Hutch's Property Ch. 01


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Ruth injected, "I fully agree on that assessment."

"Thank you Ruth. That makes him very predictable." Hutch said, returning to his desk chair,

"Now Lorna, that's another thing all together. After twenty five years, I don't know the woman she is today and you know what? I don't at all want to get to know her!" He turned to Jeremy, "You've been over those emails, videos and audio tapes. So, prepare the cases against the School District and Mister Burns."

"You got it Hutch." responded Jeremy, "Oh by the way. My dear wife says if there is anything she can do, just call. She misses her best friend."

"Good, that's good. The way I see it, when we break the condescending bitch, the real Lorna will look to someone very close, outside of our family. There's nobody closer to her than Jenny. So, when Lorna does call her, it would be the first sign that we are breaking the bitch."

"You got that right." said Jeremy.

"Yes, gentlemen. I fully concur. It would be a very good indication that we have in fact gained some control of the situation. The high ground, so to speak." said Ruth.

Late afternoon, Wednesday of the second week.

As Ken entered his condo his cell phone rang. He noticed that it was Beth, "Hey babe, how's my favorite lawyer?"

"Ken? I'm not really sure, right now!"

"What do you mean by that, Beth?"

"Did you do any homework on Norman Hutchinson before you started fucking around with his wife?"

"Ahh, not really. I'm just going on what she has told me. That he is a big shot attorney in the corporate world. I've fucked big shot's wives before and lived to tell about it."

"I thought so." sighed Beth.

"Ah come on, Beth. It can't be that bad. You did get your twenty grand retainer, didn't you?"

"Yeah Ken, I got the retainer. I also received their answer to our petition today. It's not what's in it, which is bad enough. It's who is his attorney of record that bothers me."

In a jesting tone, Ken responded, "Ahhh come on Beth. I thought nothing ever bothered you."

"Ken? Get serious here. The answer came from Isaac Zilinsky of the firm of Jeremy Baker and Associates. Zilinsky and his team have clean my clock a couple of times in these high profile divorces. This is a guy that has made my clients say things they knew they shouldn't say. He has made a couple of them out to be the biggest whores and sluts in town. I objected, of course and it was sustained. But, it still got out there." Beth paused, then continued. "Let me put it to you this way. Jeremy Baker, a winning attorney in his own right, has an inner circle of associates he calls 'nine-oh' An associate is invited in when over the last three years they have won better than ninety percent of their cases. Out of more than one hundred associates, only five or six qualify. Zilinsky is one of them.

"Okeh, so what does that mean to us?"

"Bottom line here Ken is simply this... If Mister Hutchinson does not want this divorce, she will never get it. It also means that I am seriously considering giving Lorna back her retainer and telling her to get another attorney. Also, I have done a little more research on Norman Hutchinson and Jeremy Baker. Ya don't wanta piss'em off, and you might have already done that. These two guys go way back together. Norman the Trojan linebacker punched the holes in the defensive line for the running back, Jeremy."

"Beth? I'm not much into sports. What does that mean?"

"College football, Kenny boy. U.S.C. Trojans. These are two California types and were ass kicking football players slash law students. They were also room mates all through law school."

"Ah wow, ah Beth? Come on over here and we'll talk about it some more." said a slightly shaken Ken.

"Okeh, Kenny. I have a couple of things to wrap up here. I'll come over there in about an hour or so. Also, when I get there, I'll tell you why it might be a good idea for you to drive a rental car until this is over."

As Ken flipped through his mail, he thought about Lorna. "Lady? You are becoming way to expensive." He thought about the problems they had with the media at his school over the last three days. They couldn't find his home. So, they kept trying to get a statement from him at school. Then, after Beth's comment, his attention turned to a traffic ticket he had received on his way home. The officer felt that his lane change was a little too close. Then when Ken complained the officer wrote him a fix-it ticket for some minor problems on his car. But, Ken was on a quest and his ego demand victory.

Thursday afternoon - Second week.

