Husband's Boss, and My FIL


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We went together, we bathed together, he got half a hard on which quite pleased me. And the reason for the half hard on he had? I excited him, I pleased him, he wanted me. It wasn't just the fact that we both knew now he could screw me whenever the fancy over took him. He had the real desire for me, and that made me want him too. We dried each other amongst a lot of exploring.

When we got back to bed we fell into each other, but I was eager for him now, I pushed him on to his back and got over him. One of my most favourite past times is 69ing my man. I keep my pussy trimmed, so I guessed that would please him when I smothered him, which is exactly what I was intending to do.

I didn't have to make a play from him, I felt his face connect with me, then the lip smacking, followed by tongue probing, and then, that all encompassing and consuming sucking. I reached for his cock, it was my first real view, and it was a beauty. It wasn't hard yet but I knew it soon would be. I got him in my mouth and off I went. I chased him to erectness, I squashed his balls, ran my nails all over. I urged him on without speaking.

My pussy was like a squid, it was reaching all over him and pulling him in and up. I had another orgasm, it was made by me rather than him, it was because of what I was doing, I was doing my thing. It was also because of with whom, and I knew I could satisfy myself here like this for a long time, given the opportunity.

I still hadn't had time to consider what I was doing with another man, a man who wasn't my husband but his boss. I had succumbed to his irresistible temptation in the airport. His boss was stroking my ass, running his finger up and down my crack. My husband was smiling at me while I was being railroaded by his employer. His words, "I'll be fucking your brains out in ten to fifteen minutes."

They all had conspired to make me give in, it was easy too. Ralph as I have said, is a really good looking guy, he is known in the office as 'sex on legs,' all the girls, or most of them wish. Some of the married ones did too, and had I hasten to add. And now I had joined the list. I was a willing, yet unwilling partner.

I also knew that if, or when he called me, next week, next month, I would have the devils own time trying to say no. In fact I already believed that after this, after things had settled down, I would be waiting for his call.

I came again, they weren't earth shattering orgasms, but they did for me. I was loving that gorgeous squishy feeling I get when I cum. I sucked as hard a s I could, I know men like that, and Ralph was no different, I got him hard. I jumped up, spun around and dropped on to him. And that was when I fucked him, I fucked him long and hard. I gave him no peace, he knew what I was doing, and he let me.

Then out of the corner of my eye, just as another climax strummed through me, the phone on the night stand flashed, Tom! That was when I knew what I was doing was wrong, the guilt hit me hard. I sucked in a breath, but still my climax had its way, there's no way to stop one of them, not for me anyway.

I jumped off Ralph with my juices running down my thighs. I sat on the edge of the bed still in the grip of my orgasm. I sucked in breath deep and hard. I picked it up, pointed to Ralph indicating him to be quiet.

"Hey Tom, hi, how are you, are you in your hotel now?" I asked without taking breath. I put my hand over the phone and sucked in more oxygen. He told me he was, that the people he was meeting were there at the moment, and he would call me later. He told me he loved me, I told him I loved him. And right then two legs appeared either side of me, two arms surrounded me, two lips and two sets of teeth got my neck!

"Argggh," I gasped. My nipples got the treatment, "Argggh," I cried again. I tried to get away but Ralph held me easily.

"What's wrong Tracy, are you alright?" his concern obvious.

"I er, I erm, I er I just stubbed my toe, sorry Tom, I'm fine, but it is irritating!" And it was, my nipples were on fire. Ralph dropped a hand and stroked my clit because my legs were apart, and because I was still coming down from my last climax, he fired me right back up again.

"Tom honey, I'm sorry I have to go and see to this," I was saying my toe, but the cock which was now trapped under my ass was the thing I had in mind to see to! "I'll speak soon babe, I love you." I dropped the phone into the holder, spun around, Slapped Ralph across the face, and said.

"Don't you ever do that again Ralph, he could have guessed what was going on!" I threw him backwards and jumped on him and sank my pussy all the way down and half fucked myself to death. I was so fired up I came in a torrent, a thunder storm, a tornado. I fell on him, kissed him, and then he shot his load deep into my quivering raging pussy. It sucked up every drop he spat out.

