His Beautiful Neighbour Ch. 04


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"Where's the remote?" he asked. She cast a quick, confused look on his face before looking back out on the road. Between driving and him doing wonderful things to her thigh, her mind was plenty occupied and she couldn't really concentrate enough to even figure out what he was asking her.

"The remote-control? For the butterfly?" he repeated in a slow, mocking way. Blushing over her own lack of focus, she pointed at the little, black handbag at his feet.

"It's in there. It's a little black... thing that looks like a small TV-remote," she told him and he quickly found it, hidden beneath a make-up kit and a jewellery-box.

"Did you test it?" he asked curious as he studied it. She nodded yes, "but not after I put it on, though. I know it works, 'cause I tested it after I put the batteries in."

"So you don't know how it feels?" he continued his questions. She shook her head no.

"Why not?"

"I eh... I was running a little late and... well," she mumbled.

"You were afraid if you started you wouldn't be able to stop?" he finished for her with a mocking smile. A little humiliated she nodded again.

"Well, it's good you know your limits," he laughed at her, then he continued: "You really ARE a little slut, aren't you?"

She looked him dead in the eye and told him with pride in her voice: "I'm your little slut."

He nodded, pleased with her answer.

"You'll get a chance to prove it soon enough," he said cryptically.


At James' guidance they parked in front of a store of 'Den of Depravity'. Andrea had little trouble identifying what kind of store this was -- the large windows were filled pornflicks, tight, suggestive "uniforms" and paddles, crops and whips in all shapes and sizes.

"A porno-shop?" she asked in puzzlement.

"Yep. We need a few items, you see," he answered her, "but first I need to buy something. A surprise, if you will. So I'll go in, get what I need and you'll wait outside. When I'm done, I'll come get you and give you a little assignment."

She looked at herself in the rear-mirror, "you want me to stand outside a porn-shop, dressed like a sex-craving schoolgirl... all by myself?" she summed up in an incredulous voice.

"Yes," he affirmed, "but to make it a little more interesting, we'll start this," he said and flipped the switch on the remote he still had in his hand. With no warning the little buzzer placed directly on her clit began to vibrate, not overly fast but enough to make the poor woman squirm in her seat.

"Oh God," she breathed as bolts of pleasure flared from her clit throughout her body.

James didn't really know the effect it would have. From what he had read on the Internet, the buzz should be quite arousing but not strong enough to bring a woman to orgasm -- especially not on the lower of the two speeds. But Andrea seemed to be a woman who had an easy time cumming, so he just watched her while she squirmed around in her seat, trying to increase the pressure -- trying to get off!

"Please, please, more!" she begged him, as she came to realise that she wouldn't be able to cum from the butterfly alone. Though pleasurable, its pressure was too weak and even in her aroused state she knew better than to rub herself like she wanted -- he would never allow it and probably punish her for it.

"Nope," he grinned and stepped out of the car. She followed suit, purposefully ignoring the little voice in the back of her head that was telling her that 35-year old women should not be standing in the street, dressed like a schoolgirl slut. The arousal she felt whenever she followed James' orders, whenever she humiliated herself for him tried to drown out that little, insistent voice -- and the little vibrating butterfly on her most intimate parts certainly didn't help her think clearly.

She knew this was what she wanted though, she wanted James to use her in whatever way he saw fit, wanted to be his little slut, wanted to earn his praise -- and his love.

She was a little unsteady as she stepped out of the car, it was hard to gain complete control of her body when the damn butterfly humming away between her legs. Oh God, the humming! she thought in sudden panic, can everyone hear?! She froze, trying to determine if a random passerby would be able to hear. The little voice inside her head grew louder, telling her that this wasn't right.

"Hey!" James caught her attention, looking at her across the roof of her car, "you okay?"

She didn't know if he was asking if she wanted to go through with it -- whatever "it" was -- or if he had noticed she was acting a little weird. It didn't really matter, she decided and nodded her head yes. She was okay. He was with her. He smiled at her, a confident smile. She smiled back, finding her own confidence in his eyes. The way he looked at her, half worried, half lusty boosted her self-esteem. He wanted her and he'd watch out for her -- nothing else mattered.

