Her Cold War


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Her fingers moved slightly presenting the nub of her engorged clitoris and I purposefully bestowed my attention. It was then only a matter of seconds before her legs tensed and the heels of her shoes scraping the floor heralded the imminence of her orgasm.

As her body shook she tried to maintain her composure but I could hear her breathing hard through her nose. I held station and counted it a minor victory as I worked the tip of my tongue and caused her to cry out in relief.

She seemed embarrassed by the evident loss of self-possession and she rose quickly to her feet and adjusted her skirt. I was dragged from beneath the table and told to get dressed before I was brusquely escorted from the room.

I tried to clean my face as best I could as I was led deeper into the bowels of the building by the same guard who had so recently taken advantage of me.

We arrived at a small meeting hall which could accommodate three prisoners at any one time separated from their visitors by a heavy glass screen. I was the only person present and I took the far most seat and proceeded to wait.

After about five minutes the prisoner was brought in to take her place on the opposite side of the screen. I caught the flicker of surprise in her eyes as she was confronted by a total stranger but she quickly recovered and took a seat.

There were a series of small holes in the pane to allow for conversation and I greeted her in Russian. She replied in the same language but the guard, who had remained in the room with me, barked out.

"German only!"

I cast my eyes around the room checking for surveillance but the prisoner smiled at me before speaking in perfect German.

"Don't worry. They don't listen. I'm in here for black marketeering not as a political prisoner. Your Russian is good but you're not a native. Have you been sent to help me?"

I had considered my approach to this at some length and decided that I needed to be as straight-forward as possible.

"I'm sorry I can't be of assistance to you but I am hoping to be of some help to Tanechka."

Her shock on hearing the name was evident but she recovered quickly.

"I do not know anyone by that name."

"She has disappeared and I am trying to find her. Do you know where she might be?"

I saw her wrestling with her dilemma. She had no way of knowing who I was but only someone very close would understand the significance of the name. Her sister's given name was Raisa but, as a child, she had her grandmother Tatiana's looks and so the immediate family had taken to calling her by the diminutive variant 'Tanechka'.

I was taken by surprise when she quickly got to her feet clearly bringing our meeting to a close; I could not believe that I had been through so much only to draw a blank. There was still a chance that the others might succeed but it did not make my own failure any easier to take.

She turned to look at me one last time and I saw something in her eyes. It took a second or two to recognize it as an entreaty. She spoke almost in a whisper.

"In the street at with Adam and Eve at eleven"

I wanted to shout after her, to find out more, but she was already moving towards the door on her side of the screen. Her cryptic remark gave me hope but at the same time I was completely perplexed.

I sat lost in thought until the guard took me by the arm and led me away. We retraced our steps until we reached the examination room. The officer was no longer there but the other guard was waiting with an insolent smile on her face.

As we entered she moved across to block the exit and folded her arms across her chest.

I looked about me with a sense of foreboding and my worst fears were realized when my escort reached under her skirt and removed her underwear.

I had what I needed now and I just wanted to get away. I stepped towards the door but the guard's hand dropped towards the truncheon dangling from her belt. My training kicked in and I instinctively took up a defensive stance. I knew that I could get the better of both of them but my cover would immediately be blown.

I reined myself in and, as they took hold of me, I shouted and struggled but I had to let them win. They dragged me across to the table and, as they forced me to lie on my back, I caught one of them a glancing blow with my elbow.

The bigger guard freed her truncheon and I did not put up any further resistance as her colleague took hold of some webbing belts and pulled my arms down to lash them to the legs of the table.

The surface was narrow but I was still painfully stretched. I half expected them to strip me of my clothes but it was not to be. My escort wasted no time as she mounted the table and pinned my already tortured shoulders with her knees.

I caught the briefest glimpse of her denuded sex before she moved forward and covered my head with her heavy skirt. She had clearly worn it for some days as I was swamped by a stale fug but it was underscored by the heated scent of stimulation.

