Hipster Chicks Love Big Dicks


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"Look at it, bitch!" He growled, not hiding behind his fatherly veneer. He was cold and calculating, putting this uppity woman in her place. "Study it. Learn every nook and cranny of it, because you will be getting to know every inch of it very well." Bill whispered. Steph didn't even notice or object to how casually he used the word bitch around her. Which was good, cause it would probably not be the last time Bill would call her that.

"How big is it?" Steph whispered, eyes wide behind her hipster glasses, her nipples throbbing beneath her tight top.

"Ten and a quarter inches. Ten and a half on a good day." Bill said. Steph was awed by this dick. Awed and terrified. There was no way she could get by this sexy older man without at the very least brushing into his dick. It was inevitable that his cock would contact her young hot body in some way, and that sent a chill through her. A chill that made her pussy very wet.

"He shouldn't have left you to me, you know that," Bill started. "What kind of man is that, to leave his lovely wife at the mercy of another man? What kind of man just gives up his wife like that? What kind of man leaves his wife on her own, especially to an asshole like me? Leaves her to the wolves to save his own ass? A strong woman... an independent woman would not take that lying down. A real adult woman would not let her husband get away with that bullshit. A good, loyal wife would make her man pay for selling her out so callously."

Steph stared up at the government agent, the man she despised, but at that moment, it wasn't him she was furious with. It was Eli. Eli let this old man get to her. Eli left her to this fate. He wasn't fighting back, defending her honor. Even though she was the type of woman who could normally care for herself, she had never felt more like a damsel in distress as she did in this moment, and her Prince Charming was running the other way. He wasn't beating at the door, trying to free his wife. He was probably still in his seat, with his thumb up his ass. He surrendered his wife's ass to another man without a fight. Bill was right. What kind of husband does that? That kind of act cannot go unpunished. Steph would have to make him regret it.

And Steph knew, deep down, she was about to surrender her ass to this man. Oh, she would surrender it to him. At this point, he had SO earned it.

"You can really make him pay. And you know how to make him pay. You know what to do. You know what you want to do. You want it. I want it. And clearly, Eli is willing to let you do it. So I ask you, what's stopping you?" Bill asked, his voice fatherly once again, enflaming the embers in the wife's head like a maestro.

"I'm married." Steph whispered, fingers toying with her ring, her vows preventing her from fully giving in yet. "I vowed to keep myself for him, only."

"And he vowed to protect you. Protect you from things like this. From men like me. But here we are." Bill spat out. "If he is willing to throw away his vows, why can't you do the same? Are you some dumb, pushover of a wife who lets her man get away with whatever he likes? Does he keep you in the kitchen so you don't ask any questions? I thought you were a strong woman. A proud woman."

Steph looked up at him with her big eyes, emotional, not sure what to do. Bill had effectively and succinctly torn apart her marriage, the thing she drew the most strength from. Eli was her best friend. Her sweetheart. Her true love. The man she went to with all of her troubles. But he had abandoned her. Left her to defend herself. Sold her out. He left her to this, sitting here with another man's huge cock pointed right at her face. She didn't know what to do. There were so many swirling emotions. Swirling desires. She couldn't decide what to do. Should she run away, or should she suck it down to the root? If only she had someone to help her out. To ask what she should do. To guide her, guide her scattered mind. She looked so fraught. So beaten down.

For a guy who thought so little of women, Bill was not surprised by this reaction. Sure, this girl was a spitfire, but she was emotionally weak. Okay, she was 'well-informed', but Bill thought she was kinda dumb. But then again any woman who didn't want his giant cock was dumb to him. Any girl who thought her purpose was to do anything besides be a willing whore for his huge dick was dumb to him. But even to a heartless bastard like him, looking into her big, expressive eyes almost made him feel bad for taking advantage of her naivety. It almost made Bill feel bad for having his giant dick inches from her cute mouth, poised to fuck her roughly.


"I know what you should do. I know what you need to do." Bill said, his voice silky smooth, like the devil on her shoulder, corrupting her.

"You do?" Steph asked, like the inexperienced girl she was. Unknowingly, in her kneeling position, she was maintaining perfect posture, pushing out her enormous jugs towards the evil man, begging for his approval.

