Heart & Home

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Katy realises that her heart is at home with her father.
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Katy twirled the ends of her shoulder-length brown hair in her fingers while mindlessly scrolling through social media posts on her tablet. The look on her face, if anyone was there to see it, spelled out plainly how bored she was.

Part of the reason for her boredom was the life situation in which she now found herself. She had just turned twenty years old, and yet she was sprawled out on the sofa in her father's terrace house scrolling through posts and seeing all her old school friends living it up at universities peppered across the country. As her father often reminded her, university was hard work and not a constant party no matter what her friends' posts may portray. But nonetheless she suddenly felt that life was already passing her by at much too young of an age.

Despite the onset of discontentment regarding her social situation, she still had no regrets about her decision to remain home. She was there chiefly to be with her father.

Katy had watched her mother slowly drain the joy out of her father's life for years and then finally deliver the crushing blow, divorcing him by the time Katy was sixteen. She saw her father lose much of what he had worked so hard for over the years... their nice home, his collection of electric guitars, even his truck was sold off to keep from being cash broke. The irony of it all was Katy's mother had originally claimed that her father was not the religious role model that she wanted for her daughter. But as time would reveal, the true motive for her mother requesting a divorce was an affair with none other than a man who attended the same church.

That situation came to a head nearly three and a half years ago and Katy's father was just now beginning to recover both financially and emotionally. The house where the two of them landed was more than adequate with two bedrooms and a small garden out back. But it was a far cry from the sprawling country plot they left after the divorce. In those three and a half years, Katy's heart had broken for her father. She knew that he had loved and was committed to her mother, though she didn't fully understand why. Her mother had spent most of her time that Katy could remember in her own world chasing her own interests, often at the expense and detriment to Katy and her father. She spent years refusing to work when Katy's father had to take side jobs to make ends meet. During that time, her mother continued to burn money on her entrepreneurial endeavors that predictably ended up at a loss.

Then came the outing her affair amidst the divorce proceedings and she saw her father's pride in his family evaporate and be replaced by pain and loss. Of course, she couldn't leave him. She was not her mother, a fact that she had a habit of reminding herself.

It was a dreary mid-spring Friday afternoon, and the original purpose of Katy's scrolling session was to unwind after a day of work. She had found work as a receptionist at a local medical practice in order to help cover living expenses as much of her father's pay went toward alimony and the absorbent legal fees from the divorce itself. She knew how fortunate she was to find work like that, especially at her young age and experience level. Though her age and experience level may have aided her in landing the job in the first place.

Katy was a curvy, short brunette with eyes that could make most men weak in the knees if she desired it or found it to be at her advantage. She had been told by multiple parties that they had a magic about them and could go from endearingly sweet to seductively erotic at the drop of a hat. Her hips were wide, her backside had its own enticing rhythm, and her B-cup bustline was perfectly perched on her torso to show itself off without being generally obscene or grotesque. All these features seemed to come to her aide when landing a job at such a young age in a professional office that was overseen by a doctor that obviously fancied her.

Katy knew he fancied her, and while flattered, did not fancy him in the same way. The doctor was older than Katy of course, closer to her father's age than her own. He was average height, no receding hairline and in relatively good shape, and Katy often thought to herself that she could do much worse when it came to finding a partner than a doctor. Something unnamed inside her was stoking her resistance to his advances. More than a few times she was perplexed at why she couldn't just give in to him but could never reconcile the contradictory notions in her mind.

The closest she could arrive at an explanation is that she still didn't feel quite right about leaving her father. Of course, with a doctor suitor, she may be in a better position to help him financially, though she knew how much it bothered her father to rely on her at all. "I should be the one taking care of you and sending you to university..." he would often say. But beyond the financial or administrative aspects of her remaining at home, she didn't feel right leaving him alone emotionally.

