Harry, Kate & Jan Ch. 03


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Thursday evening at home Harry's phone didn't seem to stop ringing. First of all his mother phoned, complaining that it was always her that had to ring him. He quietened her by asking about her current golfing form, which created a continuous reply of about five minutes. He then delighted her by saying that he would go home for Sunday lunch one weekend soon and that he just might bring a girl with him.

Next call was from Kate, full of happy chatter and with lots of questions.

"Tell me about Sammy, you horny bugger you. How long has this been going on? Did you fuck her?"

"It has not been 'going on' at all, you big stirrer you. She asked me to lunch after our quarterly performance meeting today. She said she wanted some advice, which turned out to be marriage guidance. She's having problems with her husband and being Asian and in an arranged marriage she wanted to know if I had any good ideas. I just told her to dump him as soon as she could make proper arrangements. She was just starting to think positively about that, like telling parents and seeing a solicitor, when your mobile call interrupted us. Before you ask, her breasts are gorgeous but not quite as big as your fantastic titties. They just look big because she has a nice slender body."

"Meaning I'm fat, I suppose," grumbled Kate. "I know I have to watch it a bit but I'm a half stone lighter this year so far. Anyway, you didn't answer my question properly. Did you fuck her?"

"No I didn't, you little minx. After what you said to her she asked if she could see my prick. Of course, looking at her breasts had really got me going so I got her to take him out. She loved that and started frigging me slowly. I pushed forward into her valley and started pumping in between her tits. I soon felt my spunk rising so I pulled back and Sammy tossed me off all over her breasts. It was fantastic!"

"God I bet it was," gasped Kate. "I've just got my panties off and I'm going to frig myself now. Don't be late tomorrow evening. Are you planning on fucking me before we go to the party?"

"No, I'm going to drag you off over there and watch all the other guys wetting their pants trying to get into yours. That will give me time to try and get into Jan's."

"What makes you think I'm going to wear any panties at all? I've got to compete with a lot of teenyboppers tomorrow night remember. Also I'm going to keep an eye on you. I want to see a virgin get fucked."

Harry laughed, "Get dressed to kill for me Kate darling. I've got a little date with your rear end don't forget."

"Oh yes, talking of that," Kate said quietly. "I've got a little surprise for you but it'll keep right up to the moment. I'm going to diddle myself now Harry darling. See you tomorrow!"

The next call was from Jan. She sounded breathless and excited.

"Hello Harry darling, it's me," she exclaimed. "I'm only a few hours away from eighteen years old and my period's finished. Can you remember what you felt like on your eighteenth birthday?"

"It was a big disappointment," answered Harry. "My party was at home. After my initiation at fifteen I was really up for it but teenage girls were not, not at my party anyway. I got pissed on booze nicked from my folk's stock over a period of months and that was it."

"Poor Harry, what a shame," laughed Jan. "Mine will be much better than that. The party is in a room at the pub used for functions. You know, weddings and discos and other things. It has a stage and behind it there are four little rooms, like changing rooms. Guess what I'm going to use at least two of them for?"

"You horny little minx," laughed Harry. You make my cock stand every time I speak to you. What time do you want us to arrive tomorrow night?"

Jan's voice dropped several octaves. "I'm glad I get you so excited Harry darling. Get him out now and have a little stroke. Save your squirts for tomorrow night though. I won't be the only one who will want some will I? You said 'us' so I presume that Kate is coming too? There might be others though; I told my three best friends that I know where I can get my hands on a huge cock. Are you hard now?"

"Yes, I'm very hard and yes, Kate is coming too. She says she's got some plans for you. She wants to shoot my spunk all over your belly but I don't know how she plans to do that. Are you sure you want me tomorrow night? Won't next week be better?"

"No darling, I'm going to get fucked on my eighteenth birthday and that's tomorrow. Kate sounds like a lot of fun; I think I'm going to like her and I'm sure she won't spoil our fun. I'll tell the girls that they'll have to wait to see you shoot off until another time. Are you still stroking your prick?"

"I daren't or I'll spurt for sure. I'm going to try and save it for tomorrow but I've got the whole of tomorrow to get through. Since I met you and Kate last Saturday I've hardly been soft. I've had other offers as well. At least one of them will be at your party; Martin's girl Josie is definitely coming and she wants me to lick her tits and nipples at least."