She must have been aroused for a long time for the smell clung to her inner thighs and strengthened as she settled herself over my face.

The only thing to do, loathsome as it might be, was to have it over with as soon as possible. I stretched out my tongue to find that her sex was not as smooth as it appeared at first glance. The tight clam was dressed with a fine growth that irritated and I forced myself to lick broadly to soften the barbs.

I worked blindly in my gloomy prison seeking out her labia but her sex was surprisingly tight. I worked along the length of her slit but it was some moments before I achieved success. She pressed herself more positively against my mouth and I was able to push inside.

It was like the opening of a dam. My face, already damp with perspiration, was made wetter by her outpouring and I felt starved of air. I tried not to panic and kept my tongue deeply rooted which seemed much to her liking.

She moved fractionally and began to work her clitoris against the bridge of my nose. I was being used and there was nothing that I could do about it but her movements were becoming less controlled. The pressure on my face was painful but then she came to a sudden stop and her sex pulsed as if imbued with a life of its own.

Her climax ranged through a series of peaks and troughs, as she tried to stretch out the moments of pleasure, and I could feel every nuance, until, at last, it ebbed away altogether.

When it was done she got up quickly and I blinked in the sudden brightness whilst feeling the rooms chill against my wet face. I waited to be released but a whispered exchange between the two women made me fearful.

The second guard smiled coldly at me and began to quickly take off her skirt. She was wearing institutional stockings underneath but they did nothing to flatter her thick thighs and their gray colour clashed with her grubby white pants.

She approached the table and took off her underwear to reveal a bush of russet curls which was markedly at odds with her bleached blonde hair.

Following her partners lead she clumsily mounted the table which creaked alarmingly beneath her added weight. There was no subtlety in her approach as she straddled me and rested heavily on my face. It was immediately difficult to breath not helped by the fact that she had liberally dusted herself with cheap talc.

There was no escaping my fate but I refused to cooperate until she relented a little. My vision was filled by overhang of her heavy belly until she shifted her weight so that she could look at my face.

My defiance seemed to amuse her and it was obvious that she had had experience of this. In a single ungainly movement she turned herself about so that she was facing down my body but in that all too brief moment of respite I caught sight of her colleague removing the leather belt from her skirt.

The implication was eclipsed by the frightening mass of her buttocks which hovered inches above my face. I could not stop myself from screaming a protest but it was snuffed out as, with a mocking wiggle, she relaxed and sealed me in.

My head was being crushed against the solid table top but that was the least of my worries. My nose was buried deep in her lubricious cleft and I was all but starved of air.

I tried to kick her but she simply grabbed my ankles and pulled them up to her shoulders. I was hideously exposed but any attempt at a struggle was completely futile. My pants were pushed up my legs laying me bare and then a blaze of pain exploded across my vulnerable cheeks.

It was hard to believe that a simple leather belt could cause such anguish but then she struck me twice more in quick succession. My ears were blocked by her solid calves and the sound of each stroke reached me like a dampened body blow.

I emitted a tight-lipped scream but that too was swallowed by the fleshy bulk that enclosed me. There was a long pause as I tensed waiting for further punishment but it did not come. Instead, she eased off allowing me a much needed lungful of air.

My respite did not last long. Her body sagged once more pressing the amorphous wetness of her sex tightly against my mouth. I was reminded of the time, as a child, when I covered my face with a wet chamois leather and I was almost overwhelmed by the pungency.

I started to lick blindly, trying to find a way through that would give her what she demanded of me. I could not stretch my tongue far enough to reach her clitoris but I finally managed to achieve a degree of penetration.

Once inside she was surprisingly tight and there was a positive response. She began to rock her hips, encouraging me to go deeper, but every movement added to the ache that engulfed my face.

To add to my torment I could feel the belt being tapped threateningly against my already reddened flesh but the initial pain had given way to an impression of heat that spread both to my thighs and my groin.