Katy had always had a close relationship with her father. He was a typical doting daddy when she was a young girl, back when she was oblivious to the things of the world and how her mother treated him. Their bond only strengthened after the divorce and she got to see up close how hard working he was, the stresses he was under, and how, despite everything he was going through, he always made time for her and made her feel special. She thought to herself that may be what put her off about the doctor. She shivered as the phrase, he just doesn't measure up to daddy, was silently uttered in her mind.

Of all the things that her father had unswervingly provided, there was one thing she needed that he just could not... she needed sex. Like any other twenty-year-old, her libido was humming right along, and she was often craving release when she couldn't get it. Nearly all her regular partners had gone away to university and the frequency of her liaisons since the conclusion of school was down sharply. This missing part of her life was at the root of her frustration over still being at home and dealing with full time employment when it seemed all her friends were partying and fucking their way through their studies.

Her frustration over her not being at university with her friends quickly translated into sexual frustration as she lay on the sofa. Her hand wandered down her curvy torso outside her blouse and over her hips. She imagined herself being in a dorm room with some random boy and just going at it like a couple of animals in heat by the time her fingertips reached the hem of the skirt she wore to work that day. Even though she didn't plan on giving herself to the doctor, she still enjoyed giving him a show with what she wore, and today was no exception. Being some of the first truly warm days of spring she had worn a floral top with thin straps over the shoulders that kissed her bustline in just the right way to draw the attention of the eye. Below her top was a dark-coloured skirt and dark tights clad her legs. Her left hand hiked up her skirt to the waistband of her tights while the other worked on her phone to find a suitable video. She quickly averted her eyes to the clock, making sure she had time to finish herself off before her father returned from work. The time was four-thirty... she had roughly twenty minutes.

She landed on a video of naïve, young university student who was willing to do anything for her tall, dark haired professor in order to pass the class. She watched the actress get on her knees in front of his desk while the actor pulled out his impressive cock. Katy's hands teased between her legs on the outside of her tights while she watched the porn actress gobble up her professor's cock like she was desperate for it. Katy could feel herself getting wet, both from inside her tights and on her fingertips as her arousal began to soak the fabric. She pulled her hand up and then shot down the front of her tights until she came to her slick, hungry cunt. She let out an audible moan as her fingers caressed over her smooth, waxed lips. She lifted her hand up to taste her own juices before slipping it back down in her tights and rubbing soft circles over her hood. The student in the video had now been hoisted on top of the desk by the professor, her ridiculously short skirt lifted to her waist, and he was angling himself at her opening. Katy's strokes across her slippery button became steadily faster, occasionally slipping her fingers into her dripping hole before returning them to her clit.

Katy was getting close. She could feel all the telltale signs her body was giving her... her legs were beginning to quiver, she rolled her lower lip over her teeth as she stifled her own moans, the soft muscles in her vagina were beginning to tighten...

She opened her eyes for one last look at her phone as the professor was railing his educationally challenged student. All at once she had a horny realisation. The man in the video appeared to be about six and a half feet tall, short dark brown hair with just hints of grey at the temples and a short, trimmed beard... he reminded her of her own father!

That realisation, horrifying as it was in this context, sent her masturbatory episode into another gear and her body reacted all on its own as she climaxed there on the sofa. Her tights between her legs were drenched. She thrust her hips up as if to meet someone's imaginary thrust. Her breathing ceased for several intense moments before returning in a desperate series of gasps.

No sooner had she settled down enough to lower her hips back to the cushion of the sofa than she heard the front door being unlocked and opened. In a mad dash, she pushed her shirt back down her legs and shuffled her still recovering body, so she was leaned against the arm of the sofa. Clicking away from the porn video, she gathered herself as best she could while she heard her father drop his keys into the metal tray next to the door.

"Katy! Come out here a second!" he yelled excitedly before even arriving at the living room. "Katy... oh you're already down here!"

Jeff, her father, stood at the short corridor between the open living room and the front door. He worked as an engineer for a local manufacturing plant. He towered over everything at six-foot five inches. He stood there smiling in his shirt, sleeves rolled up as they always were upon arriving home.

