find.

"Wow, what a whopper. Isn't he beautiful?" Quick as a flash Sue peeled off her gloves and took a good hold of Harry's cock. "It was big eight years ago but he's gigantic now. Look how you are throbbing Harry. I've got to taste it!"

Harry was now confident of his abilities. After last nights' draining he wasn't going to shoot off too soon. He took hold of the back of Sue's neck and pulled her open mouth on to his tool. She sucked him in all the way and rubbed her fingers up and down his shaft. It was heaven and her told her so.

"Fucking Hell Sue, that's fantastic. You're still in good practice. God don't stop, please don't stop!"

Sue sucked and fondled Harry with a will, one hand reaching to cup his balls as she worked her way up and down his tool. After about five minutes she achieved her target. Harry pulled her more tightly on to his cock as he fountained long hot shots of spunk down her throat.

As she licked along his shaft before standing up Harry said, "God Sue, I would love to bend you over that desk and fuck your bum again, just like we did before."

Sue stood, took a tissue out of her bag and wiped her lips.

"I would love you to fuck my bum again Harry. If I remember rightly you were a good pupil. Do you do it that way often? With your wife perhaps?"

"I'm not married," Harry grinned, "but strangely enough I've just got a great new girl friend who only last night was asking me what it felt like

to fuck a woman up the bum. I think that she's interested enough to try it soon, maybe as early as Saturday."

"Anyway Harry," said Sue, becoming all business like again, "when all these papers are finally completed and ready for signing I would like you to bring them out to the house to be signed. Maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to tell me whether your cock is sore or not. How about that?"

"If it's not too sore I might be a bit frisky," laughed Harry.

"Let me worry about that. As you will have seen, George is a fair bit older that me and though he can fuck pretty well he hasn't got the stamina of you young studs. I do like to keep in practice but I must admit that no one has had my bum for quite a while. I think I'm getting frisky myself. 'Bye Harry darling, it was great su . .er . seeing you again"

"Until next week," said Harry. "I'll call you."

Harry spent the rest of the afternoon partly working on Sue's instructions and partly daydreaming about her bum. He also started dreaming about Kate's, remembering her lovely smooth crack with its prominent clitty and her pink winking bum hole. His penis started to throb at the thought and so he went off to the gents to relieve himself. He was almost there when Josie came out of the kitchen.

"Hi Harry," she trilled, "I've just finished so I'm off." She stopped in front of him. "Was it you that got Martin to invite me to that party on Friday? If it was I want to thank you. I do quite fancy him. Actually, I fancy you too!"

"I thought he needed cheering up and that you would be the ideal tonic for him," grinned Harry. "From what I saw this morning I think I was right. I would like to give your titties a real good loving some time too."

Josie gave him a huge smile. "Not just my titties, I hope Harry. I've got some other things I'd like to show you."

"Get away with you or I'll smack your bottom for you," threatened Harry.

"Ooooh yes please sir," Josie laughed. "I'll look forward to that."

Harry watched his piss shoot in to the urinal and wondered how he was going to manage all these women, most of whom were expressing an interest in his body although he hadn't even kissed most of them yet. He felt really happy and confident and his tool, though soft, hung thick and long as he stowed it away.

Harry and Kate met on time outside the ground and decided to go into the grandstand for a change. They sat down close together for more

warmth and Kate slid her hand into the pocket of Harry's slacks. He stiffened up and she felt him.

"That's enough for now, young lady or you'll spoil it for later."

Kate reluctantly withdrew her hand and Harry started to tell her about his day in the office.

The big story was, of course, the visit of Sue Graham. Kate laughed at Harry's face as he told her what had happened.

"You mean she actually sucked you off in the office?" exclaimed Kate. "Now that's a story that will take some beating. Come to think of it though, it's a good idea. I think I'll make an appointment to see you and then I'll have a go at you. You couldn't have me there though. I'd make too much noise as I came."

The teams came out on to the pitch just as Harry was going to mention meeting Josie in the corridor so their attention was diverted.

"I've got a little amusing story to tell you from work too," said Kate. "I'll tell you at half time. It's about a cock, supposedly from the description one that's at least as big as yours."

The game started and the Fairies seemed to still be inspired by last Saturdays' victory. The opposition, Fairborough United, were only one place and one point above them in the league table so this game was doubly important tonight. A win tonight would lift them at least two, if not three places up the table.

Anyway, the Fairies started just like they had on Saturday, shooting at goal at every opportunity, rattling the woodwork three times and finally firing one into the net on twenty minutes. Fairborough had no answer to this continuous pressure and for the most part retreated into their own half. For all this however it was still one nil at half time.

Kate had to go for a pee at the interval but as soon as she returned she started to tell Harry her story.

"I told you we get all sorts of patients with sexual problems, didn't I? One of the things we do is have group sessions and encourage the patients to talk through their problems and feelings. I take some of these sessions myself but I wasn't taking this particular group."

"Anyway, my friend Joan was in charge today and at one point she asked this guy if he would like to explain to the rest of them why he was there and what was the cause of the problem. It turns out that this guy is a flasher and he was not shy, far from it! To his credit though he was credited with a huge Hampton and he was proud of it and wanted to show himself off at every opportunity."

