Hummingbird Rose Ch. 03


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"No one," Rose says. "Everyone has a secret self locked away. Someone only they know."

"There's another Rose? Dark Rose."

She gives him a bemused smirk.

"Okay, darker Rose," he says. "A Rose no one knows but you."

"A rose is a rose is a rose," she says.

"What's that?"

"A line from a poem." Rose takes a bite of mushroom. "The same is true of you, right? A dark side no one knows."

Patrick nods. "I'm only human."

"Dark Patrick," Rose says. "What's he like?"

He smiles. "Maybe you'll get the chance to find out."

Rose raises an eyebrow. "I hope so."


Rose is less nervous on the flight back. Perhaps letting Patrick be in control sometimes isn't so bad.

When they're at altitude, Patrick asks her if she'd like to take the controls for a few minutes.

Are you crazy? She shakes her head. "No."

"I won't let you crash us. Go ahead."

Rose places her hands on the controls.

Patrick looks at her. "Ready?"

Rose takes a deep breath. "Ready."

Patrick lets go of his controls. "You have control. Your airplane."

I'm flying a plane. How did this happen? She glances at Patrick, then back to the controls. "I'm flying a plane. I'm flying a fucking plane!"

Patrick has Rose adjust the plane's direction as they fly for the next few minutes. She turns the controls left, the plane banking accordingly. Holy shit. I did that.

It's nothing like Precious Baby. The Corvette has cat-like reflexes. Patrick's plane doesn't, but it still responds smoothly. The feeling of power under Rose's command is the same, though.

Rose processes her feelings. Terror, wonder, excitement. All off the charts.

A soaring sense of freedom, most of all. The liberating experience of flight. Amid the noise and vibration of the tiny cockpit, a sense of tranquility sets in. As though woman and machine are one.

Rose in control of it all. As she prefers.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Patrick says.


Patrick takes back the controls as they get ready to descend. She smiles, staring ahead. "That was one of the most amazing experiences of my life."

"It's something, isn't it?"

Rose doesn't answer, only casting Patrick an affectionate glance. She watches in silence as he brings them down to the runway. They land and Patrick casts her a knowing grin. She returns his smile, placing a hand on his thigh.

Patrick gets the plane settled in. Rose waits for him by Precious Baby.

"You know," Patrick says. "Since I let you fly my plane, the least you could do is let me drive your--"

"Not going to happen," Rose says.


She shakes her head. "Nope."

They get in, Patrick resigned to the passenger seat. "I had to try."

Rose starts Precious Baby. "I suppose."

They pull out of the airport. Rose shifts into the third. As much fun as flying the plane was, it's good to be back on solid ground.

"Thanks again," Rose says as they pull out of the airport. "That was an incredible experience."

"Anytime," he says.

"I'll hold you to that," Rose says.

They exchange smiles. Patrick knows how to impress a girl, doesn't he? Hop in your plane, fly her to lunch. Let her take the controls on the way back. Then act nonchalant about the whole thing. Sly devil.

Rose is a bundle of horniness as she drives to Patrick's. By the time she pulls into his driveway, she doubts she can hold back any longer.


Patrick's house is tidy and uncluttered. As Rose might've pictured. At least some things meet expectations.

The decor is modern, chosen with taste. Along one wall in his living room is a series of framed album covers from the sixties and seventies. Rose studies them. They're a good selection.

"Can I get you a drink?" Patrick asks.

"White wine if you have it," Rose says.

"Coming right up."

Rose glances around further. She notices a photograph on a shelf of Patrick with two teenagers, one boy and one girl. The three of them are smiling, mountains in the background.

Patrick returns, two glasses of wine in his hands. He hands Rose one.

"These are your kids?" Rose asks.

"Yeah. That was six or seven years ago, in Utah."

"They're gorgeous," Rose says.


They sit on the couch, facing each other.

"Can I ask you a question?" Rose doesn't wait for his response. "Why'd you get divorced?"

"Good question. Short version, we married too young and then too many long deployments. And you?"

"How much time do you have?" Rose says. "Long story short, we both thought the other would change. I waited for him to loosen up and he waited for me to calm down. Wrong on both counts."

They both take a sip of wine.

"It's alright, though," Rose says. "We get along better now than we did when we were married. He's happier, I'm happier. Gina's doing...well. "

"That's what counts, doesn't it?" Patrick says.


"Happiness." He stretches an arm out and rests it on the back of the couch. "What makes you happy?"