"I've got some news!" he started, continuing his excited tone. "Are... are you okay? You look a bit flushed?"

Katy was at a momentary loss for words. The last tremors of her climax were still reverberating through her body as her mind clamored to reach a suitable state to form words.

"Hi daddy! Yeah, I'm ok, I was just resting, and you startled me!"

"Yes", she thought to herself, "that's very believable and much more acceptable than 'I was just thinking about how the hung porn star resembled you'!"

Jeff set down his bag at one of the kitchen chairs just off the living room. "Oh... well, so sorry for the fright. But I do have some good news!"

"I heard!" Katy replied. "What is it?"

"Well, it's actually two-fold." Jeff continued as he opened the fridge and fetched a bottle of water. "First, I had my annual review today and I've got a decent raise!"

"Oh daddy, that's wonderful!" Katy's excitement for her father was genuine enough for her to momentarily forget her recent mental fixation on his porn star doppelganger. She knew how much it would mean to him to have some extra on his paycheck.

"It gets even better! I've just double checked with the court papers, and I've also made my last alimony payment to your...er... mother."

Katy remembered working out the budget with her father when she started working and remembered at the time there was only a year of payments left. Had it truly been an entire year since she began working at the medical practice? Her father had caught a bit of a break on the duration of alimony as he kept custody of Katy.

Jeff came over with his water bottle and plopped himself down on the sofa next to Katy. She scooted back farther against the arm of the sofa to give him room. Her eyes widened slightly as his hand rested against the very spot where she had orgasmed just a few minutes earlier. They snapped back up to him as he continued to speak.

"You know what this means..." he said before taking a sip from his water bottle.

Katy was still trying to not stare at the spot on the sofa where his left hand was resting and declined to verbally respond but raised her eyebrow as if to tell him to go on.

Jeff reached his hand over and put it on her knee. "You should go to university next term!"

Katy was conflicted and just sat there with her mouth open like she was trying to speak but just couldn't. Her mind was swimming with thoughts of going out to college with her friends and having fun, then feeling instantly guilty for even thinking of leaving her father by himself.

"Daddy..." she began meekly. "I don't mind being here... helping out. I really don't. We're like our own little family and we should stick together."

She was actually surprised that those were the words that managed to escape her mouth. But surprised as she was, she felt the inner conviction of truth behind them.

Jeff was also surprised at them and reacted by leaning over her body, pulling at her shoulder, and kissing her on the forehead. Katy could not tell if she was still worked up from her recent self-indulgence, or if there was something deeper, but her tall and strong father leaning over her in such a manner turned her on. When his kiss landed, she felt the stubble of his beard, smelled the scent of his aftershave, felt the warmth of his lips and it made her swoon.

"Katy... that's so sweet. I am lucky to have such a loyal and beautiful daughter, but it's not been fair to you having to grow up so fast like this. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't insist you at least seriously consider it." He paused as he slipped back into his seated position across the sofa. "I know you have a good job, but you may be able to advance more quickly or have more options with an education!"

Katy felt somewhat strange over the notion that her father was trying to force her out. She understood the truth behind what he was saying, and she could see that any good parent would be encouraging their child to do the same. But she could not get past the gnawing feeling of not wanting to leave her father alone.

"Daddy, I'm not going to leave you alone!" she barked back a bit more sharply than she intended. She followed up softly, "I'm not mum."

Jeff's look turned serious, but still carried with it the love of a grateful and proud father. "That's entirely different, sweetie. She wasn't supposed to leave. But you... you're twenty years old and you're supposed to go out on your own and not have to help take care of things for your father."

Again, Katy knew he was right. But even though she had just been sulking over missing out on the campus life with her friends, in the end her desire to stay was more powerful.

