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For a minute or so we lay on our sides looking at each other and then, without a word and without her eyes leaving mine, her hand reached out and fumbled for my cock. It was a strange sensation. Because we were still looking into each others eyes it was as if a disembodied hand was playing with me and I could disconnect myself from it, almost pretending it wasn't Connie's aging fingers that were coaxing it into life. She was successful too, it was only a matter of seconds before I felt it begin to uncoil and swell in her grip, sending a smile of delight over her face.

'It's been a long time.' She whispered. 'Such a long time.'

It was a long time for me too, although my "long time" and hers were not in the same league. It felt nice though, having someone's hand stroking my shaft, and if I was getting paid for it too, then bonus. I just closed my eyes and let her do it, making appropriate appreciative noises from time to time.

It got to the point where if she'd carried on there's a good chance that she would have made me come, but she abruptly reminded me that wasn't what I was there for. All of a sudden she stopped and rolled on her back, bringing my eyes back open with a jolt.

'Your turn.' She told me, opening her legs. 'You feel nice and I like doing that, but it won't give me what I need. So now it's your turn. You can do it how you want, but don't stop until you get me there.'

I smiled at her words, the closest she had ever got to a slang term. I wondered mischievously if I could get her to say "come".

'You mean you want me to make you come?' I asked. 'You can tell me.'

'Yes. However you want.' Well, at least she knew what it meant.

I rolled back onto my side and reached out a little reluctantly towards her. Once again I kept my eyes fastened on hers so that I didn't need to look where my hand was headed, but her flesh felt surprisingly nice, just as smooth and warm as any other woman's. I let my fingers drag over her stomach, watching her eyes take on a faraway look as the back of my nails made her skin ripple in response to their touch.

My fingertips trailed up and down her stomach several times, each time venturing a little further down than the time before, until I found my fingertips brushing through her profuse curly pubes. As they did so I felt her tense up slightly, reminding me that it wasn't all that easy for her either. Strangely enough, that helped me relax a little more. I cupped my fingers and placed them over Connie's mound, my palm on her pubes and my fingertips just at the top of her slit.

'I didn't think this would ever happen again.' She murmured.

'Just enjoy it.' I told her, sliding my hand a little further down between her legs.

'I have every intention.' She smiled and closed her eyes as my fingertip found her clitoris.

Her little button was quite a big little button. It was engorged and standing up for itself with her arousal, and that was something I really hadn't expected. Sounds stupid now, but I was genuinely surprised at her body's response. But surprised or not, I was pleased by what I had found, and I extended my first two fingers to play with her, rubbing gently back and forth over the head of her clit. I felt, rather than heard, her sigh with pleasure and her hand suddenly reached around my back and gripped my shoulder. She spread herself wider, her thigh coming to rest against my bent legs so that the tip of my cock just brushed against her skin.

'Mmm, we mustn't forget him, must we?' She murmured, more to herself than to me.

I carried on with what I was doing in the absence of any further instructions, rubbing her clit with the tips of my two fingers, changing rhythm, sometimes light and quick, sometimes slow and sensual, listening to her breathing and the little gasps she kept making. Then her breathing became more ragged and urgent and I began to rub harder and faster until I was strumming at her clit as if it were a banjo. It sounds a bit crude put like that, especially as Connie was quite a classy lady really, but that's how it seemed, and she clearly didn't mind for her fingers tightened on my shoulder and her hips started to give those little twitches that are usually the sign of an impending climax. I kept going, harder and faster, feeling her arm holding me more tightly and her nails digging harder into me, and hearing her making little grunts that became louder and more frequent until finally she cried out, a long incoherent sound, and her hips lifted from the bed, jerking and thrusting at my fingers.

Her orgasm seemed to go on forever, long enough for me to start to become concerned for her wellbeing, though I kept my fingertips playing with her until she finally slumped back on the bed, spent and panting. Then I just let my hand lie cupped over her pussy as she gasped for air, her heart hammering so hard I could actually feel it where our bodies touched.

We lay silently for a few minutes, Connie getting over her climax and me marvelling at the responses of older women. Now I knew that fun in bed does not have to expire with the ability to get pregnant.

'You have no idea.' She gasped finally. 'Just how much I've needed that.'