Looking as she looked, confidence became seductiveness and she swayed her hips as she walked around the car, steeling herself.

"I'm better than okay, Lover," she said in a sultry voice. She hadn't called him that in a while but seeing as they were in public, it seemed like a less attention-drawing title than "master" or "sir". Of course, given how she was dressed, no one would really pay attention to anything she said...

She played with one of her pigtails and looked down, acting like a shy, innocent girl and letting her incredibly developed, mature body speak for itself. The result was an instant renewal of James' hard-on.

"I can see that," he agreed with a desiring smile, "be a good girl 'till I come back." He turned around and went into the store without looking back. She was left behind, with only a little butterfly, locked on her clit to keep her company.

The 'good girl' looked around her as she stood alone on the side-walk. It wasn't the most trafficked part of town, but it wasn't a sleazy neighbour either. The few people, who came by looked at her blatantly, not caring that she noticed. One elderly 'gentleman' actually stopped and stared at her for almost a minute with an odd, calculation look in his eyes. She blushed scarlet when she realised he was considering how much she'd cost -- he thought she was a whore!

"Oh God," she thought as he moved on, never had she been so humiliated! Her pussy was gushing, she was sure any minute now a line of pussyjuice would make its way down her leg.

"Well, hello there, darling," a voice suddenly said behind her.

Scared witless, she turned around, staring into a man's eyes. She somehow felt like she'd been caught and all her confidence drained away.

"Come here often?" the man asked. Andrea guessed he was around her own age, maybe a little older and he seemed to devour her with his eyes. They wandered from her special hair-do down her made-up face to her tits, so nicely put on display for everyone to look at and down her skirt to her tanned thighs and continued down to her semi-high open-toed sandals. At no point did he bother to look her in the eyes. That annoyed her. Just because she was dressed to please, didn't mean she didn't deserved the same respect as a fully-dressed woman.

"No, never been here before," she answered curtly, not caring to continue the conversation with this slightly creepy man.

"Well," he said, taking a step closer, invading her personal space, "wanna come home with me? I've got a condo downtown..." he informed her, trying to impress her. She wasn't.

"No," she said coldly, "I'm waiting for my... boyfriend." She was torn between say Master and boyfriend but decided not to encourage this guy with more intimate details of her personal life.

"Ah..." he nodded in understanding, "well, I don't mind paying for it. We can just wait for your pimp- sorry, boyfriend... together."

Thinking that the deal had been sealed he let his hand glide around her waist down to her ass. Andrea was too shocked, both by his boldness and by the misunderstanding to stop him.

Then as everything dawned on her, she slapped his face and hissed at him: "He's not my pimp and he would never sell me to a creep like you!"

With that she turned her back on him and walked to the other end of the store-facade. She was still in front of the store as she'd been told and she was as far away from the creep as she could come.

He stared at her with anger in his eyes, spat at the sidewalk and with a loud: "Too old for me anyway," he turned around and left.

She stood for herself a bit, calming her nerves and felt better and better about herself. She had stood up to the creep and shown him, herself and the rest of the world that she wasn't that kind of woman! "Only for James," she whispered to herself. The unstoppable humming between her legs certainly helped somewhat to turn her adrenaline-rush into another kind of rush... a more pleasant kind of rush.

It took another ten minutes for James to finish his purchases in the store, ten minutes of people walking by and staring at her. But after her run-in with the creepy guy, Andrea had found a sense of strength and pride within her. She might be dressed like a slut but she was so because she'd chosen to -- because James liked her dressed like this. So when a guy slowly driving by openly stared at her, she smiled and him and waved. When a woman across the street scowled at her, Andrea winked at her and played with the hem of her skirt in a teasing way, lifting it up a bit to show more of her enticing thighs. The woman left in a huff but every single stare Andrea got only confirmed her desirability. That, combined with the effect of the busy little butterfly turned Andrea into a sexually-charged woman -- a woman who needed the touch of her lover.

