Her First Time Ch. 20


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Dani, up on that stage, went briefly through my mind. She did that... I can do this! I wrapped my arms around April's legs, pulled, and pushed with all my strength, gaining another inch, and then... Ohh God, it was like her pussy released me, and I slid inside her, April's pussy lips pressed tight to my groin.

We stayed like that, throbbing together, feeling the tightness, catching our breaths, me feeling April's wonderfulness! Her soft, feminine voice, so barely audible broke the spell, "Now... fuck me!"

I did, tentatively at first, pulling out an inch, slamming back inside her, feeling that incredible feeling of an orgasm already starting to rise. Then a longer stroke, and another, longer yet, each time April letting out a wail. I knew it would only be a few more seconds, one, then another deep thrust inside her, and it was there, not only fireworks going off in my body but the grand finale! My entire body freezing up, pumping, ejaculating spasm after spasm inside this young girl, her body jerking, shuddering, a cry from both our mouths

I have no idea how long it went on, seemingly forever, pumping my life deep into her vagina. And then... my cock barely retreating in hardness, but I was exhausted... couldn't stay in this position. I flipped over on my back at the foot of the bed, barely able to breathe, much less communicate.

I knew I needed to get that hoop off April's legs but couldn't move. I struggled to get up, finally managing to get on my feet, plopping down on the bed beside her, "Want this off?" I managed to get out, still barely able to speak.

"Please," was the only word she spoke, and that was barely audible. I unsnapped the bar, slipped it out from between her knees, and then the hoop off her legs. April stretched her legs out straight, then just lay there, still recovering. Of course, there wasn't much else she could do, still blindfolded, arms tied to the corners of the bed.

I got up, walking around on my shaky legs. That had probably been the most intense orgasm of my lifetime. It gave me just a taste of what Dani must feel routinely with Alan. Speaking of Dani, she'd sure as hell had one incredible night -- and no doubt it was continuing.

I went into the kitchen, found a glass, filled it with water and ice, then looked for a straw, finding them in a cupboard. I took it in the bedroom and holding the glass, put the straw to April's mouth, letting her drink. "Ohh, thank you!" she said, "I needed that."

"Thought you might," taking a drink of it myself. It tasted so good. Then, as long as I had the ice water and ice, I poured just a little on one of April's bare nipples, then followed that by holding an ice cube against it.

"That feels good," she said, so I did the same with her other nipple and sucked the cold off the first. My brain saw 'Onna' sucking Dani's tit on that stage, and my excitement grew all over again, even imagining watching -- no, not watching, but sucking April's breast on the stage. I switched to her other, sucking it hard into my mouth, getting a low growling noise from her.

"My arms, please, loose," Exactly what I had been thinking. I was tired of this 'tied-up' crap. I wanted to feel April's hands doing... whatever. She was still blindfolded but turned her head, 'watching' me as I scooted up, undoing the cuffs around her wrist, first one, then the other, all the while barely able to take my eyes away from those delectable tits and hardened nipples, just aching to have my lips wrapped around them again.

I scooted back down, this time finding April's lips and we kissed, exploring each other with our hands, pressing naked bodies together. Kissing April, I realized something for the first time; I wanted this to be my wife, my Dani. Not that April wasn't everything a man could ask for in a lover; passionate, sexy as fuck, fun to be with, and any number of superlatives, it was what she wasn't. She wasn't Daniella Shore.

I suspect that most men imagine their wives being some real or imaginary lover, I was imagining my lover to be my wife, and it spurred me on even more.

Even after one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever experienced, and after the last months, that was saying a lot, a hell of a lot. Thanks to the miracle of modern-day brownie recipes, I was still solid-stone-hard. I rolled over between April's legs and made love with my wife, the way I intended to when we got home, with passion.

I buried myself inside April and we kissed, grinding our pelvises together, still kissing through the long, slow strokes. Her legs wrapped around my body, relaxing and pulling in sync with the strokes, both of us moaning into each other's mouths.

The minutes went by, neither of us hurrying, but the intensity growing inside me. April, too, if her body's reaction was any indication.

Afterward, we lay together, arms wrapped around each other, basking in the afterglow. It was the first time in what had seemed a lifetime that I felt satisfied, my dick finally succumbed to the forces of nature.