"Wow," laughed Jan, "you and your cock are going to be very busy. I hope I get to see most of it. You'll have to tell me about your 'initiation' at fifteen some time as well. Are you still hard?"

"Yes I am and I'm going to have to hang up so that my erection can subside."

"OK," said Jan. "I'm naked now and I'm going to diddle myself before I go to bed. Don't be late tomorrow, come before ten o'clock."

Harry said goodbye, hung up and stripped off. He admired himself in his big mirrors, naked with a huge hard on sticking out in front of him, almost touching the mirror. He had an idea that if he concentrated on Kate and Jan he could shoot his load without touching himself. His cock ached and throbbed.

The phone rang again. It was Sammy!

"Hello Harry, is this a good time?" she whispered.

"Well, if you consider that I'm stark naked in front of my mirror with a very stiff hard on it's a very good time for a beautiful woman to call me. I wish you were here right now!"

"Harry!" exclaimed Sammy. "You are very naughty but you do make me laugh and cheer me up. Sachin has gone out drinking as usual so I am able to call my friends."

"It's lovely to hear your voice Sammy darling. You sound more confident tonight. Do you have any news for me?"

"Yes, that's why I'm calling you. I've made an appointment with a solicitor to discuss a separation or even a divorce. I'm going to see my parents at the weekend. I will tell them everything and try and make them understand. Then I shall tackle Sachin but I've made up my mind. I'm going to go through with it."

"Good girl!" said Harry. "You can call me any time and I'll help you if I can."

"Thanks a lot Harry," sighed Sammy. She really did have a soft voice. "I wish I was there with you right now. I would at least show you my breasts again. My nipples are so hard."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sammy. Be careful when Sachin comes home tonight in case he's in a fighting mood. Goodnight sweetheart."

They both disconnected. Harry slid between the bedclothes and eventually managed to get his erection under control, mainly by refusing to think of tomorrow night and also of Sammy's breasts.

Friday dawned bright, sunny and warm. Summer felt as though it was coming in although it was still only late April. Harry walked to work with a light heart filled with anticipation.

He decided to make a detour to the Park Street car park to see if he could meet Sammy. As he approached she was parking her car. She saw him and gave a little wave and Harry was relieved to see that she did not appear to have any signs of bruising. He asked her on first meeting.

"No," said Sammy, "Sachin was very drunk when he arrived home and promptly threw up in the downstairs cloakroom. Then he went into the lounge and crashed out on the sofa watching television. He went to sleep and stayed there all night. He was awake when I left but still on the sofa. He has no work again so he'll have to recover there."

They entered the bank and no one seemed to take any notice of the fact that they had arrived together. They separated with a smile and started their normal duties.

At break time Harry went to the staff canteen. Martin was there gazing at Josie who seemed to be acknowledging the start of warmer weather by appearing to be naked under her smock.

"Just look at that girl," he mooned. "I swear she's not wearing a stitch under that thing."

"Get a grip man," said Harry, or you won't have any strength left for tonight. I think, no I know, that Josie's expecting you to have plenty in hand for tonight."

"I want those tits in hand," said Martin. "In fact, I want them now!"

He made to get up but Harry pulled him back. He waved Josie over to them.

"Now you boys," she grinned as she came to the table, "I can't stay and anyway I feel a bit vulnerable in this outfit."

"Go on Josie," smiled Harry reassuringly, "give the lad a break; give him a quick flash."

Josie looked around and then bent forward right over their table. The overall gaped at the front, revealing a pair of magnificent hanging breasts with the valley between showing a vista of smooth brown flesh stretching all the way down below. Whether or not she was wearing panties could not be seen. Josie stood.

"That's it until tonight boys," she giggled. "I expect to have you two licking one tit each at some point in the entertainment." With that she giggled again and walked off, swinging her hips in a provocative way.

"Fucking Hell," gasped Martin, "I've got another hard on now and I've got my quarterly with old Bates in five minutes. I'll give Josie a good fucking tonight, you see if I don't!"

Harry laughed and left. Mary the receptionist called to him that Samara wanted to see him. He found her putting her coat on.

"I'm off to see the solicitor now Harry. Look after things in our section while I'm out. It's only a preliminary meeting so I should be back in half an hour or so."

