Her First Time Ch. 25


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Dani's hair, by the way, when she got home was beautiful!

We landed at the Reno-Tahoe airport a little after three-thirty, then took the shuttle from the airport to the Silver Legacy. We'd talked about renting a car, but decided it wasn't worthwhile since everything we'd need is right there, either in the series of connected casinos or within a few blocks down Virginia Street. We'd been there in 2002 with Jon and Jodi when they were kids, so had at least a little familiarity with the area. This trip, I anticipated, was going to be slightly different than that had been.

We checked into our room and it was beautiful, the twenty-third floor, overlooking the snow-covered Sierra Nevada Mountains and lights of the city. I'd rented this room, a 'Premium Executive' for one primary reason, the king-sized four-poster bed. The beautiful view and other amenities in the room were just a bonus.

It was only about four-thirty when we got there and the dinner reservations I'd made were at eight in the Aura Lounge of the Silver Legacy, so we took an opportunity to wander the casinos and try our luck at some slots. I was anticipating my 'luck' to come later in the evening, not in the casino, planning to 'get lucky', very lucky!

The two-story-tall mining machine in the middle of the casino that we'd enjoyed in 2002 was still there, as were the 'Silver Legacy Girls', very pretty young ladies dressed in period dresses from Nevada's gold mining days, i.e., 'ladies of the night.' Dani and I took turns taking pictures of each other snuggling up to one of the girls. I imagined they probably got tired of the tourists 'snuggling', but Dani and I enjoyed it. We were respectful, keeping our hands to places where they belonged.

I won a small jackpot, three gold bars, on a twenty-five-cent slot, paying a hundred-twenty dollars, a nice surprise, I hoped a harbinger of the night to come. Dani promptly lost her twenty dollars we'd allotted for each of us on this first visit to the slots.

After Dani lost her money, we enjoyed walking the connected mezzanines, hand-in-hand, enjoying the different character of the three casinos, Circus Circus, Silver Legacy, and the Eldorado. My favorite by far was the Silver Legacy with its old-fashioned mining atmosphere. The, umm, Silver Legacy girls didn't tip the scales in its favor. Really.

It was disappointing we wouldn't have time to visit Virginia City like we had with the kids, but hopefully, another time. This trip was for another reason.

I'd been watching the time on my watch. There are no clocks in the casinos, no windows, no indication whether it's three in the morning or three in the afternoon. At six-thirty, I suggested to Dani that we'd probably better get back to our room to get ready for our dinner reservation at eight. My heart was pounding, anticipating what was very shortly coming, totally unknown to Dani, what I'd been anticipating ever since the idea popped into my head a week earlier.

As usual, when we're getting ready to go someplace, Dani had me shower first. I can typically shower, shave, brush my teeth and get dressed in about the same time as she takes getting undressed. Maybe that's a little exaggeration, but not much.

I'd bought a new red, satin shirt, much like the shirt Alan Ryder had on in his senior portrait, put it on, and left the top two buttons undone, the same as his picture that was ingrained in my mind. My slacks were black, and new black, patent-leather shoes. Clothes for this one evening, including Dani's, had cost a small fortune, but I was sure it was going to be worth it. I'd skipped the Rolex that Alan wore in Tampa, but hopefully, Dani wouldn't notice. One other thing I'd added to my 'wardrobe' was a cologne that the sales girl assured me the ladies would appreciate very much, "It's what my husband wears when he wants to seduce me," she told me with a smile.

Dani was still in the shower while I dressed, the first time I'd ever worn black, silk boxers, and they felt good. My little man was certainly enjoying the feel. It was easy to understand why women enjoy their sexy underwear.

I heard when Dani turned the shower off, and my excitement level raised another notch on the scale, the 'time' was fast approaching. I glanced in the closet at the garment bag from Classic Curves. So far, I hadn't actually seen it, taking Vicki's word that it was perfect. After the last five days now, my fun-shaft was standing at full attention, just imagining, waiting for its time.

Dani had consented to my request that she wear the lingerie we'd bought last Sunday; the red, sheer bra and thong set. "At least this time, my dress will hide it," she'd said when I suggested it. I tried to hide my chuckle, if only she knew!

After I was fully dressed and spent time lying on the bed for what had seemed like forever, Dani emerged from the bathroom, wearing nothing except the lingerie, my heart nearly stopped seeing her.

Our room had an oak vanity table with lights and a mirror designed specifically for a woman putting on her makeup. Dani sat down in the cushioned chair and began brushing out her long, beautiful hair. "Love your outfit, by the way," looking toward me with a smile on her face, "sexy!" A moment later, she added, "Mmm, smell nice, too, what is it?