Rose gives him a sideways glance. "Aren't you philosophical all of a sudden? Okay. Let me think. I'll go with personal autonomy."


"The freedom to discover who I am. Then to live it that way. I think you know."

"I do," he says.

"And I've made up my mind recently. I've decided to pursue my desires, wherever they lead."

Patrick sips his wine. "Then you should do it."

"You're only too happy to encourage me, aren't you?"

"Can you blame me?"

"No," she says. "And do you know what I desire right now?"

"I can imagine."

Rose puts her glass down. "I bet you can do more than imagine. You can hope."

"Hope for what?"

"You can hope what I desire right now is to fuck you," she says.

"Is it?"

"You know it is. But what about you? What's your deepest desire right now?"

"The same as yours."

Nice try. "That's not what I asked. We're both horny. My pussy's been wet since I climbed in your plane. I bet you knew that already. But what's your desire right now? At this moment."


"Don't be coy, either. Be honest."

"It's hard to talk about," he says.

Now I'm intrigued. "I'm open minded. Not a lot shocks me. I won't do anything involving shit or blood. I don't care for rape fantasies, either. I don't judge those who do, but no thanks."

"Okay," he says. "It's nothing like that."

"In that case, most anything is up for consideration. Do you want me to peg you while you wear a pink tutu and insist on me calling you Margaret?"

He smirks. "No."

Too bad. "So out with it. What do you want? Right now."

"Alright." Patrick pauses. "I want you to take charge of me."

Yes! "That," she says. "I can do."

"I want to take your orders and be at your command. Your human fucktoy."

Human fuck toy? I'm on board for that. "See, wasn't that easy? If you want me to take control, consider me in control."

"I'm yours. Boss me around."

"No problem," she says. "Let's jump right in, shall we?"

Rose gives him a long, hot kiss. Her hand rests on his shoulders. "Why don't you show me your bedroom?"

Patrick leads Rose upstairs into the bedroom. It's as tidy as the rest of the house. The moment they set foot within, her demeanor changes.

Rose frowns, pretending annoyance. "You can start by getting naked. Don't stand there gawking at me. Strip down."

Patrick stares at her, taken by surprise. As if he didn't know the game had begun or how Rose meant to play it.

"Why the hell are you standing there staring at me like that?" Rose shouts. "If I tell you to get naked, boy, you get naked. Move!"

Rose suppresses a giggle. She plays indignant outrage well but it's already tough staying in character. Patrick does as he's told, though, stripping off his clothes. He starts by taking off his shirt.

"Underwear, too." She sighs, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Hurry up. Don't forget your socks, either."

Patrick strips, underwear and socks following pants and shirt. He stands before her nude, his cock half-hard.

"That was too slow for my liking," Rose says. "I expect my orders to be carried out quicker and with greater efficiency."

"Yes, ma'am."

Rose steps forward. She runs her fingertips over Patrick's arms, across his shoulders, and down his chest.

"You appeal to me physically, in spite of your bumbling execution of my directives. Fortunately for you, I require sexual fulfillment. You will use your body to satisfy my sexual needs. Is that clear?"


She frowns. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"That's better," she says. "Be sure you remember to address me properly. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I like this. "What I want now is for you to put those strong arms around me and kiss me. Make sure it is to my liking."

Patrick wraps his arms around her and pulls her against him. They kiss, warm and passionate. Rose's knees go weak.

"Kiss me harder," she moans.

Their tongues and lips explore one another, wet mouth upon wet mouth. Growing in intensity and fervor. Tongues dancing and twirling. Rose grabs his dick, feeling it grow rock hard in her grip.

Rose jerks him off as they kiss. She likes this game already. Her curvaceous BBW body exerting dominion over this fine masculine specimen.

He'll obey her orders. Cater to her whims. Whatever it takes to please her. As it should be.

What next, though? Have him eat her pussy? All in good time. How about jumping right in and having him fuck the shit out of her?

Rose strokes his cock, trying to decide. It's rock hard, ready to please her. What to do?

Rose makes up her mind. She drops to her knees, still stroking his dick.

"I'm going to suck this dick now," she says. "You will stand like you are. You will thrust your cock into my mouth while I suck. Am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'm doing this to show you who is in control." She kisses the tip, stroking it. "This dick is mine now, not yours. It exists solely to provide me with pleasure. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And what's going to give me the most pleasure right now is to suck it. Therefore, I will suck it."

Rose takes his cock into her mouth. She sucks his cock slowly, pumping the base with one hand and massaging his balls with the other.

