Her First Time Ch. 18


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She looked through the drink menu, oblivious to what I'd just grasped. Of course, she didn't know how unusually hard I was, either. "I think a strawberry daiquiri, 'with a little gin'," she giggled.

"Sounds good, I'll have the same," I told Carolyn, thinking about the brownies, later. My mood was matching the hardness of my cock. God, I was looking forward to 'later', finding out what April meant about what was under her dress. My hand just sort of naturally gravitated to the inside of her leg, gently rubbing it, like she'd been doing to me, except there were no slacks in-between my fingers and her leg, only those thin, silky stockings. Her skin was so soft, so inviting.

She didn't object when my fingers slipped under the elastic at the top, only when they started venturing a little higher, a few inches from their destination when she stopped me, putting her hand over mine, "Later," she said, "you'll find out what's under later." I think I let out a little, involuntary groan.

Carolyn brought our drinks, I hadn't realized it had been that long, but what an enjoyable few minutes it had been! "I'm horny, so turned on right now," April whispered in my ear after we'd each taken a sip of our drinks. I was... on friggin' cloud eighteen, not cloud nine!

A moment later, she was back for our food orders, I ordered the grilled salmon, and April a crab salad. That wasn't what either was called, some fancy name, but I don't remember those. That time after she left, April asked me again about Dani and Alan.

"It's a really long, weird story, can I tell you later?" I asked her. All I wanted to do then was kiss those soft lips, feel her tongue in my mouth. I closed my eyes for just a moment, remembering those seconds before we left her apartment, that short kiss... and leaned toward her, my heart pounding once again. There were people around, we weren't 'that' secluded.

A busload couldn't have stopped what happened next, our lips met, April's hand went behind my neck, I felt those soft lips melting into mine, her perfume, both of us giving into it completely, my hand behind April's back, feeling that soft hair through my fingers. Our tongues intertwined, April sucking mine into her mouth.

I cupped April's breast under that silky, soft dress in my hand, she shuddered, let out a little moan into my mouth. She was wearing a bra, but it had to be thin. I don't know how long it went on, just not nearly long enough. I wanted to crush my body to hers, feel her breasts pressing against my chest, feel her panties on my fingertips, but all that was impossible sitting in the chairs as we were.

I'm not sure which of us opened our eyes first, but our kiss ended with Carolyn standing beside our table, our food on a tray beside her. April backed away, "Oh, sorry!" she said, the blush bright on her face, "guess we got a little carried away."

Carolyn was smiling, "It's okay, my husband might get a little unexpected treat when I get home tonight." April blushed, I was just plain horny, wanted to skip the meal and try out the back seat of the truck. God, I was hard, like I said earlier, unusually hard. April's fingers on my legs hadn't ventured that high, but if they had, she'd have discovered what was eagerly awaiting her.

We didn't though, try out the back seat, that is. April said she needed to use the restroom, think maybe we'd smeared her lipstick. Just watching her walk was a thrill, with that tight dress. My imagination went into overdrive, there sure weren't any panty lines.

It was all refreshed when she sat back down a few minutes later, not making any effort to keep the hem of her skirt down, but I didn't notice. Much. I'm a lousy liar, I damn well noticed!

The rest of dinner was mostly anticlimactic, I think both of us afraid to touch the other, mostly small talk. We had a second strawberry daiquiri, and the food was good. I know it was good, but hardly tasted it.

I'd eaten about half my salmon when my phone vibrated in my pocket with a text message. I wasn't going to look at it, but half a minute later, it vibrated again and I couldn't resist. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the first text; it was a picture, Dani sitting at Alan's dining table ― stark naked, her bare nipples red and distended, looking for all the world like he'd been sucking them, with a single word message, 'dinner'. I stared at that picture of my wife, another man's house, alone with him, naked.

The second was a message, 'Hope you and April join us later. Fun night coming.'

April asked what they were, obviously seeing the look on my face. I showed her the picture, watching her reaction, her eyes widening, "Maybe we should have gone there for dinner," she said, then asked, "what's this about joining them?"

I told her what Alan had said about coming back to his place to go out, that 'it'd be worth our while.' But, damn, I wanted to get April to her apartment!

"Maybe we'd better," she said, "we'll have all night, no rush," adding, "what time does your flight leave?"

"Three," I told her, "we'll get home early Sunday morning, the three-hour time difference helps going that direction."

She smiled, "Then we can sleep in... or... not," with a very sexy grin on her face. I was already thinking of the 'or not'. I texted back to Alan that we'd be there after dinner.

We finished our meal in relative silence, me not being able to keep my eyes away from those long legs, April's dress up to her thighs, well above her lacy stocking tops.

Carolyn brought me the check. I was pleased that Alan hadn't already made the arrangements for paying it. I wanted this to be 'my' date, not something from him. He must have sensed that, or he'd have told them to just forget the bill or some such thing.