After sleeping alone for almost two weeks, Lorna invited Ken over to her house to spend the weekend. Deep inside her was a distinct foreboding. However, she went ahead and made the call. As she turned into her driveway, she realized that she would have to bring Ken home concealed in her car. Kathy had complained to her father about the media crawling all over the place. Lorna knew very well that one call from Hutch had brought in as many as eight officers during the day to keep the paparazzi in check. During her difficulties in sleeping, she had counted as many as four officers during the wee hours of the morning. Slowing down at the beginning of the driveway, she recognized the Sargent in charge as the brother of the first fallen officer that had been helped by the foundation that Hutch and Jeremy had put together about ten years ago. She stopped in the entrance. As the Sargent stepped toward her car, Lorna said, "Hi Pete, how's it going?"

"Ah Lorna, you know, just doing the job. How are you doin'?"

"Oh ya know Pete? It could be a lot better and it could be worse... I do know one thing for sure... It seems that everything I say or do just makes it worse."

"Well, just so you'll know. My wife and I, Gary and his wife are all praying that you and Hutch will get back together."

"I appreciate that Pete. I really do. How's Gary doing?"

"Well, since he got on that wheel chair basketball team, his attitude has really improved. And, since Hutch sent in a couple of his hot shot lawyers to rattle a couple of cages, the team is getting to play more games with more teams. Gary has been way up since they beat that college team."

"That's good to hear Pete. Listen, you guys want anything, soda or coffee, use a restroom, anything, you just let us know." Lorna handed him her business card, "Also, I haven't been sleeping well at all. So, they just might see me down here at about two in the morning with a jug of coffee and cups for everybody."

"OK, those guys would like that."

"Good. And Pete? Tell them all that we really appreciate having them out here. It has made this all a lot easier to take."

"Thank you, I'll pass that on."

"But, ya know Pete? I can't help but think.... Is all this media attention really necessary? I mean it is as if one of us murdered the other."

"Yeah Lorna, I know what you are saying. But, you know the media. With everything you Hutch and Mister and Missus Baker have accomplished in this city, your husband's success, well, it puts you two up on a high perch. They seem to think that it is their calling to knock you off of it."

"Yeah Pete, I guess you are right about that. Anyway, thank you and all the others that come out here. At least we picked some decent weather for it."

Pete laughed, "Yeah, that's true. Catch you later Lorna."

She noticed two reporters crossing the street toward her car. Lorna pushed the accelerator to the floor and again made it to the garage just as the door opened high enough for her car to clear it. She reminded herself to call her contact at the newspapers society page. Maybe an exclusive interview with her would tend to take the wind out of the sails of those other annoying jerks.

Once in her home, Lorna called Ken and changed their plans. She would pick him up at his condo. She then made her self a blender full of Pina colada and went out by the pool. Kicking off her shoes, she stuck her panty hose clad feet into the water. Setting on the edge, she sipped her frosty drink and said to herself, "Lorna Jean? What a mess you have made of things and what you are doing this weekend will definitely make it worse..Well then, Lorna? Why the hell are you doing it???" However, unaware of the web cams through out the house, including her bedroom and the guest bedroom, ego and vanity puffed to their peaks, she would go on ahead with her plans.

Friday afternoon - Second week

As Ken Burns ducked down in the passenger seat of Lorna's car, he chuckled to himself, thinking, "Yeah babe, I'm going to fuck you in your own bed. I'll bet anything that I'll get that tight virgin ass of yours and not just once, either." However, he thought back to his last conversation with Beth Meyers and asked himself, "Is this really a good idea?" But, he just could not resist the chance to complete his conquest of the wealthy socialite, Missus Hutchinson.

Lorna waived at the officers as she turned into the driveway. When her car slowed two of the reporters, realizing that they missed an opportunity when she stopped and talked to one of the officers earlier previously, came running across the street. As before, she gunned the car and had almost covered the length of the driveway before the garage door was fully open. As the door closed behind them, Lorna glanced over at the bare spot where Hutch normally parked his car. It was not unusual for her to arrive home before him, however, his place in the garage had remained empty for the last two weeks. Coupled with some of the events of the last few days, it was becoming a little unsettling for her. Was the divorce the right thing to do. Or, was it premature? God knows she still loved her husband.