I just looked at her and smiled.

'Just let me get my breath back, and then will you do it again?'

I nodded and smiled again. Of course I would. I could say that I had a financial incentive to make her come as often as possible, and that would be true, but I'd also enjoyed seeing her pleasure and I was more than willing to see it again.

'As many times as you can stand it.' I told her.

'Then I'm not quite sure who will wear out first.' She giggled self-consciously.

She didn't tell me when to start again; I just sort of began to gently move my hand on her pussy as I saw her regain her composure. At first it was not very erotic, just a gentle cupping of her flesh, but slowly I started to concentrate more on her clit again, using the same two fingers as before to massage her button.

It didn't take her very long at all to come the second time, and the result was at least as strong as the one before. In fact the only difference this time was in my response. Just as she had before her the arm that she had wrapped around my back had tightened and her fingers had gripped tightly into my shoulder. During her first orgasm I had simply held firm as she squeezed me, but for some reason this time I didn't. I allowed her to draw me closer, pulling me over her so that my face was just above her breast. Then I did something that I'm not sure if she had intended me to do or if I just wanted to, but while I was rubbing her pussy and while she was in the middle of her climax, I leaned down and took her nipple into my mouth and sucked it hard. Even after her climax had subsided and she lay again recovering her breath I still suckled at it, gently massaging her pussy at the same time to keep her going.

'I like that.' She said, her hand landing on the back of my head and pushing me more firmly onto her breast.

'Me too.' I mumbled around her nipple.

Just as before, there was no real beginning to my next attempt to make her come, I just started playing with her again. This time I had moved a little down the bed to suck her nipple, and my hand could now comfortably reach all of her, touching and enjoying the soft puffiness of her flesh. I used two fingers to part her hairy labia and the other two to investigate between them, finding the soft inner folds and seeking her entrance.

'Put your fingers inside me.' Her instruction sounded more like an entreaty than an order.

I found her opening, wet and gaping ready, and gently slid the two fingers inside before moving around a little so that my thumb could reach her clitoris.

'Yes please, Scott.'

It was the first time she had used my name whilst we'd been in bed. She didn't use it often anyway, but this time it sounded strangely nice, as if we were real lovers rather than employer and employee. I smiled to myself and began to thrust into her, making my thumb bump against her clit each time. Her hand moved and gripped the back of my shoulder again and she gasped quietly with each thrust. I was obviously having the right effect to earn another bonus. This job was getting to be a lot better than I had expected.

When she came this time it was so hard that her nails on my shoulder were actually painful. I was surprised once more at the strength of her responses, the power of her orgasms seemed to increase rather than decrease, but I'll readily admit that I was pleased by this, even if my shoulder wasn't. I was pleased both for the financial side of things because she was more likely to want a repeat if it was good for her, and I could use the cash, but also from personal pride, it's nice to know that you are pleasing your partner, old or young, paid or not. I get enjoyment from giving pleasure, as well as receiving it.

This time when she finally slumped back, out of breath again and with a nice sheen of post-orgasmic sweat on her skin, I lifted my face from her breast and looked at her, smiling with satisfaction.

'You're very good, aren't you?' She complimented me and I couldn't help but grin broadly.

We lay looking at each other for a few minutes while she got over her climax and got her breath back, just smiling contentedly, and then she asked me 'Would you mind kissing me?'

Of course I wouldn't. I lowered my lips to hers, feeling her open her mouth suddenly as if expecting me to refuse, but I was no longer seeing her just as an old woman, but as a sexually active partner with more experience than I'd had. Her other arm came up and round me and we kissed passionately, our tongues probing and exploring. I was sorry when we broke for air, but she was still a little out of breath from her orgasm.

'That was very nice.' She told me, and then giggled girlishly. 'But that wasn't what I meant.'

I looked at her mystified.

'I meant would you mind kissing me down there.'

She pointed down her body with one hand. Understanding dawned and I felt myself go red with embarrassment.

'I'm sorry, I misunderstood.' I stumbled over the words. 'I thought you meant me to just kiss your mouth.'

'I guessed that. You can kiss me wherever you like, but I would love you to go down on me, would you do that?'