She glances up and their eyes meet. Rose sucks faster, her head moving back and forth over his length. He groans, thrusting against her mouth.

Rose revels in her power, her ability to control Patrick with her mouth. And he's happy to be in that place. Happy to give it all to Rose. Total control.

She sucks him for a long time. Rose backs off a few times to jerk off his cock. Then her mouth devours it again. Sucking him faster than before. Harder.

He thrusts faster, moaning. Rose senses he'll cum soon if she goes on. Normally, that's not so bad. Get him off, let him eat her pussy after. Win-win. But not today. Too much of their game is yet to be played.

Rose pulls back, shaking her head. "You're going to have to wait. I determine when you cum, is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I told you," Rose says. "This dick, once yours, is my property now. Its purpose is my pleasure. Do you understand?"

"I do, ma'am."

Rose stands. "I call the shots. That was a teaser of what awaits you if you are obedient. Understand? Tell me."

"Understood, ma'am."

"Prove it. Who owns this cock?"

"You," he says.

"You, what?" she demands.

"You, ma'am."

"And who decides when you cum?"

"You do, ma'am."

Rose strokes his wet cock. "That's right. And you only get to cum after you've made me cum. As many times as I require. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good," she says. "I am in need of undressing. Attend to it."

Rose raises her arms up over her head. Patrick peels off her shirt and tosses it aside.

Rose glares at him. "How dare you treat my garments with such disrespect!"

"Sorry, ma'am."

"Pick it up at once. Fold it properly." She stays in character, biting her lower lip to stifle a laugh. This is a lot of fun.

Rose waits for Patrick to finish folding her shirt. She glowers at him while choking back a giggle. "Now my boots."

Rose lifts each foot in turn. Patrick drops to a knee. He unzips her boots and pulls them off.

"My jeans next, " she says.

Patrick starts to undo her jeans but she stops him.

"No," she says. "Use your mouth."

Patrick can't hold in a smile.

"Don't you smile at me, boy," she says.

Rose's voice cracks, a snort of laughter breaking through her act. She gets it back under control.

"Get started," she says.

"Yes, ma'am."

Patrick opens the front of her jeans with his teeth and unzips them the same way.

Rose pushes her jeans down, wiggling out them. She lifts up one leg and then the other to help him get her jeans off. He folds them reverently and sets them atop her shirt.

"Socks," she says.

Patrick peels off her socks and folds them. He places them on her jeans.

"Now the panties," she tells him. "Teeth only."

"Yes, m'am."

Patrick bites down on the top of her panties and pulls them down over her wide ass and big hips. He pushes them down, still holding them in his teeth until they are past her knees. Rose steps out of them. Patrick folds them and places them atop her jeans.

She shakes her head, feigning frustration. "My bra remains on."

Patrick stands. Rose turns around and he undoes her bra. She looks at the floor, pointing to her clothes. "Don't stand there, boy. Place my clothes on the dresser. Snap to it!"

"Yes, ma'am."

Rose climbs onto Patrick's bed. She lays sitting up against his pillows. She rubs her clit while he gathers up her clothes and places them on the dresser.

What to demand now? The key is to make him do what he already wishes to do but which Rose will also enjoy. The answer comes to her at once. "Get over here. You will now eat my pussy."

Patrick starts to crawl into bed. Rose glares at him, holding up a finger in warning. "Are you forgetting something, boy? When I tell you to do something, what do you say?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Correct," she says. "Be sure to remember it. I grow weary of correcting you. I say again, get over here and eat my pussy."

"Yes, ma'am."

It dawns on her. Disobedience and correction is part of the game, isn't it? Patrick fails to address her properly. Rose admonishes him. This is so fucking fun.

"Then get on with it," she snaps.

"Yes, ma'am."

Patrick moves into position, crawling into bed with her. She spreads her legs and he lowers his face towards her pussy.

"Smell it first," she says. "Inhale me. Do you like it?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Now tell me," she says. "How much do you like the smell of my pussy?"

"I love it, ma'am."

"Why?" she says. "What's it like? Tell me."

"It's musty and rich, ma'am."

"Is that so?" Rose says. "And what does it make you want to do?"

"To lick it, ma'am. To bury my face in your wonderful pussy."

"How much do you want to do it?"

"So much, ma'am."

Rose smirks dismissively. "So much? That's the best you can do?"

"More than anything in the world, ma'am."

"That's a more appropriate response given the glories of my pussy. Give it a proper kiss."