I'd had two drinks, felt fine other than being so fucking horny. Whatever else Alan had put in those brownies, my dick hadn't let up all evening. Just getting up to walk was a struggle, trying to reposition myself so it wasn't too obvious.

But driving, I wasn't so sure. For most people, two drinks surely wouldn't be too much, but I wasn't 'most people'... and I had a brand new truck. I wasn't used to alcohol, not at all. Much as I hated to, I thought we'd better take a taxi, Uber, something other than my truck. Besides, the back seat with April didn't seem so bad, she didn't object, either. I asked Jeremy if he'd mind calling for me, I had no clue who to call. Apparently, it wasn't an uncommon occurrence, took him about a minute to tell us that someone was on the way.

I suggested to April that we wait in the truck, that back seat was beckoning. She didn't object to that, either. When we climbed in, I noticed the brownies sitting on the center console. I opened them, took one, and offered another to April. She chuckled and took one, "Think these are always on the menu, especially tonight," she said. Yeah, especially tonight!

We each took a bite, then looking at each other, sort of gravitated together, taking up where we'd left off in the restaurant earlier. Except this time I didn't even try to be subtle in palming her breast, rolling its nipple in my fingers. I wanted naked flesh but with the dress she was wearing, the only way was from the bottom, or that button holding it together. And she'd already shut me down once. I'm not a forceful guy or confident enough to just take what I want, it has to be given, even by Dani. Well, sometimes, if all the stars align, I know what she wants without her telling me, but with this girl, no way.

A car pulled up to the front door and sat, waiting. I got out, walked over, and asked her if she was there for a pickup? When she answered that she was, I went back to my truck, opened the door for April, and escorted her to our ride.

Just a little way from the restaurant, a thought hit me, maybe one of the craziest that had ever invaded my insect-sized brain. I shuddered with the implication, reward and consequences, what would someone like an Alan Ryder do? I already knew the answer to that question. Before I could think it to death, I asked the Uber driver, a quiet, fifty-ish woman, a little chubby, "Is there an adult toy store near here?" I knew there was somewhere because of what Dani had told me from our first trip to Tampa.

April looked over at me like I'd just dropped in from a far distant planet. Maybe I was making a huge mistake... but I thought not... or maybe it was just my alcohol/brownie-induced brain that led me to think that, but in any case... I was already regretting what I'd just set in motion.

"There is a couple miles out of our way," she answered, interrupting my self-doubts, looking back through the mirror.

"Go there," I blurted out before I had a chance to change my mind. What the fuckin' hell am I doing? Went through my mind about as quickly but there wasn't any turning back now. I had no idea how I could back up that last half-minute and start over, maybe something simple like unbuttoning that button in April's dress. Yeah, right there in the Uber car, that would have been more sensible than what I was doing. God, my heart was pounding!

Ten-fifteen minutes later, I wasn't paying attention to the time, Belinda, our driver, pulled into a parking space in front of 'Erotic Playthings'. Was this the same store Alan took Dani to, half-naked? I wondered. God, I came close to telling her to never mind, but what kind of idiot would I look like then? April's expression hadn't changed, like she thought I'd gone completely off the deep end. I was afraid maybe I had, should have thought this through just a few seconds longer before blurting it out.

Too friggin' late now, I just hoped to hell I hadn't ruined what was going to be a wonderful night. I gave April a quick kiss on the lips, "Wait here, be right back," I told her, hoping she wouldn't just tell Belinda to take her home while I was inside.

I hurried, finding what I wanted, hoping to get back outside before they left me, then couldn't resist a couple other things I saw, and asked the sales girl (do they all dress like that in these stores? Remembering the time Dani and I were in that store in Kennewick) if they had a box to wrap them in that wouldn't give away what they were. Then wrote a note for Belinda giving her April's address and apartment number, taping both the note and a hundred-dollar bill to the box.

I was relieved, the car was still outside, April was still in it. I put the box in the front seat, and Belinda read the note, smiling. Encouraging!

April was still in a bit of a strange mood when I climbed in the back seat with her, "What did you do?" she asked.

"Find out later," I told her, rubbing her leg right above her stocking, doing my best to look like I wanted to rub higher where she kept telling me 'later'. You know, subtly telling her that what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

"You have any idea about how long to get to Alan's from here?" I asked Belinda.

"Fifteen, twenty minutes, something like that," she answered.

I texted Alan, telling him we'd be there in fifteen minutes.

April snuggled up to me, "What's in the box?" she whispered to me. Apparently, her curiosity was as bad as mine.

I chuckled, "What's under your dress?" I whispered back.

All she'd say was, "You'll like it."

"I hope you'll like what's in the box, too," I told her, smiling to myself, thinking that maybe the toy store hadn't been such a bad idea, after all, was kinda glad I did it. I liked being impulsive, it was fun. I just hoped April would think so, too.