'Yes, no problem.' I told her, wriggling down the bed. I enjoy doing oral sex on a woman and I'd stopped making the young or old distinction, so naturally I would.

I got myself into position between her widespread legs and just stared at her pussy for a minute or so, taking in the erotic sight and scent of her arousal. It was clear how turned on she was by the way her clitoris stood out from its hood and by the invitation of her open vagina. She was wet too, her whole pussy shining with her juices where my rubbing her had spread them. I looked, almost wanting it to be my cock that was going there rather than my tongue. But she was paying and I was obeying. Instead I fixed the image in my mind with the intention of using it later for a wank.

I parted her bush with my thumbs, combing her rather exuberant growth out of the way, and lowered my mouth to her pussy, my tongue ready held to lick at her clitoris. She tasted as good as she promised to; her musky feminine, scent translated perfectly into that hot erotic taste of a woman's sex. My mouth closed over her pussy and my tongue tip lapped at her clit, licking and flicking that little button until her hips began to gyrate and she started to gasp again, both hands now entangling themselves in my hair and ready to hold me tight to her. I folded her legs back, wrapping my arms around her thighs, and pushed my face into her, licking and sucking her. I love doing that to a woman, any woman, but especially Connie because the sounds she was making told me how much she liked it.

My only problem was that of breathing and eventually I just had to pull away and take a couple of deep breaths. For a moment she resisted, but then she understood and released her hold on my hair.

'Please do it again, if you can.' She pleaded.

I nodded and lowered my face again, but this time I aimed my tongue at her vagina, licking and probing around the entrance before pushing it into her as far as I could. I licked, thrust and probed her with my tongue, sometimes concentrating on her entrance, sometimes running my mouth the whole length of her slit, flicking her clit as I passed and making her body jolt from the sensation. Obviously her clit was the most sensitive, but she liked her hole played with too, so I pulled an arm back around, wriggling two fingers into her as I licked her.

'Keep doing that and you'll make me come again.' She told me eagerly.

Just for a second I stopped from surprise. She'd actually said it. It was the first time I'd heard her say "come" instead of "climax" or "orgasm". Then I remembered that she already said that I should "go down" on her. Her arousal must have been stronger than I'd thought. I smiled with delight into her pussy and licked even harder.

I covered up my hesitation by adjusting my position, and then set about fingering and licking her to a climax, thrusting my two fingers into her quick and hard, and lapping at her clit as rapidly as I could, hoping that she would come before my actions made my already tired tongue ache.

I didn't quite make it. Eventually I just had to stop, my tongue just wouldn't take any more, but by then she was beginning to gasp and wriggle, showing all the signs of an imminent orgasm, and so I just sucked her swollen clit between my lips and nibbled gently at it with my teeth while still fingering her hard with my two fingers.

The effect was almost instantaneous. I'd hardly started before she came, bucking her hips so suddenly that she pulled her clit from my mouth, making me bite it harder than I intended. But she didn't seem to mind, her hips jerked and she shuddered, groaning loudly, her fingers scrabbling at the top of my head to try and help me stay in contact with her. Once again her new climax was at least as powerful as the one before, and I began to wonder how this could be, eventually putting it down to her long period of celibacy. Would it be like this every time, I wondered, always assuming she wanted me again?

'I'm sorry if I bit you.' I said when her orgasm was finally over and her legs had finally dropped back down to either side of me.

She waved a hand in that dismissive gesture of hers. 'You've no need to be. It didn't hurt, although I'm not sure I'd want you to do it much harder.'

I knew it must have hurt, but clearly she was too far gone to notice, maybe she'd like me to do it again. I was still sprawled between her legs, my face only inches from her pussy and so I looked at it and then at her and then back, trying to see what she wanted me to do next. Again the waved hand.

'Oh no. That's enough. I'm quite worn out.'

Her dated phrasing made me smile once again as I wriggled free and came to lie beside her, a little disappointed that I hadn't been able to have a climax. She turned to look at me and reached out, stroking my hair gently and affectionately.

'You are quite something, aren't you?' She murmured.

I reached out and gathered her in my arms to pull her into a hug. She responded, but she wouldn't enter fully into my embrace.

'No.' She stopped me. 'We've got something else to do yet.'