"You live so far away, how come you know Alan so good?" she asked me, her fingers gently tickling up and down my back, feeling so good.

I laughed, thinking how fucking unbelievable the answer to that question is, "You really want to know? It's a pretty long story, kind of hard to explain, harder to believe."

April looked up at me, those gorgeous eyes, head resting on my shoulder, her long hair splayed across the bed, "Mmhmm, I'm not ready for sleep yet, tell me."

"Okay, I'll tell you, long as you promise to hold your judgment till I'm finished. It's pretty implausible... but first..." something I've been dying to ask her, "what do you know about this agent... Amanda...? You know she's pretty high on Dani, told her some pretty incredible things, already has a big contract for her."

She smiled, "Amanda Browning, she and her husband own the agency, she's the manager. I've heard nothing but good about her, why I suggested her to Dani. From everything I've heard, she's about the best, whatever she tells someone, they can take to the bank, she'll make it happen."

I digested that, what she'd already told Dani, that contract she'd already gotten through. But the future... what she's lining up for Dani...

So I started, "It was Dani, her senior year, eighteen years old, so pretty. I'd graduated the year before. There's a picture in one of her old albums, she'd just been named the Homecoming Queen, her escort kissing her on the cheek. He was a black kid, Alan Ryder, the star on our football team that year."

I hesitated, thinking about something else, "Have you ever seen that old television series, 'The Twilight Zone'?"

"The one with Rod Serling?" she asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, that one."

"Love that show, so weird!" she said.

"Well, this was just as weird... except this was real. Dani had gone out with her best friend, Jenny, last October, the 25th, to be exact. I was home alone looking through the album again, at that picture. I knew she hadn't been a virgin when we married and wondered if he might have been the guy... and this is the unbelievable part, but I'll swear to my deathbed that it actually happened... I remember I was going out for a pizza... and as soon as I stepped out of the house, everything changed. My car wasn't on the street in front of the house, it was my parents' old Ford Fairlane that they'd let me take to college."

April had sat up on the bed, her legs crossed, Indian fashion, looking more than a little intrigued, probably thinking this was just a story I'd made up. What else could she think, maybe that I'd been drunk?

"You're not going to believe me, but this all happened, there was proof, I'll get to it."

"Oookay," she answered, sounding pretty skeptical. I knew she'd get more skeptical before I was finished.

"I turned around to go back in the house... except it wasn't there... then the street wasn't there, the neighboring houses, all gone, nothing but a dirt road through the field it used to be."

She sat quietly, just listening, "My Fitbit, said October 25th, 1987. It was the night that picture had been taken..."

I told her about driving to town, everything changed in town, the football game, watching Dani crowned queen and that kiss... and the other one, the kiss on the lips, a picture Dani had never shown me.

"You know..." she started to say.

I stopped her, "Yes, I do know, Dani and I both know, none of this could possibly have happened... except it did, and we had the proof."

"Had?" Skeptical? No shit, Charlie Brown!

"Give me a bit, I'll get there." She sat, still looking eager to hear the rest, no doubt to tell me it was a fun story, at least.

"After the game, I went to the Homecoming Dance... oh, one more thing, no one could see me. It was like I wasn't there, which I hadn't been, never went to the dances in high school, and was in college that year. Anyway, Dani and Alan were there... until Dani told him her parents were gone hunting, they left, and I followed to Dani's house."

"This is," I started to tell her, "where..."

She interrupted, "Could this all have been a dream? One of those real-life seeming dreams that you just don't forget?"

I'd pushed myself up, leaning on the head of the bed by then, and pulled the blanket over my... you know... It was already starting to grow again, my brain anticipating what I was telling April next. "We thought about that, it's what I thought, but like I said, there was physical proof that this all happened... and too many things I couldn't have known."

I went on with the story, remembering what I'd seen in Dani's bedroom that night "Like I said, I followed to Dani's house, just a little after... and this is where it gets kinda difficult. Later, after this was all over, back in our house, I told Dani, described what I saw. Her face turned white... said I couldn't have known, she said I described it exactly as she remembered; her pain, the bleeding, how they did it, how many times, how many times she'd come, everything. Even... later, I remembered Alan's birthmarks, no one else knew, he'd had them removed when he went to play college ball. Even he believed me when I told him about those."