Somehow, some way, we, I, fell asleep, I woke in the middle of the night wondering where I was. I had my arm around Tom, which is how I sleep usually. He felt different, I lifted my head to see why and gazed in the moonlight at his boss Ralph's head. Then it all came back, My body let me know immediately what I had been doing, my mind did too. Both conflicted, my body felt vital, alive, happily satisfied. My mind differed to agree. "Wrong Tracy!" it stated, and I knew who was right, my mind.

I turned over and lay awake, I mulled everything over, but the upshot was, I had enjoyed being done by my husband's boss. It had been so satisfying, not that Tom didn't satisfy me, he did. But Ralph was completely at odds with the way Tom and I made love. I liked it, loved it even, but it was wrong. And another problem I knew I had was, when Ralph called me after, I knew I would answer the call, even if I did know I shouldn't.

I was in a real dilemma, I even pondered how often Ralph would send Tom away on more business, just so he could have me whenever he wanted. Daylight filtered through the windows, I got up quietly, went into the shower, then downstairs. By body ached fantastically, I could still feel him in me, my nipples were nearly burned away.

I made breakfast and waited for Ralph to come down, I banged a few things to hasten him. Soon he was behind me, my nipples got his attention again and my body fired up for him. I hated myself now, but I knew I wouldn't even try to stop him making love to me this morning. I wouldn't even think it. It was only moments before we were 'at it!'

I threw myself on the table, he spun me over. I stretched my legs apart, and he sank into me with all the guile and finesse of a bulldozer falling over. He ripped into me and it was fantastic, the ache and the soreness in my pussy were lost. I came, he pumped away, and I gloried in my shameless fucking by Tom's boss. He grabbed my wrists and pulled them backwards, this forced me up off the table to be laid bare before him so he could screw me uncontested and unabated.

I came and came, it was running down my legs, absolutely wonderful, then he started grunting, he was going to cum. I wanted him to fill me to the gunnels of my soaking dripping pussy and he did. His last thrust nearly snapped him hip joints on the edge of the table but I wanted the pain. I needed and wanted to be hurt, and he hurt me. But his hot thick cum pumped all the way up my sucking pussy and into my husband's pussy.

Ralph lowered me down, and I was panting for breath, I lay there like flotsam on a beach. He slid away and my vagina was empty of its infiltrator, sadly. He helped me up, we faced each other and shared as real lovers kiss. But already in my mind was, "What am I going to do?" I had no answer. What I didn't know was, there was one on its way very soon, one I could never have expected in a million years.

Ralph and I were very close, but what did upset me was. He had brought a holdall with him, it was still where he had left it yesterday. "What's the bag for Ralph?" I asked. Without missing a beat, he said. "It's got my gear in, I'll be staying with you while Tom's away, alright?" I was astounded at his cheek, his effrontery, I did not like that.

"Ralph, you cannot be serious, you can't hide here, what about work, what about Tom?" I was very unhappy with him.

"He'll be fine, don't worry Tracy," he said and kissed me. Then the phone rang, it had to be Tom at this time in the morning.

"Hi Tom," I said, "how are you?" I shook my head at Ralph as he approached me. I backed away around the table, shot into the downstairs loo, and bolted the door.

"You know how worried I am about you being on your own darling," he said, my guilt went through the roof.

"Yes Tom I know," I replied, "but I'll be okay until you get back in four or five days." He had no idea of course how 'alright' his wife was being!

"So," he carried on, "I have called my dad, and he agreed to come over to stay with you while I'm gone. He'll be there this afternoon sometime. How does that sound?" I could hear the pleasure in his voice. He wanted to take care of me from afar, I loved him for that.

"What time do you think he'll be here Tom?" I asked. He told me about three pm. I told him I would be here and ready to greet him, and I thanked him for caring the way he did. I didn't deserve him did I? But it also meant Ralph was to go, I didn't know if I was pleased by that or not, but I knew it was for the best.

We said our goodbyes, and I returned to Ralph who was outside the door listening I presumed. "You heard that conversation Ralph?" I said.