Jeff was only thirty-eight years old to Katy's twenty. Her father had needed to grow up quite early just like she did. When Jeff was Katy's current age, he already had a daughter of nearly two years. He skipped directly past his university years to take care of her and her mother. It wasn't until Katy was nearly six years old that he managed to pay his own way and get a degree to help him land his current posting. Her mother had never been much help along the way either, sinking vast amounts of family funds in one multi-level-marketing scheme after another.

"And what are you going to do here by yourself all the time if I go?" she asked incredulously.

"I don't know actually," he started. "I suppose I could just wank off all day having the place to myself!" he added with a wide grin followed by a hearty laugh.

"Daddy! What the fuck?" Katy exclaimed. The mental images that conjured in her mind added fuel to the fire still smoldering between her legs. She tried to mentally shake it off, but her inner reaction was undeniable.

"Just joking... maybe" he added with a wink. "In all seriousness, I think it's high time that I started dating again. You have a good head on your shoulders, and I know you'll do just fine out in the world so perhaps it's time I find someone of my own."

All of Katy's newly unearthed sexual inclinations for her father were immediately replaced by a gut reaction that could best be described as jealousy. She had been the center of her father's universe well into her young adulthood. The feelings welling up inside her were harshly critical of any of these hypothetical women vying for her father's attention. She stopped herself mid-thought... was she being possessive over her father? Why was she so against him having other women in his life? Was this something beyond her being daddy's girl?

She gave a look of disgust before replying, "Well if you start dating then you should set your sights a little higher than Amanda."

Amanda was a colleague from Jeff's place of work that came around briefly about eight months ago. Jeff and Amanda got on well enough on their own, that is until Jeff introduced her to Katy. To say the girls did not get along would be an understatement. Amanda was ten years younger than her father, which made her closer to Katy's own age than to Jeff's. Katy made no secret of her distaste for Amanda despite all they had in common, which included appearance and body type to an eerie degree. Jeff soon ended things with his colleague after seeing the reaction from his daughter, and Katy's position as the apple of her father's eye remained secure and unchallenged.

"Oh, you just didn't like her because you two are so much alike," Jeff said as he leaned back on the arm on his side of the sofa, their legs pointing at each other.

"Yeah... that's got to be it," Katy snarled sarcastically.

"I suppose your mother did set a pretty low bar..."

At that comment, they both looked at each other for a moment before breaking out into laughter. Katy threw her head back over the arm of the sofa as she laughed at what her father had said. While laughing, her legs came apart far enough that she suddenly felt the room-temperature air against her still wet tights. She darted her eyes up and brought her legs together just in time to see her father steal a split-second glance between them from her half-reclined position. It was so quick that she couldn't determine if it had really even happened or if it was a product of her horny, frustrated imagination. Her cheeks flushed again, and she scooted herself into a position that would be less prone to wandering eyes.

Jeff finished his water and then placed his hand on Katy's calf as he began to stand up from the sofa. "I was also going to say we should go out or dinner to celebrate the good news! My treat of course."

"Oh! How about Thai!" Katy sat up straight and blurted out excitedly.

"Sounds perfect!" her father replied. He liked Thai food and knew that it was one of Katy's favourites. "I'm going to go get changed into something that doesn't feel like work clothes. You look stunning enough already though!"

Katy blushed at the comment. Her father never missed an opportunity to tell her how beautiful he thought she was and every time he said it, she would blush and smile.

"I may change as well. You're right, still feeling too much like I'm dressed for work instead of a good time," she said as she stood up.

"I'll be ready in a bit... meet you back down here?" Jeff said as he started up the stairs.

"Yeah! See you in a bit." Katy replied as she lingered in the living room.

The whole sequence of events had Katy's mind reeling. Everything from the way her body reacted to noticing the porn actor's resemblance to her father and when he had leaned over her to kiss her forehead... the long-standing jealousy of attention from any other woman paid on him... the wetness that was still building between her legs over it all. She was piecing it together and was seriously wondering if she truly had sexual feelings for her own father.