"So Joan says to him 'why don't you show us what you mean. Show us how you do it'. Quick as a flash this guy is on his feet, down with his zip and Bob's your uncle, big cock on show in front of the whole group of about eight people. Now bear in mind they've all got some sort of sexual hang up so they were all soon gathered round looking at the evidence, so to speak. Joan said she could hardly get a look in!"

"Of course with all this attention this guy's cock is soon at full stretch and half the group, the women, are reaching out to touch. Joan said she had to have a quick feel, it was magnificent! It ended up with a couple of the girls, detained for prostitution, giving him a hand job and he shot off all over the room. He told them afterwards that he felt much better for being able to explain to a sympathetic audience and that if some of the people he'd flashed at had been more appreciative he would never have frightened anyone. Joan said the pros have promised to keep him satisfied while he's there and maybe that will cure him, at least partly.

Harry and Kate were by now nice and warm and were feeling one another under their coats. Harry's prick was nearly full size and he could tell by Kate's reactions as he carefully groped her tits that she was ready for action.

The game restarted. Whereas usually the team behind at the interval came out and tried to turn the game around in the first five minutes it wasn't so this time. The Fairies pushed straight into Fairborough's half from the whistle and within seven minutes were three up! This livened things up and the action was then quite hectic. Harry and Kate stayed until the final whistle, thoroughly enthralled, and the Fairies added one more to make it four nil for two matches in succession. What had come over them?

"That was great Harry," said Kate, talking loudly in the jostling crowd as they pushed towards the exit. "Now take me home and give me a good fucking."

As she uttered the last few words the crowd seemed to have gone silent for a second. What seemed like dozens of faces turned towards them to find out who had spoken and who was the lucky recipient? Kate went bright red and then recovered her poise and confidence.

"You're all only jealous," she said to all those listening. "My Harry is going to take me home now and give me a good fucking. He has a huge cock and I love it and in turn he loves my big titties, don't you darling?"

Harry didn't need to reply. The crowd, already happy with the win, cheered the couple and there were several remarks like 'can I come too', 'I bet mine's bigger' and of course 'show us your tits then'!

They finally got out of the crush and dashed for a bus just as it was moving off.

"Well," said Kate, laughing, "that caused a bit of a stir. I'm feeling really randy now. It's a pity the bus is full or we could go and do it on the top deck. I'm feeling adventurous too; I want to fuck in all sorts of different places, especially in the open air where people might see us. Will you do that with me Harry?"

"You really get me going Kate," Harry grinned. "My cock goes hard all the time I'm with you so I don't suppose I'll have any trouble fucking you where and when you want."

"I read somewhere once about a couple who tried to do it in all sorts of famous and prominent places. We'll have to make a list of places round here and tick them off one by one as we succeed with our fucking."

The bus reached Kate's stop, just around the corner from her Close. Within a minute they were in her lounge, tearing each other's clothes off.

"Ohhh God Harry, I can't wait, I want you right now. I was going to get coffee and brandy first so that we could build up to it, so to speak. Come here and kiss me and let me feel that monster of yours pushing at my cunny."

Kate launched herself at Harry and they kissed deeply, Kate capturing Harry's prick in her hands with Harry pressing her bounteous breasts to his chest. Then he smacked her bottom with both hands and pushed her down on to the settee. Kate bounced on the cushions and her legs flew wide apart. Harry knelt quickly, grabbed her ankles to keep her legs open and rammed his cock to the top of her cunt. She squealed loudly.

"Yes Harry yes! Fuck me hard and fill me with spunk. Go on, I don't care if it hurts or not. Smack me some more. Let go my ankles and I'll wrap my legs around you then you can maul my tits. Go on, do it, do it all. I'm coming soon."

Harry responded vigorously, ramming his cock up and down Kate's passage, squeezing and pulling on her tits and smacking her arse cheeks as well. Kate started stroking her clitty and moaning louder and louder.

"I'm coming Harry, any second now. It's going to be a wet one. I'm going to do it all over your cock. Fuck me and fill me Harry. Ohhhh it's coming."

Harry felt his balls contract and despatch a great shot of spunk, followed my more and more. As the first shot fired into Kate's pussy she stopped panting and howled into her orgasm. Simultaneously her cunt shot a squirt of her juices all over their bellies. There was a lot of it

too, enough to make both of them wet and filling Kate's belly button as well.

The sight of Kate's cum seemed to make Harry come all the more. He finally realised his last shot was coming, pulled out of Kate and fired his last spunk all over her face. She opened her mouth and licked around her lips, smiling at him as she finished.

"Wow darling, what a fuck!" she panted. "I felt straight away that I would squirt a lot of juice when you came. I've never done it like that before, squirting I mean. I've made a lot of juice before but not like that. Was it all right? I mean, you don't think it's strange, do you? In a way I just couldn't help it. It just expressed my feelings for you."

Harry smiled down at Kate and rubbed his belly against hers, making her juice spread even further. He was still embedded deep inside her and didn't really feel like pulling out just yet.

"Darling Kate, that was another first for us, wasn't it. It was fantastic and I want you to do it every time we make love. We might have a problem in the public places though, trying not to leave a puddle. Do you think you can do it again?"

"I'm sure I can," Kate laughed. "In fact I'm going to practice, starting in a few minutes. Pull out of me now though, my darling, and I'll go and get the coffee and brandy."