April's face looked stricken when I told her about the birthmark, all she could say was, "Wow."

Another little side effect of telling her about that night between Dani and Alan, remembering those details, even if I hadn't given April a 'blow-by-blow' in the bedroom, it had a pretty significant effect on my blood flow routing. Maybe, too, April sitting there, still stark naked, knees spread apart might have had a bit of an impact, but my dick was getting hard as hell all over again. I tried to ignore it.

"When I went back outside, everything was back the way it should be, my Accord on the street in front of their house instead of the Fairlane, the town on my way home, and Dani asleep in bed, our house, all back to normal."

"Okay, what was the proof, other than the birthmark?" she asked.

"At first, I didn't know of any, but next morning... I had a jacket when I was a kid, wool, it'd shrunk about four sizes so I couldn't wear it, and had a hole in it from battery acid so I'd given it away to the Salvation Army, I think. It was in the Fairlane when I first got in. It'd been after that night when I'd accidentally washed it in hot water. It was chilly that night so I'd put it on at the football game... that jacket was hanging next to the door the next morning,"

April's expression had changed, from disbelief to holy shit. "And her parents have a security camera, it showed me leaving the house at 12:47 in the morning on the 26th, 2019. Another thing," I told her, "Dani, Jenny, and Alan all had a blank in their memory last October 25th, like that evening hadn't even existed, just nothing. Alan remembered looking at his clock right after that, absolutely nothing for those hours before, all of them exactly coinciding from the time I would have left our house until I stepped out of Dani's parents' house at 12:47."

I paused, letting her digest what I'd said. "You said 'had' proof. You still have the jacket?"

I shook my head, "We kept it in our closet, got it out several times just as a reminder that this all had actually happened. Then, end of February, after our first trip to Tampa, we went to get it out of the closet to take a picture to send to Alan, it was gone. Everything was gone, the file from the security camera Dani had copied to her computer, memories of that night were back like it had never happened... except we both knew it had."

April looked at me, like she had no idea how to react, what to say about something that was a hundred-percent impossible, except seemed to have been so real. She finally asked, "So, how does that lead to now, here, you guys in Tampa with Alan this week?"

I started to answer, but my dick, it was making thinking difficult. On top of everything else, I suspected the after-effects of the brownies were exerting their influence... along with how April's naked tits kept jiggling every time she moved... and the sight of the cum oozing from her pussy, that wasn't helping, either.

I pushed the sheet off of me, letting her see, "April, you want..."

"Yes!" she interrupted, straddling my waist, then lowering her slippery self down onto my shaft.

"Ohhh," I moaned as her pussy lips pressed against my pelvis. If anything, her inside was warmer than before.

"I believe you were about to tell me about how modern-day Alan and Dani came to be," she said, doing a little grinding motion on my groin.

Ohh, shit! I wondered if this hardon was ever going to dissipate. God, I hoped not! At least not if this girl kept doing what she was doing. Her naked tit was right in front of my face, its nipple hard and protruding. I couldn't resist, feeling like a baby might be feeling with its mom's tit in front of it. No, that's not a good analogy, not even close. Dumb! Enough to say that I really, really enjoyed sucking that nipple and boob.

"Mmm, like that," she mumbled, thrusting her chest out, at the same time, sliding up and back down on my cock. Her hands were around my shoulders, those polished fingernails digging into my skin.

Her eyes were closed, pressing herself up and down on my cock, feeling so fucking good! "We've both come... more than once... want to hear the rest of this story... now."

I wanted to, really I did, but it was hard to talk with a full mouth. And I wanted to keep it full of tit. That combination of pussy and tit was just... so fucking incredible! I let it slide out of my mouth, blew on the wet nipple, and licked the other before blowing on it, too.

"Dani kept teasing me... feeding me tidbits of what she'd done with him in high school..." God, April wasn't letting up with the fucking. My dick was at least seven inches, still hard as a steel rod, what the hell had Alan put in those brownies? "Every week or so, another story... Ahh, that feels so good!" Talking was a little hard with April's pussy pressing down on me.