"Thank you, bought it for you, just something a pretty lady told me you might like," I told her, then let out a little moan, watching her, my cock doing its best to escape its pants entrapment, since it knew what was coming in a very few minutes that Dani didn't.

"Love this makeup," she commented again, "wish I'd found it years ago."

"Winsome Naturals Cosmetics, isn't it?" I asked her.

She put down the little brush she was using, looking at me, surprise on her face, "How did you know that?" she asked.

"You were their spokeswoman," I told her, "I'll tell you the story later."

It seemed that nothing I said about my dream shocked Dani anymore.

I LOVE watching Dani putting on her makeup, especially tonight!

The last was her lipstick, her new color, 'rose petal peach', a gorgeous pinkish color, like a beautiful, pink rose.

Then sprayed perfume, rubbing it into her inner wrists, throat, cleavage... and I recognized it, "New perfume?" I asked her.

"Uhuh, took a little shopping trip, loved this, she said you'd like it."

It was the same as I'd bought Dani in Tampa that night we met Alan Ryder for the first time at his restaurant. I still remember what that salesgirl said, "It will drive you and your man crazy with lust." She was proven a hundred percent right, too. It drove me out of my mind, Dani and Alan Ryder, too, in our hotel room. I'd almost quit being surprised when the little details in my dreams became reality.

But this, I closed my eyes and inhaled, enjoying that sexy scent, and remembered the effect it had that night with Alan Ryder making love with Dani the first time, how the scent had driven me wild all night.

She turned toward me, looking radiant, beautiful, the sexy scent, "Can you be a dear and bring my dress?" she asked me.

The time had come! "Love to," I told her, getting up. Dani had brought the dress she intended to wear, a very pretty, pink, wrap-dress. Sexy, too, just not quite... "But first, I have something for you... close your eyes..." She did, I walked across the room, my hands shaking, opened my suitcase and pulled a piece of cloth, red satin, very soft, nothing too soft for my Daniella, about three inches wide, three feet long, thick lining in the center twelve inches. "Do you trust me?" I asked her, stepping over to where she was sitting.

Dani smiled, eyes still closed, "Of course I do, why would you even ask?" she asked in return.

I stepped behind her, took the blindfold and wrapped it around her eyes, tying it behind her head.

"Hon... what?" she asked, sounding confused.

"That night, your first night in Tampa when we went back... we were there a week... you were Alan's woman that week, he was yours... he blindfolded you, not quite like this but it was the best I could do."

I felt Dani's body shivering, maybe imagining being with him. I hoped so. I moved my hands down, caressing her breasts, working my fingers under her bra. "Ohh, that feels so good," she said, followed by a little moan. "But the blindfold..."

"Leave it, you'll like it, promise," I told her, pinching her nipples gently. "Alan... he loved your breasts... you loved him feeling them, turned you on so much... like now." Dani moaned, maybe imagining it was her crush's hands on her breasts.

I moved my hands around to her back, rubbing it gently, slowly moving down to her bra strap, unclipping it, "But he especially liked you without the bra, naked on top," slipping it off her shoulders.

"Hon... I can't... no..."

"Shhh, yes you can, you're so beautiful. You did for Alan... you loved it, so did he." I moved around to her front, kneeling and taking a nipple in my mouth. Dani thrust her breasts out, letting out another moan, "Ohh yes," she said, her hands mussing my carefully combed hair.

I sucked, pulled her entire breast into my mouth, then back to just her nipple, rolling it between my lips that has always driven her crazy with lust. "It was Alan Ryder sucking your tits that night, not your husband, your hands in his curly hair," as I switched to her other, repeating, feeling it hardening in my lips, her fingernails digging into my scalp, turning me on even more.

Dani was breathing hard, moaning when I pulled away, "Getting your dress," I told her.

I retrieved the dress I'd bought out of the closet, taking it out of the garment bag for the first time. Beautiful! I thought, Vicki was more than right, it was perfect.

"Stand up," I softly asked Dani when I returned.

"The bra..." Dani asked once again.

"Arms up," I said, ignoring her. I gently bunched it, slipping it over Dani's arms, then let it fall. It must have felt more like a cloud enveloping her body than a dress. It was virtually the same gold lame dress that she'd worn that first night in Tampa; short, very, very short, the hemline maybe six-inches at most below the 'V' of her legs, bare back down to her thong strap. The only difference from the Tampa dress is the cutouts, round cutouts about three inches in diameter up both hips, rather than the slit the other had, sexy as fuck! I clipped the gold choker around her slim neck, holding up the two tiny gold chains, the only things holding the dress up.