"Yes, and I am not happy, but what can I do, now I know I can't stay here with you, but there'll be other times Tracy, don't worry."

I knew that to be true too. "Ralph, you have been lovely, you are a fabulous man, you have shown me thing about me I never knew. But I think it would be for the best if you went now, don't you?" I looked at the table rather than him and the picture of me on there with him flashed into my mind. My knees wobbled, it had been that good, what a fantastic lover he was.

He actually agreed about leaving right away, it took thirty minutes though, he was all over me. And for him, I dropped to my knees to suck him off. It took a while but I made him cum and I swallowed everything he gave me, I felt complete. When he had gone, and honestly, I was glad he had, I had a long hot bath, I soaked for two hours. I felt alive and brimming with health after.

I got ready for Tom's dad arriving, I made sure there was no trace of Ralph, no smell, nothing. The house was a virgin when Trevor arrived. I greeted him happily, he is a good looking guy, a long time widow, Tom's mother died about eight years ago, and he had never re married.

Suddenly felt very very guilty, and I was too wasn't I? I'm sure it must have showed. Tom rang, he asked me if he was here, I put him on and left him to chat, but I did over hear some of the talk. I heard him say that I seemed preoccupied, as if something was bothering me. He had no idea how right he was.

"Tom says, he thinks you are lonely, and that I have to take care of, so go and sit down. I am cooking, go away and have a glass of wine, yes?" It was an order that I happily agreed to. An hour later in between visits from him to check up on me, dinner was ready. I realised how famished I was.

He had grilled two steaks, and made a salad, it was delicious. I chatted away, but at the back of my mind was Ralph, my husband's boss. He had seduced me, made love to me in a hotel practically with Tom nearby. Then he had come home with me, screwed me from here to there in my own home and in mine and Tom's bed.

As the early evening wore on I felt worse and worse, the guilt was in the air, not just in me. Trevor knew I was upset but not why. Eventually I started to weep, gently at first but then full scale. I got up to run out of the room, but he took me in his arms to shush me. He asked me what was wrong, I couldn't tell him could I? Not my husbands dad.

"Nothing, "I wept, "I'm just so lonely Trevor that's all." I told him.

"Yes Tracy I can see that, come here, sit with me. Let me try to make you feel better." He stepped backwards and sat down and I ended up in his lap. I really did wail then, I felt so so bad about letting Ralph seduce me.

I had my arms around his neck, "Please don't tell Tom, Trevor?" I blubbed.

"Tell him what Tracy, what have you done that you are not telling me?" he asked. Had he guessed, did he know?

"Nothing Trevor, honestly," and I knew as soon as I had said that, he knew I was lying. I could feel it in him.

"Come on Tracy, out with it, what is it. If it's that bad, then you need to tell me."

I lifted my head and just looked into his eyes. I really wanted to tell him how bad I was, that I didn't deserve Tom, or him. But I couldn't.

"Who was he?" was all he said.

"Who was what?" I asked.

"I know women Tracy, you have been with another man." I tensed a lot. "Don't worry, I don't care, Tom's away, you are lonely, you need someone don't you?"

How did he know, how could he know? I realised after that my hesitance in answering confirmed his very thoughts. I hid in his neck, I stayed still, I didn't trust myself now.

"Tracy, don't worry, your secret is safe with me," he said ever so gently.

Then I admitted it in a way. "I'm sorry," I cried.

"Shhhh," he said.

"I didn't mean to," and that was it, me admitting to my husband's dad I had slept with another man, would he ever forgive me.

"I'm sure you didn't Tracy, you were lonely, you were vulnerable, in fact, to a man of the world you were probably easy too."

He was right, I had been just that, lonely and vulnerable, and that gave me resolve, I felt better, but it never stopped me crying more into his neck.

"Oh Trevor," I told him, "Please forgive me. Please don't tell Tom?"

"There's nothing to forgive, and there's nothing to tell Tom either," he said into my hair. I crushed myself to him, he held me tight and I wallowed in him.