As they entered the house, Lorna thought about the discussion she had with Hutch that morning. Per usual lately, he remained cool, calm and collected.. While she went into her usual rant about him neglecting her and never being there for the kids. Everything he said was rational, reasonable and logical. Therefore, it was in total order. Like so many witnesses, his comments had driven her up the wall. This time was a bit different. He actually raised his voice to the level of a shout. Again as usual, she ended the "discussion" by screaming, yelling, crying and snapping her phone shut. Then screaming at her phone, "Damn you, Norman! I should not at all try to talk to you! I have my own attorney now, who talks your language! I will leave it all to her!" Easier said than done, Lorna.

Leading Ken to the refrigerator, Lorna dug out two sodas. As they stood in the kitchen, talking, Kathy joined them. Lorna introduced Ken to Kathy, who commented, "You're the one that kissed my mother on the dance floor and started this whole mess, aren't you?"

Ken said nothing as Lorna responded indignantly, "Young lady, we will not discuss the matter of your father and I while Ken is our guest here this weekend."

"Mahm?? Don't you think that this is the last guy on the face of this earth that you should have over here for a weekend?"

Again indignantly, Lorna responded, "Katherine!?! It this is just as much my house as it is your father's. I will have who I want here when I want, for as long as I want."

"Mahm?? You say that dad doesn't take the time to understand you. Well, it's obvious that you haven't taken the time to understand him. Dad is not going to give you this divorce and he will find out about your weekend house guest." Unaware of the web cam recording their discussion, Kathy did not know that Hutch's team was already aware that Ken was in fact at their home.

Her daughter's comments rattled Lorna. They made her realize that a major portion of her husband's practice was forensic audits. The cold chill came over her when she thought that Hutch was giving her enough rope to hang herself and Ken. That nothing would ever be the same as it once was even a month ago. "That's enough, Kathy! Anyway, I don't feel like cooking tonight..." Lorna wished at that time that like most of her friends, she had hired a cook. But, up until recently, it was something she enjoyed doing for her family. "How about pizza? A large one should do the three of us. Kathy? Go ask the police officers out front if they want some pizza and what they want on it."

Once Kathy had cleared the front door, Ken asked, "What did she mean by her comments?"

Lorna took a long draw on her can of soda, then said, "Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy the weekend." However, she was thinking, "You haven't got the slightest idea who Norman Hutchinson is or what he can do to you. But, I'll bet anything that he knows everything there is to know about you, Kenneth Burns. I cannot help but think that I am leading you down a some rosy path that is going to get you very badly hurt, if not dead." She turned to Ken and said, "Why don't you put your clothes and things in the guest bedroom. That should give us some since of propriety."

"Yeah, right. Okeh Lorna. I'll be right back." Ken said as he turned to go back into the garage.

Saturday afternoon - Second week

Lorna sat reading by the pool as Kathy, one of her friends and Ken played in the water. Lorna gazed at Ken over her book, thinking, "We did it twice last night and I didn't get it off once. He wasn't even a good as a warm body next to me in bed. I still found myself up at two in the morning filling a brandy snifter with wine, adding a couple of shots of rum, then surfing the net. Reading sexy stories on sights like Literotica. His one size fits all sex has got to stop. Maybe I can give him some instructions on how I like it. Then tonight we'll both get lit on Pina coladas and really get it on, just like those stories on the net." But, the question still remained in her mind. "What really did she expect to accomplish by bringing Ken into her home? Kathy was right. Hutch will find out, if he doesn't already know." she whispered to herself. It did not surprise her that Norman brought in Jeremy. Nor did it surprise her that Jeremy brought in his best specialist in high profile divorces. What would stun her was the comprehensive efficiency of the two teams that Hutch and Jeremy had brought into the whole affair. Her thoughts turned to Kathy. Seventeen, going on eighteen, her curves were developing very well. Like her mother, she was smart and beautiful. Kathy also had what her father called natural lawyer abilities. Her attributes included a sizable vocabulary and a reading speed of 1500 words per minute.