"Yes, ma'am." Patrick kisses her pussy.

"Give it another one. Good. Now part the lips."

Patrick obeys, easing her labia aside.

"Lick me," Rose says.

"Yes, ma'am." Patrick gives her a long, slow lick. Rose moans, enjoying his tongue on her pussy.

"Keep licking," she sighs. "Like that. Fuck, yeah."

Patrick obeys, following her directions.

"Nice and slow," she moans. "Start at the bottom and lick upwards. All the way. Again, boy. Keep going slow. Don't speed up. Don't you dare speed up until I tell you."

Patrick licks her with agonizing slowness. A tease she's imposed on herself. He'll lick her pussy slowly for long minutes--hours, maybe?--and be happy to do so. Happy to follow her orders. Her human fuck toy.

Rose doesn't know how much longer she can take. She'll break long before he will, though. She wants him to speed up licking her clit, fingering her roughly as she squirts all over his face.

Not yet. Make him hold back. Make him delay doing what they both want.

Up and down his tongue moves. Her pussy's drenched and she pinches her own nipples. How much longer can she resist? Why does she want to? Give in. Let him have at it.

It's more than she can stand. Time to unleash Patrick. Time to let him do what needs doing.

"Faster," she moans. "Lick me faster."

And he does. He laps up her womanhood, surely loving everything aspect of the experience. Her aroma, her taste. Her moaning. The act of giving her pleasure, too.

Patrick starts on her clit, licking it up and down. Rose gasps, her lips quivering. It's like drifting inside happiness.

"Lick it side to side, boy," she tells him. "You know the way."

He obeys. Of course he does. He wants to obey, doesn't he, wants to please her? To make her happy. To serve Queen Rose however he can.

"Lick my clit." She arches her back, huge tits pointing upwards. "Lick my clit. Oh, fuck. That's the way! Oh, fuck! Finger me. Finger me and lick my clit! Like that!"

His obedience follows. His tongue is on her clit as his fingers slide in and out of her pussy. That's the way.

"Keep at it, boy," she gasps. "Don't stop. Don't you dare fucking stop."

It all feels so good. Not only his tongue, but also his fingers fucking her. Bringing her closer to relief. Ever closer.

Rose closes her eyes, concentrating on the wondrous sensations in her pussy. The early, subtle signs of an impending orgasm appear. So soon? So much the better.

"Keep at it!" she moans. "Don't you dare stop. Don't you dare stop. Fuck, yeah. Fuck, yeah."

Her orgasm draws nearer, approaching with deceptive speed.

Rose writhes in ecstasy, gigantic tits heaving. "Give it to me hard, boy! Finger me as hard as you can! That's it!"

Patrick fingers her, all while licking her clit. Working her pussy and bringing her closer to climax. Always closer. Until she's almost there.

Almost. Almost.

Rose lets out a long gasp, closing her eyes and turning her head side to side as she cums. Her balled fists punch the mattress, spasms of pleasure overtaking her. She squirts all over Patrick's face.

"Oh, fucking yes," she howls. "Holy fucking shit."

Rose catches her breath. Patrick's fingers slow to a gentle pace. Neither says a word. Rose should be satisfied, but isn't. Instead, she considers what she wants next.

"Go stand at the edge of the bed," she says.

Patrick does as she instructs.

"Did you let your cock get dry again, boy?" she asks.

"I did. Sorry, ma'am."

Rose frowns. "That won't do. You need a nice wet cock to slide into my pussy properly."

"Of course, ma'am."

"Stay where you are." Rose gets onto her hands and knees, crawling to the edge of the bed. She lays on her belly, Patrick's cock pointed at her face. She starts to grab it but stops.

"No. Let's do this hands free." She opens her mouth, sticking out her tongue.

"Yes, ma'am."

Patrick places his cock atop her tongue. She sticks it out further and he slides in and out of her mouth slowly. The head pushing against her lips. Like kissing her mouth, except with his cock.

Rose lifts her head. "Now I want you to fuck my mouth. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Good boy. "You're learning. I am pleased."

"I do what I can, ma'am."

Rose scowls, feigning offense. "Do not presume, boy. There is always room for improvement. You will stick your cock in my mouth and you'd better do it right. Am I clear?"

"Loud and clear, ma'am."

He loves this. So do I. "Very well. Proceed. Your queen wants your cock in her mouth."

Rose extends her tongue. She takes Patrick into her mouth again. He thrusts into her and she closes her lips around it.