Finally James opened the door and told her to come in. Confident in her newly-discovered pride she put an extra sway into her hips and more craving in her seductive smile as she made her way to him. She quickly moved up the three-stepped stairs, where James stood and held the door open. As soon as she reached him, she put her arms around him in a lover's embrace and placed a hungry kiss on his lips.

He quickly composed himself and returned her kiss, easily as forceful as hers. She took hold of his hands and guided them down to her scantily clad ass, where they instinctively began squeezing her tempting little rear.

"We need to get out of here, Lover," she whispered to him as she felt him eagerly maul her ass.

"The sub's giving order now?" he asked and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"Of course not, Lover," she smiled wickedly and moved her hand to the front of his pants and squeezed his already fully-erected dick, "just stating the facts."

"You want it?" he asked her, looking into her eyes, burning with sexual need.

"Uh-huh," she readily agreed, letting her hand follow the outline of his cock down to the base.

"You need to get fucked, don't you?" he continued, letting his hands trail up under her skirt, grabbing her naked ass.

"Yeees!" she admitted, the intense arousal of getting felt up in public and the happy little butterfly making her more needing than normally.

"You want it in your ass?" he demanded, staring into her eyes. She could only nod in response -- however he wanted her, he could have her! She was quickly losing all control in her lust and moved her hands a little up to the buttons in his pants, meaning to free his cock right here in the doorway of a pornshop.

James was a man of control, priding himself of his ability to hold back, but even he couldn't hold back from the forceful look of need in her eyes.

"Shit!" he muttered and grabbed her around the neck, forcing her lips to his once again in a hard, passionate kiss before he picked up the little black plastic-bag he'd dropped when she kissed him the first time. Taking her hand in his, he guided her back to the car; they quickly got in and sped away.


"Oh God, yes!" Andrea cried loudly when she finally felt her lover's hard cock hammer into her soppingly wet pussy. I've waited too long for this! She thought as she lay on her back in her own bed, being taken hard by her eager lover. The ache in her cunt had grown ever since he told her that she wasn't allowed to cum before he allowed her yesterday, and the damn butterfly that now laid discarded on the floor certainly hadn't helped. And she still had to hold back! she suddenly realised. He still hadn't given her permission.

"Oh please, Lover, may I cum?" she begged, while her entire body shook from the force of him driving his cock into her as hard as he could, "Oh, God! You're so good, I can't-" she began but lost her thought as he seized her tit and squeezed it painfully. She gave a loud moan, a result of the typical James-induced mix of pain and pleasure. Her left breast hurt but her cunt was exploding with pleasure and her orgasm-starved brain wished he'd torture her right tit as well.

"Please, please, Lover!" she tried again when he didn't answer and she felt how she was losing the battle not to cum. She wouldn't disappoint him again, she wouldn't!

"How can I not cum when your big cock is fucking me?" she moaned, growing more and more desperate.

She closed her eyes, laid back and fought to hold back her impending orgasm as best she could. Suddenly she felt her lover's mouth on hers, craving, demanding, biting into her lower lip. James was developing some sadistic streaks that went well in hand with her need for pain, though he instinctively knew where to draw the line. Though her lip hurt, he didn't draw blood.

"Cum, my little slavegirl, cum for your new owner," he all but whispered into her mouth but Andrea heard him more clearly than if he had shouted it out.

At his words, she could finally let the iron-control of her body that had kept the orgasm at bay, go. As a result, the growing fire that had started between her legs quickly seized control of her body, and her mind became numb as one great rush of pleasure surged through her.

James, in awe of how strongly he made her cum, came as well only a few seconds later but Andrea's bliss-filled mind barely registered it.


"So... what did you buy?" Andrea finally asked. She'd been waiting ever since she came back from her orgasmic high for James to tell her or show her what was in the little bag but she still didn't have a clue. She assumed it would be some sort of sex-toy but it had seemed really important to him to keep it a secret.

"Hmm?" James asked without looking up from his food. It wasn't the best meal she'd cooked for him but then again he had told her to 'fix something fast' since he was starving after the sex.

As the good housewife she had been and the even better sexslave she wanted to be, she had immediately cooked up a meal for her lover.