A short while later, Belinda pulled in front of Alan's house. I didn't know how the Uber thing worked, so asked Belinda what the bill was. She told me it'd already been taken care of, the restaurant had my credit card information. I handed her a twenty, though, for a tip. "You'll deliver that box?" I asked her.

She laughed, "Can I peek first?"

I chuckled, who'd have guessed. "Be my guest," I told her. Maybe it'll encourage her to give her husband a little treat later, too.

Inside, there was no Dani. "She's up getting dressed," Alan told us, "another little surprise," he chuckled. I wondered what he meant by that.

April and I sat down, eyeing the plate of brownies on his coffee table. "Help yourself," Alan told us. There were several fewer than when I'd left earlier.

I picked up the plate, offering it to April. She took one, and I did also, setting the rest of them back for later. I'll have to admit my little excursion into the adult store hadn't done a thing to relieve my 'problem'. That sales girl reminded me so much of Rebekka in Castle, her six-inch skirt. Speaking of Rebekka, Dani still has some unfinished business with her, maybe when we get back home, she'll finish that date.

"Where's your laptop?" Alan asked, interrupting my thoughts, "need to put something on it."

I went upstairs to my room, got it, returned downstairs, opened it, and handed it to Alan, no idea what he was doing. It dawned on me when he hooked his phone to it, Thursday night ― with Tevin, downloading that video.

He was still working on it when Dani came downstairs, "Alan... I can't wear this!" Dani, sounding almost frantic. I looked, saw why. It looked like a knitted dress, all different hues of red, well above her knees, but, and it's a big 'but'; my mom knitted a blanket, fine until you stretch it just a little, then the knitting pulls apart, leaving gaping holes. That's what this was, at least two sizes too small, not hiding a damned thing.

She had on a red thong, you could see it between her legs clearly, and nothing under it over her tits. Dani's worn some pretty, umm, revealing clothes on this trip, but at least SOMETHING was covering her boobs, even if it had been transparent. And of course, with those, she'd had those painted-on eyes, blinded so she couldn't see just how revealing they were. But this was just plain showing bare skin, naked nipples. And she could see just how damned exposed she was.

"Babygirl, you look exactly like I pictured you in that dress, I had it made especially for you... you look... incredible!"

Dani looked down at herself, looking like she was nearly ready to cry, "But... Alan... I'm practically naked under it, isn't there at least a bra to go with it?" If I wasn't mistaken, she was actually considering wearing it? At home, she wouldn't have even worn that in the house ― with the drapes closed, just the two of us. I glanced at April, she looked incredulous.

"A bra? No, there wasn't one matching that shade. Besides, that would ruin it." Dani was whimpering, I think surrendering to her fate. I liked it! No damn wonder Alan was insistent on us coming back. Now, the million-dollar question ― where were we going?

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ChasTheOneChasTheOnealmost 3 years ago

Robert, another reason we love your work - here's essentially a Robert & April dinner - out on their own, just being friends with some sex in the offing. What's in the box? Could it be some of the kinky bondage paraphernalia that Alan introduced to Dani and Robert? We'll have to wait.

hdwg2003hdwg2003almost 3 years ago

Outstanding, thank you

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 3 years ago

Robert, This is another Excellent chapter to this series. In my humble opinion Dani and Robert did talk and communicate on a level to be expected of a long term marriage/relationship. They may not have spoken on a dialogue level but each knows the other well enough to know what they were thinking and felt emotional. I applaud Dani for offering to end it right then and go home, however, Robert knew that she needs to see this though especially since she has the contract. She also knows that Robert is looking forward to being with April that evening. The unspoken was that it’s only another day or so and they will be going back home. Dani has some difficulty decisions in the future to make. The dinner plans for both couples seem to be going well. Robert’s stop at the sex shop was interesting. We will have to see what Alan’s plans are now that they are together. You have your readers on edge for this next chapter fir sure. Thank You and looking forward to reading more of this Hot Erotic Marital Adventure.

premshankerpremshankeralmost 3 years ago

I wander an Author like 'robertl', magnitude can write such 'trash'

Totally disappointing for such low level of 'morbid,sordid,vile' expression

AnalogContinuumAnalogContinuumalmost 3 years ago

Hi Robert.

Am so glad you picked up the story again. Was pleased you brought back the original phone video earlier and have now added another. Now, what about how this whole story began - the apparent time travel and Alan's conundrum of believing what he was told about it? Seems that aspect of the story has ended up on the cutting room floor. Would love to see it reappear. As for the length of the story, keep going. There's a lot left to explore. I do wish, however, that Robert wasn't becoming more whipped and subservient, but that might just be my own discomfort. Eagerly awaiting what's next. Oh yeah, those who think the story is too long or worse, ignore them if they have nothing constructive to add.


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