As Ken played with the two high school girls, he couldn't help checking out Lorna, stretched out on a lounge chair a few feet from the water's edge. Tight body, curves where they were suppose to be, and tantalizing long legs. Smart but rather submissive, she was the type of woman that had turned him on since he was fourteen years old. However, there was that inner voice telling him that he should have called it all off after the media frenzy over that kiss at the School District's party. The society pages made him look like some gigolo trying to break up one of the most stable marriages in the highest level of the city's society. He got the feeling that many of the writers in the paper and for TV were simply afraid of this guy "Hutch." Also, what about Kathy's comment yesterday afternoon? Had he gotten in over his head? Nah, not Ken Burns, lady killer. Was she becoming more than just a conquest? Was he falling in love with a her? That still small voice continued to tell him that he should not have come here this weekend.. But the chance to get her in her marital bed was just to good to pass up and unlike the others, he simply enjoyed being with her. She had denied him her ass again last night, but his ego demanded it. He needed to complete his conquest. Maybe he could get her drunk enough tonight to get his cock up her ass a couple of times." he thought as he continued to play with the girls in ignorant bliss. Having no clue as to the price he would pay for trying to make a slut out of Lorna Jean Hutchinson, he certainly was not aware of the price Beth would pay for even taking Lorna's case.

About eleven that evening, a well lit Lorna and Ken stumbled up the stairs to the bedrooms. Lorna's swim suit bottoms were off, her pool shirt hanging on her elbows and swim suit top down around her waist. She had finally gotten him to work her clit with his tongue. But still, he was no Hutch. Ken had dropped his swim trunks, leaving him naked. They fell about midway up the stairs, she giggled, he laughed, they fondled each other, then continued onto the bedroom. Due to the well placed web cams and audio bugs, none of this would go unnoticed by Hutch's team.

Stumbling into the bedroom with Lorna, the laughing Ken thought, "Yeah, she's drunk enough... I'll get her on her knees, sucking my tool up and hard. Then I'll fuck that snug pussy, and then, yeah, then I'll fuck that virgin ass." What Ken did not fully comprehend was that the social drinker, Lorna had paced her self through out the evening. Granted she had one recent event where she was unable to control her drinking. However, Lorna was one to learn from her mistakes and certainly not repeat them.

They fell onto the bed, she worked him up with her hand and he managed to get it in her pussy. A few strokes later, he went off. Then he rolled off her and passed out. Lorna lay on her back, thinking, "What the hell just happened here?" She gave him a shake and said, "Ah come on Ken, it's not over yet..." No movement.

Lorna pushed Ken to one side of the bed, peeled off the covers of the other side, rolled him over to that side and covered him. She slipped on some panties and a night gown, grabbed the comforter off the foot of the bed and lay down next to him. She tried to sleep, only to find herself wide awake, staring at the ceiling. She was certainly not mellow enough to ignore her forebodings of the future, beginning Sunday morning.

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CtwistedpairCtwistedpairabout 2 months ago

Interesting story. As an aside, there is nothing an X-ray tech can do to render someone impotent. If there were, I'd have done it to a few patients that were scumbags to the nurses.

onbothsidesonbothsides5 months ago

How did they play college football together if they met when they were entering law school?

How did Kathy's friends' parents feel about their daughter playing in the pool with Lorna's lover? Did

news of Ken sleepover become common knowledge all around town about an hour after the friend went home and described her day to her parents?

oldmanbill69oldmanbill699 months ago

The husband is stupid as rocks to not let wife hear about plans for daughter!

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny11 months ago

Why would the ego driven high society alpha type lawyer want his wife back when she is galavanting about with some pipsqueak high school administrator lothario without any regard for him? A guy who's a macho type couldn't take that kinda disrespect. Now I hate to tell you but linebacker is a defensive position and doesn't block for running backs, that's a fullback or a tight end. Linebackers are the ones who stop running backs.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyabout 1 year ago

A lot of work went into this fantasy

Unfortunately not at all to my taste. Fantasy employees, fantasy money, fantasy jobs, incredibly stupid wife: no believe ability.

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