I looked at her questioningly. She smiled at my confusion and reached down between us, taking hold my still erect and solid cock.

'He's got to have his turn.' She told me.

'But I thought you'd had enough?'

'Not quite, I've just saved the best until last.'

'Are you sure?' My concern for her years was showing through.

'Very sure. I may not be able to come again, but I still want you to do it to me.'

She could see me hesitating, not because I didn't want to, but because I was worried for her.

'Do me, Scott.' She looked at me anxiously, begging me. 'Put it in me and do me. I want to feel you come inside me. I haven't felt that happen for such a long, long time.'

I promised myself I would take it easy, after all I was a fairly well built man and she was a fragile little woman. I rolled on top of her, feeling her hand dive between us to guide me into her. I must admit her passage felt fabulous, wet, warm and inviting.

'Now do it, Scott. Do me good and hard.'

Again I promised myself to take it easy, but after only a few thrusts I felt her legs go around my back and her arms grip my shoulders, and she began whispering softly into my ear.

'That's right. Push it right in hard. You can do it as fast as you want, I like it.'

There was no way I was going to hold back with her saying things like that, I began to fuck her faster, thrusting into her quicker and deeper.

'Oh, that's lovely. Just right, good and hard. I like it pushed hard up me.'

Her rather refined version of talking dirty was something of a shock, but it was doing the trick, turning me on even more.

'Don't stop. Finish inside me. I want it all up me.'

Now she whispered between the gasps caused by my plunging into her, but it had just the right effect on me, I felt my balls began tighten and that wonderful sensation that heralds a climax started to spread through my body.

'I'm going to come.' I warned her.

'I know, don't hold back. Let me feel you shoot it up me.'

I couldn't hold back if I tried, I felt my cum race along my cock and erupt into her, making me thrust as deep as I could and just grind myself into her, not pulling back but just pushing harder with each spurt, groaning in her ear as I did so.

Now it was my turn to slump, gasping for air and trembling from exertion. I tried, with only moderate success, to keep my weight from resting on her as she let her arms and legs drop back onto the bed.

'If you enjoyed that half as much as I did.' She began eventually, sliding from beneath me. 'Then the whole experience is bound for the Guinness book of records.'

I burst out laughing at that expression, and after a moment so did she, so that we lay in each other's arms chuckling and giggling like a couple of teenagers.

'I wonder.' I asked, still giggling. 'What section it would belong in?'

'Sport, obviously.'

I couldn't argue with that. I leaned over and kissed her on the mouth, not a long passionate snog, the time for that had gone, but just a quick peck of affection.

'Now, I have to apologise.' She said pulling away. 'I'm afraid my behaviour has been less than ladylike, and some of the things I said just now were a little on the coarse side. I hope you'll forgive me.'

I looked at her thinking she was joking, but she was perfectly serious.

'My husband used to like me to say things like that to him when we were doing it, and it just came back to me.'

'There is nothing to forgive.' I told her, also meaning it. 'You can say anything you like, as dirty as you like, I like it too.' Then I realised I was taking for granted that we'd do it again. 'If you want me again, that is.'

'Every day if I could afford it.' She told me in all seriousness. 'So let's just make it each Thursday.'

I very nearly offered to call every day for nothing, it was tempting but I couldn't afford it either. My attitude to having sex with an older woman had altered completely. I'd felt it changing as things went along, and now I didn't care what our age gap was, I'd have her any day of the week. In fact if anyone gets the chance to take an older woman to bed, then jump at it. You'll get all of the pleasure with none of the behaviour. And if you can get paid as well, then you've hit the jackpot.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great change of pace story!! Very loving passion between the two of them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Picked this story because I like tasteful sex-for-money stories. it's nice that is did not try to idealize her body like too many mature stories do.

Problem is that it ended too quickly. The plane got off the runway and up to altitude, and then we lost contact, although I'm assuming it flew on.

Still 5 stars.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

... Can't help but wonder how much he got payed. Lol..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
well written, very articulate... but...

i know in the end money was no longer the central theme or motivation... but given that he needed the money... you omitted how much she paid him!! lol.

hoping... and guessing.... five crisp $100 bills.. or more.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 8 years ago
Paying or getting paid was never my "thang", but...

it was still a good story.

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