"Yes, I do, sweetie. I know you want to be a whore. Desperately. You're built for it. I mean, look at those tits! You're meant for it. You wish you had to the guts... the courage to show everyone that you are a true slut. You hide under these bulky coverings, but you know you're a true slut underneath. But you're so afraid, so ashamed to admit it. You've sacrificed so much to be such an independent, well-liked girl. You fill your head full of knowledge and worries that are, quite frankly, too big to worry your hot little self about. You do this to fit in, to seem smart and knowledgeable. You are terrified to show everyone the stupid slut you really are. You look down on whores, on slutty women, but you're exactly the same as them. A filthy little cock slut. At the end of the day, while you're at protests wasting your time, trying to act smart, those girls you look down at are moaning their heads off with screaming orgasms as they get fucked by men like me." Bill said. Steph looked up at him, mouth unknowingly agape as she listened to him cutting her apart.

"You've sacrificed so much, dear, just so people don't see the slut you really are. You waste time at these silly protests and you saddled yourself with a pathetic boy like him. Just think of what you've missed out on. You spend so much on these little outfits, downplaying your gifts. You work so hard, when you don't have to. Imagine being truly happy, extremely courageous, unfailingly honest. Imagine being a true woman, an independent female, a real slut. Cause if any woman is honest with herself, that is what you really want. You want to be a sex object. You want men to look at you. You want men to get hard for you. You want to tease men. You want to be a walking, talking sex bomb. You don't want to be so covered up and hidden, ashamed. You want to show off those tits, show off that hot ass. You want to show off your juicy tits and hot body and get men throbbing for you." Bill said.

"No. It's not true." Steph whispered, breathing hard, licking her lips, eating up his harsh judgment.

"Just think of the pleasure you gave up to hide your true self. You should be strutting your stuff, shaking your hot ass and huge tits. Think about the men you could have had. A girl with those tits could have any man they want. Just imagine all the big dicks you could have had stretching your tight cunt. Imagine the orgasms you could have been having if you were just honest with yourself. About what you truly are." Bill said.

"Who am I?" Steph asked. Bill smiled. It was as if he had scrubbed her mind clean of all the riff-raff society, her friends and family, and Eli had ingrained into her. Now, her mind was his to meld. To reprogram.

"Steph, you are a slut. The worst kind of slut, a total size-queen who wants to find the biggest dicks to fuck. That's why you came to me. That's why you flirted with me as soon as we met. Fate has a way of bringing girls like you to me. The world is rooting for men like me to have sex with girls like you. You are not the first girl to look at me and want to become my slut, and honey, you won't be the last. You're not the first 'happily married' woman to look at me and realize you would give anything to become my bitch. And Steph, I am going to make you my bitch, you hear me? You are a whore who wants to act all smart and knowledgeable, but all you're doing is filling your mind with things you shouldn't be worrying about. You're not smart enough to understand the way the world works. You're not like me. But you want to be, so much. The closest you will ever get to your dream is to get close to me. There is only one way to be the woman you want to be. Steph, you need to become my personal whore. You need to be a whore for me, and then you will get everything you ever needed. You fill your head with such nonsense, so you should be with a man who makes all the decisions for you. Then all you have to worry your pretty little head about is me. All you need to care about is my pleasure. My pleasure is your pleasure. You are built to make men happy. You are built to make me happy. All you care about is making me happy. And there is one way a slut like you can make me happy. And that's by draining my balls. Steph, to be truly fulfilled, you need to be a whore for a big, strong man like me. You need to give up all of your holes for my pleasure. You need to swallow my thick cum with a smile on your face. You need to devote your life to my pleasure, and nothing will make you feel happier, more fulfilled as a woman. Cause nothing has made you feel as womanly, as sexy, as I have. I have treated you as the sex-object you are and you ate it up. You wanted it, you needed it, and you loved it. You loved that I looked past your bullshit and saw the whore you really are. You are a hot piece of ass, and you have wasted you're time saddling yourself down to a boy that cannot pleasure you."