I tried to ignore the resultant tingling in my sex, as I swallowed repeatedly to stop myself from choking, but each time I allowed myself to surrender to it the greater pain subsided.

To displace myself I began to recite "The Wasteland" in my head but I got no further than '... a heap of broken images". My distraction must have been apparent to her as she tightened her grip on my ankles and the belt added another painful stripe.

I fought down my anger and gave her my full attention but now, at last, she leaned forward and I was able to lick at the crown of her sex.

Her bulging clitoris lay open to me but it lacked firmness and it was difficult to remain engaged. I gave up on subtlety and licked positively with the flat of my tongue. It still demanded an effortful extension, and I was tiring quickly, but the pale mass above me began to shiver and then quake.

Her climax was powerful but mercifully short-lived and, after a moments rest, when it felt as if I was bearing her total weight, she arose perfunctorily and quickly got herself dressed.

They released me and gave me a stale towel to clean myself up but I still looked, and felt, a total mess. I left the prison as quickly as I could and faced the dreary prospect of an hours wait for the first of the buses.

Chapter 5

Back at the hostel I took a long tepid shower but I still felt infused by the stench of the prison. I made my way back to my room but stood frozen with shock when I saw who was sitting on my bed.

Her hair had been re-styled and her expensive dress fitted her in such a way that it revealed a previously unappreciated femininity. I also noticed that her makeup was differently applied but it seemed more natural and gave her whole face a new aspect.

Once I was past the initial sense of disbelief I was fearful but she got up from the bed and hurried across to hug me warmly. It was a few seconds before I could frame a question.

"What happened to you that night? I met up with Xander and Clara but they wouldn't tell us where you were."

Lily smiled at me and invited me to sit beside her on the bed.

"They wanted you to think that I had failed. I guess that the plan was always to use all four of us but you were left believing that there would just be three. I, on the other hand, thought that I was acting alone."

In light of the background to the mission it made some sort of perverted sense. When the whole of the East German network was betrayed it was believed that the traitor was in country but there had to be a possibility that the leak could have come from the U.K.

By training us from scratch, with no connections to those with previous involvement, it was hoped that we would remain untainted but, now, her very presence here was setting all sorts of alarm bells ringing.

"If you thought you were alone why did you try to find me...and how did you know where I would be?"

She smiled smugly as she replied.

"My contact was Raisa's aunt in Potsdam. She had no idea where Raisa could be but she did tell me that her sister was in prison down here. My exit route is through Czechoslovakia and so I had to come south anyway."

It was only en route to here that it occurred to me that the sister was probably another designated target and so I thought I had better make sure that I wasn't getting in anyone else's way before I tried to make contact with her".

My cover uses high price hotels and so I tried the two most expensive in town without a result but then, to make doubly sure, I checked at the other extreme and lo and behold."

She made it all seem frighteningly simple and I wondered if I would have been capable of the same train of thought. The obvious danger was that, if Lily had put it together so easily, then so could someone else.

She must have sensed my unease.

"It was easier for me. I knew who I was looking for and beautiful looking Russian speakers are few and far between in East Germany."

As she said it she must have realized just how vulnerable that made us because I saw a momentary hesitation in her eyes but there had been no choice. Raisa was not only the one single member of the East German station who had not been taken but also the only woman.

Her last message out had said two things. She was on the run with the micro-fiche archive in her possession and she would only allow herself to be contacted by a female operative.

That the archive was invaluable was evidenced by the haste with which the whole mission had been put together and the appalling risks we were running. To find prospective candidates speaking both Russian and German must have been hard enough but then to entrust us with what we now knew was a desperate throw of the dice.

Lily hugged me again and I was grateful for the human contact. She was wearing an expensive scent and I breathed in the cleanness of it. For a few seconds it felt as if things were back to normal and I drew strength from our renewed camaraderie.

She broke from me gently but still held my arm as she spoke.

"So, did you visit the prison?"