Then I thought to myself, "What's that sticking into my leg, my ass?" Then I knew, Trevor, my husband's dad, I was sitting in his lap, and he was hard, he had got aroused somehow. I froze, what was I going to do, if I moved he would know I knew. Maybe he doesn't know, I thought, but he had to know he had an erection didn't he?

I felt myself melding to him, I seemed to sink into him, I was sort of sideways on, my face in his neck, the whole of my upper body attached to his. My knees were curled up, my feet over his side. I dare not move, but I did.

"Whatever happens now," I thought, "he has to be the one to get me off him, I'm stuck here until he does."

The thing that did happen was, he got harder, there was no mistaking now that he was under my ass with a raging hard on. And I couldn't move. But I did, I slid my ass ever so gently, and only about an inch. But it made the leap, the connection, now we both knew. I flicked my eyes this way and that, wondering how I had got here, what was I going to do, what was he going to do?

Then it suddenly dawned on me that now I wasn't his daughter in law, he wasn't my husband's dad anymore. I was a woman alone, I was alone with a man who had a hard on. That hard on was for me and no one else. The spell was broken by his hand, because it slid up from my waist and cupped my right breast.

"Tracy," he whispered, this was my chance to jump away, pretend it was all a mistake on both parties. Rush off on the pretence of having to go upstairs to avoid any embarrassment.

"Yes Trevor?" I whispered back.

"You know I love you don't you?"

"Yes Trevor I do, and I love you too," I replied. My breath caught in my throat, what was I doing! He carried forward, my breast was resting in his hand and he clipped my nipple, then squeezed it.

I elicited a soft moan, and that was the signal from me to him. I was now a wanton hussy. Inside of two days I had gone from a faithful wife to a downright slut in one very easy step. I was being seduced again, and I wanted to be seduced again, and just as easily as Ralph had, there was no mistaking that fact now. The thing was, it was my father in law that was seducing me, my answer was, I gripped him tighter round his neck, this told him there would be no objection. That I wanted him to go right ahead, seduce me, and make love to his own son's wife, and I wanted it now, I really did.

And, while I am rabbiting on about the why's and wherefore's, the pro's and con's. I knew what it was, I was safe, I felt safe, I would be safe here with my husband's dad, my father in law. There was no way on earth that I would be safe with Ralph, it would get out, it had to. But with Trevor, I knew that there would never be a hint of wrongdoing.

I am a slut, I know that for what I was, am doing, but Ralph had opened a door in my persona, one I didn't know was there. And one I didn't want to, nor would I, ever step back though. I do love Tom, I had a thing for Ralph, and probably always would, and I knew I could be whatever Trevor wanted me to be. Whatever it was that I wanted me to be, and there would be no repercussions.

I let him know I was in. "Mmmmm," I mewled into his ear. Yesterday morning Tom and I had made love, yesterday afternoon Ralph had seduced me in a hotel, and we had made love three times more in my own home, last night, and this morning. Now I was about to be done again by my third lover, in around 30 to 36 hours! I put my hand at the back of Tom's dad head and pulled him round so he could kiss me. And he did, I fell right into him.

"Trevor, take me upstairs, I want you to make love to me please, take away this yearning lonely feeling I have." It was all he needed to hear. He pushed us both up and out of the chair, and he carried me up. There was one decision I had made, Ralph would not have me again, no matter how great a lover he was.

Nine months later I have my first baby, a boy, Thomas Junior. I haven't been near Ralph since, but Trevor and I are confirmed lovers. We don't agree to meet, we don't have secret rendezvous, but we have great spontaneous sex when it presents itself. And neither he nor I, know who my baby boy's father is. I'm pretty sure it's not Ralphs, it might be my father in laws, it might be Toms. I don't know and I don't care. And I won't know who the father of my next two or three babies will be.

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DazzyDDazzyD2 months ago

Sorry! I stopped reading. Were there no brothers, or mailmen or gardeners or police or Anyone else to screw! etc. Cheap!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I hope when Tom comes home he finds out and shoots this dumb fucking slut point blank in the fucking head.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

5- (*****-).

JRandyJJRandyJabout 1 year ago

I wish we could give negative stars -5*. Pure trash.

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