However, just before she left the bed, he had ordered her to strip off all her clothes. "Just leave the heels on," as he said.

A couple of weeks ago, the thought of cooking a meal stark-naked would have been alien to her. Now, it seemed perfectly reasonable to her, as she stripped off the shirt, bra and skirt. The clothes landed in a small pile on the floor. A very small pile -- there just wasn't a lot of fabric in what she'd worn today. It seemed almost surreal to her that she'd walked around in the city with next to nothing on - and been mistaken for a prostitute!

No wonder he thought I was a whore, she thought with a little smile. He had been a slimeball and he'd creeped her out but she felt good about the whole episode. She handled herself well, she thought and it just seemed so naughty to be offered money for sex!

"At the... the pornshop," she clarified, sitting at the table, still naked in all her glory, "what did you buy?"

Finally paying attention to her, he shook his head with a smile he told her, "You'll see, don't worry, you'll see." That's hardly illuminating, she thought with mild annoyance.

"Is it a present?" she asked a moment later. She loved presents!

"Yes," he answered after a moment's thought, "it is."

She beamed a smile at him. One of those smiles that lit up her entire face and made her truly beautiful. The smile reminded James that his sexy neighbour was sitting across him, completely in the buff -- and he was focusing on the food?

Andrea couldn't exactly read his mind but she could easily register how his interest suddenly shifted from her food to her body. Very pleased with his renewed interest she straightened her back and pulled her stomach in, causing her chest stand out more prominently.

Though she tried to be subtle, James caught every movement and their intended purposes. Well, it would have been strange if he failed to notice how the two great orbs he was more or less staring at suddenly became even more noticeable.

"I'm full now," he said, clearly talking more to her chest than her face, "it tasted great though."

"I'm glad you... like what you get," she said with an obvious double entendre, that she herself cringed a bit about. It seemed lame even to her but James was kind enough to play along.

"I do, I do," he assured her with a wink, "clean up here and we'll go upstairs and I'll show you how much I like it..."

Andrea's nipples hardened and a certain wetness started to emerge between her legs, both at the casual way he ordered her around in her own house and the promise of good things to come... upstairs.

It was really a challenge -- to clean up as fast as possible so as to get to the fun part upstairs and at the same time portray the looks of a sensual woman, radiating sexual energy as she did her Man's bidding.

In James' eyes she managed splendidly. The high heels made her ass and legs look really good and her breasts jiggled very nicely whenever she moved. And a top of it all, she was cleaning after him, like his own personal maid...

When the kitchen was clean they went upstairs.

"So," she asked excitedly when they re-entered her bedroom, "what's the present?"

James' mood had sobered as they walked up the staircase (watching as Andrea swayed her delicious ass in her heels, of course).

"Kneel," he told her and pointed at a spot on the floor in the middle of the rather large bedroom.

Her own mood became quite serious at the tone of his voice and she knelt down where he had indicated. Her eyes were full of questions though but James ignored her for now.

Out of the black plastic-bag he had gotten in the porn-shop he took a black... strap? Andrea couldn't quite see what it was until he held it out in front of her.

A collar.

A black dog-collar.

It was a quite thin, three or four centimetres wide, made of leather and with a buckle. In the middle of it were a dog-tag and a ring -- presumably for a leach.

"I... I want you to wear my collar," James stated, for once a little nervous. This was a huge step, at least in his eyes, and he wanted her to want this.

She looked up in his eyes, saw his nervousness and loved him for it. With a wide smile, she held her hair out of the way, so he could clasp it around her neck, "I would love to wear your collar," she told him sincerely. As he buckled it, he noticed how perfectly it fit her and although James wasn't superstitious, he took it as a sign of fate, or destiny.

"I'm locking it tight. Whenever you wear it -- and you'll wear it a lot -- it will remind you of my ownership..." he explained, still a bit nervous but gaining more control now that she had agreed. He didn't quite know what he'd have done if she had balked. He could probably have forced it through, or at least persuaded her to wear it for him once in a while. But this was better -- no, this wasn't just better. This was perfect. She wanted to wear it. For him!

She took a small intake of breath as he locked the buckle in place. It fit so snugly!