I hesitated for a second before carefully framing my answer.

"I spoke to her sister...but there was nothing positive."

I expected her to press, as I would probably have one in her place, but her next question was unexpected.

"Was it a bad experience?"

I looked at her wondering what I could say but she forestalled me as she stroked my hand and spoke again

"I understand. They never said it straight out at the manor but they made it clear enough that Raisa was a lesbian and there was a strong chance that we would get exposed to the netherworld if we embarked on this.

For Clara and I it was easy, and Xander is clearly bisexual, but I was never certain about you."

For a few seconds I struggled to frame a rational thought. It had been obvious, almost from the outset, and certainly before Natherson had expressed it so explicitly, that I might have to be prepared to compromise myself but I never foresaw this.

Suddenly things became clearer. Clara was right in that Raisa's sexuality was never overtly discussed and now it seemed that we had been expected to reach our own conclusion and our reaction to it was part of the process.

It never occurred to me that the paring down of our original group was based on anything other than intellectual rigour and our field craft prowess but now I saw that there was another component.

I replayed Lily's words in my mind and it was as if she could read my thoughts. Her smile told me that she was, indeed, a lesbian but what of me? I had always seen myself married with children but that was, in part, my natural instinct to conform to the social norms but the past few weeks had demonstrated to me that there was something out of kilter.

I had changed into flannelette pyjamas when I got out of the shower and Lily's stroking fingers moved beneath the baggy sleeve and just a little further up my arm.

"...you are truly beautiful."

I wanted to pull away but her eyes held me in a hypnotic embrace. They were the darkest brown and there was a brightness in them that brought her face alive in a way I had never perceived before. She reached with her other hand to touch my cheek.

"You are probably the most intelligent woman I have ever met but I think it blinds you to the truth about yourself. There is no shame in wanting to be led; it's just the way that some women, like us, find fulfilment."

On one level her words made no sense but, on another, it was as if a securely locked door in my mind was now ajar.

I shivered and she squeezed my hand reassuringly before drawing me to my feet. She stood before me and let her arms drop to her sides.

"Undress me."

I wanted to protest, to tell her that she was completely wrong, but the room moved out of focus as she held my eyes with hers and I felt suffused with an eerie calm. Time stood still as she waited unhurriedly and I saw that she was not going to force the issue but she appeared supremely confident.

I felt the urge to challenge her, to shake her equilibrium, and I did not look down as I reached forward to unfasten the top button of her dress.

Her next breath was just a little deeper as I worked my way down slowly opening one button at a time until the dress parted to reveal her expensive underwear.

I held her gaze until she sloped her shoulders allowing the dress to slip to the floor then she stepped back a pace and I could no longer resist. My eyes roamed over her and my expectations were confounded.

I considered her a natural athlete but her honed body was beautifully curved. She obviously carried more weight than me but it was perfectly distributed. Her lacy bra emphasised the uplift of her rounded breasts and hinted at the distension of her nipples.

A matching half slip girded her narrow waist and flared gently over the fullness of her hips drawing my eyes to her long stocking clad legs which were lent a greater prominence by her high stiletto heels.

Her pale skin looked flawless and she truly was the beautiful swan made manifest.

I looked into her eyes again but this time a little uneasily. I saw there a depth of experience and a full understanding of the effect that she was having on me.

Without a word she gathered the pillows from the vacant beds and arranged carefully them on mine before turning back to me.

"Come and unfasten my shoes..."

This time there could be no equality. To do as she asked I would have to go down on my knees and the connotation implicit in this was obvious to both of us.

A flush of heat broke over me and I could feel the betraying redness in my cheeks. I was desperately treading water on the surface of sanity but I could feel myself slowing succumbing to the depths.

My legs were suddenly weak and it felt steadier simply to kneel. I asked myself what I thought I was doing but the answer was obvious. Almost in a daze I reached forward and, with trembling hands, I unbuckled each shoe in turn.