Harry told Sammy to be sure to mention her husband's attacks on her and about his drinking, especially after last night. She promised she would and left via the back door, which he locked behind her.

Harry returned to his duties and was so busy that he didn't see Sammy return. She was back at her desk when he noticed her. He rose and wandered over.

"Nothing to report from my end boss," he smiled at her.

"I had a very good interview," Sammy replied. "She said I was doing the right thing. I told her that I had determined to go through with it so she will prepare the papers in advance and then wait 'til I give her the go-ahead. It sounds so easy."

"I'm sure it will be but I'm still worried about Sachin's reaction. Be careful, won't you."

"I will," she replied. "Now, let's get all this work shifted before the week-end."

Harry smiled at Sammy's use of colloquialism as he returned to his desk. The rest of the day passed quickly and efficiently and he was ready to leave at five fifteen. Sammy had already left. Harry didn't have to take part in the branch's attempts to achieve the daily balance so he let himself out of the bank at five twenty.

Harry had a quick bite and then took a leisurely shower. He dressed in his best pale blue slacks and lemon shirt, taking particular care in choosing his best white underpants. At eight thirty he left home, picked up the car and was ringing Kate's doorbell fifteen minutes later.

"Wow, get you, very smart," was her reaction as she opened her door. Kate pulled him through the door, dragged him into the lounge and wrapped her arms around him. They kissed long and deeply, breaking apart when neither could hold their breath any longer.

"I couldn't get dressed until after that kiss," gasped Kate. "I'll get dressed now. I'll only be a minute."

She was as good as her word, returning in very quick time. Harry gulped at the sight of her. Kate was almost wearing a tight fitting pale blue tank top, which seemed to be only about five inches wide with her breasts bulging over the top. Her red skirt was a little longer although it started well below her belly button and was held up by a thin pale blue belt. She wore pale blue sandals on her feet.

"How do I look," she asked. "Will I be able to compete with the teeny-boppers in this?"

She twirled around. Her skirt billowed out, revealing a very skimpy pair of light blue panties under her skirt. She stopped, facing Harry, her nipples clearly pushing at the material of her top.

Harry reached out to her, gripping both nipples between finger and thumb and pulled Kate to him.

"Fucking Hell, Kate, what am I going to do with you? Every boy there is going to wet his pants just to look at you. Let's go before I rape you here and now."

Kate gently removed his hands from her breasts.

"I'll try to behave as far as the other men and boys go," she smiled. "I've been promised a fucking weekend, remember? But before we go I've decided to show you my surprise. Ready?"

Harry nodded bemusedly. Kate sat down in the armchair and lifted her legs over the arms. She lifted her skirt and pulled down her skimpy panties.

"There, what do you think of that?"

Harry gasped and dropped to his knees. There in front of his eyes was a totally naked pussy, not a hair to be seen. He leant nearer and Kate opened wider, using her fingers on her clitty. Harry dived in and licked at her furiously, causing juice to start to flow. Kate pushed him off her, pulled her panties down and off and stood up.

"I did it so that I wouldn't have any stray hairs causing problems around my, you know, bum hole," she said. "I'll keep these pants off until I've stopped leaking. I'll bring a towel to sit on in the car. Come on Harry darling, let's go. It's virgin deflowering time!"

So off they went to the Rams Head at Brunton. As they pulled into the car park Kate slipped her panties on, giving Harry a quick glimpse of her hairless crack. He couldn't resist a quick stroke. Kate moaned softly.

"Come on lover, let's go find that eighteen year old cunt for you," Kate grinned as they entered the function room at the back of the pub. "How long will it take you to do her, I wonder. Five minutes?"

"With Jan's energy and youth, more like five hours," grinned Harry, his cock tingling with anticipation.

They gave their names to two large bouncers standing at the door and went inside. The place was heaving. There must have been a hundred or more dancers on the floor with many more youngsters milling around at the edge. Kate took his arm.

"Well, I certainly don't feel overdressed," she shouted as she surveyed all the girls. "You'll have a job to find more than a half dozen pairs of knickers in the whole room."

Harry had been surveying the room too, looking for familiar faces. Most of his regular crowd seemed to be there. John was easily picked out with his big titted Nadine. She was talking and laughing with Josie whose breasts seemed to be dwarfed by Nadine's. Both pairs were almost totally revealed in skimpy white blouse tops, top buttons undone. Both John and Martin were feasting their eyes on the panorama before them.