April's eyes were closed, a look of concentration on her face as she fucked me, little cooing noises coming from her mouth, "What kind of stories? Tell me..."

"Ahhh! The mattress in the back of Alan's truck... Dani was a cheerleader, so pretty, looked so innocent... told me..." I couldn't talk, April bouncing on my dick, me humping her every time she let herself drop, feeling that heavenly feeling of pre-orgasm starting to rise inside me.

She stopped, holding herself up, the head of my cock barely inside her, "Told you...?"

I groaned, she was killing me! "...all the details, how they fucked, how much she enjoyed it, how big he was... their prom night, her sexy dress, how they made out before, taking off her bra and panties, then going to the dance... how hot they both were, finding an empty room and fucking... then afterward, in back of the truck..."

April slowly let herself down on me, agonizingly slow, it was hard to breathe.

"You better hurry with this story, I can't do this much longer," she said, along with a long, drawn-out moan.

"Last New Year's Eve, I teased her... told her she was too much a coward to contact him again... so she did, found him on Facebook, and..."

She leaned over, started sucking on one of my nipples. That did it, I couldn't hold back any longer, erupted inside her for the third time in what, an hour maybe? April's pussy spasming, squeezing, orgasming didn't help either. In any case, a few minutes later I felt completely spent, exhausted. April, too, if the way she collapsed on the bed, trying to breathe, beside me was any indication.

"So, right after that, I'll bet the next day, he messaged her back, right?"

I nodded, "They messaged back and forth... and here we are, second trip," I agreed.

Again, I don't know if I went to sleep after that or not, remember laying in bed next to this gorgeous, young girl. This hardly any sleep was getting old. I felt exhausted the next morning with April getting us a bowl of cereal. "Not much of a breakfast person," she said, "Guess I'll have quite a story for hubby, some new toys, too... that was pretty awesome last night," she said.

"I imagine you've had a good number of fun stories for your husband," I suggested. I'd been kind of curious, just how often did April do this?

She blushed, surprising me... after last night? "Well... actually... I haven't been totally honest about that. This was...umm... our first time."

My eyes must have looked like Uncle Fester in the old Addams Family serial, bugging out of my head, "I thought... I thought..."

"... that we'd done this before, several times maybe. Well, maybe I implied something like that. I wasn't fibbing, though, when I said that Danny wanted me to do last night."

Which reminded me, "Your phone, the pictures, there's a video, too, you want to see them?"

She shook her head, mumbling something I didn't understand, followed by, "... look at them with Danny."

She followed that up with music to my ears, "What I want to do now...," dropping the silky robe she was wearing to the floor.

We had a couple hours till she had to take me to pick up the truck and suffice it to say, we made very good use of those hours. They didn't go to waste, that was for damned sure! Food seemed like an unnecessary afterthought. One doesn't waste time eating in your last hours with a girl like April.

It did finally come time to leave, though. We showered together, dressed, and she drove me back to Alan's restaurant where I'd left the truck the night before. Damn, a lot had happened since then.

We stood in the parking lot beside the truck, thanking each other for a fantastic night, "Next time you're here?" she asked me.

How could I say no to that? We kissed, sealing the deal, official lovers now. "Maybe you can come to Washington, sometime, too?" I suggested.

"Well, I'd probably bring Danny if I did," she said.

"Mmm, maybe he and my Dani might hit it off?"

She hesitated, "I... don't know... never thought about him with another woman. Somehow, that seems... not so sure I'm ready for that."

I thought back to that night with Jenny that Dani had set up, "Might give you a little insight into what he probably felt last night knowing that you..."

She nodded, "Have to think about that, I guess, you know, just in case we ever do come that way."

I opened my mouth, starting to tell her about Jenny, how Dani had set that up for just that reason, but it was time, I had to get back to Alan's. We had a plane to catch. Home and real-life once again, if there still was such a thing after this last week.

Besides, I was anxious to see my wife. April knew it was time, too. We kissed one last time and got into our separate cars. It was still hard to believe last night and this morning had happened. Hell, the whole damned week! Including this eighty-thousand-dollar truck I was driving.