"No." Steph gasped, her eyes no longer on his. No, her eyes were transfixed by the giant unit in front of her. It couldn't be emphasized enough how hypnotizing the massive cock was to her young eyes. She couldn't pull her gaze away. The swollen organ, its veins and ridges, the throbbing tip, the huge balls... every inch of it was just so utterly perfect. For Steph, this was a dream cock, attached to a man she couldn't stand. Would that dislike be enough to stop her from succumbing to her obvious lust for the mammoth organ?

"You loved it when I told you to suck my dick, because that's what you wanted me to tell you. You saw me and immediately knew I was the type of guy to treat you like the whore you are." Bill said, stepping back from her slightly.

"No." Steph gasped, although it was unclear if she was referring to his words, or him moving that prime piece of cock away. Unknowingly, she followed, sliding down to her knees, moving back so she was in close proximity to that huge dong again.

"You had to stop yourself from sucking me off. Sucking me off in front of your husband. You had to stop yourself from obeying me. Because it is in your nature to obey me, isn't it? You like having a man order you around, telling you what to do. It gets you off to be ordered around, like a dumb submissive whore. You fancied yourself so independent. Your nightmare was to be bossed around by men. You are every bit as smart and capable as any man, right? But all you could think about was the good old days, when women knew their place. When women knew their place was to pleasure their men, let them do the thinking for the both of them. When women were so... compliant. You thought about that so much. It was your nightmare to live in a society like that. But you couldn't stop thinking about it. You couldn't stop thinking about what would compel those girls to be so submissive, to not fight back? Was it their nature to live for their men? Or was it something else? Was it possible that maybe, just maybe, their men returned their favor, fucking them into oblivion night after night so they had no choice but to obey their men as a thank you? That's what you thought about, isn't it? You started thinking about it, those dumb, submissive wives getting pounded night after night by a strong man. Submissive women, women built to be taken by a strong man. Those were the women who were fulfilled in the end. They were the women being fucked so well that they were absolute whores for their men. And that's what you wanted to be, wasn't it? You tried to be a good girl, but that got you nowhere. It was the whores that were having all the fun. And all you could think about was if you could become a submissive whore, you would be the one getting fucked instead." Bill said.

"No." Steph pleaded.

"It's true. You fantasized about being submissive, you filthy slut! You dreamed of it. Nothing got you off quite like submitting to the will of a strong man. But you were ashamed of it, so you rejected it. Rejected it, until you met a strong man cunning enough to see the true you. A man clever enough to know that if he told you to suck his dick, you would listen."

"Please." Steph pleaded, begging him to stop.

"That moment where you give up all pretenses, where you give up the facade of being an independent woman and you become a submissive whore, that's what you are dreaming about. That moment will make you cum harder than you ever have before. Steph, you will have the greatest cum of your life when you give in to me, accept my superiority, and you wrap your lips lovingly around my fat cock. And all that's needed to turn a girl like you into a submissive whore is wave a giant dick in your face and give you one simple command. One order, that you have no choice but to comply with, because it is in your nature. In your blood. You're a whore, Steph. Accept it, and you will never be the same. And all I have to do is say four simple words." Bill said, smiling smugly.

"Please don't" Steph begged, terrified he was right.

Steph's mind was in absolute chaos. She as always so intelligent and self-assured. She always knew the right thing to do and say at any given time. She had been a part of protests, she had been the target of scorn and ridicule due to her lifestyle and political beliefs. But she had never backed down. She always knew the right response and she never hesitated to say it. She was never silent, until now.

Steph was a spitfire, a hellcat in hipster clothing. But this hellcat was finally being tamed. She had been allowed to run wild for too long. She had been unrestrained, her mind and opinions running free. She never had any rules. She never had any discipline. But that was changing. That fight in her, that spark that identified her as a strong, young, independent woman, was fading away. Hammered away, pounded away, by the cruel and twisted logic, the scheming machinations of the cunning older man in front of her. He had used his rough charm to anger the young wife, inspire passion within her, pissing her off, making her anger boil over the top where she had no other choice but to fuck him hard and drain his giant balls. He had beaten down her way of life, torn it to shreds, and broke her down. And now his words, his actions were building her into a new woman. A woman more fit for a guy like him. Not only was this hellcat being tamed, she was willingly and gleefully accepting the leash. The flame of her spirit was being crushed, and in its place a new woman emerged. No longer was she the type of woman to waste time at silly protests and trying to fight a battle much too big for a slut like her. She would give in, give up, and yield to the unstoppable force she had fought for too long. Yield her young mind and her hot body. She was now destined to become the type of woman she always hated, but secretly always wanted to be. No woman could resist the incredible power of the government, and the undeniable arrogance and sexuality of its agent. She had no choice but to give in and become the only thing a woman like her could when faced by someone as strong and powerful as the man in front of her.