"Hon... this isn't..."

"I know, I found it for you. It's the dress you wore for Alan, the first night we were in Tampa. You were so beautiful... are so beautiful!

She felt the material, the deep 'V', nearly to her navel and barely covering her areola.

"I can't wear this," Dani said, "It's too... I feel so naked!"

"Sweetheart, you... are beautiful! Every woman will be envious and every man will want to take you home with him.

"But," I began, regretting my next words with all my soul, "if you really can't... if you want... I'll get the other dress, the one you brought."

She hesitated, took a deep breath, "At least can I take the blindfold off, just for a minute, so I can see..."

"And spoil the fun? You never got to see the dress in Tampa, but I'll take it off later, promise, you'll see it... or you can change now."

She felt the hemline, the cutouts up her thighs, under the 'V', cupping her bare nipple with her fingers, hesitating... I was holding my breath, hoping... "I... I'll wear it," she finally said, her voice quiet, barely audible.

I was elated! She must have heard my breath of relief. I'd feared, almost certain, that she'd insist on changing.

I helped Dani to sit on the edge of the bed, then went back to my suitcase, pulling out the rose gold twisted-hoop earrings, matching bracelet, and an anklet with a heart pendant I'd bought for her. These alone cost a small fortune but when I clipped them to her pierced ears, over her wrist and right ankle, they were worth every penny. And yes, I understood the significance of the anklet, hoping others would as well. Perhaps some man... or woman, might...?

With Dani's beautiful jewelry in place, I pushed the thin gold material of her dress aside and kissed one of her breasts, sucking her nipple in my mouth. The other nipple, I rolled between my thumb and finger, switching for just a moment eliciting moans of pleasure from my woman, before returning her dress to cover her now hardened nipples.

God, I love gold lame! Her nipples, the dimples of her areola, virtually every detail, showing through that ultra-thin material.

"Stockings and shoes, you need," I told her, retrieving the red heels we'd bought last Sunday from the closet and the sheer, red silk stockings I'd brought, and kneeling on the floor, stretched the stockings up her legs, the lacy top barely covered by her skirt, then the heels, adjusting the straps around her ankles, then pulled her to her feet. "Think we're ready to go to dinner now," I told my gorgeous bride, taking her hand, leading her toward the door.

Dani was shivering, looking stricken at how she thought she must be looking. However, she thought, it probably wasn't enough. God, she was sexy-looking, sex on steroids, every inch of her!

She took a few steps, my hand guiding her, "It's hard walking, not being able to see," she said, walking tentatively along with me.

"Oh, one more thing," I told Dani right before I opened the door, "Alan thought you'd look better without..." I knelt in front of her, running my hands up her stockings to her thong, fingering the elastic, starting to slide it down, "this... he was right, it's kind of distracting to the dress."

"Hon...!" sounding almost panicky, but when it hit the floor, she stepped out of it.

While there, I couldn't resist, lifting her dress, nuzzling her bare mound with my mouth, Dani stepping her legs a little further apart, moaning when my tongue touched her, "So smooth, like a baby," I said, barely able to control myself, all my plans nearly evaporating in an instant.

"I... waxed... yesterday... was no hair appointment," Dani moaned, "Ohh God!" as my tongue penetrated her slit, finding her clit, tasting her dampness, my tongue inside her.

Her legs were shaking, hands on my head pulling me into her when I stood, channeling all the willpower I could muster, "Dinner," I said and led her out the door, down the hall to the elevator.

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OGHMNWOGHMNWover 2 years ago

Robert, You have turned up the heat with this chapter. It will be interesting if anything come from Banker “Elle”. Robert did a lot of work getting things together for the Reno trip. Their Role/Mind games are Very Hot & Erotic. Can’t wait to read the next chapter of this story. Thank You again for your wonderful writing.

ChasTheOneChasTheOneover 2 years ago

We see another side of Dani outside of the vision of Robert's coma. She loves her husband and wants him to be happy, and with do anything to make that happen. Altruistically.

rkdmomrkdmomover 2 years ago

Love how it is going! Wondering if she has a cuckqueen issue going on? Keep up the great work. Thank you!

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago
Enjoy Your Storytelling

Another great chapter and entertaining read. Keep up the good effort and looking forward to many more chapters. Bring them on. Cheers

abueloviejoabueloviejoover 2 years ago

I see that ... Dani is going to find Leslie for her husband ... then dump husband for Ryder or another alpha male NFL player ... or former player ... lots of pain and anguish ahead ... precipitated by husband's ... continuing the ... 'games' ... I hope I am wrong, of course ...

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