"Let's go join John and Martin over there," shouted Harry above the din. "You can compare your tits with Josie's and Nadine's."

Naturally Nadine's were the biggest by a handful but Kate and Josie were about equal. John and Martin were impressed and Harry helped himself to a close up of four large brown breasts. Kate's fingers gripped his arm more tightly as if to try to stop him grabbing a pair.

"If you want a drink you'll have to go into the pub bar," shouted John. "Most of those in here are under age. The landlord's going to shut it at eleven and then re-open it at half past when everyone's gone."

Kate asked for a Schmirnoff Ice so off Harry went with Martin leaving a delighted John with three sets of big tits. Harry thought that he might succumb to the temptation and have his cock out before they got back. Martin was full of Josie.

"We won't be staying late Harry," he said. "I've already had Josie's tits out on the way here. She just loves having them stroked and licked. She had my cock out as well. Do you know what she said? Only that she had been looking forward all week to seeing it and then when it was in her hand she said it was just the right size to fit all the way up her cunny. We are going back to my place, such as it is. When I said that I wouldn't take her home until the morning she just said, 'that's OK as long as you keep fucking me all night!' I'm going to have a damn good try. By the way, I think your Kate's a real cracker, you lucky bastard."

Harry got the drinks. "What to you think of Nadine's?" he asked Martin.

"Fucking hell Harry! John keeps pulling her top down and having a feel. Nadine seems to love it; she pulls his head down to her nipples and he bites on them. She's going to drag him off for a fuck pretty soon."

Harry laughed. "Have you seen the guest of honour yet?"

"I thought that was you, you randy bastard," grinned Martin. "Yes, she's been dancing a lot. She's got the tiniest panties on that I've ever seen. You can see them as she twirls around. It's a thong 'cos you can see all her arse every time. What a looker she is! She's been asking about you," Martin added quietly as they returned to John and the girls.

"It's OK Martin, Kate's real cool about other girls in my life. We may be close but we are not tied to each other. You can have a go at her if you like."

Kate had heard enough of the last remark to have an idea that it was her being discussed. She took a close look at Martin, eyeing him up and down.

"Martin looks pretty tasty Harry. Has he got a big cock too?"

Josie had heard that. "Ah had it in mah hand about half an hour ago," she smirked. "It's goin' to be just right when ah gets it in me later on tonight. Not too much later on either, eh Martin!" She ran her hand down to Martin's groin as she took her drink from him.

"Here you are Josie," said Harry, handing her her drink and looking into the top of her blouse. He pulled the blouse open a little and licked his tongue over the nearest nipple. It erected instantly and Josie grinned at him.

Nadine watched Josie with interest as John explored down the front of her blouse again, giving Harry his first close up of her teats with her big hard nipples. Nadine caressed John's flies, finding a long hard ridge down there. Harry looked away at Kate and locked his eyes on her nipples straining at her top. She brushed her fingers across them, making them a little harder and more prominent.

"Where is she Harry, I'm getting awful horny. All the juniors are looking over here a lot, trying to pick up a few points. I had a few good offers while you two were away getting the drinks."

Kate took a long pull at her Ice.

"God, I wish I could have a real drink," Jan's voice came from behind Harry. "Hi Harry, I see my brother has been entertaining you all with his tit juggling act. It's a good job Nadine likes it. You must be Kate, Harry's told me a lot about you."

"He's told me a lot about you too," rejoined Kate as she eyed Jan up and down. So did Harry.

Jan appeared to be almost naked. She was wearing a flesh coloured halter top with a cleavage right down to her bejewelled belly button, fastened to the waist band of her little green skirt by a button at the end of each tie. Her breasts were straining to escape from her top. Her back was naked.

"Well Harry," said Kate, "you didn't exaggerate. She has stupendous breasts for an eighteen year old. Jan, my darling, you look absolutely fabulous. No wonder Harry is dying to get his hands on you."

Jan looked alarmed at this but Harry moved quickly to reassure her.

"Don't worry, Jan my sweet," he said. "Kate and I are cool about each others' friends, of either sex. We can't keep our hands off each other most of the time but that doesn't mean that we own each other. How about a dance? The tempo has slowed a little to suit us older guests. Excuse us Kate, my darling."