A true submissive whore.

Bill could almost see the fight slowly draining from her. Her mind was figuring it out, slowly but surely, that she really had no other choice but to give up her hot body to this scheming misogynist, and let him do his worst. He had defeated her at every turn in a battle of logic like the ruthless warrior he was, and now it was time to take his prize. This older man, this government agent, this arrogant fucking prick, had manipulated his way from sitting next to the petty wife, casually relaxing, looking forward to a quiet flight, to here in this bathroom, dick pointed straight at the young wife's pretty mouth, poised for the gleeful oral worship she was soon to give him. And after that... he would be manipulating his way into her tight pants. That was the only logical outcome.

He just watched her, waiting, watching her slowly come to this same conclusion.

Steph was a loyal wife, she really was, but Eli clearly didn't care about that, because he left her to this fate, face-to-face with a humongous cock. Face-to-face with this cocky government agent, with a cock to prove his arrogance wasn't unjustified. She knew this whole thing was wrong, but his cock was SO big!

Eli had left his pretty young wife to fend for herself. He had allowed this outcome. He had agreed to leave his wife's hot ass to the mercy of this old man. And now, face-to-face with this evil, scheming man's giant dick... Steph couldn't think straight. She didn't know if it was Bill's harsh, commanding words, or the giant cock emitting pure sexual energy in front of her face. She had no one to go to for help, and the only voice guiding her along was Bill's. She didn't want to listen, but she couldn't help but be caught up in his smooth language. His silky words, tempting her young, malleable mind, transforming a sweet, good-hearted girl into something far nastier. Turning a girl known for her big heart into a girl known for her big tits. He was the only one that seemed to have a handle on this situation, so she couldn't help but listen and take his words as gospel.

Maybe Bill was right. Maybe she was just a cheap fucking whore. Cause that's what she felt like. She hated to think about it like that, but a loyal wife wouldn't be here. A good girl wouldn't have ended up in a bathroom with a meaty cock pointed at her face, poised to be sucked. Why had she responded to this arrogant prick? Why did this asshole make her nipples rock hard? Why did this old man make her pussy dripping wet? And she had been wet from the very beginning, as soon as this older man went on the attack. Clearly, her body knew the answer. Her body knew what she truly was. Steph tried to fight back in this seemingly losing battle.

She was a married woman! That had to mean something! But her husband... her husband had abandoned her, left her to this fate. Asshole! What kind of man does that to his wife? Leave her to the whims of a man they both knew was sexually superior to her husband in all ways possible. Leave her fate in the hands of a man that they both knew was a sexual dominator, a real son of a bitch, that was too arrogant to think about anything but his own pleasure, an asshole who would use his wife like a cheap whore if he got the chance, a man that clearly knew how to fuck a woman and keep her loyal.

Steph didn't want to admit the truth. She didn't want to admit she might be a bit slutty. She might be a bit submissive. Or... a lot slutty... and a lot submissive. She might be the type that gets off on being bossed around by a strong, evil man. She might be the type of girl who sucks and fucks the biggest cock she could find just to make her husband pay for screwing up. She might be the type to give another man the type of nasty sex she would never give to her own husband. The type of fucking that happily married couples don't have, the type of sex a woman can only have with an asshole of a man with a giant cock that knows how to dominate her. The type of guy that doesn't deserve her, the type of guy who is such a prick, such a son-of-a-bitch that he does not deserve to be as lucky with women as he should be. The type of guy who's an evil bastard, a bully, great looking but evil inside, his silky words invading her mind like warriors, conquering the young woman's mind and tempting her into giving up her body.
